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The Luoguhe intrusion, located in Mohe County, Heilongjiang Province, is mainly composed of monzogranite, quartz diorite and granodiorite, with minor diorite, tonalite, quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzonite, syenogranite and alkali-feldspar granite. The intrusion can be divided into two iithological units, i.e. quartz diorite and monzogranite units, with affinities to high-K caic-alkaline series. The quartz diorite unit (SiO2: 54.79%-58.30%, Na2O/CaO: 0.79-1.53 and Shand index: 0.77-0.82) belongs to metaluminous rocks. And the monzogranite unit (SiO2: 65.29%-66.45%, Na2O/CaO: 1.73-3.43 and Shand index 〈1.05) can be considered as weakly peraluminous rocks. The intrusion is characterized by high REE abundance (∑REE = 180.2-344.3μg/g), medium-strong negative Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.33-0.82), weak REE fractionation [(La/Yb)N = 4.12-10.45], enrichments in Rb, Th, U, K, La, Ce, Nd, Hf, Zr and Sm, but strong depletions of Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti. These characteristics of major, REE and trace elements indicate that the intrusion was formed in a transitional tectonic setting from compressionai to extensional regime, which can be classified as post-collisional granitoids. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon analyses yield ages of 517±9 and 504±8 Ma for the quartz diorite and monzogranite units, respectively. The discovery of Early Paleozoic post-collisionai granites in the northern margin of the Erguna massif indicates that the northern branch of Paleo-Asian Ocean between Siberian plate and Erguna massif was closed in the Early Paleozoic and the Salair orogeny ended ca. 500 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The Huashanguan rapakivi pluton in Zhongxiang,Hubei Province,China,is the first discovered Proterozoic rapakivi pluton in the Yangtze block.Based on field and petrographical observations,a typical rapakivi texture was found in the northern portion of the Huashanguan granitic pluton.Almost all the K-feldspar phenocrysts were round to oval in shape and most had plagioclase coatings known as rapakivi phenocrysts.Alkali feldspars and quartz had two or more generations.Petrochemically,the Huashanguan rapakivi granites were characterized as having high values of Si,K,Fe,Th,U,La,Ga,Ce,Sm and LREE,low values of Ca,Mg,Sr,Nb,Y and HREE,and a negative Eu anomaly.These geochemical characteristics of the Huashanguan granites were concordant with typical rapakivi granites,and had an affinity to A-type granites.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating also was conducted.The dating yielded a 207Pb/206Pb weighted mean age of 1851±18 Ma (MSWD =1.2),which represents the age of the pluton emplacement.The age of 803±170 Ma at the lower intercept in the concordia diagram corresponds to the age of a later deformation event which affected the pluton,and suggests that the Huashanguan pluton was influenced by Neoproterozoic thermo-tectonic events after its formation.The discovery of Paleoproterozoic Huashanguan rapakivi granites indicates continental rifting or a post-orogenic extensional event that took place in the Paleoproterozoic in the Yangtze block.These events may be related to the breakup of the Paleoproterozoic Columbia supercontinent.  相似文献   

下扬子地区油气宏观保存条件地区差异性明显.为了更好地评价有利单元,通过多条南北向构造地震、野外露头剖面解释,对海相中生界、古生界构造进行区划,对各构造单元的变形特征和强弱进行解析.结合钻井资料,综合分析认为下扬子地区经历了3期强烈构造叠加改造影响:印支期-早燕山期(Ts-J1-2)江南雪峰由南往北的基底拆离推覆和大别山由北往南上冲推覆构造;燕山期(J3-K1)的走滑构造;晚燕山—喜马拉雅期(K2-E-N)的伸展构造.下扬子海相油气有利保存单元存在于2类地区:一是在印支—早燕山期改造变形程度较弱、保存完好的志留系盖层分布区(滑脱层),它们是原生型油气的有利保存单元;二是在晚燕山—喜马拉雅期重建的白垩系盖层分布区,它们是次生型油气的有利保存单元.对不同构造单元综合分析,认为泰州东台对冲向斜带和海域的崂山—五莲对冲带是原生型油气的有利保存单元,射阳推覆带是次生型油气保存的有利单元.  相似文献   

扬子板块西缘的盐边群及其周边岩体,作为前寒武纪构造岩浆活动带的核心,是观察和研究新元古代大陆壳生长的重要窗口.查明这一构造岩浆活动带内地质体的产出时代及构造岩浆活动的轨迹,是揭示新元古代大陆壳产生、发展地球动力学过程的重点环节.对盐边群及周边岩体的地质年代学研究表明:(1)区内大规模的岩浆事件集中在中元古代晚期至新元古...  相似文献   

Blackshalesandcherts ,containingnodularphosphoritesandorelayers[1] arecommonintheEar lyCambriandeeperwaterfaciesoftheYangtzePlat form[2 ] andoffera goodchanceformicropaleonto logicalresearchusingtechniquesofchemicaldissolu tion ,peelingandsectioning .Wetriedtoseparateandinvestigateoceanicplanktoncommunitiesfrombitu minous,“deeperwater”chert ,blackshale andphosphoritelithologies ,andtodocumenttheirpreser vationandinfluencesonthecompositionofthesedi ments .Thepresentpaperaimsatgivingareportof…  相似文献   

Re-Os dating of the Raobazhai ultra mafic massif in North Dabie   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The ultramafic massif at Raobazhai in North Dabie is located in the suture zone between the Yangtze craton and North China eraton. The Re-Os isotope compositions of the massif are used to decipher the origin and tectonics of the ultramafic rocks involved in continental subduction and exhumation. Fifteen samples were collected from five drill holes along the main SE-NW axis of the Raobazhai massif. Major and trace element compositions of the samples show linear correlations between MgO, Yb and Al_2O_3. This suggests that the massif experienced partial melting with variable degrees and is from fertile to deplete in basaltic compositions. Nine selected samples were analyzed for Re-Os isotope compositions. Re contents range from 0.004 to 0.376 rig/g, Os contents from 0.695 to 3.761 ng/g, ~(187)Re/~(188)Os ratios from 0.022 to 2.564 and ~(187)Os/~(188)Os ratios from 0.1165 to 0.1306. These indicate that the massif is a piece of continental lithospheric mantle with variable depletion. Using the positive corre  相似文献   

目的探讨阿希、京希—伊尔曼得金矿床的矿化类型。方法运用激光拉曼光谱分析与流体包裹体显微测温方法。结果包裹体的液相成分以H2O为主,普遍含CO2和CH4;气相中以CO2和CH4为主,含较高的SO2和N2;一些样品中含C2H4,C6H6,C4H6等有机化合物;其均一温度为90~275℃,成矿流体盐度为0%~3.7%。结论阿希、京希—伊尔曼得金矿床属于典型的浅成低温热液型金矿床,发生了次生石英岩型矿化,生成次生石英岩(化)型金矿石。  相似文献   

采用浸渍法制备了新型负载型SbR/SBA-15及SbF3/F—SBA-15非均相催化剂,考察了不同载体、活性组分的负载量等对金刚烷酮Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应的影响,同时对反应条件进行了优化.当反应温度为70℃,反应7h,反应底物与催化剂最佳摩尔比为1:0.4时,在系列具有不同sbR负载量的SbR/F—SBA-15催化剂中,10%-sbR/F—SBA-15表现出最佳的催化活性.结合XRD以及BET结果,其活性较高的原因主要归因于载体SBA-15中修饰的F离子能够与活性组分sbR发生相互作用,从而有效提高10%-SbR/F—SBA-15中活性组分与载体的相互作用,进而提高其分散度.  相似文献   

In the areas of China access into WTO Agreements, Chinese government has made lots of promises in reducing tariffs of some industrial products. While industrial products make up a very large share of import and export, so nearly all kinds of them will be influenced, especially those which are protected by means of national tariffs and taxes and non- tariffs barriers on import-sand, to a lesser extent, on exports. Meanwhile we have noticed that most of these industries are the pillar ones of Yangtze Delta. As it is well known that Yangtze Delta has become the most developed area in Yangtze valley or even in China and had an important effect on China economy. Thus entry to the WTO requires reform to be accelerated in this district so as to put the industry of this region in a position to be able to cope with the greater foreign competition that will follow accession to the trade body.  相似文献   

In the upper reaches of Yangtze River and other rivers of southwestern China, the debris flows develop and lead to most serious disasters because of the various landforms, complex geological structures and abundant rainfall. The distribution of debris flows has regularity in the regions with different landform, geological structure, and precipitation. The regularities of distribution of debris flows are as following: (1) distributed in transition belts of different morphologic regions; (2) distributed in the area with strong stream trenching; (3) distributed along fracture zones and seismic belts: (4) distributed in the area with abundant precipitation; (5) distribution of debris flow is azonal. The activity of abundant debris flows not only brings harm to Towns, Villages and Farmlands, Main Lines of Communication, Water-Power Engineering, Stream Channels etc., but also induces strong water and soil loss. According to the present status of debris flow prevention, the problems in disasters mitigation and soil conservancy are found out, and the key works are brought up for the future disasters prevention and soil conservancy.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the sediment transport and freshwater discharging from upper Yangtze drainage basin downstream, primarily on the basis of multiyear hy-drological data collected from three major hydrological gauge stations (Yichang, Hankou and Datong). Data indicate highest sediment load in Yichang (5.6×108 t/a), lowest in Hankou (5.1×108t) and second highest in Datong (5.4×108 t). This fluctuations are identical with what has been observed from the annual flood season. About one thirds of the sediment load are trapped in the middle Yangtze River course, where meandering river pattern prevails; rest of them are directly transported to the river mouth area via lower Yangtze River channel, where the river is typically confined by the exposed base rock and almost none is being trapped, instead, minor being drained to the mainstream from the local tributaries. To recognize this sediment delivery and river flow media is vital, because it can highlight morphologic/topographic correlation between the upper drainage basin and the estuary and the erosion and siltation in the river mouth area, where extensive coast has been exclaimed and or being exclaimed, and new navigation channel and port is being constructed. It is particularly crucial for monitoring the impact on estuarine change after 3-Gorges dam being closed in 2009. Data also indicate an increase in freshwater discharging downstream (>7.7×1111 m3/a), of which -50% derived from the upstream and another half concentrated from the local tributaries. The result shows that this numerous freshwater has constantly flowed into the river mouth area to support the estuarine aquaculture and ecosystem, where it is confronted with huge amount of tidal prism (>10 times more than that of the annual runoff) transforming from offshore. Thus, a great concern for saltwater intrusion especially during the dry season is aroused, largely due to the intense upstream agriculture irrigation and large water transfer project, such as the well-planned South-North Water Transfer project.  相似文献   

为了查明鄂尔多斯西南缘奥陶系碳酸盐重力沉积的主要类型,探讨其成因机制以及古地理背景,对大量野外剖面和钻井岩心进行了系统观察。研究表明,奥陶系碳酸盐重力沉积丰富多样,主要发育岩崩、滑动、滑塌、碎屑流和浊流沉积。根据碎屑来源可将碳酸盐碎屑流划分为内源、外源、陆源及混源等类型,反映不同的成因机制和构造背景。研究后认为,鄂尔多斯地块早中奥陶世为广阔的克拉通陆表海浅水碳酸盐台地沉积,仅在西南缘有少量碳酸盐重力流发育。中奥陶世末克里摩里沉积期,鄂尔多斯西南缘演变为克拉通边缘拗陷-裂陷型陆缘海沉积格局,南缘大量发育碳酸盐滑塌-碎屑流-浊流沉积,西缘大量发育碳酸盐垮塌-碎屑流沉积。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区城镇体系的分形研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从城镇体系规模结构方面,计算了长江三角洲地区城镇体系的首位指数、城市规模分形分布的分维数,并讨论了长江三角洲地区城镇体系的等级规模结构及其特点;从城镇体系空间结构角度,计算长江三角洲地区城镇体系中心城市吸引力的分维值和空间结构的关联维数,分析其分形结构特征.最后,提出长江三角洲地区发展的方向:在发挥江浙沪比较优势的基础上,进行合理分工,优势互补,最终实现区域经济一体化,形成区域整合优势,带动整个长江三角洲地区的全面发展.  相似文献   

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