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Thrity seven bilateral projects (including 25 joint research projects and 12 joint seminars) between NSFC and KOSEF for FY 2008 were approved by the 12th Meeting of China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research held in Xiamen, China from May 21 to 24, 2008. The approved joint research projects and seminars are listed below.  相似文献   

The 15th Meeting of the China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research was successfullyheld in Busan, Korea on June 16, 2011. 33 bilateral cooperativ...  相似文献   

杨夏  张辉 《自然杂志》2006,42(4):331-339
2020年,欧洲战略咨询委员会的量子旗舰计划成员正式向欧盟委员会提交了战略研究议程,提倡全欧推广覆盖高中教育、大学教育和产业工人培训的量子教育项目。国内外类似的量子教育措施正不断涌现,给中国量子教育的发展提供了一定的参考。文章主要对量子计算、量子教育行业的发展、量子教学工具的现状等内容进行了综述性梳理,试图探寻目前量子计算行业教育发展的困境,以期为推进中国量子计算教育寻找思路。  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的发展,建筑企业的规模越来越大,工程结算又是决定工程造价最关键的一步,如何在这最关键的一步控制好工程造价。工程造价直接关系着建设单位和施工单位效益的问题,这就需要双方共同努力,所以文章就作者在这几年工作中总结的几点经验进行论述。  相似文献   

Prof. Wang Jie, NSFC Vice President, met with Prof. Tariq Durrani, Vice President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, on May 21, 2008. They held talks on issues concerning bilateral workshops and joint projects to be funded in 2009, and agreed upon the areas to launch the joint call for proposals, as well as deadlines for proposal submission and approval. Prof. Zhang Wei, Deputy Director General of the Department of Management Science, and other NSFC staff attended the meeting.  相似文献   

文章对火电企业如何对接电力工业十二五规划,实现可持续发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

工程建设项目实行招投标制度是目前建设项目发包人选定承包人的主要途径,对于健全建筑市场竞争机制,促进资源配置,提高企业管理水平及经济效益,以及有效控制工程项目建设投资都起到十分重要的作用。笔者通过对工程施工投标过程的论述总结了投标报价的策略及今后投标中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

水利工程建设项目在建设过程中扰动原地表植被和地下岩土层以及产生大量的堆置废弃物,极易造成水土流失,文章介绍了水利工程建设项目水土流失的现状和形成原因,重点叙述了水利工程建设项目区防止水土流失的水土保持规划设计、措施实施、监测以及监理监督等技术体系,为实践中水利工程建设项目水土流失防治提供指导。  相似文献   

From December 17 to 19, 2008, "NSFC-IRRI Joint Workshop on Rice Science" was successfully held in Hangzhou. The workshop was jointly organized by NSFC and International Rice Research Institute (IR- RI), and hosted by China National Rice Research Institute.  相似文献   

1 Basic Situation of Mine Calamity Mitigation Funded by NSFC in the Past Six YearsFrom 1997 to 2002, NSFC Department of Engineering and Materials funded 118 projects on the study of mine by a total of 32.39 million RMB, among which, the number of projects relevant to mine calamity are 76, accounting for 64.4 percent of the total number; the sum of fund is 17.49 million RMB, accounting for 54 percent of the total sum (the detailed data are shown in Table 1); the number of general projects is 68, accounting for the main proportion of the total projects. In short, the number of projects and the sum of funds increase annually, as shown in Table 2, Fig. 1, and Fig.2.  相似文献   

招标阶段的造价控制是工程的预期"合理价格"出台的关键阶段,在工程造价控制中的作用越来越突出。本文主要从工程量清单给工程造价控制带来的影响和招标阶段工程造价控制的方法这两个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

On June 28, 2008, the 1st Joint Evaluation Meeting of NSFC-JST Cooperative Projects was success-fully held in Xi'an. More than 30 scientists from both sides and representatives from NSFC and JST attended the meeting.  相似文献   

May24-25, 2004, Joint Sino-US Symposium on Eco-logical Complexity and Ecosys-tem Services was held in Bei-jing. The symposium was co-sponsored by NSFC, CAS and NSF, and was organized by InstituteofZoology, CAS and Arizona State University. Prof.Zhu Zuoyan, Vice President of NSFC, attended the opening ceremony and made an impor-tant speech.  相似文献   

建设工程造价管理的核心在于合理确定和有效控制工程造价,目标在于提高工程效益。合理确定是有效控制的基础,有效控制是合理确定的保证,我们要勇于探索、敢于开拓、积极创造条件、促进工程造价业的顺利发展,为开创适应社会主义市场经济体制的建设工程造价管理的新局面做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

On June,15th,2011,State Councilor,Madam.Liu Yandong met with Mr.Zare,Chairman of the International Evaluation Committee(IEC) for the funding and management performance of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),former chairman of the National Science Board in Beijing. Mr.Han Qide,Vice Chairman of IEC,Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of NPC,and Mr.Winnacker, former President of DFG,were also present at the meeting.  相似文献   

论述了农业贷款项目选择与确定应遵循的基本原则,就如何搞好农业贷款项目的选择与确定提出了具有实践意义的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The First Sino-Thailand Joint Workshop for Natural Products and Drug Discovery was successfully held in Chengdu from September 16 to 19, 2008. This is the first workshop jointly organized by NSFC and Thailand Research Fund (TRF) under the MOU between the two funding agencies. During the meeting, 30 distinguished scientists from both countries reached several agreements on further cooperation through idea exchange and discussion session. Dr. Piyawat Boon-long,  相似文献   

工程造价管理是现代工程建设项目管理的重要内容之一,也是反映工程项目经济收益与社会效益的一个综合指标,因此,工程造价管理是否起到应有的作用和意义,将直接关系工程项目建设的整体经济目标实现,以及我国经济的持续稳定、协调发展等许多重大社会问题。在现代工程造价管理工作中,采取何种措施,才能确保管理工作的顺利开展,具有深远的意义,并且对于我国建筑行业的发展也是很重要的。  相似文献   

Oct. 10-18, 2004, NSFC delegation headed by Prof. Sun Jiaguang, Vice President of NSFC visited the United States of America. They attended the 11 th Sino-US Joint Commission Meeting on Scientific and Technological Coop-eration, and visited NSF, University of Washington, the Boeing Company and Microsoft. The participants of the meet-ing included high-ranking officials from the U.S. and Chinese overnments. Dr. John Marburger,  相似文献   

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