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A discontinuity in mantle composition beneath the southwest Indian ridge   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Meyzen CM  Toplis MJ  Humler E  Ludden JN  Mével C 《Nature》2003,421(6924):731-733
The composition of mid-ocean-ridge basalt is known to correlate with attributes such as ridge topography and seismic velocity in the underlying mantle, and these correlations have been interpreted to reflect variations in the average extent and mean pressures of melting during mantle upwelling. In this respect, the eastern extremity of the southwest Indian ridge is of special interest, as its mean depth of 4.7 km (ref. 4), high upper-mantle seismic wave velocities and thin oceanic crust of 4-5 km (ref. 6) suggest the presence of unusually cold mantle beneath the region. Here we show that basaltic glasses dredged in this zone, when compared to other sections of the global mid-ocean-ridge system, have higher Na(8.0), Sr and Al2O3 compositions, very low CaO/Al2O3 ratios relative to TiO2 and depleted heavy rare-earth element distributions. This signature cannot simply be ascribed to low-degree melting of a typical mid-ocean-ridge source mantle, as different geochemical indicators of the extent of melting are mutually inconsistent. Instead, we propose that the mantle beneath approximately 1,000 km of the southwest Indian ridge axis has a complex history involving extensive earlier melting events and interaction with partial melts of a more fertile source.  相似文献   

Dunn RA  Martinez F 《Nature》2011,469(7329):198-202
The opening of back-arc basins behind subduction zones progresses from initial rifting near the volcanic arc to seafloor spreading. During this process, the spreading ridge and the volcanic arc separate and lavas erupted at the ridge are predicted to evolve away from being heavily subduction influenced (with high volatile contents derived from the subducting plate). Current models predict gradational, rather than abrupt, changes in the crust formed along the ridge as the inferred broad melting region beneath it migrates away from heavily subduction-influenced mantle. In contrast, here we show that across-strike and along-strike changes in crustal properties at the Eastern Lau spreading centre are large and abrupt, implying correspondingly large discontinuities in the nature of the mantle supplying melt to the ridge axes. With incremental separation of the ridge axis from the volcanic front of as little as 5?km, seafloor morphology changes from shallower complex volcanic landforms to deeper flat sea floor dominated by linear abyssal hills, upper crustal seismic velocities abruptly increase by over 20%, and gravity anomalies and isostasy indicate crustal thinning of more than 1.9?km. We infer that the abrupt changes in crustal properties reflect rapid evolution of the mantle entrained by the ridge, such that stable, broad triangular upwelling regions, as inferred for mid-ocean ridges, cannot form near the mantle wedge corner. Instead, the observations imply a dynamic process in which the ridge upwelling zone preferentially captures water-rich low-viscosity mantle when it is near the arc. As the ridge moves away from the arc, a tipping point is reached at which that material is rapidly released from the upwelling zone, resulting in rapid changes in the character of the crust formed at the ridge.  相似文献   

Lee CT  Yin Q  Rudnick RL  Jacobsen SB 《Nature》2001,411(6833):69-73
Stable continental regions, free from tectonic activity, are generally found only within ancient cratons-the centres of continents which formed in the Archaean era, 4.0-2.5 Gyr ago. But in the Cordilleran mountain belt of western North America some younger (middle Proterozoic) regions have remained stable, whereas some older (late Archaean) regions have been tectonically disturbed, suggesting that age alone does not determine lithospheric strength and crustal stability. Here we report rhenium-osmium isotope and mineral compositions of peridotite xenoliths from two regions of the Cordilleran mountain belt. We found that the younger, undeformed Colorado plateau is underlain by lithospheric mantle that is 'depleted' (deficient in minerals extracted by partial melting of the rock), whereas the older (Archaean), yet deformed, southern Basin and Range province is underlain by 'fertile' lithospheric mantle (not depleted by melt extraction). We suggest that the apparent relationship between composition and lithospheric strength, inferred from different degrees of crustal deformation, occurs because depleted mantle is intrinsically less dense than fertile mantle (due to iron having been lost when melt was extracted from the rock). This allows the depleted mantle to form a thicker thermal boundary layer between the deep convecting mantle and the crust, thus reducing tectonic activity at the surface. The inference that not all Archaean crust developed a strong and thick thermal boundary layer leads to the possibility that such ancient crust may have been overlooked because of its intensive reworking or lost from the geological record owing to preferential recycling.  相似文献   

Toomey DR  Jousselin D  Dunn RA  Wilcock WS  Detrick RS 《Nature》2007,446(7134):409-414
Mantle upwelling is essential to the generation of new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges, and it is generally assumed that such upwelling is symmetric beneath active ridges. Here, however, we use seismic imaging to show that the isotropic and anisotropic structure of the mantle is rotated beneath the East Pacific Rise. The isotropic structure defines the pattern of magma delivery from the mantle to the crust. We find that the segmentation of the rise crest between transform faults correlates well with the distribution of mantle melt. The azimuth of seismic anisotropy constrains the direction of mantle flow, which is rotated nearly 10 degrees anticlockwise from the plate-spreading direction. The mismatch between the locus of mantle melt delivery and the morphologic ridge axis results in systematic differences between areas of on-axis and off-axis melt supply. We conclude that the skew of asthenospheric upwelling and transport governs segmentation of the East Pacific Rise and variations in the intensity of ridge crest processes.  相似文献   

In oxygen-depleted zones of the open ocean, and in anoxic basins and fjords, denitrification (the bacterial reduction of nitrate to give N2) is recognized as the only significant process converting fixed nitrogen to gaseous N2. Primary production in the oceans is often limited by the availability of fixed nitrogen such as ammonium or nitrate, and nitrogen-removal processes consequently affect both ecosystem function and global biogeochemical cycles. It was recently discovered that the anaerobic oxidation of ammonium with nitrite--the 'anammox' reaction, performed by bacteria--was responsible for a significant fraction of N2 production in some marine sediments. Here we show that this reaction is also important in the anoxic waters of Golfo Dulce, a 200-m-deep coastal bay in Costa Rica, where it accounts for 19-35% of the total N2 formation in the water column. The water-column chemistry in Golfo Dulce is very similar to that in oxygen-depleted zones of the oceans--in which one-half to one-third of the global nitrogen removal is believed to occur. We therefore expect the anammox reaction to be a globally significant sink for oceanic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Evidence of power-law flow in the Mojave desert mantle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Freed AM  Bürgmann R 《Nature》2004,430(6999):548-551
Studies of the Earth's response to large earthquakes can be viewed as large rock deformation experiments in which sudden stress changes induce viscous flow in the lower crust and upper mantle that lead to observable postseismic surface deformation. Laboratory experiments suggest that viscous flow of deforming hot lithospheric rocks is characterized by a power law in which strain rate is proportional to stress raised to a power, n (refs 2, 3). Most geodynamic models of flow in the lower crust and upper mantle, however, resort to newtonian (linear) stress-strain rate relations. Here we show that a power-law model of viscous flow in the mantle with n = 3.5 successfully explains the spatial and temporal evolution of transient surface deformation following the 1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine earthquakes in southern California. A power-law rheology implies that viscosity varies spatially with stress causing localization of strain, and varies temporally as stress evolves, rendering newtonian models untenable. Our findings are consistent with laboratory-derived flow law parameters for hot and wet olivine--the most abundant mineral in the upper mantle--and support the contention that, at least beneath the Mojave desert, the upper mantle is weaker than the lower crust.  相似文献   

Simpson F 《Nature》2001,412(6847):632-635
Seismic anisotropy is thought to result from the strain-induced lattice-preferred orientation of mantle minerals, especially olivine, owing to shear waves propagating faster along the a-axis of olivine crystals than along the other axes. This anisotropy results in birefringence, or 'shear-wave splitting', which has been investigated in numerous studies. Although olivine is also anisotropic with respect to electrical conductivity (with the a-axis being most conductive), few studies of the electrical anisotropy of the upper mantle have been undertaken, and these have been limited to relatively shallow depths in the lithospheric upper mantle. Theoretical models of mantle flow have been used to infer that, for progressive simple shear imparted by the motion of an overriding tectonic plate, the a-axes of olivine crystals should align themselves parallel to the direction of plate motion. Here, however, we show that a significant discrepancy exists between the electromagnetic strike of the mantle below Australia and the direction of present-day absolute plate motion. We infer from this discrepancy that the a-axes of olivine crystals are not aligned with the direction of the present-day plate motion of Australia, indicating resistance to deformation of the mantle by plate motion.  相似文献   

Clear PKIKP precursors were observed from the Lanzhou CTBTO seismic array.We measured their incident angles,arriving azimuths and differential travel times with respect to the PKIKP arrivals using array analysis techniques.These measurements allowed us to locate the scatterers that generated the observed precursors.We found that the scatterers are located in the lowermost mantle beneath eastern Tibet,which is featured by a high-velocity anomaly based on previous tomographic studies.The high velocity anomaly...  相似文献   

The major and trace element and isotopic composition were analyzed for the Paleogene volcanics in North China dated by the K-Ar method. The geochemical data show that most volcanics are in calc-alkaline series and the minor is in alkaline series. They differ obviously from Neogene and Quaternary volcanics in geochemistry. In particular, the Paleogene volcanics from the southern part of North China were derived from enriched lithospheric mantle (EMII), which were likely to be a relict mantle wedge formed during the subduction of the Yangtze plate into the North China plate in late Triassic (Indo-Sinian).  相似文献   

在分析楔形固体(或者说由2个固体墙壁形成的凹角)上的二维超音速流动的问题时.对于轻度的斜角,存在2个可能的稳定状态的解,一个强冲激波和一个弱冲激波.弱冲激波在超音速飞行中可以被观察到.一直认为强激波是不稳定的.在楔形固体的尖端,弱的激波按时间的解是自相似的.通过对自相似位势流构造分析解,来分析激波的情况.  相似文献   

Isotopic portrayal of the Earth's upper mantle flow field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is now well established that oceanic plates sink into the lower mantle at subduction zones, but the reverse process of replacing lost upper-mantle material is not well constrained. Even whether the return flow is strongly localized as narrow upwellings or more broadly distributed remains uncertain. Here we show that the distribution of long-lived radiogenic isotopes along the world's mid-ocean ridges can be used to map geochemical domains, which reflect contrasting refilling modes of the upper mantle. New hafnium isotopic data along the Southwest Indian Ridge delineate a sharp transition between an Indian province with a strong lower-mantle isotopic flavour and a South Atlantic province contaminated by advection of upper-mantle material beneath the lithospheric roots of the Archaean African craton. The upper mantle of both domains appears to be refilled through the seismically defined anomaly underlying South Africa and the Afar plume. Because of the viscous drag exerted by the continental keels, refilling of the upper mantle in the Atlantic and Indian domains appears to be slow and confined to localized upwellings. By contrast, in the unencumbered Pacific domain, upwellings seem comparatively much wider and more rapid.  相似文献   

Based on studies of the water content of the early Cretaceous Feixian high-magnesium basalts in the eastern part of the North China Craton (NCC), it has been suggested that the early Cretaceous lithospheric mantle of the eastern NCC was highly hydrous (〉1,000 ppm, HeO wt.) and that this high water content had significantly reduced the vis- cosity of the lithospheric mantle and provided a prerequisite for the destruction of the NCC. The eastern part of the NCC had undergone multistage subduction of oceanic plates from the south, north, and east sides since the early Paleozoic, and these events may have caused the strong hydration of the NCC lithospheric mantle. To determine which subduction had contributed most to this hydration, we measured the water contents of the peridotite xenoliths hosted by the early Cretaceous high-magnesium diorites of Fushan in the south- central part of the Taihang Mountains. Our results demon- strate that the water content of the early Cretaceous litho- spheric mantle beneath the south part of the Taihang Mountains was ~ 40 ppm and significantly lower than that of the contemporary lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern part of the NCC. Thus, the hydration of the early Cretaceous lithospheric mantle of the eastern part of the NCC can be ascribed to the subduction of the Pacific plate from the west side. Thus, the main dynamic factor in the destruction of the NCC was likely the subduction of the Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Based on the LAM-ICPMS analytic results on the trace elements of clinopyroxenes in peridotitic xenoliths occurring in early-Cretaceous basalts from western Xinjiang, the properties and the deep processes, including partial melting and mantle metasomatism, of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Tuoyun Basin are analyzed. In the northern edge of the Tarim Basin (southwest Tianshan), the Mesozoic subcontinental lithosphere which has experienced the effect of partial melting (<10%) and intricate mantle metasomatism is characterized by Phanerozoic ‘ocean-type’ mantle. The superposed influence of SiO2-unsaturated silicate melt and carbonate melt probably results in the metasomatic medium which resembles the hydrous silicated carbonate melt in some aspects. By comparing Tuoyun mantle with Cenozoic main mantle beneath eastern China, the properties are similar, while the former shows finer grain and higher diopside content of the peridotites and more conspicuous modal metasomatism.  相似文献   

通过有限元仿真楔横轧凸轮轴时在轧件上取跟踪点,跟踪这些点的位置变化情况来揭示轧件内金属的详细流动规律. 因凸轮体小圆端部分在轧制过程中所受模具挤压较小,其金属轴向流动和径向流动较其他变形区小,这种金属流动的不均匀性会影响轧件成形质量;轧制过程中因凸轮体小圆端与模具上凸轮凹槽产生啮合作用,这一作用降低了模具对凸轮体小圆端部分的周向扭转力,因此凸轮体小圆端部分的周向扭转相对较小. 轧件凸轮体部分为非圆截面,此部分各向金属流动不均匀,造成凸轮体部分心部金属偏移量比其他部分大.  相似文献   

The components and evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton is a current topic in the geological study of China and the carbon isotopic composition of diamond is one of the most direct probes into cratonic lithospheric mantle processes.In this paper,in-situ SIMS(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) techniques were used to analyze the carbon isotope compositions at different internal growth zones of diamonds from Shandong and Liaoning in the North China Craton and Hunan in the Yangtze Craton.It was found that the carbon isotopic range of diamonds from the North China Craton are rather distinct from those of the Yangtze Craton;the former has a range of 6.0‰ to 2.0‰(relative to VPDB) with an average value of 3.0‰ in their core areas,which is consistent with global peridotitic diamonds;the diamonds from the Yangtze Craton,however,have a carbon isotopic range from 8.6‰ to 3.0‰ with an average value of 7.4‰ in their core areas,being more consistent with global eclogitic diamonds.The variations of carbon isotope ratios between different internal growth zones in individual diamonds were different in the three diamond localities studied.There was a clear correlation between changes in carbon isotopic composition and phases of diamond dissolution and new growth,while no correlation was observed between δ13C and internal inclusions.The variations suggest that the carbon isotopic compositions of mantle fluids were changing during the process of diamond crystallization,and that the heterogeneity of the carbon isotopic composition in mantle carbon reservoirs was a more important factor than carbon isotope fractionation in controlling the carbon isotopic compositions and their variation in diamonds.In addition,the preliminary results of in-situ nitrogen analyses demonstrated that the variation of carbon isotopic compositions between the core and outer growth zones does not correlate with nitrogen abundances,implying either that diamonds crystallized in an open environment or that the carbon isotopic composition and nitrogen contents in mantle fluids were controlled by other,not yet understood factors.The experimental results provide hints that the isotopic composition of carbon and its original sources were different in metasomatic fluids controlling diamond formation in the mantle beneath the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton.  相似文献   

Lithospheric-scale transform faults play an important role in the dynamics of global plate motion. Near-surface deformation fields for such faults are relatively well documented by satellite geodesy, strain measurements and earthquake source studies, and deeper crustal structure has been imaged by seismic profiling. Relatively little is known, however, about deformation taking place in the subcrustal lithosphere--that is, the width and depth of the region associated with the deformation, the transition between deformed and undeformed lithosphere and the interaction between lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle flow at the plate boundary. Here we present evidence for a narrow, approximately 20-km-wide, subcrustal anisotropic zone of fault-parallel mineral alignment beneath the Dead Sea transform, obtained from an inversion of shear-wave splitting observations along a dense receiver profile. The geometry of this zone and the contrast between distinct anisotropic domains suggest subhorizontal mantle flow within a vertical boundary layer that extends through the entire lithosphere and accommodates the transform motion between the African and Arabian plates within this relatively narrow zone.  相似文献   

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