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Summary The virus of foot and mouth disease is inactivated by hydroxylamine, hydrazine and semicarbazide. Such inactivated virus does not differ serologically from intact virus, and represents an interesting antigen for purposes of immunization.

Herrn Dr.G. A. Moosbrugger, Leiter des Eidg. Vakzine-Instituts in Basel, danken wir, dass er uns die Durchführung dieser Untersuchungen ermöglicht hat.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose inhibits the accumulation ofl-phenylalanine by rat intestinal slices during 45-minute incubations. In the presence of DNP (which alone abolishes all active transport), glucose, but not galactose, significantly stimulates amino-acid uptake. However, during short incubations, glucose inhibits the entry of phenylalamine into the tissue, both in the presence and absence of DNP.

Ce travail a été subventionné par le Fonds National Suisse. Nous tenons à remercier MllesC. Brandt etU. Pässler pour leur aide technique efficace.  相似文献   

Summary Under the same hormonal conditions, mammary gland growth in adult female rats is more pronounced than in males. Since there are no differences in the glandular development of both sexes, either at birth or at 30 days of life, it is assumed that male rats react less sensitively than female rats in response to a hormonal stimulus with regard to mammary gland growth. It is presumed that androgen influence during the differentiation stage is responsible for the fixation of a decreased sensitivity of the positive feedback-mechanism between estrogens and prolactin secretion in males. Thus changes in sensitivity would be the reason for mammary gland growth in males being smaller than in females under the same hormonal conditions.

Dieser Arbeit liegen zum Teil die Untersuchungsergebnisse einer SchÜler-Facharbeit von U.Rieser zugrunde.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt was made to induce calciphylaxis and direct calcifying reaction according toSelye 2 in HeLa cell cultures. With our experimental conditions, we obtained neither a calciphylaxis nor a direct calcifying reaction. We suppose that in vivo other mechanisms of metabolism (e.g. transmission of hormonal or nervous impulses) play an important role.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Hellebrigenin was converted to Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol and 3-Epi-Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol. This proves the correctness of the assumption ofStoll et al. 3 that the aldehydic group of Scilliglaucosidin is in position C-10.Comparison of a reduction product of Nabogenin, a substance isolated earlier from the bulbs ofBowiea volubilis Harvey, with Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol and 3-Epi-Scilliglaucosidin-19-ol showed its identity with the first named compound. This proves that the so called Nabogenin was a mixture consisting mainly of Scilliglaucosidin.

8. Mitteilung über die Glykoside vonBowiea vocubilis Harvey und 162. Mitteilung über Glykoside und Aglykone.

7. Mitt.:A. Katz, Helv. chim. Acta38, 1565 (1955).

161. Mitt.:H. Kündig-Hegedüs undO. Schindler, Helv. chim. Acta39, 904 (1956).  相似文献   

Summary Condensation of benzil with two monosubstituted guanidines in the presence of 50 mol% of potassium hydroxide leads to the formation of 2-(subst. imino)-4, 4-diphenyl-imidazolidin-5-ones (Ia, b); by reduction of the potassium hydroxide used the formation of these products is more or less driven back in favour of the formation of 3-substituted 5, 5-diphenyl-glycocyamidines (Ic, d). A possible explanation for these orientation phenomena is given.

5. Mitteilung über Hydantoine, Thiohydantoine und Glykocyamidine2.

4. Mitteilung sieheK. Lempert undJ. Breuer Chem. Ber.92, 1710 (1959).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die erste Synthese eines Phosphatidyl-N-(2 hydroxyethyl)-alanins wird beschrieben.

Dedicated to Professor Dr.Erich Baer in honour of his 70th birthday.

The nomenclature used in this communication is that used byFischer andBaer for well-nigh 4 decades. However, according to the rules of IUPAC-IUB commission this should be 1,2-distearoylsn-glycero-3-phosphoryl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-alanine.

The authors thank the National Institute of Health (USA) and the Medical Research Council (Canada) for making the grants available to ProfessorE. Baer, which made this work possible.

The authors thank Dr.J. von Euw and Professor Dr.T. Reichstein of the University of Basel (Switzerland) for kindly providing the rotation. As the optical purity is a very important criterion of the activity of the phospholipids; this has been determined on the Schmid and Heansch polarimeter (visual) as well as on the Perkin Elmer polarimeter (photoelectric) with excellent agreement.  相似文献   

Résumé L'anticorps contre la neurotoxine du venin deVipera palestinae est obtenu chez des lapins par immunisation de la neurotoxine purifiée liée à la cellulose carbométhylique.

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the

This work is part of a thesis submitted byN. Shaham to the  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic examination of samples of Swiss white wine, collected during the malolactic fermentation, revealed the presence of bacteriophages of three different morphological types. It is interesting to note that these phages have been found in a product whose pH is lower than 3.5.

Nous remercionsM. O. Depierraz de son assistance technique, MelleE. Dentan de ses micrographies électroniques ainsi que MmeM. Weber pour les travaux photographiques.  相似文献   

Summary When indifferent gonads from red-legged partridges, Japanese quail or pintado embryos were transplanted into the coelomic cavity of early chick embryos, they differentiated into ovaries and testes, regardless of the sex of the host. Testicular transplants brought about the retrogression of both Müllerian ducts in female hosts, and ovarian transplants the feminization of the left testis in male hosts. This demonstrates hormonal activity of the embryonic gonads in the 3 species under study. Since the embryonic sex hormones show inter-specific activity, they may be of identical chemical nature.

Avec la collaboration technique deA. Zeis.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium acetate I-14C has been injected to the sea anemoneCalliactis parasitica (coelenterate,anthozoa). Sterols and squalene were found unlabelled in this experiment. An analysis of the sterol mixture is reported.

Nous remercionsMM. Cosson, Bardey etVarenne qui ont effectué les mesures de spectrométrie de masse sur un appareil AEI MS9, sous la direction du DrB. C. Das.

Nous remercions le ProfesseurE. Lederer pour l'intérêt qu'il a porté à ce travail.

Nous remercions la Station Biologique de Roscoff pour l'expédition de ces animaux.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Sauerstoffverbrauch genetisch fettleibiger Ratten ist auffallend niedriger als derjenige von Normalratten (littermates), die nach Hypothalamusverletzung fettleibig wurden.

J.Mayer, R. E.Russell, M. W.Bates and M. M.Dickie, Endocrinology56, 318 (1952).

The author thanks Dr. E. B.Astwood for his continuing support and encouragement.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium acetate I-14C has been injected to the sea anemoneCalliactis parasitica (coelenterate,anthozoa). Sterols and squalene were found unlabelled in this experiment. An analysis of the sterol mixture is reported.

Nous remercionsMM. Cosson, Bardey etVarenne qui ont effectué les mesures de spectrométrie de masse sur un appareil AEI MS9, sous la direction du DrB. C. Das.

Nous remercions le ProfesseurE. Lederer pour l'intérêt qu'il a porté à ce travail.

Nous remercions la Station Biologique de Roscoff pour l'expédition de ces animaux.  相似文献   

Summary It is possible to demonstrate antibodies against casein in the serum by the Ouchterlony technique. It is a simple technique and needs only a small amount of serum. In a few cases we could demonstrate antibodies against casein in sera, in which the hemagglutination-technique did not show positive results. In some cases, however, sera which were positive in hemagglutination-tests gave negative results by the Ouchterlony technique. The possibility is discussed that by the two techniques different kinds of casein-antibodies can be detected.

Für die Durchführung der serologischen Untersuchungen sind wir FräuleinChristine Dyballa und FräuleinIrene v. Schweinichen zu grossem Dank verpflichtet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass das Gift der Wespe Philanthus triangulum F. bei der Heuschrecke eine reversible Muskellähmung bewirkt, die auf einer Blockierung der Axon-Muskel-Synapse der «schnellen» Faser beruht. Die Synapse der langsamen und hemmenden Faser wird offenbar nicht beeinflusst.

This work has been supported in part by the European Research Office, United States Army, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Acknowledgments: I am indebted to Prof. Dr. C.van der Meer for his constant help and criticism and to Dr. R. T.Simon Thomas for providing the wasps. I wish to thank Mr. E.Engels for all the technical work.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Klein dimensionierter Küvettensatz für Suspensionen und Gewebe, welcher erlaubt, gleichzeitig verschiedene spektroskopische und elektrochemische Messgrössen zu ermitteln indem Lichtleiter zur Bestimmung optischer Daten eingesetzt werden können.

The autor thanks ProfessorH. Metzner and ProfessorC. Sironval for their support.

Support by EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) is gratefully acknowledged. All optical parts of the set-up were produced by the JENA er GlaswerkSchott & Gen. (Mainz/Germany).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird der Einfluss einer Aminosäure auf verschiedene Gewebsarten und auch auf die Haut kontrolliert. Unterschiedlich starke, z.T. schwere Degenerationen, Entzündungen und auch Zellauflösungen waren festzustellen. Teilweise kam es zu Riesenzellbildungen oder zu Fibrosen in der Leber. Knochennekrosen und Blutungen wurden festgestellt.

Thanks toK. T. Givens for carbamate, Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware.

Thanks toG. Armstrong for histological specimens, and toR. Wilder for photographs.

Thanks to Dr.L. Kiesow for critical review and suggestions.

This research was supported by NMRI Research Project No. MR041.20.02-6002A3IJ.

The assertions and opinions contained herein are those of the author and are not to be construed as reflecting the views of the Navy Department or the naval service at large.  相似文献   

Summary (1) An attempt is made to interpret the action potential of medullated nerve fibres of the frog in terms of permeability changes to Na ions.(2) In keeping with a suggestion byHodgkin andHuxley, the following assumptions are made: (a) a carrier system is responsible for transporting Na ions across the nodal membrane; (b) in a resting fibre (high membrane potential) its transport capacity is small; (c) depolarization has a dual effect on the transport system, namely activation of carrier groups as a quick reaction and inactivation of the whole system as a slower reaction.(3) The following experimental observations are interpreted on the ground of these assumptions: threshold for depolarization, threshold for repolarization, absolute and relative refractory period, alteration of the action potential on application of a hypertonic (5%) NaCl solution.

Eine vorläufige Mitteilung erfolgte auf der Tagung des Schweiz. Vereins für Physiologie usw. in Fribourg 1956. Helv. physiol. Acta14, C35–36 (1956).  相似文献   

Summary Assays of 8 synthetic analogues of human calcitonin in rats showed that their hypocalcaemic activity was drastically reduced by deletion of the C-terminal amide group, chain-shortening or opening of the disulphide ring, but unaffected or enhanced by modification of the N-terminal amino group.

II. vgl.R. Maier, B. Kamber, B. Riniker andW. Rittel, Hormon. Metab. Res.7, 511 (1975).

Die hier verwendete, abgekürzte Schreibweise für Peptide folgt den Empfehlungen der IUPAC-IUB Kommission für Biochemische Nomenklatur, J.B.C.247, 977 (1972). Weitere Abkürzungen: HCT, Human-Calcitonin; PCT, Schweinecalcitonin; Bmp, -Mercaptopropionsäure (Desaminocystein); NMet, Normethionin (S-Methylcystein); -OMe, Methylester.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Produkte einer enzymatischen Reaktion mit klassischem Anaphylatoxin als Substrat, das als Peptidkomponente des leukotaktischen Systems identifiziert und kristallisiert wurde, können als Mediatoren verschiedene Typen des protrahierten Schocks verursachen.

First to be presented at: International Congress of Immunology, Washington, D.C. (1971).

The author thanks Mrs.Irmgard Ernenputsch for expert technical assistance. He is indebted to Dr.C. Glanzmann, and Prof.F. Hahn, Freiburg, Dr.Vera Stecher and Prof.Ernst Sorkin, Schweizerisches Forschungsinstitut, Davos/Switzerland, for their generous experimental support in measuring biological activities and for many critical discussions.  相似文献   

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