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G F Koob  R Dantzer  F Rodriguez  F E Bloom  M Le Moal 《Nature》1985,315(6022):750-752
It has been suggested that arginine vasopressin (AVP) is involved in the retention of learned responses, in addition to its classical physiological functions of water retention and modulation of blood pressure. AVP administered subcutaneously (s.c.), intraventricularly or intracerebrally can prolong extinction of active avoidance behaviour and can enhance retention in inhibitory (passive) avoidance. These effects have been interpreted as a direct action of AVP on the central nervous system to facilitate memory consolidation. AVP also has facilitatory effects on cognitive function in humans, and marked deficits in AVP function have been associated with certain types of psychopathology. Alternative hypotheses for the behavioural actions of AVP have involved motivational constructs such as arousal, and our recent work has focused on the role of arousal resulting from the activation of peripheral visceral signals in the behavioural effects of peripherally administered AVP. The development of a specific antagonist for AVP, 1-deaminopenicillamine-2-O-methyl tyrosine arginine vasopressin (dPTyr(Me)AVP), which can reverse the behavioural effects of exogenously administered AVP, has provided a powerful tool for examining the role of AVP in the behavioural responses produced by physiological challenges known to release vasopressin. However, the relationship between the behavioural effects of exogenously administered AVP and the behavioural function of endogenously released AVP has not been evaluated. We report here that a potent peripheral osmotic stimulus, the intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of hypertonic saline, at doses known to release AVP both centrally and peripherally, will produce behavioural effects similar to those of exogenously administered AVP. Furthermore, the prolongation of active avoidance induced by this osmotic stimulus is reversed by pretreatment with dPTyr(Me)AVP, suggesting that endogenously released AVP may also produce behavioural effects.  相似文献   

关于神经内分泌对生殖调控的研究已越来越多地集中在神经肽的作用上.速激肽即是神经 肽中较大的一族.对从无脊椎动物及脊椎动物中发现的几种速激肽和一些重要的神经肽在生殖中 的影响作出简要综述.  相似文献   

N P Franks  W R Lieb 《Nature》1985,316(6026):349-351
A longstanding and unresolved problem in general anaesthesia is the so-called 'cutoff' effect; as one ascends a homologous series of anaesthetic agents, the potencies progressively increase with anaesthetic size but then, rather suddenly, anaesthetic potency disappears. Curiously, this cutoff in potency occurs at very different points in different series. Various explanations have been offered, usually based on the notion that lipid bilayers are the primary target sites in general anaesthesia. However, accumulating evidence now suggests that proteins are the primary sites of action. Here we demonstrate cutoff effects for the anaesthetic inhibition of a soluble protein (firefly luciferase) which mirror those found for general anaesthesia, and we describe how the molecular architecture of the binding site accounts for the different cutoffs in the different homologous series. We show that this behaviour is a natural consequence of anaesthetics binding to an amphiphilic protein pocket of circumscribed dimensions. When general anaesthetic target sites in animals and the luciferase protein are mapped out using the fine details of the potency data, remarkable similarities are revealed. Our results thus suggest that the target sites in general anaesthesia are amphiphilic pockets on proteins.  相似文献   

Evidence for the synthesis of oxytocin and vasopressin in separate neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H W Sokol  H Valtin 《Nature》1967,214(5085):314-316

Montague PR  Hyman SE  Cohen JD 《Nature》2004,431(7010):760-767
Neuromodulators such as dopamine have a central role in cognitive disorders. In the past decade, biological findings on dopamine function have been infused with concepts taken from computational theories of reinforcement learning. These more abstract approaches have now been applied to describe the biological algorithms at play in our brains when we form value judgements and make choices. The application of such quantitative models has opened up new fields, ripe for attack by young synthesizers and theoreticians.  相似文献   

Vasopressin antagonists are valuable pharmacological tools for investigating physiological and behavioural functions of the nonapeptide arginine-vasopressin (AVP). The removal of glycinamide from the carboxy terminus of AVP drastically reduces its characteristic vasopressor and antidiuretic activities. In contrast to this we show here that removal of the carboxy-terminal glycinamide or the glycine at position 9 from several vasopressin antagonists makes little difference to their ability to block vasopressor and antidiuretic responses to AVP. These data demonstrate the critical structural requirements of the carboxy-terminal position for receptor activation, in contrast to the lack of such requirements for receptor binding. They also provide an avenue to a wide variety of antagonists substituted at the carboxy terminus (for example radiolabelled derivatives and affinity ligands) and suggest clues for the development of more potent and/or selective antagonists.  相似文献   

Smith C 《Nature》2003,422(6929):341, 343, 345 passim

Shima K  Isoda M  Mushiake H  Tanji J 《Nature》2007,445(7125):315-318
Although it has long been thought that the prefrontal cortex of primates is involved in the integrative regulation of behaviours, the neural architecture underlying specific aspects of cognitive behavioural planning has yet to be clarified. If subjects are required to remember a large number of complex motor sequences and plan to execute each of them individually, categorization of the sequences according to the specific temporal structure inherent in each subset of sequences serves to facilitate higher-order planning based on memory. Here we show, using these requirements, that cells in the lateral prefrontal cortex selectively exhibit activity for a specific category of behavioural sequences, and that categories of behaviours, embodied by different types of movement sequences, are represented in prefrontal cells during the process of planning. This cellular activity implies the generation of neural representations capable of storing structured event complexes at an abstract level, exemplifying the development of macro-structured action knowledge in the lateral prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the firing of vasopressin neurons by atriopeptin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Atriopeptin, the atrial natriuretic peptide, is a circulating hormone that is released from the atria of mammalian hearts in response to volume expansion and acts upon the kidneys, adrenal glands and vasculature to regulate fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. Atriopeptin is also present in the brain of the rat. Atriopeptin immunoreactive cell bodies and fibres are found in many areas known to be involved in the central regulation of the cardiovascular system, suggesting that it may be a neuromediator in the central control of fluid and electrolyte balance. The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which contains the cell bodies of neurons that secrete vasopressin from the posterior pituitary gland, receives a dense innervation from atriopeptin-like immunoreactive fibres. We have studied the effect of atriopeptin on the electrical activity of single neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of anaesthetized rats and found that atriopeptin is a potent inhibitor of putative vasopressin neurons. Atriopeptin, which has systemic actions that oppose those of vasopressin, may act as a neuromodulator in the brain to prevent vasopressin secretion.  相似文献   

Use of behavioural stochastic resonance by paddle fish for feeding   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Russell DF  Wilkens LA  Moss F 《Nature》1999,402(6759):291-294
Stochastic resonance is the phenomenon whereby the addition of an optimal level of noise to a weak information-carrying input to certain nonlinear systems can enhance the information content at their outputs. Computer analysis of spike trains has been needed to reveal stochastic resonance in the responses of sensory receptors except for one study on human psychophysics. But is an animal aware of, and can it make use of, the enhanced sensory information from stochastic resonance? Here, we show that stochastic resonance enhances the normal feeding behaviour of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), which use passive electroreceptors to detect electrical signals from planktonic prey. We demonstrate significant broadening of the spatial range for the detection of plankton when a noisy electric field of optimal amplitude is applied in the water. We also show that swarms of Daphnia plankton are a natural source of electrical noise. Our demonstration of stochastic resonance at the level of a vital animal behaviour, feeding, which has probably evolved for functional success, provides evidence that stochastic resonance in sensory nervous systems is an evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   

Cerebellar GABAA receptor selective for a behavioural alcohol antagonist   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Benzodiazepines are widely prescribed anxiolytics and anticonvulsants which bind with high affinity to sites on the GABAA receptor/Cl- channel complex and potentiate the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). The heterogeneity of benzodiazepine recognition sites in the central nervous system was revealed by studies showing different classes of GABAA receptor subunits (classes alpha, beta and gamma) and variant subunits in these classes, particularly in the alpha-class. Expression of recombinant subunits produces functional receptors; when certain alpha-variants are coexpressed with beta- and gamma-subunits the resulting receptors have pharmacological properties characteristic of GABAA-benzodiazepine type I or type II receptors. The alpha-variants are differentially expressed in the central nervous system and can be photoaffinity-labelled with benzodiazepines. Here we report a novel alpha-subunit (alpha 6) of cerebellar granule cells. We show that recombinant receptors composed of alpha 6, beta 2 and gamma 2 subunits bind with high affinity to the GABA agonist [3H]muscimol and the benzodiazepine [3H]Ro15-4513 but not the other benzodiazepines or beta-carboniles. The same distinctive pharmacology is observed with GABAA receptors from rat cerebellum immunoprecipitated by an antiserum specific for the alpha 6 subunit. We conclude that this alpha-subunit is part of a cerebellar receptor subtype, selective for Ro15-4513, an antagonist of alcohol-induced motor incoordination and ataxia.  相似文献   

信号采样是超宽带脉冲雷达接收的关键环节,其中采样时钟抖动会引起ADC输出信噪比的下降,继而对雷达目标的检测性能产生一定影响,为此以雷达目标的检测性能为评价原则,研究了高斯白噪声环境中采样时钟抖动引起的信噪比损失,并以匹配滤波检测器和多样本能量积累检测器为对象,详细推导了采样时钟抖动与目标检测概率的关系.据此给出了输出信噪比损失的理论曲线,通过仿真对比分析了不同检测方法下采样时钟抖动对目标检测性能的影响,对超宽带脉冲雷达系统设计中的采样时钟选取有直接指导意义.  相似文献   

在提高ICF能量增益的研究中,针对靶丸磁悬浮系统的结构,从磁偶板子的磁场分布开始,推导出悬浮磁场中的磁场分布情况,为磁悬浮系统的非线性精确控制提供了磁场分布的修正,提高系统控制的稳定性。  相似文献   

Effect of vasopressin on the isolated human collecting duct   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Abramow  M Dratwa 《Nature》1974,250(5466):492-493

G Dayanithi  M Cazalis  J J Nordmann 《Nature》1987,325(6107):813-816
The hormone relaxin has recently been shown to inhibit not only uterine muscle contraction, but also the release of oxytocin into the plasma. Intravenous injection of porcine relaxin in anaesthetized lactating rats inhibits milk ejection and injection of relaxin into the cerebral ventricles disturbs the pattern of the milk ejection reflex. Recent experiments performed in vivo indicate that relaxin might act not only in the uterus, but also in the hypothalamus and possibly in the neurohypophysis. We tested this hypothesis in vitro by studying the effect of relaxin on hormone release from isolated neural lobes of the pituitary and isolated neurosecretory nerve endings of the neurohypophysis from the rat. We report here that relaxin has a dual effect on neurohypophysial hormone secretion. Under basal conditions, vasopressin and oxytocin release was inhibited by relaxin but, when the nerve endings were depolarized, vasopressin and oxytocin secretion was potentiated. We also found that relaxin acts at a stage before the increase in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ that is necessary for inducing hormone release, possibly by gating the calcium channel.  相似文献   

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