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日冕物质抛射与太阳耀斑的时序关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭晓博 《科学技术与工程》2011,11(13):2882-2887,2896
日冕物质抛射表现为在短时间内快速地由日冕向外抛射出大量等离子体物质,这些物质进入星际空间,特别是日地空间,会对日地空间的磁场分布造成影响。采用自1996年1月3日至2009年7月31日的太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射的样本,对日冕物质抛射和耀斑的时序关系进行分时间窗口统计研究。结果表明对于耀斑而言,日冕物质抛射与其有密切的时序关系且耀斑级别越大时序关系越密切。而对于日冕物质抛射而言,耀斑与其没有密切的时序关系,这可能是所选取的样本中包含大量太阳背面日冕物质抛射所致。这一结论可以用于日冕物质抛射预报。  相似文献   

提出一种从空间日冕观测图像中自动识别日冕物质抛射事件(CME)并分析计算事件特征参数的新方法,该方法主要包括以下3个步骤:通过预处理去除原始观测图像中的各种噪声;针对CME的视觉统计特性,利用频谱突变分析从预处理后的观测图像中准确分离CME像区域;基于区域协方差分析提取出角宽度、速度等CME特征参数.由于采用了频谱突变分析技术而非亮度增强检测技术来检测CME,该方法在识别多重和晦暗CME时具有更好的效果.  相似文献   

研究了分别发生在2003年10月28日和2003年11月18日的两次相似的强烈日冕物质抛射(CME)事件.通过比较这两次CME事件以及它们的行星际响应,分析了其伴随的两种主要空间天气效应:太阳高能粒子事件和地磁暴.这两次CME事件均伴随有一个强耀斑和一次暗条爆发,并且之前都有一个较弱的CME从同一源区产生.第一个CME事件引起了一次极大的太阳高能粒子事件,而第二个则没有引起明显的太阳高能粒子事件.这两次CME事件均引起了大的地磁暴,且第二个CME所引起的地磁暴比第一个CME所引起的地磁暴更强.通过比较分析这两次CME事件,以及与之相关的活动现象和对应的行星际磁云(MC),讨论了这两次CME引起不同空间天气效应的原因:形成不同强度的太阳高能粒子事件在于CME爆发过程中的能量释放率在这两次事件中显著不同,而地磁暴强度的差异则是由行星际MC轴的方向以及MC经过地球时的相对位置不同造成的.  相似文献   

对于多个具有共同特性粒子事件,采用一种统计的数值模拟方法,即将观测事件根据几个指标进行分类排序,并通过寻找每一分组的中值作为特征值,然后将上百个事件转化为几个特征事件进行数值模拟,缩短了数值模拟时间,同时得以考察观测内在的物理规律.并运用此方法对太阳高能粒子峰值强度分别与日冕物质抛射速度以及位置之间的相关性做了研究,最后得出与观测结果相一致的结论.该方法是数值模拟与观测分析研究的最佳结合,弥补了观测结果无法拆分开来考察单因素对事件影响的缺陷,同时也减少了对大量单个事件数值模拟的次数.  相似文献   

通过两种不同方法对太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particles,SEP)通量初始时刻进行研究,一种是数值模拟方法,即数值模拟中取第一颗粒子出现的时刻来确定,另一种是观测背景方法,即通过太阳高能粒子通量随时间变化的背景值与上升值的拐点时刻来确定.Kahler(2013)定义的SEP时间尺度TO(the onset time from CME launch to SEP onset,从CME爆发时刻到SEP初始时刻的时间段)、TR(the rise time from onset to half the peak intensity(0.5Ip),从SEP初始时刻的上升时间直到半峰值时刻)、TD(the duration of the SEP intensity above 0.5Ip,SEP强度高于半峰值的持续时间)都与SEP通量初始时刻相关.将CME驱动激波作为源,利用粒子输运方程,对SEP传播进行数值模拟.然后对描述SEP时间尺度的TR、TO的数值模拟值与观测进行对比,发现两者吻合很好,即TR随CME速度和宽度增加而增加.由于TO影响的因素较为复杂,并没有很好的规律性.另外,当源位置经度距离观测者较远的时候,影响时间尺度TR,TO的因素较多.因此,用不同方法确定的SEP通量初始时刻对TR,TO的影响不大;当源位置经度距离观测者较近的时候,观测背景方法下的数值模拟与观测更加符合.  相似文献   

本文导出了MHD激波相对子上游介质传播速度的一般公式,指出MHD激波的相对速度由激波上下游密度比、上游激波角、上游等离子体β值和温度决定.在低β高温等离子体中激波相对速度较大,密度比和激波角越大相对速度也越大.在不同流速的太阳风中激波相对速度均随日心距下降,但都比气体爆炸激波预言的慢.  相似文献   

多重磁云是行星际空间中的一类特殊的复杂抛射结构.它们是由于日冕物质抛射(CME)相互追赶、相互作用形成的,具有显著的地球空间环境效应.自从我们于2002年发现并确认了第一个多重磁云事件后,国际上对此开展了大量的研究.本文简要回顾多重磁云的相关研究工作和取得的成果,并分析研究过程中遇到的问题和瓶颈,最后对行星际动力学以及空间科学的发展进行展望.  相似文献   

由行星际闪烁谱反演太阳风电子密度起伏谱有Abel反变换方法和模式拟合方法.两种方法都采用了射电源视线上物理量均匀分布模式,Abel反变换方法的反演结果依赖于太阳风速度的选取.计算表明,射电源视线上太阳风参数的非均匀分布并不影响反演结果  相似文献   

Science杂志2005年4月22日一期发表了北京大学涂传诒教授的学术论文《太阳风在日冕漏斗状结构中的起源》。该文利用SOHO飞船的观测数据和无力场外推的假设,给出了太阳风在日冕中的起源高度和起源处的磁场结构。本文从太阳风的背景知识出发,阐述涂教授论文的科学思想和方法,最后介绍分析该论文的结论。  相似文献   

当前的磁约束聚变装置常常运行在先进托卡马克区域内,先进托卡马克区域内存在负磁剪切。在JET(Joint European Torus)装置运行的参数域里,存在有约束在引发气球模驱动的势井里的多支离散阿尔芬本征模。类似于正剪切的情况,这些离散阿尔芬本征模只有很小的耗散率。由于耗散率很小,所以很容易被高能量粒子激发成不稳定性模式。在实验上已经观察到了很多阿尔芬频谱,这种离散阿尔芬本征模式是一种去理解这些现象的潜在的物理机制。  相似文献   

本文综述了我们近两年来在冕流波(Streamer Waves)现象研究方面的进展。冕流波是由日冕物质抛射(CME)和冕流结构相互作用所激发的、沿等离子体片向外传播的波动过程,是迄今发现的最大尺度的日冕波动现象。冕流波被解释为由冕流等离子体片片状结构所支持的快体积扭曲模式。基于这一理解,我们结合有关的太阳风速度和数密度方面的观测限制,发展了一种新的冕震学方法,可利用波动参数的观测结果推断冕流等离子体片区域在3-10太阳半径范围的阿尔芬速度和磁场强度的径向剖面。我们还在第23太阳活动周内找到了8例较好的CME-冕流摆动事件,其中5例被认定为冕流波事件。比较这些事件发现,导致冕流波激发的CME都具有很高的喷发速度和角宽度,CME与冕流大都从侧面发生相互作用,且作用的最初位置大都位于C2视场的底部或下方,所有正面CME均伴有耀斑现象。这些共同观测特征为我们理解冕流波的激发条件提供了线索。  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is an important universal plasma dissipation process that converts magnetic energy into plasma thermal and kinetic energy,and simultaneously changes the magnetic field topology.In this paper,we report the first observation of energetic electrons associated with asymmetric reconnection in the sheath of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection.The magnetic field shear angle was about 151°,implying guide-field reconnection.The width of the exhaust was about 8×104 km.The reconnection rate was estimated as 0.044-0.08,which is consistent with fast reconnection theory and previous observations.We observed flux enhancements of energetic electrons with energy up to 400 keV in this reconnection exhaust.The region where ener- getic electron fluxes were enhanced is located at one pair of separatrices in the higher density hemisphere.We discuss these observation results,and compare with previous observations and recent kinetic simulations.  相似文献   

This work detects multi-scale, from hour to seconds, pressure-balanced structures (PBSs) in the solar wind based on the anti- correlation between the plasma thermal pressure and the magnetic pressure measured by WIND at 1 AU on April 5th, 2001. In our former research based on Cluster measurements, we showed the anti-correlation between the electron density and the magnetic field strength in multi-scales, and we supposed these structures may be pressure-balanced structures. Thus, in this work we aim to prove our speculation by the direct evidence on pressure measurements. Different from our previous work, we apply the WIND measurements this time, for they have both the magnetic pressure and the plasma pressure which Cluster could not offer. We use the wavelet cross-coherence method to analyze the correlation between the plasma pressure (P th ) and the magnetic pressure (P B ), and also the electron density (N e ) and the magnetic field strength (B) on various scales. We observe the anti-correlation between P th and P B distributed at different temporal scales ranging from 1000 s down to 10 s. This result directly indicates the existence of pressure- balanced structures (PBSs) with different sizes in the solar wind. Further, We compare the wavelet cross correlation spectrum of P th -P B and N e -B. We notice that the two spectra are similar in general. Thus this result confirms that the relation between P th -P B and N e -B are consistent with each other in the PBSs we study. Moreover, we compare the power spectrum density (PSD) of relative N e fluctuation with our previous work based on Cluster measurements. The two spectra show similar trend with Komolgorov’s -5/3 as their slopes. This may imply the similarity of the structures observed by both WIND and Cluster spacecrafts. Finally, we discuss the possible formation mechanisms for these multi-scale pressure-balanced structures. Our result is important to support the existence of multi-scale PBSs from one-hour scale down to one-minute, and is helpful to understand the role of compressive fluctuation in the solar wind turbulence dominated by Alfvénic cascading.  相似文献   

Based on the WIND observational data for the plasma waves from thermal noise receptor (TNR) working on the frequency 4-256 kHz and the solar wind and the magnetic fields, we analyze the plasma wave activities in the 60 magnetic cloud's boundary layers (BLs) and find that there are often various plasma wave activities in the BLs, which are different from those in the adjacent solar wind (SW) and the magnetic clouds (MC). The basic characteristics are that: (1) the enhancement of the Langmuir wave near the electronic plasma frequency (fpe) is a dominant wave activity, which occupies 75% investigated samples; (2) the events enhanced both in the langmuir and ion acustic (f〈fpe) waves are about 60% of investigated samples; (3) broadband, continuous enhancement events in the plasma wave activities were observed in the whole frequency band of TNR, and about 30% of the 60 samples, however, were not observed in the SW and the MC investigated events; (4) although the ratio of the temperatures between the electon and proton, Te/Tp ≤1, the ion caustic wave enhancement activities are still often observed in the BLs, which makes it difficult to explain them by the traditional plasma theory. New results reported in this paper further show that the magnetic cloud's BL is an important dynamic structure, which could provide useful diagnosis for understanding the cloud's BL physics and could expand a space developing space plasma wave theory.  相似文献   

To interpret density holes in the solar wind,which are nonlinear structures observed by Cluster and Double Star,we propose an electrostatic ion fluid model.We derive the Sagdeev potential from the magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)equations and study the characteristics of nonlinear structures in our model.The results show that density depletions(or holes)can develop from linear ion acoustic waves or ion cyclotron waves in space plasmas when parameters such as Mach number,initial electric field and ratio of ion to electron temperature satisfy certain conditions.In our model,the relative density depletion(or density holes)is from 0 to 1, and the time duration of density holes is from 2 s to more than 98 s.These are in good agreement with the observations by Cluster and Double Star in the solar wind.Our model also shows that the density holes should be accompanied by bipolar electric field solitary structures,which have also been observed by Cluster in the solar wind.  相似文献   

 利用微波辅助酶解结合超高效液相色谱串联质谱联用法,建立了人体尿液中1-羟基芘的快速检测方法.通过对比酶解与碱解、恒温水浴酶解与微波辅助酶解、液液萃取与固相萃取等前处理方法对1-羟基芘检测的影响,最终采用微波辅助酶解、固相萃取作为样品检测的前处理方法.考察了基质效应,对比了纯溶剂与空白尿液配标准溶液2种不同的标准溶液配制方法,最终选用空白尿液来配制.方法的标准曲线方程为y=1.24107x-0.130042,相关系数为0.9972,样品回收率在88.6%~97.1%之间,相对标准偏差在2.7%~12.6%之间,日内精密度为6.1%,日间精密度为6.2%,方法检测限为0.08ng/mL,定量限为0.28ng/mL.  相似文献   

利用微波辅助酶解结合超高效液相色谱串联质谱联用法,建立了人体尿液中1-羟基芘的快速检测方法.通过对比酶解与碱解、恒温水浴酶解与微波辅助酶解、液液萃取与固相萃取等前处理方法对1-羟基芘检测的影响,最终采用微波辅助酶解、固相萃取作为样品检测的前处理方法.考察了基质效应,对比了纯溶剂与空白尿液配标准溶液2种不同的标准溶液配制方法,最终选用空白尿液来配制.方法的标准曲线方程为y=1.241 07x-0.130 042,相关系数为0.997 2,样品回收率在88.6%~97.1%之间,相对标准偏差在2.7%~12.6%之间,日内精密度为6.1%,日间精密度为6.2%,方法检测限为0.08 ng/mL,定量限为0.28 ng/mL.  相似文献   

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