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Zhu Tingbo 《科技信息》2011,(30):144-146
The further exploration is carried out to have a deeper understanding of King Leontes and his jealousy and violence. Autolycus, the rogue, is given a detailed avaluation so as to reveal his active role in the play and the artistic flavour on the stage. The brave and straight forward lady Paulina is held in high regard because of both of her brilliant words and benevolent actions. The fourth Act of the play is regarded as the excellent part of the play based on its rich and colourful picture of the rural life by the playwright Shakespeare. Since Hermione, the heroine, is the main character of all the main characters, and the fate of hers is the focus of the whole play, so the title of this play is in need of change.  相似文献   

We consider the mixed arrangement which is com posed of the central hyperplane arrangement and a sphere. We discuss the lattice of its intersection set and the relationship between the Mbius function of the mixed arrangement and the original hyperplane arangement. The Mbius function of the mixed arrangement is equal to the positive or the negative Mbius function of original hyperplane arrangement. Moreover, we give an equality of the chambers and the characteristic polynomial for the mixed arrangement.  相似文献   

In this paper, the surface and cross-section, pore size and distribution, contact angle and hydrostatic pressure of the membrane were tested. Then the membrane's working principle was analyzed and the stopping height of membranes with different pore sizes was calculated. It was found that the surface tension and pore size of the membrane were key factors to determine its stopping height.  相似文献   

本文讨论内容如下:(1)明确提出了三点解释杜赫美原理.(2)依此,对解数理方程中含有线性非齐次方程及非齐次边值条件的问题的解法作了统一的与自然的论证.  相似文献   

The coordinated development is the core of sustainable development, and the hot issue of international research.SInland water transport (IWT) is an important part of the water resources exploiting system and comprehensive transport system under socio-economic context of river basin,and also the country’s sustainable development priorities to achieve resource-conserving and environment-friendly strategy.SThis paper is based on the coordinated development content, combined Germany"s successful development experience, explored the elements and the problem of the coordinated development of IWT system of China’s national economic strategy and basin economy, water resourse system, comprehensive transport system, and system itself, and their countermeasures and suggestions,in order to facilitate rapid and coordinated development of China"s inland water transport.S  相似文献   

Based on the prerequisite that the earliest acid rock formed because of the initial global expanding tectonic processes, by combining it with other geological limitation conditions, and starting from the lithosphere elastic mechanics, the following is defined: the earth expansion started at about 4300 Ma ago, the average increasing rate of the earth radius is 0.40 mm/a, the initial expanding earth radius is 4651 km, and the initial global expansion of tectonic processes happened at 4183.7 Ma ago. From the natural and attenuation evolution condition of the earth and terrestrial planets, through the limit condition got from the combination of the mathematics logic and the geological significance, the limited expanding earth evolution model is established as follows: in whichR 0= 4.651×106 m,A =1.86×106 m, β = -6.01×10−10/ a andt s=3×108 a. From this model the maximum radiusR maxof the limited expanding earth evolution should be 6511 km. The earth’s radius increasing rate is about 0.1 mm/a at present.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the pragmatic basis of politeness principle and analyzes the practical application of politeness principle in College English teaching,according to Leech's six maxims of politeness principle.  相似文献   

Prior studies analyzed the complexity of the Latin Square task solely based on the relational complexity theory, which, with the relational complexity defined by the complexity of relations processed in paral-lel, could not fully predict children’s performance on the task. So we developed an alternative method to analyze the task complexity by the relational complexity and the necessary processing steps to find a solution. The present study tested the validity of the new method applying to the Latin Square ...  相似文献   

1 Introduction As a natural and renewable resource product ,rosin andits derivatives have been usedin paint ,vanishes ,printingink,paper and wood products for their fil mforming properties . But rosin is liable to oxidation be-cause of its double bonds . Rosin can be modified by two different methods which are based on the reactionwith carboxyl groups and unsaturated part of the rosin molecular .That is ether esterificationreaction or addi-tionreaction.In this paper ,two modified methods were…  相似文献   

针对车载飞轮电池安装基础运动的特点,本文利用子结构分析的方法,建立了飞轮电池的转子-安装基础动力学模型,提出了安装基础动力学与转子动力学模型的融合方法,并分析了飞轮转子在路面输入引起基础振动变化情况下的动力学特性,从而为车载飞轮电池转子动力学设计提供了理论和计算基础。  相似文献   

电动汽车电池组快速充电研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为应对气候变化,许多企业在研究电动汽车,电池组的快速充电是重点研究的技术.针对锂离子电池的特性,提出了限压变流脉冲的充电方法,缩短了充电时间,并针对电池组存在状态不平衡的问题,设计了充电均衡控制电路.  相似文献   

电动汽车动力电池动态测试工况研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于实车运行数据的动力电池动态测试工况统计方法,应用该方法建立了基于北京公交的纯电动客车用动力电池动态测试工况,为测试动力电池的动态性能及评价动力电池在对应工况下的适用性奠定了基础.对工况进行了标准化,并提出该工况应用于不同车型和不同电池组的等价方法,最后对比了电池在动态工况和恒流工况下的性能.结果表明,动态工况测试包含了电池动态直流内阻等信息,可以反映电池的动态性能.  相似文献   

电动汽车锂离子电池低温加热方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为提高锂离子动力电池的低温充放电性能,以锰酸锂80A.h电池单体为研究对象,提出了宽线金属膜的加热方法,并对电池单体进行低温充放电实验,建立电池加热模型,采用等效电池加热实验验证模型的正确性,对233K低温环境下的电池单体进行加热和放电实验.实验结果表明,采用宽线金属膜加热法可显著提高电池的低温性能.  相似文献   

铅酸蓄电池是电动汽车常用的供能装置之一.适合的工作温度范围是蓄电池获得最佳性能和延长使用寿命的重要因素.为了设计蓄电池热管理系统需要,建立了蓄电池生热和散热综合导致的温度变化的计算模型,设定了蓄电池一定的工作环境,以电动汽车城市驾驶循环为负载,计算并分析了不同初始条件下蓄电池的温度变化过程.结果显示,在没有加热或散热的情况下,蓄电池工作温度难以保持在合适的工作温度范围,必须为蓄电池的正常使用设计相应的热管理系统.  相似文献   

为促进汽车生产商积极主动投资区块链技术,基于演化博弈理论,构建电池生产商、整车生产商和政府的三方演化博弈模型,探讨政府参与下汽车生产商区块链技术投资行为,分析三类参与主体之间的行为选择及演化均衡状态,并通过仿真模拟区块链技术特征参数和政府参与行为对于系统稳态的影响。研究表明汽车生产商在区块链技术投资系统中的策略选择与区块链技术所带来的额外收益有关;区块链技术带来的优势、政府所提供的间接收益率都能促进区块链技术投资系统较快地趋向理想均衡状态,而技术引进奖励的波动则对这一速度影响较小。研究结果可以为促进区块链技术引入到动力电池回收行业提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

基于DSP的电动汽车电池管理系统的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大量充放电模拟试验和随车试验数据采集的基础上,构建了基于数据信号处理器(DSP)芯片TMS320C2812的电池管理系统,实现了数据监测、荷电状态(SOC)估计、控制局域网(CAN)通信及USB存储等功能.在SOC估计算法上,根据电池所处状态进行了分类分析,并对估算难度最大的电池动态放电状态的算法进行了仿真实验.实验结果表明,该算法对镍氢电池的SOC能进行准确预测,并具有较高的精度.  相似文献   

锂离子动力蓄电池充放电基本性能的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了考察锂离子动力蓄电池应用于电动汽车的可行性 ,本文以MCMB和LiCoO2 为正负极材料 ,自行设计组装了 5A·h、2 5A·h和 50A·h的方形层叠式锂离子动力蓄电池 ,用恒电流限电压充放电方法研究了其在不同电流下的放电行为和荷电保持能力 .研究结果表明 :以0 .2C倍率、10 0 %DOD放电时 50A·h电池的质量比能量和能量密度可分别达到 10 7.4W·h/kg和 185.1W·h/L ,已经超过了美国电池先进联合体 (USABC)规定的动力蓄电池的中期开发目标。 5Ah电池的 1C倍率放电容量可保持 0 .1C倍率放电容量的 79.35% .电池的荷电保持性能良好 ,日平均自放电率小于 0 .32 4 % /d ,开路电压月下降只有 0 .1V左右  相似文献   

混合动力汽车动力电池组参数匹配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动力电池组参数匹配的合理程度决定着电机驱动和再生制动潜能的发挥,同时对混合动力系统成本影响明显。本文研究了混合动力系统在其他相关参数已知前提下的动力电池组参数匹配问题,建立了动力电池组参数匹配体系。基于AVL CRUISE进行了前向仿真,结果表明:所匹配的动力电池组能够很好地满足混合动力城市客车研发需求。  相似文献   

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