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L C Burkly  D Lo  O Kanagawa  R L Brinster  R A Flavell 《Nature》1989,342(6249):564-566
T-cell reactivity to the class II major histocompatibility complex I-E antigen is associated with T-cell antigen receptors containing the V beta gene segments V beta 17a and V beta 5. Mice expressing I-E with the normal tissue distribution (on B cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and thymic epithelium) induce tolerance to self I-E by clonal deletion in the thymus. By contrast, we find that transgenic INS-I-E mice that express I-E on pancreatic beta-cells, but not in the thymus or peripheral lymphoid organs, are tolerant to I-E but have not deleted V beta 5- and V beta 17a-bearing T cells. Moreover, whereas T-cell populations from nontransgenic mice proliferate in response to receptor crosslinking with V beta 5- and V beta 17a-specific antibodies, T cells from INS-I-E mice do not. Thus, our experiments provide direct evidence that T-cell tolerance by clonal paralysis does occur during normal T-cell development in vivo.  相似文献   

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a disease with an autoimmune aetiology. The inbred non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse strain provides a good animal model of the human disease and genetic analysis suggests that, as in man, at least one of the several genes controlling the development of IDDM is linked to the major histocompatibility complex. The NOD mouse does not express I-E owing to a deletion in the promoter region of the I-E alpha-chain gene, and the sequence of NOD I-A beta-chain in the first external domain is unique with His 56 and Ser 57 replacing Pro and Asp, respectively, at these positions. There has been considerable interest in the role amino acid 57 might have in conferring susceptibility to autoimmune diseases, including IDDM. The presence of a charged residue (such as Asp) at this position might affect the conformation of the peptide binding groove. But it could be assumed that Pro 56 gives rise to a different conformation of I-A beta-chain than does His 56. We therefore constructed transgenic NOD mice in which the transgene encoded a modified A beta nod with Pro 56, and studied its effect on the development of IDDM in this mouse strain. Previous studies have suggested that NOD mice expressing I-E as a result of the introduction of an I-E alpha-chain (E alpha) transgene are protected from the development of insulitis and hence IDDM. To explore further the protective effect of this molecule we constructed a second class of transgenic NOD mouse carrying an E alpha d transgene. Both transgenes protected the mice from IDDM, but this was not associated with a complete deletion of any T cells expressing commonly used T-cell receptor V beta genes.  相似文献   

C Flexner  A Hügin  B Moss 《Nature》1987,330(6145):259-262
Recombinant vaccinia viruses have been proposed as live vaccines against a variety of infectious diseases, including AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). Objections have been concerned primarily with side effects of the vaccinia virus vector itself. Recently it has been shown that inactivation of the vaccinia virus thymidine kinase gene or deletion of certain other non-essential genes is associated with a marked reduction in pathogenicity. Nevertheless, the ability of vaccinia virus to produce a progressive infection in immunodeficient individuals remains a most serious problem. Indeed, an incident of this type in a vaccinated man seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus was recently reported. We have used immunodeficient athymic nude mice to establish a model of disseminated vaccinia virus infection, and to demonstrate a novel approach to virus attenuation which involves insertion of a gene encoding human interleukin-2 into the genome of vaccinia virus vectors.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are not normally expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). However, aberrant expression has been observed in multiple sclerosis lesions and could contribute to the destruction of myelin or the myelinating cells known as oligodendrocytes. The mechanism of cell damage associated with aberrant MHC molecule expression is unclear: for example, overexpression of class I and class II MHC molecules in pancreatic beta cells in transgenic mice leads to nonimmune destruction of the cells and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We have generated transgenic mice that express class I H-2Kb MHC molecules, under the control of the myelin basic protein promoter, specifically in oligodendrocytes. Homozygous transgenic mice have a shivering phenotype, develop tonic seizures and die at 15-22 days. This phenotype, which we term 'wonky', is due to hypomyelination in the CNS, and not to involvement of the immune system. The primary defect appears to be a shortage of myelinating oligodendrocytes resulting from overexpression of the class I MHC molecules.  相似文献   

Genetic investigations of autoimmune disease in mice   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
M Burnet  M C Holmes 《Nature》1965,207(995):368-371

目的:构建人NOD8基因启动子的绿色荧光蛋白表达载体.方法:用特定的限制性内切酶位点,以人基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增含有人NOD8基因启动子不同长度2段序列,并进行酶切以切除启动子的pEGFP-C2作框架结构,插入表达载体pEGFP-C2中,构建含有人NOD8基因启动子驱动的绿色荧光蛋白载体pEGFP-C2-NOD8(520 bp)、pEGFP-C2-NOD8(760 bp),用Vsp Ⅰ和Nhe Ⅰ双酶切和PCR鉴定重组质粒,再将重组质粒进行DNA序列分析.构建的重组质粒经脂质体(lipofectamine)TM2000介导转染HEK293、K562和HeLa细胞,转染48 h后在倒置荧光显微镜下观察.结果:pEGFP-C2-NOD8(520 bp)、pEGFP-C2-NOD8(760 bp)分别经酶切鉴定和序列测定证实目的基因已插入重组质粒;细胞转染结果表明,构建的2段重组质粒转染HEK293、K562及HeLa细胞均能表达绿色荧光,其中构建的pEGFP-C2-NOD8(760 bp)重组质粒绿色荧光表达强于pEGFP-C2-NOD8(520 bp).结论:成功构建2段不同长度的人NOD8基因启动子绿色荧光蛋白表达载体.  相似文献   

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes into the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas (insulitis) followed by destruction of insulin-secreting beta-cells leading to overt diabetes. The best model for the disease is the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse. Two unusual features of the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the NOD mouse are the absence of I-E and the presence of unique I-A molecules (I-ANOD), in which aspartic acid at position 57 of the beta-chain is replaced by serine. This feature is also found in the HLA-DQ chain of many Caucasians with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We have previously reported that the expression of I-E prevents the development of insulitis in NOD mouse. Here we report that the expression of I-Ak (A alpha kA beta k) in transgenic NOD mice can also prevent insulitis, and that this protection is seen not only when the I-A beta-chain has aspartic acid as residue 57, but also when this residue is serine. These results show that the single amino-acid substitution at position 57 of the I-A beta-chain from aspartic acid to serine is not sufficient for the development of the disease.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory condition of the central nervous system with similarities to multiple sclerosis. In both diseases, circulating leukocytes penetrate the blood-brain barrier and damage myelin, resulting in impaired nerve conduction and paralysis. We sought to identify the adhesion receptors that mediate the attachment of circulating leukocytes to inflamed brain endothelium in EAE, because this interaction is the first step in leukocyte entry into the central nervous system. Using an in vitro adhesion assay on tissue sections, we found that lymphocytes and monocytes bound selectively to inflamed EAE brain vessels. Binding was inhibited by antibodies against the integrin molecule alpha 4 beta 1, but not by antibodies against numerous other adhesion receptors. When tested in vivo, anti-alpha 4 integrin effectively prevented the accumulation of leukocytes in the central nervous system and the development of EAE. Thus, therapies designed to interfere with alpha 4 beta 1 integrin may be useful in treating inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

A fundamental question about the pathogenesis of spontaneous autoimmune diabetes is whether there are primary autoantigens. For type 1 diabetes it is clear that multiple islet molecules are the target of autoimmunity in man and animal models. It is not clear whether any of the target molecules are essential for the destruction of islet beta cells. Here we show that the proinsulin/insulin molecules have a sequence that is a primary target of the autoimmunity that causes diabetes of the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse. We created insulin 1 and insulin 2 gene knockouts combined with a mutated proinsulin transgene (in which residue 16 on the B chain was changed to alanine) in NOD mice. This mutation abrogated the T-cell stimulation of a series of the major insulin autoreactive NOD T-cell clones. Female mice with only the altered insulin did not develop insulin autoantibodies, insulitis or autoimmune diabetes, in contrast with mice containing at least one copy of the native insulin gene. We suggest that proinsulin is a primary autoantigen of the NOD mouse, and speculate that organ-restricted autoimmune disorders with marked major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction of disease are likely to have specific primary autoantigens.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus in mice.   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
Two genes, Idd-3 and Idd-4, that influence the onset of autoimmune type 1 diabetes in the nonobese diabetic mouse have been located on chromosomes 3 and 11, outside the chromosome 17 major histocompatibility complex. A genetic map of the mouse genome, analysed using the polymerase chain reaction, has been assembled specifically for the study. On the basis of comparative maps of the mouse and human genomes, the homologue of Idd-3 may reside on human chromosomes 1 or 4 and Idd-4 on chromosome 17.  相似文献   

为对霍乱毒素B亚基(the cholera toxin B subunit,CTB)联合胰岛素B链(insulin B chain)表达的融合蛋白CTB-InsB长期口服延缓糖尿病发作的效果进行研究,将Ⅰ型糖尿病动物模型NOD小鼠随机分组,给予口服融合蛋白CTB-InsB后,检测尿糖、血糖,观测CTB-InsB对模型小鼠发病率的影响.试验表明与口服野生蚕血的对照组相比,每次口服融合蛋白CTB-InsB 50 μg对NOD小鼠糖尿病的发作具有明显延缓作用(P<0.05),而100 μg和10 μg的剂量虽有  相似文献   

Prevention of diabetes in non-obese diabetic I-Ak transgenic mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse develops insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) with mononuclear cell infiltration of the islets of Langerhans and selective destruction of the insulin-producing beta-cells, as in humans. Most infiltrating cells are T lymphocytes, and most of these carry the CD4 antigen. Adoptive transfer of T cells from diabetic NOD mice into irradiated NOD or athymic nude NOD mice induces diabetes. Susceptibility to IDDM in NOD mice is polygenic, with one gene linked to the major histocompatibility complex class II locus, which in NOD mice expresses a unique I-A molecule but no I-E. Speculation exists as to the role of the I-A molecule in the diabetes susceptibility of NOD mice, especially regarding the significance of specific unique residues. To examine the role of the NOD I-A molecule in IDDM pathogenesis, we made NOD/Lt mice transgenic for I-Ak by microinjecting I-Ak alpha- and beta-genes into fertilized NOD/Lt eggs. Insulitis was markedly reduced and diabetes prevented in NOD/Lt mice expressing I-Ak.  相似文献   

S Fuchs  D Nevo  R Tarrab-Hazdai  I Yaar 《Nature》1976,263(5575):329-330

J P Simons  M McClenaghan  A J Clark 《Nature》1987,328(6130):530-532
Milk contains a large amount of protein, most of which consists of a few major species synthesized in the mammary gland. The genes encoding these proteins are single-copy, and expressed during pregnancy and lactation. Although beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) is the major protein in the whey of ruminants, it is not present in rodent milk. We have generated transgenic mice carrying the sheep BLG gene, and show that in such mice, BLG is specifically and abundantly expressed in the mammary gland during lactation. This results in a remarkable alteration of milk composition. These findings suggest that the manipulation of milk composition by gene transfer has considerable potential for the improvement of dairy animals.  相似文献   

应用免疫组织化学和图像分析方法研究了10,20,30,60,90天龄的小鼠睾丸不同分化类型生殖细胞中端粒酶催化亚基TERT的表达.结果发现在精子发生过程中精原细胞及成熟精子中均未见TERT阳性表达,而初级精母细胞尤其是粗线期精母细胞和精子细胞是高表达TERT的细胞类群,附睾管上皮细胞也呈TERT阳性表达;同时TERT在小鼠个体发育过程中的表达存在着从弱到强再到弱的动态变化趋势.结果表明TERT在小鼠睾丸中的表达特点与精子发生过程密切相关,可能对维持生殖细胞遗传物质的完整性和减数分裂的正常进行发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

T Spies  R DeMars 《Nature》1991,351(6324):323-324
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize antigen-derived peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules with which they assemble in the endoplasmic reticulum or in an undefined subcompartment. There is genetic evidence that the peptides that are products of cytosolic protein degradation are transported into this compartment by a peptide supply factor (PSF), encoded in the MHC class II region. Like the corresponding genes RING4, HAM1 and mtp1, PSF is related to the multidrug-resistance family of transporters and may be a peptide pump, as translocation of peptides across membranes must occur independently of the secretory pathway. There is, however, no functional evidence for this role so far. Here we report gene transfer experiments showing that expression of PSF complementary DNA in the human lymphoblastoid cell line mutant 721.134 restores normal levels of surface HLA-A2 and -B5. No similar effect was observed in 721.174 mutant cells, in which a homozygous deletion includes PSF among several other closely linked genes. At least one of these genes may therefore also be required for PSF function.  相似文献   

Silver J  Russell WA 《Nature》1979,279(5712):437-439
THE generation of immune responses in mice is influenced by Ir genes located in the I region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)(1). In some instances maximum responses require complementation by two genes, one in the I-A or I-B and the other in the I-E or I-C subregion(2,3). The effects of these genes are thought to be mediated by Ia alloantigens, which are cell surface molecules whose expression is controlled by the I region(4). This is based on the observations that anti-Ia sera inhibit in vitro immune responses(5,6), and soluble factors that enhance in vitro immune responses express Ia alloantigenic determinants(7,9). Jones et al.(10), using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, observed that the expression of I-E subregion antigens is controlled by two genes, one in the I-A subregion, the other in the I-E subregion, and that the polymorphism of these antigens is influenced by an I-A subregion gene. As an explanation, the authors proposed that only one of the two polypeptide chains present in I-E immunoprecipitates is an I-E subregion product, the second being a product of the I-A subregion. Antisera obtained by cross-immunisation of I-E subregion-disparate strains of mice immunoprecipitates a molecular complex consisting of two chains, designated alpha and beta, with molecular weights of 32,000 and 29,000 respectively(11-14). Previous studies suggested that I-E antigens isolated from B10.A(5R) and B10.D2 mice had identical alpha-chains but different (beta)-chains(15). However, as these mice differed at multiple genetic regions, it was not possible to show which I subregion(s) determined the polymorphism of the E(beta) chain. Therefore, we investigated the effects of the I-A subregion on the polymorphism of I-E subregion antigens. We have now shown by peptide mapping that the I-E subregion polymorphism which Jones et al. found to be controlled by the I-A subregion probably reflects structural polymorphism of beta-chains controlled by an I-A subregion gene.  相似文献   

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