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Exploring complementary technology convergence and similar technology convergence is conducive to enhancing enterprise innovation capability. This paper analyzes the impact of partner diversity on technology convergence by building a multi-layer network model of organizational cooperation and technology convergence. The research shows that the geographic diversity of partners is not conducive to the occurrence of complementary technology convergence and similar technology convergence. The technological diversity of partners is conducive to complementary technology convergence but not conducive to similar technology convergence. The relationship strength between enterprises and different types of partners has different effects on complementary technology convergence and similar technology convergence. The research results can help enterprises choose appropriate partners to achieve different innovation strategies. © 2023 Editorial Borad of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

In order to describe collaborative decision-making process, the command and control model is put forward based on complex information relation integrtion and OODA. The characteristics of individual decision-making are analyzed, the complex information relation is considered as the cause of OODA difficulty to describe collaborative decision-making exactly. From the perspective of armament system of systems combat, the information, data, intelligence and knowledge is defined based on knowledge management and Shannon's entropy theory. The basic element is confirmed and the information flow way is analyzed which in the physical, information, cognitive and social domains. From the perspective of information, the armament system of systems complex networks model framework is put forward based on the idea of using OODA to guide armament system of systems complex networks model design. The data, information, intelligence and knowledge flow is analyzed and the describing meta-model is put forward. Using the reticular structure of OODA to describe collaborative decision-making idea is proposed, the command and control model is put forward based on the idea, the simulating tool ExtendSim is used for simulation analysis and results show that our work offer a reference for innovate command and control thory. ©, 2015, The Journal Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

To suppress the interference in the ultra-wideband (AI-UWB) system is a challenging problem. An anti-interference multiband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ultra-wideband (AI-UWB) system, based on spreading and interleaving is addressed. It will exploit the frequency diversity across the subcarriers and provide the robustness to narrow-band interference, by spreading the coded bit streams within each sub-band and interleaving across all sub-bands. Simulating results show that the spreading and interleaving provide about 5 dB to 10 dB advantages over the conventional multiband orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ultra-wideband system in signal-to-interference ratio. Spreading and interleaving is an effective cure for enhancing the robustness to narrow-band interference,  相似文献   

According to the study of “new” new economic geography, there are three “black boxes” in terms of the setting of firm productivity, the mechanism of knowledge spillover between firms, and the sources of the increase in agglomerated areas’ productivity. Based on the ideas and methods of Complexity and Agent-based Computational Economics, we use Genetic Algorithms to encode firms’ knowledge structure and develop an agent-based spatial economic evolution simulation platform to simulate the process of firms’ productivity improvement and spatial agglomeration through knowledge spillover and innovation. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the knowledge spillover leads to dynamic heterogeneity of firms, and the flow of firms between regions is progressive and bidirectional. Then, in the early stage of the spatial agglomeration process, the increase in regional productivity is due to the “pull-up effect” formed by the entry of high-efficiency firms and the combined effect of knowledge spillover, while in the later stage of the agglomeration process, the increase in regional productivity is mainly due to local knowledge spillover and the “pull-down effect” of the entry of low-efficiency firms. © 2023 Editorial Borad of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We build an interbank network model based on risk-averse behaviors. On a heterogeneous network structure, we explore the relationship between risk-averse behaviors of banks and systemic risk contagion, specifically, liquidity hoarding, fire sales behaviors and the composition of risk-averse behaviors. The simulation results show that liquidity hoarding behaviors mitigate systemic risk contagion at early stage, fire sales behaviors have little effect on mitigating systemic risk contagion and the composition of risk-averse behaviors exacerbate the systemic risk contagion. Heterogeneous network is more robust than the homogenous network if risk-averse behaviors exist, otherwise the homogeneous network is more stable. Furthermore, bank asset heterogeneity has no significant effect on systemic risk contagion. © 2017, The Journal of Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

Labeled LDA can mine words' probabilities under a given topic, however, it can't analyze the association relationships among these topic words. Although the correlation between word pairs can be calculated by utilizing PMI (Pointwise Mutual Information), their relationship to the given topic is lost. Motivated by the operation of counting word pairs in a fixed window used in PMI, this paper proposes a topic model called PL-LDA (Pointwise Labeled LDA), which can compute the joint probabilities between word pairs under a given topic. Experimental results on aviation safety reports show that this model achieves results with good interpretability. Based on the results of PL-LDA, this paper constructs a topic text network, which provides rich and effective information for analyzers including reflecting the distribution of topic words and displaying the complex relationships among them. © 2017, The Journal of Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

This research studies the impact of random bandwidth allocation on complex network transmission under the condition of limited bandwidth resources. Two types of heterogeneous random bandwidth allocation strategies are designed and a series of simulation tests are conducted within HK-BA network. The result reveals that the completely random bandwidth allocation has an uncertain influence on network load. Meanwhile, comparing to the shortest routing strategy, the G-L routing strategy has a better robustness in network load performance with the random bandwidth allocation. In addition, the network load capacity can be effectively improved by using the classification random bandwidth allocation with the reasonable combination of the edge weight and bandwidth in complex networks of betweenness heterogeneity. ©, 2015, The Journal Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

The topological characteristics and robustness of Chinese high-speed railway and civil aviation compound network are analyzed based on the complex network theory. The results include the following points: the high-speed railway and civil aviation compound network and its two subnetworks are scale-free and small-world networks; the robustness of high-speed railway and civil aviation compound network is better under the random attack than under the calculated attack; the robustness of compound network is better than its two subnetworks, whether under the random attack or under the calculated attack. ©, 2015, The Journal Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

Hopf bifurcation behavior and bifurcation control of a new Lorenz-like system are studied in this paper. Firstly, Hopf bifurcation type is determined by bifurcation stability norm. Then the linear controller and the non-linear controller are applied to control the original system respectively. In the section of linear control, the effect of linear parameter on the position of Hopf bifurcation is discussed by Routh-Hurwitz criterion; In the section of non-linear control, the Hopf bifurcation Normal Form of controlled system is obtained by using direct Normal Form method, and the effects of nonlinear parameter on amplitude of limit cycle and Hopf bifurcation type are discussed by coefficient of Normal Form. Discussions show that if non-linear parameter satisfies certain condition, bifurcation type of original system will be changed, and the periodic solution amplitude will increase with the parameter increasing. ©, 2015, The Journal Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Withthedevelopmentofcomputerandnetwork,the competitionofmarketbecomingincreasinglyserious,andtherequirementofcustomerschangingfaster,enterprisecannotadaptitselftothemarketdemand withthetraditionalmanagingmode.Inordertosuc ceedinmarket,enterprisemustreacttothemarket agilely,andmustbuildnetworkedmanufacturing modebasedontheT(time),Q(quality),C(cost),S(service),E(environment),andK(knowl edge)[1,2].Atpresent,enterprisestrengthenstheagility throughimplementingERP(enterprisere…  相似文献   

This paper chooses network traffic as the vulnerability metric for global undersea cable infrastructure and proposes a vulnerability analysis method based on bi-level optimization theory which can identify the most vulnerable parts of the system under specific damage budget and take quantitative analysis for the rerouted traffic because of the damaged parts. Finally, the vulnerability analysis method is verified with two undersea cable systems in a certain hypothesis region, and characteristics of the dynamic vulnerability and corresponding protection strategy are discussed. © 2016, The Journal of Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

To better explore the universal robustness against cascading failures on complex networks, closely focusing on the load which is the most important physical quantity that can affect the spread of cascading failure, and dynamic process after a node fails, a cascading failure model with tunable parameters is proposed based on the local characteristic of node. With this model we study the cascading failure condition of ER and BA networks, and obtain the formula of phase transition point theoretically. The relationship between the robustness against cascading failures on complex networks and parameters in the model, including the topology parameters, the initial load coefficient, and the redistribution coefficient, is discussed numerically. In addition, theoretical results also are verified by the simulation results of the ER and BA networks. ©, 2015, The Journal Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

A kind of generalized Hamiltonian systems with dissipative structure and external input is proposed. By configuring its structure matrix and external input, a simpler three-dimensional dynamical system with only one fixed point is designed to illustrate the existence of chaos. Useful tools, including phase portrait, Poincaré section, Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagram and power spectrum, are used for detecting chaotic behavior of the proposed system with the enhancement of DC input. Compared with the known three-dimensional chaotic systems, the proposed system has the following two characteristics: Its dissipativity is related to system state variables and its Lyapunov dimension is closer to 3. Finally, a circuit implementation of the new system is presented and the results recorded on an analogue oscilloscope further verify the existence of chaotic behavior. © 2017, The Journal of Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

This paper experimented with five virtual networks, such as the Air network of US, the Coauthorship network of Scientists, the Neural network of the nematode C, etc. and quantified the relationship between the network structure features and the link prediction algorithms by the experiment's data. The network structure features could be measured by assortativity coefficient, clustering coefficient, etc. and the link prediction algorithms could be divided into local-information based and global-information based. After analyzed the data, we found that if the value of network's assortativity coefficient is positive and the value of network's clustering coefficient is greater than the threshold which is about 0.1, the local-information based would be the better choice, otherwise the global-information based would be better. And the clustering coefficient and the network efficiency is proportional to the result of link prediction algorithms based local information and is reverse proportional to the result of algorithms based global information. These conclusions provide quantitative basis for selecting the right algorithm. © 2017, The Journal of Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

本刊是中国系统工程学会会刊(双月刊),主要刊登系统工程理论、方法和应用诸方面的学术论文、综述及研究简报等文章.来稿要求未在其它公开发行的刊物或会议论文集上发表过.来稿应注意如下事项:1.思想新颖,观点明确,文字精炼,论证严密,不得泄露国家机密.2.用正式的国标简体字,横排书写,文字清晰,标点符号规范合理.3.稿件推荐使用LATEX排版(模版可在本网站下载区下载)直接网上投稿.具体步骤和相关说明可登录本刊网站  相似文献   

According to the fact that the conventional social network analysis methods did not consider the role of network property, such as social individuals' position, the strength of social relations. We introduced a new social network model based on extended graph and hierarchical structure based on information flow. Also, we proposed a method for discovering the backbone nodes based on the Network Topology Potential Support and a method for discovering the network hierarchy based on the potential flow. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our method in mining the hierarchical structure of networks. ©, 2015, The Journal Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

The efficiency of semantic reasoning can be improved through constructing the semantic ontology reasonably and reducing the redundant information in the process of reasoning. It is a feasible method to reveal the reason of the redundant information in the process of reasoning through analyzing the dynamic changes of an ontology structure and the important role of nodes in an ontology. Taking AGROVOC ontology network as an example, this paper provides qualitative analyses based on the reasoning mechanism of semantic web for understanding the redundant information. Meanwhile, some quantitative measurements from the perspective of complex network are provided in order to identify the core concepts in a semantic web, and further to solve the problem of redundant information. Experimental results show that the reasoning of semantic web and the rationality of ontology construction can be quantitatively analyzed from the perspective of complex network, which provides a new measurement to optimize the design of ontology and improve the efficiency of reasoning in the semantic web. © 2017, The Journal of Agency of Complex Systems and Complexity Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

本刊是中国系统工程学会会刊(双月刊),主要刊登系统工程理论、方法和应用诸方面的学术论文、综述及研究简报等文章.来稿要求未在其它公开发行的刊物或会议论文集上发表过.来稿应注意如下事项:1.思想新颖,观点明确,文字精炼,论证严密,不得泄露国家机密.2.用正式的国标简体字,横排书写,文字清晰,标点符号规范合理.  相似文献   

本刊主要刊登系统工程理论、方法和应用诸方面的学术论文、综述及研究简报等方面的文章,本刊是中国系统工程学会会刊(双月刊).来稿要求未在其它公开发行的刊物或正式出版的会议论文集上发表.来稿应注意如下事项:  相似文献   

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