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人类辅助生殖技术的"异化"是指滥用辅助生殖技术通过多种医源性途径选择胎儿的数量、性别以及通过遗传检测与筛查和产前诊断获取胎儿遗传信息,并利用基因改造技术试图生育"完美婴儿",人为造成双胞胎或多胞胎数目逐年上升、性别比例失调、婴儿身体素质低下等所谓"优生化"浪潮。情感、经济利益的驱使以及缺乏完善的监督机制和规范化体系是导致"异化"产生的主要原因,据此提出相应的防范对策,试图引起整个社会对人类辅助生殖技术"异化"的高度重视和深化认知。 相似文献
国际计量单位(如米、克等等)的统一采用是科技发展的大势,它含义明确,克服了多种旧制并行所造成的混乱,优点是很多的。不同的国家,不同的行业,大家都采用国际计量单位,可以减少误解,便于交流。原则上讲,不符合国际计量单位的旧制,应该予以废除。但废除旧制不可能也不应该“完全彻底”,要有一个限度,不宜于一刀切。有些涉及人民大众生活习惯的计量单位即需要慎重从事。我国现行的度量衡旧制是尺、斤、升,与公制的米、千克、升是简单的3、2、1的关系,其实是很容易换算,大可不必予以改变的。日常生活中的尺、斤旧制,完全可以与公制并行。它不像1米=3.28英尺那样麻烦。因此,废除旧制应该有一个限度。在化学方面,废除“当量”浓度是有道理的,但“当量”一词不应全面取消。例如法拉第定律,96500库伦的电流涉及一个摩尔的电子转移,作为一个“当量”,是一个明确的概念。似不应谈虎色变,连名词委员会的“化学名词”一书中也不敢提“当量”二字。全面废除当量的概念,打击面未免太宽了一些。以下想再举几个例子,来说明这个问题。首先,有一些“封闭”体系,是不应该强求一致的。例如,旧制热量单位“卡”按规定应改为“焦耳”,但在食品的热量方面就没有改的必要。食品热量的“卡”的表示法,既是习惯用法,又不会引起交流上的误解,改起来毫无好处。这种封闭体系和宝石的“克拉”一样,是不该急于改动的。另外举一个例子。血压历来用毫米(汞柱)表示,90毫米、150毫米,一目了然。现在改用“千帕”表示,上面两个数字就成了11.8与19.7千帕。这样一来,数值范围变窄了,很不方便。新的血压计上虽然毫米与千帕并行,但前者是“非法定”单位。最近一个有关献血的公告,所规定献血人的血压,只有千帕值,可见推行力度之大。必须指出,在这里千帕表示法不仅仅是不方便而已,而且是不科学的。“毫米”数值表示的是“表压”,即用“表”量出的超出大气压力之外的附加压力。真正的血压还要加上大气压(通常为760毫米左右)。但大气压因时而异,因地而异(与海拨有关),加起来之后的数值(总压)没有用,说明问题的是表压。对于深水作业的潜水员来说更是如此,其血压可以成倍地增长,只有表压基本不变。但千帕没有“表压”的含义,不能用于表示血压。若说某人的舒张压是11.8千帕,甚至5.4千帕(低血压患者),是要闹笑话的,因为这些都属于“减压”状态,快要达到“热血沸腾”的地步了。用千帕表示血压,已取得“法定”的地位。但它不合理,不科学,应予以取消,并恢复毫米表示法的应有地位。 相似文献
大学和产业知识生产模式的异质性与融合性是影响产学合作关系发展的关键因素之一。基于制度逻辑的视角,可把产学知识生产模式的制度逻辑划分为"商业逻辑"和"学术逻辑"。据此,通过包括"劳动分工"、"工作环境"、"个人特征"和"知识扩散"四个维度的分析框架对它们的异质性和融合性进行探究后发现,大学和产业的知识生产模式不是截然对立的,而是异质性和融合性的统一。认识到这些异质性和融合性,对形成科学、合理的产学合作政策,从而更有效地促进产学协同创新起着重要作用。 相似文献
科学技术评价办法(试行) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强和改进科学技术评价工作 ,建立健全科学技术评价制度 ,规范科学技术评价活动 ,正确引导科学技术工作健康发展 ,根据国家有关法律法规和《关于改进科学技术评价工作的决定》 ,制定本办法。 第二条 科学技术评价是科学技术管理工作的重要组成部分 ,是推动国家科学技术事业持续健康发展 ,促进科学技术资源优化配置 ,提高科学技术管理水平的重要手段和保障。 第三条 本办法所指科学技术评价是指受托方根据委托方明确的目的 ,按照规定的原则、程序和标准 ,运用科学、可行的方法对科学技术活动以及与科学… 相似文献
Data holders, such as statistical institutions and financial organizations, have a very serious and demanding task when producing
data for official and public use. It’s about controlling the risk of identity disclosure and protecting sensitive information
when they communicate data-sets among themselves, to governmental agencies and to the public. One of the techniques applied
is that of micro-aggregation. In a Bayesian setting, micro-aggregation can be viewed as the optimal partitioning of the original
data-set based on the minimization of an appropriate measure of discrepancy, or distance, between two posterior distributions,
one of which is conditional on the original data-set and the other conditional on the aggregated data-set. Assuming d-variate
normal data-sets and using several measures of discrepancy, it is shown that the asymptotically optimal equal probability
m-partition of , with m
∈ , is the convex one which is provided by hypercubes whose sides are formed by hyperplanes perpendicular to the canonical axes,
no matter which discrepancy measure has been used. On the basis of the above result, a method that produces a sub-optimal
partition with a very small computational cost is presented.
Published online xx, xx, xxxx. 相似文献
Matthijs J. Warrens 《Journal of Classification》2008,25(2):195-208
Bounds of association coefficients for binary variables are derived using the arithmetic-geometric-harmonic mean inequality.
More precisely, it is shown which presence/absence coefficients are bounds with respect to each other. Using the new bounds
it is investigated whether a coefficient is in general closer to either its upper or its lower bound.
The author would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on earlier versions
of this article. 相似文献
This paper focuses on combining association measures using corresponding receiver operating characteristic curves. The approach is motivated by a problem of automatic bigram collocation extraction from the field of computational linguistics. It is based on supervised machine learning techniques and the fact that different association measures discover different collocation types. Clusters of equivalent ROC curves are first determined by a testing procedure. The paper’s major contribution is an investigation of the possibility of combining representatives of the clusters of equivalent association measures into more complex models, thus improving performance of the collocation extraction. 相似文献
Matthijs J. Warrens 《Journal of Classification》2008,25(1):125-136
Many similarity coefficients for binary data are defined as fractions. For certain resemblance measures the denominator may
become zero. If the denominator is zero the value of the coefficient is indeterminate. It is shown that the seriousness of
the indeterminacy problem differs with the resemblance measures. Following Batagelj and Bren (1995) we remove the indeterminacies by defining appropriate values in critical cases.
The author would like to thank three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on earlier versions
of this article. 相似文献
Michael P. Windham 《Journal of Classification》2003,20(1):077-092
M -estimators, and building clustering objective functions. Finally,
using the common thread of concavity, all three will be combined to build a
comprehensive, flexible procedure for robust cluster analysis. 相似文献
In correspondence analysis rows and columns of a nonnegative data matrix are
depicted as points in a, usually, two-dimensional plot. Although such a two-dimensional
plot often provides a reasonable approximation, the situation can occur that an approximation
of higher dimensionality is required. This is especially the case when the data
matrix is large. In such instances it may become difficult to interpret the solution. Similar
to what is done in principal component analysis and factor analysis the correspondence
analysis solution can be rotated to increase the interpretability. However, due to the various
scaling options encountered in correspondence analysis, there are several alternative
options for rotating the solutions. In this paper we consider two options for rotation in
correspondence analysis. An example is provided so that the benefits of rotation become
apparent. 相似文献
天然气水合物(Gas Hydrates)是一种由气体和水形成的冰状白色固态晶体,常在一种特定的高压低温条件下形成并稳定存在,广泛发育在浅海底层沉积物和深海大陆斜坡沉积地层以及极地地区的永久冻土层中.现有研究表明,天然气水合物是一种未来的优质、洁净能源,其蕴藏量约是现有地球化石燃料(石油、天然气和煤)总碳量的2倍;它作为温室气体甲烷的最大载体,又可能是影响全球气候变化和引发海底地质灾害的重要因素. 相似文献
Multiple imputation is one of the most highly recommended procedures for dealing with missing data. However, to date little attention has been paid to methods for combining the results from principal component analyses applied to a multiply imputed data set. In this paper we propose Generalized Procrustes analysis for this purpose, of which its centroid solution can be used as a final estimate for the component loadings. Convex hulls based on the loadings of the imputed data sets can be used to represent the uncertainty due to the missing data. In two simulation studies, the performance of Generalized Procrustes approach is evaluated and compared with other methods. More specifically it is studied how these methods behave when order changes of components and sign reversals of component loadings occur, such as in case of near-equal eigenvalues, or data having almost as many counterindicative items as indicative items. The simulations show that other proposed methods either may run into serious problems or are not able to adequately assess the accuracy due to the presence of missing data. However, when the above situations do not occur, all methods will provide adequate estimates for the PCA loadings. 相似文献
埃吕尔认为,社会现实本质上是辩证的,作为整体的技术系统有着其构成部分不具有的特征,任何技术行动都有正负双重效应,所有技术进步都有其代价,技术社会的自由就是对技术环境的抗争和超越。指出了埃吕尔辩证法的缺陷及其根源。 相似文献
中文科技名词自动抽取的关键步骤是分词,文章首先讨论中文语料库中字母词的全/半角现象,然后考察这种现象对自动分词结果当中字母词的一致性和准确性所产生的影响,并给出提高切分结果的一致性和准确性的对策,最后阐述中国传媒大学的分词系统在这方面所做的工作。 相似文献