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The properties of 125 GeV new particle, which was discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are found to be consistent with those of the Higgs boson in the standard model (SM). Hereafter the new particle is dubbed as SM-like Higgs boson. However there is still spacious room for physics beyond the SM (BSM) due to the limited energy and luminosity of the LHC. With more data, experiments will scrutinize whether the new particle is indeed the SM one or not. At the same time, one believes that discovery of the SM-like Higgs boson is just the start of the new era of particle physics. The predominant topic is whether there are other new Higgs bosons as speculated in various BSM models. In this short review, we will describe the current status of Higgs physics at the LHC and several BSM models which contain more Higgs sectors. In literatures, there are numerous studies on extended Higgs sector and a comprehensive review is beyond the scope of this review. Instead, we will present two latest studies on Higgs physics: (1) how to detect the charged Higgs boson and measure tan β after including the top polarization information, and (2) how to discover the extra neutral Higgs boson via the pair production of SM-like Higgs boson.  相似文献   

考虑到反常磁矩aμ对RM331模型自由参数的限制,本文计算了矢量双轻子V±,U±±对Higgs衰变过程h→γγ和h→Zγ的贡献.数值结果显示:在合理的参数范围内,矢量双轻子可解释LHCγγ产生道的相关数据.  相似文献   

计算了LHC条件下的超对称中心Higgs玻色A^0,h^0以及H^0在Pb-Pb碰撞过程中,质心系能量为√s=6300A GeV时的光生截面,结果表明Higgs光生截面在相应的质量区域内大到足可以被测出。  相似文献   

探测Higgs玻色子的反常耦合是不依赖于具体模型且无遗漏地探测超出标准模型的新物理效应的有效办法.探测Higgs玻色子的反常规范耦合更有特殊意义,它与电弱对称破缺的机制相关.我们曾提出在LHC上通过WW散射来探测Higgs玻色子反常规范耦合的灵敏方法.本文简要综述这种方法的物理思想及所得结论.  相似文献   

LHC Pb-Pb碰撞过程中的光生SM Higgs玻色子   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
计算了LHC条件下,Pb-Pb以质心系能量6300AGeV碰撞过程中标准模型Higgs玻色子截面。结果表明,如果Higgs的质量在50-250GeV区间,则可能被观测到。  相似文献   

首先计算了左右双Higgs(LRTH)模型中大型强子对撞机上Ztt的产生截面及其相对修正,结果发现在LRTH模型所允许的参数空间内,Ztt的产生截面有较大的相对修正.然后,又计算了LRTH模型中新的产生道ZTt,发现当破缺标度不是很高时该过程有较大的产生截面.通过对以上两个过程的研究,可为检验LRTH模型提供很好的理论依据.  相似文献   

研究在各种实验限制下CMSSM参数空间,尤其是以双比率R形式探讨Bs→μ+μ-的限制,并讨论了该参数空间的唯象学性质.得出在30fb-1积分亮度下,LHC只能发现一个与标准模型Higgs粒子性质非常相似的粒子(即通常文献所言Lone Higgs Scenario)这一重要结论.  相似文献   

Stapnes S 《Nature》2007,448(7151):290-296
The best way to study the existence of the Higgs boson, supersymmetry and grand unified theories, and perhaps the physics of dark matter and dark energy, is at the TeV scale. This is the energy scale that will be explored at the Large Hadron Collider. This machine will generate the energy and rate of collisions that might provide evidence of new fundamental physics. It also brings with it the formidable challenge of building detectors that can record a large variety of detailed measurements in the inhospitable environment close to the collisions points of the machine.  相似文献   

在希格斯三重态模型(HTM)的理论框架下,研究了带电希格斯玻色子对(H~±,H~(±±))与中性的希格斯玻色子h在国际线性对撞机(ILC)上的两个协同产生过程:e-e+→h H~+H~-和e-e+→hH~(++)H~(--),并计算了它们的产生截面,讨论了相关的标准模型背景.结果表明,在合理的参数空间内,这两个过程的产生截面分别达到几个fb和数十fb的量级,在未来的ILC实验上可能通过这些过程探测到HTM中带电标量粒子H~±和H~(±±)的信号.  相似文献   

希格斯三重态模型(HTM)预言了类标准模型的中性希格斯玻色子h,还预言了单电荷和双电荷希格斯玻色子(H~±,H~(±±))的存在.主要研究了在高能光子对撞机上的两个三体产生过程:γγ→hH~+H~-和γγ→hH~(++)H~(--).计算结果表明,在合理的参数空间内,两种过程的产生截面分别达到几十fb和一百多fb,分析了主要的标准模型背景并计算了信噪比.由于较低的标准模型背景,在未来的高能直线对撞机上实验中可以通过这些过程探测到带电标量粒子H~±和H~(±±)的信号.  相似文献   

Equal amounts of matter and antimatter are predicted to have been produced in the Big Bang, but our observable Universe is clearly matter-dominated. One of the prerequisites for understanding this elimination of antimatter is the nonconservation of charge-parity (CP) symmetry. So far, two types of CP violation have been observed in the neutral K meson (K(0)) and B meson (B(0)) systems: CP violation involving the mixing between K(0) and its antiparticle (and likewise for B(0) and ), and direct CP violation in the decay of each meson. The observed effects for both types of CP violation are substantially larger for the B(0) meson system. However, they are still consistent with the standard model of particle physics, which has a unique source of CP violation that is known to be too small to account for the matter-dominated Universe. Here we report that the direct CP violation in charged B(+/-)-->K(+/-)pi(0) decay is different from that in the neutral B(0) counterpart. The direct CP-violating decay rate asymmetry, (that is, the difference between the number of observed B(-)-->K(-)pi(0) event versus B(+)-->K(+) pi(0) events, normalized to the sum of these events) is measured to be about +7%, with an uncertainty that is reduced by a factor of 1.7 from a previous measurement. However, the asymmetry for versus B(0)-->K(+)pi(-) is at the -10% level. Although it is susceptible to strong interaction effects that need further clarification, this large deviation in direct CP violation between charged and neutral B meson decays could be an indication of new sources of CP violation-which would help to explain the dominance of matter in the Universe.  相似文献   

利用广义梯度近似相对论密度泛函研究具有不同自旋多重度YbSin(n=1-6)团簇的几何和电子结构性质,计算并讨论了总键能、稳定的几何结构,找出了YbSin团簇的一系列稳定结构。结果表明:YbSin(n=1-6)团簇的最稳定结构具有与低能态Sin+1结构相似的框架。  相似文献   

TC2模型是受人关注的新物理模型之一,但此模型的正确性需要高能物理实验来检验.欧洲核子中心的大型强子对撞机(LHC)的即将投入运行无疑为此模型的检验提供了契机.对TC2模型的中性特征粒子top-Higgs在LHC上单体产生的过程进行了计算.研究结果表明,在大多数合理的参数空间内,这个过程的散射截面能够达到数十个pb的量...  相似文献   

在标准模型(SM)中,e+e-→νeν-eh和eq→νeq′h过程是黑格斯玻色子h在ILC和LHeC试验中的主要产生机制.我们研究了seesaw-Ⅰ机制所预言的重中微子Ni对这两个产生过程的量子修正,并讨论了通过这两个过程探测重中微子Ni的可能性.计算结果表明:在合理的参数取值范围内,对eq→νeq′h过程的产生截面修正非常小,不过,对e+e-→νeν-eh过程产生截面修正较大,其数值可达到或超过将来ILC实验的测量精度.  相似文献   

TC2模型是高能物理研究热点之一,而top-Higgs粒子是TC2模型的一个特征粒子.文章对top-Higgs为中间态的在欧洲核子中心的大型强子对撞机上顶夸克对产生过程进行了计算.研究结果表明,在一些数合理的参数空间内,这个过程的散射截面和标准模型顶夸克对产生截面的比值达到了1%的量级,修正效果比较明显.因此,这个反映...  相似文献   

带有单个电荷和双电荷的希格斯玻色子(H±和H±±)是希格斯三重态模型中的特征粒子.主要研究在高能直线对撞机上带电的希格斯玻色子与W玻色子的联合产生过程:e+e-→W+H+H--.计算了该过程的产生截面、末态粒子的横动量和快度的分布,并分析了标准模型的背景.结果表明,产生截面在一定的参数空间内可以达到几个飞靶的量级.只要带电希格斯玻色子的质量不是很大,在未来的高能直线对撞机上实验中可以通过该过程探测到这些带电希格斯玻色子的信号.  相似文献   

带双个电荷的希格斯玻色子(H5±±)是Georgi-Machacek(GM)模型预测的典型粒子,它们的衰变方式取决于三重态真空期望值的大小.研究了它们在国际直线对撞机(ILC)上通过双玻色子信号的产生过程.数值结果表明,只要双电荷希格斯玻色子的质量不是太大,在未来的ILC实验上可以观测到它们的信号.同时也对信号和相关标准模型背景进行了简单的唯象分析.  相似文献   

TC2模型是目前人们比较关注的新物理模型,该模型存在新的味改变耦合.本文在LHC上,研究了TC2模型对tb产生过程的贡献.研究表明,TC2模型会对tb产生过程有较大的贡献.随着LHC的运行,我们有望通过该过程发现TC2模型存在的信号,从而为该模型检验提供依据.  相似文献   

在左右双Higgs模型(LRTH)中,研究了单个顶夸克在大型强子-电子对撞机上通过e+b→veT和γb→W-T过程的产生.对于顶夸克主要的衰变模式T→+b→tbb,这两个过程会分别产生3b+l+ET和3b+2l+ET的末态信号.当电子能量Ee=500GeV,质子能量取Ep=7TeV时,发现产生截面在顶夸克质量小于600GeV时会达到几十fb.也对T→W+b的衰变模式进行了唯像分析.  相似文献   

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