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An efficient transformation method mediated by PEG-protoplasts was developed for the newly commercial edible mushroom Pleu-rotus nebrodensis. Two plasmids were used to co-transform protoplasts of P. nebrodensis. One plasmid is pAN7-1 containing a positive selectable marker gene hph conferring hygromycin B resistance. Another plasmid is pBIue-GFP containing a reporter gene gfp conferring green fluorescent protein. PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that hph gene or/and gfp gene were integrated into the genome of P.nebrodensis transformants. The transformation efficiency of the positive selectable marker gene hph was 3 transformants per microgram of plasmid pAN7-1 DNA, which was about 30 times higher than that previously reported in thoroughly studied Pleurotus species such as Pleurotus ostreatus. The transformation efficiency of the reporter gene gfp was 9 transformants per microgram of plasmid pBlu-GFP DNA. The co-transformation efficiency was 23.68%. This is the first report that a "reporter" gene, green fluorescent protein gene can be successfully stably expressed in this Pleurotus species.  相似文献   

Transgenic Phytophthora sojae strains that produce green fluorescent protein (GFP) were obtained after stable DNA integration using the Hsp70 promoter and the Ham34 terminator of Bremia lactucae. The expression of GFP during different developmental stages of P. sojae was observed using fluorescent microscopy. Based on this reporter system, the histopathologic events caused by the pathogen in soybean leaves, hypocotyls and roots were monitored. Meanwhile, the difference in resistance between different soybean cultivars against P. sojae was analyzed microscopically in roots. The results indicate that GFP can be stably expressed in zoosporangia, zoospores, cysts, hyphae and oospores of P. sojae. Using the GFP marker, the infecting pathogens in leaves, hypocotyls and roots of host could be distinctly visualized. The germ tube length of cysts germinating on the roots of resistant cultivar Nannong 8848 was longer than that on the roots of susceptible cultivar Hefeng 35. These results show for the first time that this eukaryotic reporter can be used in P. sojae as a stable and vital marker, allowing the study of genetics of this hemibiotrophic pathogen.  相似文献   

vasa gene expression pattern during oogenesis of zebrafish was examined usingin situ hybridization and fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR. During zebrafish oogensis,vasa mRNA is expressed strongly and uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm in stage II oocytes, followed by a distribution among vacuome in stage III. Later in stage IV and V,vasa mRNA is enriched at the cortex and finally localized at the cortex. The fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR shows that the quantity ofvasa mRNA decreases from stage II to stage III, but remains relatively invariable from stage III to stage V. The observed differences invasa mRNA expression in the different stages of zebrafish oogenesis suggest thatvasa gene plays an important role during oogenesis. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30370744, 30150005) Biography: XIANG Fang (1979-), male, Master candidate, research direction: molecular development of animals.  相似文献   

响应面法优化杏鲍菇粗多糖提取工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究杏鲍菇粗多糖提取的最佳工艺,以杏鲍菇新鲜子实体为试验材料,采用传统的水浴加热法从提取时间、料液比、提取温度等方面分析影响杏鲍菇粗多糖提取效率的因素,并利用中心组合试验设计(box-behnken design,BBD)进行了响应面分析,得到其最佳工艺条件:提取温度为47℃,提取时间为4.9h,料液比为1∶19(g/mL),其中提取温度对粗多糖提取率的影响最大,其次是料液比,最后是提取时间。在该条件下,杏鲍菇粗多糖得率达到极大值5.66%,与实际验证值接近。由此可知,利用响应面法优化杏鲍菇粗多糖的提取工艺合理可行,可为水提杏鲍菇粗多糖的工业化应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

构建了GFP-mut2的植物表达载体。在农杆菌的介导下使GFP-mut2基因整合到甜菊核基因组中并得到了表达,从而建立了以绿色荧光蛋白基因为报告的基因的根癌农杆菌介导的甜菊转基因系统。为今后构建GFP融合蛋白及分析相关蛋白的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

LSD1-related proteins of Arabidopsis with LSDl-like zinc finger domains regulate disease resistance and programmed cell death (PCD). We cloned a rice OsLOL2 gene, orthologous to LSD1 of Arabidopsis and expressed it in a tobacco plant. Transgenic tobacco lines displayed enhanced disease resistance to a virulent bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Pst). RT-PCR analysis showed that overexpression of OsLOL2 in transgenic tobacco lines resulted in upregulation of two pathogenesis-related (PR) protein genes, PR2 and PR5. Our results suggest that overexpression of OsLOL2 in transgenic tobacco enhances the resistance through the induction of PR proteins and hypersensitive response-like reaction.  相似文献   

以金针菇和杏鲍菇为原料,选择菌菇质量比、大豆蛋白添加量、玉米淀粉添加量、卡拉胶添加量等四个因素设计单因素及正交实验,通过感官评定确定金针菇杏鲍菇素肠的最佳工艺条件,同时分析其硬度、弹性和咀嚼性等指标。金针菇杏鲍菇素肠的最佳制作配方:金针菇与杏鲍菇质量比3:3、大豆蛋白6 g、玉米淀粉18 g、卡拉胶1.6 g。该条件下制得的金针菇杏鲍菇素肠组织紧密,有弹性,具有适宜的金针菇和杏鲍菇香气,咸香可口。  相似文献   

Serum resistance-associated (SRA) protein, a protein unique for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, is responsible for resistance of this parasite to the lysis by normal human serum (NHS) and is a vital molecular marker to distinguish this species from other African trypanosomes. We cloned and sequenced the SRA basic copy (SRAbc) gene from T. b. rhodesiense and related species and found that this gene is confined to the subgenus Trypanozoon. The average 82% identity among the sequenced SRAbc genes indicates that they may have a common origin and are highly conserved. Since SRAbc coexists in the T. b. rhodesiense genome with SRA, we propose that SRAbc might be the ‘donor VSG’, which after duplication became inserted into the expression site by recombination. Under natural selection, SRAbc could reform into SRA following mosaic formation. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 30570245, 30670275), Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (Grant No. DPCKSCU/IRT0447), International Foundation for Science of Sweden (Grant No. B/4318-1), Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Grant No. Z60220518) and Education Foundation of the Czech Republic (Grant No. 2B06129)  相似文献   

A silkworm gene for fibroin was introduced into the upland cotton WC line by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. PCR detection for fibroin, nptII and gus genes, Kanamycin (Km)-resistance analysis and GUS-histochemical assay were conducted on 30 regenerated plants from 9 callus lines, and 17 positive plants were obtained by these 5 screening methods. By Km-resistance analysis and PCR for fibroin, 6 homozygous lines in T3 were obtained. Southern blot and Northern bolt demonstrated that the fibroin gene was inserted into the genome of these 6 lines, stably inherited and expressed. Compared to the control, the surface structure of mature fiber in the 6 lines was significantly distorted and an increased number of convolution was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fiber quality traits analysis indicated that fiber elongation of the 6 homozygous lines was all increased and fiber strength of 3 lines was enhanced. These results indicated that fibroin expression influenced cotton fiber structure and quality, suggesting that fibroin has great potential for improving cotton fiber quality by genetic engineering. Supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA100105), Science & Technology Pillar Program of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. BE2008310) and Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (Grant No. B08025) Contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Rice plant architecture is an important agronomic trait that affects the grain yield. To understand the molecular mechanism that controls plant architecture, a tillering dwarf mutant with darker-green leaves derived from an indica cultivar IR64 treated with EMS is characterized. The mutant, designated as tddl(t), is nonallelic to the known tiilering dwarf mutants. It is controlled by one recessive nuclear gene, TDDL(T), and grouped into the dn-type dwarfism according to Takeda's definition. The dwarfism of the mutant is independent of gibberellic acid based on the analyses of two GA-mediated processes. The independence of brassinosteroid (BR) and naphthal-3-acetic acid (NAA) of the tddl(t) mutant, together with the decreased size of parenchyma cells in the vascular bundle, indicates that the TDDL(7) gene might participate in another hormone pathway. TDDL(T) is fine mapped within an 85.51 kb region on the long arm of rice chromosome 4, where 20 ORFs are predicted by RiceGAAS (http://ricegaas.dna.affrc. go.jp/rgadb/). Further cloning of TDDL(T) will benefit both marker assisted selection (MAS) of plant architecture and dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying tillering dwarf in rice.  相似文献   

为探讨家鸽、毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜组织结构与其生活环境适应的关系,用光镜观察了3种动物视网膜的组织结构,测量了3种动物视网膜各层厚度、3个核层的胞核层数及胞核直径。用免疫组化观察了Nogo C蛋白在3中动物视网膜的表达情况。结果表明:家鸽、毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜均由4层细胞构成,在显微镜下分为10层。家鸽、毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜平均厚度分别为416.29、437.90、419.36μm。毛腿沙鸡视网膜内核层和节细胞层的层数比家鸽和灰斑鸠的多,视细胞数亦较家鸽和灰斑鸠的多。毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠视网膜内核层、内网层、节细胞层和神经纤维层4层厚度所占总厚度比例(分别为69.77%、68.05%)要比家鸽(49.97%)的高。表明毛腿沙鸡具有比家鸽和灰斑鸠更强的视觉分辨能力和对强光的适应能力,毛腿沙鸡和灰斑鸠的视神经要比家鸽的发达。Nogo C蛋白在正常状态下视网膜中的表达可能发挥某些特定的生理作用,但还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

针对抗菌肽的生物活性、重组表达系统以及分子改造设计进行了回顾总结,提出了抗菌肽研究及技术开发领域目前存在的问题,包括抗菌活性较弱、生物合成效率不高、选择性差等。同时提出分子改造是提高抗菌活性和选择性的有效策略,而优化重组表达系统是提高生物合成效率的关键途径。认为针对抗菌肽的研究和开发,一方面会深化人类对于抗菌肽的结构与抗菌性、选择性、毒性关系的认识,深化对重组表达系统关键步骤及调控机理的认识,具有显著的科学意义;另一方面,由于抗菌肽独特的抗菌机制,不易产生耐药性,对抗菌肽的研发将会大大推动其在药品、食品、化妆品、饲料等领域的应用。  相似文献   

CCT转录因子在调控植物花期、生长发育及抗非生物胁迫等方面发挥着重要的功能。本研究以拟南芥AtCCT基因家族为参考序列,利用本地BLAST并结合保守结构域等生物信息学工具,筛选出苦荞FtCCT基因家族成员,并对其理化性质、染色体分布、基因结构、系统进化及表达水平进行分析。结果显示:从苦荞中共鉴定出35个FtCCT基因,含1-8个内含子;编码蛋白有117-753个氨基酸残基,等电点为4.96-9.51,均为亲水性蛋白。染色体定位分析表明,这些基因在8条染色体上均有分布。苦荞FtCCT基因家族含有10个保守基序和5个保守结构域,且都含有CCT保守结构域。系统进化分析表明,苦荞的FtCCT基因家族与拟南芥一样可分为3个亚家族,其中CMF亚家族的成员最多。35个FtCCT基因在苦荞根、茎、叶和花中的表达水平具有差异性,在叶和花中具有高表达量的成员较多,只有少数的成员在根和茎中高表达。本研究为进一步解析CCT基因调控苦荞花期及生长发育奠定基础。  相似文献   

生物钟基因clock(Clk)和cryptochrome(Cry)参与生物内在节律调控。克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarbii)是我国重要的水产养殖经济虾类,为探究温度、光照对克氏原螯虾生长及其生物钟基因PcClkPcCry1节律振荡表达的影响,采用实时定量PCR技术探讨克氏原螯虾PcClkPcCry1基因在脑、眼柄和肝胰腺组织中的mRNA表达模式,并探讨PcClkPcCry1基因在温度和光照周期适应过程中是否发生适应性进化。荧光定量PCR检测结果显示,克氏原螯虾的PcClk基因和PcCry1基因在脑、眼柄和肝胰腺中均有表达。在不同光照周期培养下,PcClk基因和PcCry1基因在脑、眼柄中的mRNA表达有一定的振荡节律,在25℃、12 LD的培养模式下,脑中PcClk基因和PcCry1基因mRNA表达的节律性会更明显。选择压力分析显示,经PAML和Datamonkey共同筛选出的PcCLK正选择位点为71与213,PcCRY1正选择位点为63。以上结果表明,克氏原螯虾生物钟基因PcClkPcCry1受到了选择压力,克氏原螯虾PcClk基因和PcCry1基因是内源性的节律基因。  相似文献   

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