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Neural correlates of decision variables in parietal cortex.   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
M L Platt  P W Glimcher 《Nature》1999,400(6741):233-238
Decision theory proposes that humans and animals decide what to do in a given situation by assessing the relative value of each possible response. This assessment can be computed, in part, from the probability that each action will result in a gain and the magnitude of the gain expected. Here we show that the gain (or reward) a monkey can expect to realize from an eye-movement response modulates the activity of neurons in the lateral intraparietal area, an area of primate cortex that is thought to transform visual signals into eye-movement commands. We also show that the activity of these neurons is sensitive to the probability that a particular response will result in a gain. When animals can choose freely between two alternative responses, the choices subjects make and neuronal activation in this area are both correlated with the relative amount of gain that the animal can expect from each response. Our data indicate that a decision-theoretic model may provide a powerful new framework for studying the neural processes that intervene between sensation and action.  相似文献   

Hoshi E  Tanji J 《Nature》2000,408(6811):466-470
To plan an action, we must first select an object to act on and the body part (or parts) to use to accomplish our intention. To plan the motor task of reaching, we specify both the target to reach for and the arm to use. In the process of planning and preparing a motor task, information about the motor target and the arm to use must be integrated before a motor program can be formulated to generate the appropriate limb movement. One of the structures in the brain that is probably involved in integrating these two sets of information is the premotor area in the cerebral cortex of primates. The lateral sector of the dorsal premotor cortex is known to receive both visual and somatosensory input, and we show here that neurons in this area gather information about both the target and the body part, while subsequent activity specifies the planned action.  相似文献   

Current views of the visual system assume that the primate brain analyses form and motion along largely independent pathways; they provide no insight into why form is sometimes interpreted as motion. In a series of psychophysical and electrophysiological experiments in humans and macaques, here we show that some form information is processed in the prototypical motion areas of the superior temporal sulcus (STS). First, we show that STS cells respond to dynamic Glass patterns, which contain no coherent motion but suggest a path of motion. Second, we show that when motion signals conflict with form signals suggesting a different path of motion, both humans and monkeys perceive motion in a compromised direction. This compromise also has a correlate in the responses of STS cells, which alter their direction preferences in the presence of conflicting implied motion information. We conclude that cells in the prototypical motion areas in the dorsal visual cortex process form that implies motion. Estimating motion by combining motion cues with form cues may be a strategy to deal with the complexities of motion perception in our natural environment.  相似文献   

Brain machine interfaces (BMIs) have demonstrated lots of successful arm-related reach decoding in past decades, which provide a new hope for restoring the lost motor functions for the disabled. On the other hand, the more sophisticated hand grasp movement, which is more fundamental and crucial for daily life, was less referred. Current state of arts has specified some grasp related brain areas and offline decoding results; however, online decoding grasp movement and real-time neuroprosthetic control have not been systematically investigated. In this study, we obtained neural data from the dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) when monkey reaching and grasping one of four differently shaped objects following visual cues. The four grasp gesture types with an additional resting state were classified asynchronously using a fuzzy k-nearest neighbor model, and an artificial hand was controlled online using a shared control strategy. The results showed that most of the neurons in PMd are tuned by reach and grasp movement, us- ing which we get a high average offline decoding accuracy of 97.1%. In the online demonstration, the instantaneous status of monkey grasping could be extracted successfully to control the artificial hand, with an event-wise accuracy of 85.1%. Overall, our results inspect the neural firing along the time course of grasp and for the first time enables asynchronous neural control of a prosthetic hand, which underline a feasible hand neural prosthesis in BMIs.  相似文献   

Jancke D  Chavane F  Naaman S  Grinvald A 《Nature》2004,428(6981):423-426
Exploring visual illusions reveals fundamental principles of cortical processing. Illusory motion perception of non-moving stimuli was described almost a century ago by Gestalt psychologists. However, the underlying neuronal mechanisms remain unknown. To explore cortical mechanisms underlying the 'line-motion' illusion, we used real-time optical imaging, which is highly sensitive to subthreshold activity. We examined, in the visual cortex of the anaesthetized cat, responses to five stimuli: a stationary small square and a long bar; a moving square; a drawn-out bar; and the well-known line-motion illusion, a stationary square briefly preceding a long stationary bar presentation. Whereas flashing the bar alone evoked the expected localized, short latency and high amplitude activity patterns, presenting a square 60-100 ms before a bar induced the dynamic activity patterns resembling that of fast movement. The preceding square, even though physically non-moving, created gradually propagating subthreshold cortical activity that must contribute to illusory motion, because it was indistinguishable from cortical representations of real motion in this area. These findings demonstrate the effect of spatio-temporal patterns of subthreshold synaptic potentials on cortical processing and the shaping of perception.  相似文献   

Neural correlates of perceptual motion coherence.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
G R Stoner  T D Albright 《Nature》1992,358(6385):412-414
The motions of overlapping contours in a visual scene may arise from the physical motion(s) of either a single or multiple surface(s). A central problem facing the visual motion system is that of assigning the most likely interpretation. The rules underlying this perceptual decision can be explored using a visual stimulus formed by superimposing two moving gratings. The resultant percept is either that of a single coherently moving 'plaid pattern' (coherent motion) or of the two component gratings sliding noncoherently across one another (noncoherent motion). When plaid patterns are configured to mimic one transparent grating overlying another, the percept of noncoherent motion dominates. We now report that neurons in the visual cortex of rhesus monkeys exhibit changes in direction tuning that parallel this perceptual phenomenon: sensitivity to the motions of the component gratings is enhanced under conditions that favour the perception of noncoherent motion. These results challenge models of cortical visual processing that fail to take into account the contribution of figural image segmentation cues to the analysis of visual motion.  相似文献   

Neural synchrony correlates with surface segregation rules   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To analyse an image, the visual system must decompose the scene into its relevant parts. Identifying distinct surfaces is a basic operation in such analysis, and is believed to precede object recognition. Two superimposed gratings moving in different directions (plaid stimuli) may be perceived either as two surfaces, one being transparent and sliding on top of the other (component motion) or as a single pattern whose direction of motion is intermediate to the component vectors (pattern motion). The degree of transparency, and hence the perception, can be manipulated by changing only the luminance of the grating intersections. Here we show that neurons in two visual cortical areas--A18 and PMLS--synchronize their discharges when responding to contours of the same surface but not when responding to contours belonging to different surfaces. The amplitudes of responses correspond to previously described rate predictions for component and pattern motion, but, in contrast to synchrony, failed to reflect the transition from component to pattern motion induced by manipulating the degree of transparency. Thus, dynamic changes in synchronization could encode, in a context-dependent way, relations among simultaneous responses to spatially superimposed contours and thereby bias their association with distinct surfaces.  相似文献   

The current work examined neural substrates of perceptual grouping in human visual cortex using event-related potential (ERP) recording. Stimulus arrays consisted of local elements that were either evenly spaced (uniform stimuli) or grouped into columns or rows by proximity or color similarity (grouping stimuli). High-density ERPs were recorded while subjects identified orientations of perceptual groups in stimulus arrays that were presented randomly in one of the four quadrants of the visual field.Both uniform and grouping stimulus arrays elicited an early ERP component (C1), which peaked at about 70ms after stimulus onset and changed its polarity as a function of stimulated elevations. Dipole modeling based on realistichead boundary-element models revealed generators of the C1 component in the calcarine cortex. The C1 was modulated by perceptual grouping of local elements based on proximity, and this grouping effect was stronger in the upper than in the lower visual field. The findings provide ERP evidence for the engagement of human primary visual cortex in the early stage of perceptual grouping.  相似文献   

Neuronal correlates of parametric working memory in the prefrontal cortex.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
R Romo  C D Brody  A Hernández  L Lemus 《Nature》1999,399(6735):470-473
Humans and monkeys have similar abilities to discriminate the difference in frequency between two mechanical vibrations applied sequentially to the fingertips. A key component of this sensory task is that the second stimulus is compared with the trace left by the first (base) stimulus, which must involve working memory. Where and how is this trace held in the brain? This question was investigated by recording from single neurons in the prefrontal cortex of monkeys while they performed the somatosensory discrimination task. Here we describe neurons in the inferior convexity of the prefrontal cortex whose discharge rates varied, during the delay period between the two stimuli, as a monotonic function of the base stimulus frequency. We describe this as 'monotonic stimulus encoding', and we suggest that the result may generalize: monotonic stimulus encoding may be the basic representation of one-dimensional sensory stimulus quantities in working memory. Thus we predict that other behavioural tasks that require ordinal comparisons between scalar analogue stimuli would give rise to monotonic responses similar to those reported here.  相似文献   

Eliades SJ  Wang X 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1102-1106
Vocal communication involves both speaking and hearing, often taking place concurrently. Vocal production, including human speech and animal vocalization, poses a number of unique challenges for the auditory system. It is important for the auditory system to monitor external sounds continuously from the acoustic environment during speaking despite the potential for sensory masking by self-generated sounds. It is also essential for the auditory system to monitor feedback of one's own voice. This self-monitoring may play a part in distinguishing between self-generated or externally generatedauditory inputs and in detecting errors in our vocal production. Previous work in humans and other animals has demonstrated that the auditory cortex is largely suppressed during speaking or vocalizing. Despite the importance of self-monitoring, the underlying neural mechanisms in the mammalian brain, in particular the role of vocalization-induced suppression, remain virtually unknown. Here we show that neurons in the auditory cortex of marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) are sensitive to auditory feedback during vocal production, and that changes in the feedback alter the coding properties of these neurons. Furthermore, we found that the previously described cortical suppression during vocalization actually increased the sensitivity of these neurons to vocal feedback. This heightened sensitivity to vocal feedback suggests that these neurons may have an important role in auditory self-monitoring.  相似文献   

The ability to optimize behavioural performance when confronted with continuously evolving environmental demands is a key element of human cognition. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), which lies on the medial surface of the frontal lobes, is important in regulating cognitive control. Hypotheses about its function include guiding reward-based decision making, monitoring for conflict between competing responses and predicting task difficulty. Precise mechanisms of dACC function remain unknown, however, because of the limited number of human neurophysiological studies. Here we use functional imaging and human single-neuron recordings to show that the firing of individual dACC neurons encodes current and recent cognitive load. We demonstrate that the modulation of current dACC activity by previous activity produces a behavioural adaptation that accelerates reactions to cues of similar difficulty to previous ones, and retards reactions to cues of different difficulty. Furthermore, this conflict adaptation, or Gratton effect, is abolished after surgically targeted ablation of the dACC. Our results demonstrate that the dACC provides a continuously updated prediction of expected cognitive demand to optimize future behavioural responses. In situations with stable cognitive demands, this signal promotes efficiency by hastening responses, but in situations with changing demands it engenders accuracy by delaying responses.  相似文献   

Kepecs A  Uchida N  Zariwala HA  Mainen ZF 《Nature》2008,455(7210):227-231
Humans and other animals must often make decisions on the basis of imperfect evidence. Statisticians use measures such as P values to assign degrees of confidence to propositions, but little is known about how the brain computes confidence estimates about decisions. We explored this issue using behavioural analysis and neural recordings in rats in combination with computational modelling. Subjects were trained to perform an odour categorization task that allowed decision confidence to be manipulated by varying the distance of the test stimulus to the category boundary. To understand how confidence could be computed along with the choice itself, using standard models of decision-making, we defined a simple measure that quantified the quality of the evidence contributing to a particular decision. Here we show that the firing rates of many single neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex match closely to the predictions of confidence models and cannot be readily explained by alternative mechanisms, such as learning stimulus-outcome associations. Moreover, when tested using a delayed reward version of the task, we found that rats' willingness to wait for rewards increased with confidence, as predicted by the theoretical model. These results indicate that confidence estimates, previously suggested to require 'metacognition' and conscious awareness are available even in the rodent brain, can be computed with relatively simple operations, and can drive adaptive behaviour. We suggest that confidence estimation may be a fundamental and ubiquitous component of decision-making.  相似文献   

The current work investigated the neural correlates of visual perceptual learning in grating orientation discrimination by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) from human adults. Subjects were trained with a discrimination task of grating orientation in three consecutive training sessions within 2 h. While reaction times (RTs) were shortened gradually across training sessions, the N1 was decreased and the P2 was increased over the parietal and occipital areas. A broadly distributed P3 was increased along with more practices. In addition, the time course of learning reflected in the P2 and P3 amplitudes was in line with the changes of reaction times and exhibited a stable level during later training. The impli- cations of these results to the neural mechanisms subserving perceptual learning were discussed.  相似文献   

Familiarity and conceptual fluency belong to explicit and implicit memory respectively. Since familiar- ity and conceptual fluency co-occur at certain circum- stances and share some similarities, it is difficult to distinguish them. By using ERPs, in present study, we sought to differentiate the Dm effects, the differential neural activities due to later memory performances, of familiarity and conceptual fluency at encoding. We used ancient pictographic characters as stimuli, which were categorized as high or low meaningfulness based on the subjective ratings. In Experiment 1, conceptual fluency was observed to be induced exclusively by the repetition of relative meaningful items. In Experiment 2, Dm effects of familiarity and conceptual fluency were observed, respec- tively. In addition, the distribution of conceptual fluency Dm effects was found to be more posterior than that of familiarity Dm effects. These findings provide the disso- ciation of familiarity and conceptual fluency at encoding and further support the distinction between explicit and implicit memory.  相似文献   

系统介绍了心理理论神经机制探索领域中主要存在的分歧,并分析了可能的原因.从整体上看,该分歧定位在一个问题之上:前额叶中部与颞顶联合区,谁才是心理理论神经机制中的核心.研究范式和材料的不统一性、心理过程的不单一性、生态效度不同质性等问题可能是造成分歧的原因.  相似文献   

为解决团体操教学排练次数多、耗时长和组织难度大等问题,设计并开发团体操排练预演虚拟仿真教学实验。通过虚拟现实技术实现对排练场景和人员的3D建模,让学生可以进行团体操创编和队形设计,借助虚拟仿真方式对整个排练过程进行模拟。教学实验结果表明,该方案可以让学生掌握跑动路线、方向以及与多人协作配合等方法,提高了大型团体操表演场景的排练效率。  相似文献   

 为解决团体操教学排练次数多、耗时长和组织难度大等问题,设计并开发团体操排练预演虚拟仿真教学实验。通过虚拟现实技术实现对排练场景和人员的3D建模,让学生可以进行团体操创编和队形设计,借助虚拟仿真方式对整个排练过程进行模拟。教学实验结果表明,该方案可以让学生掌握跑动路线、方向以及与多人协作配合等方法,提高了大型团体操表演场景的排练效率。  相似文献   

Electrographic correlates of behaviour in tree frogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J A Hobson  O B Goin  C J Goin 《Nature》1968,220(5165):386-387

根据目前跨栏跑训练中学生普遍存在焦虑情绪的问题和现代跨栏技术发展的特征,运用表象训练教学法和传统训练教学法对跨栏跑训练进行对比实验,结果表明表象训练教学法的教学效果优于传统训练教学法.  相似文献   

Distribution of spatial and nonspatial information in dorsal hippocampus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Hampson RE  Simeral JD  Deadwyler SA 《Nature》1999,402(6762):610-614
The hippocampus in the mammalian brain is required for the encoding of current and the retention of past experience. Previous studies have shown that the hippocampus contains neurons that encode information required to perform spatial and nonspatial short-term memory tasks. A more detailed understanding of the functional anatomy of the hippocampus would provide important insight into how such encoding occurs. Here we show that hippocampal neurons in the rat are distributed anatomically in distinct segments along the length of the hippocampus. Each longitudinal segment contains clusters of neurons that become active when the animal performs a task with spatial attributes. Within these same segments are ordered arrangements of neurons that encode the nonspatial aspects of the task appropriate to those spatial features. Thus, anatomical segregation of spatial information, together with the interleaved representation of nonspatial information, represents a structural framework that may help to resolve conflicting views of hippocampal function.  相似文献   

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