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Convergence across biomes to a common rain-use efficiency   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Water availability limits plant growth and production in almost all terrestrial ecosystems. However, biomes differ substantially in sensitivity of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) to between-year variation in precipitation. Average rain-use efficiency (RUE; ANPP/precipitation) also varies between biomes, supposedly because of differences in vegetation structure and/or biogeochemical constraints. Here we show that RUE decreases across biomes as mean annual precipitation increases. However, during the driest years at each site, there is convergence to a common maximum RUE (RUE(max)) that is typical of arid ecosystems. RUE(max) was also identified by experimentally altering the degree of limitation by water and other resources. Thus, in years when water is most limiting, deserts, grasslands and forests all exhibit the same rate of biomass production per unit rainfall, despite differences in physiognomy and site-level RUE. Global climate models predict increased between-year variability in precipitation, more frequent extreme drought events, and changes in temperature. Forecasts of future ecosystem behaviour should take into account this convergent feature of terrestrial biomes.  相似文献   

分别测试硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐在反硝化过程中的降解速率,由于亚硝酸盐的降解速率低于硝酸盐,在此过程中会有亚硝酸盐的积累.后续的实验表明,这一降解速率的差别是因为两者反硝化菌对电子亲和力不同导致电子流的分布不同造成的.在反硝化初期,硝酸盐获得电子较多,因而其降解速率较快.当硝酸盐的质量浓度低于亚硝酸盐后,亚硝酸盐的降解速率较快,这表明电子流主要流向亚硝酸盐.  相似文献   

以硝酸铵水溶液为介质,以丙烯酰胺、丙烯酸、丙烯酸羟丙酯和甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯为原料,通过自由基聚合制得高负载硝酸铵水凝胶.研究了负载硝酸铵水凝胶的缓释效果,结果表明,甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯用量和负载率对硝酸铵释放速率具有较大的影响.用红外光谱(IR)和电子扫描电镜(SEM)对负载硝酸铵水凝胶的结构进行了表征.  相似文献   

为揭示典型滨海湿地沉积物中硝态氮还原特征与规律,以长江入海口崇明东滩湿地为对象,采集不同季节和植被条件下(芦苇、互花米草、互花米草-芦苇混合区与光滩)沉积物,借助15N同位素稀释技术,测定反硝化(Den)与硝态氮氨化(DNRA)速率的变化,探讨两者的相对重要性特征。结果表明:①冬季,互花米草群落沉积物Den速率达31.29 μg/(kg·h),显著高于其他植物群落及光滩(P<0.05),但其在春、夏、秋季最低,仅为2.35~3.36 μg/(kg·h)。表明,冬季可能是互花米草群落沉积物氮素Den逸失高峰期。②春、冬季节光滩带沉积物DNRA速率(>120 μg/(kg·h))明显高于有植被沉积物(<80 μg/(kg·h))。然而,从不同植物群落看来,互花米草群落DNRA速率显著高于其他植物群落及光滩(P<0.05)。相比较而言,夏、秋季节光滩带沉积物DNRA速率显著低于其他植物群落,但其他3个植物群落之间并没有显著差异。表明,春、冬季节互花米草群落更有利于沉积物NO-3的氨化。③春、夏、秋3个季节,互花米草群落沉积物DNRA与Den速率的比值(17~29)显著高于其他植物群落(1~14),然而,其在冬季显著低于其他植物群落(P<0.05)。显然,DNRA过程主导着滨海湿地沉积物中NO-3的还原。就植物调控策略而言,减控互花米草有助于湿地富营养化和N2O排放的控制。  相似文献   

文章建立了基桩桩顶受到水平瞬态荷载的动力学模型和数学模型;通过Laplace变换解析地求出频率域内桩土系统的传递函数,引入δ矩阵表示传递函数解决了高频部分精度损失的问题,得到了桩顶横向振动速度和位移的频域表达式,再进一步通过快速Fourier逆变换得到时域内速度和位移的表达式;绘制出不同参数下频域内的速度导纳曲线和时域内速度、位移曲线,并分析了曲线的特性以及各参数对曲线的影响。  相似文献   

为解决内爆炸荷载作用下地下隧道的动力响应,在经典弹性理论的基础上,建立了圆柱壳在内部冲击爆炸荷载作用下的动力平衡方程,对爆炸荷载经过傅里叶展开以及对动力平衡方程的拉普拉斯变换,得到了内部冲击荷载作用下各向异性圆柱壳体动力反应问题的解析解。通过简化分析,得到了一种精度较高的简化计算方法。计算结果表明,对于圆柱壳内爆炸,挠度幅值在集中装药爆炸点的周围达到峰值;随着距该点距离的增加,挠度幅值减小,圆柱壳周围的土介质使振动产生较大幅度的衰减。计算结果可直接应用于圆柱形壳体和地铁隧道内部爆炸动力分析及地铁隧道内爆炸条件下冲击波的传播规律研究与计算。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨全球变暖及人为活动加速背景下,重金属对滨海湿地氮素转化的影响,揭示湿地沉积物中镉(Cd)含量及其形态变化对沉积物反硝化(Den)和硝态氮氨化(DNRA)强度及二者相对重要性(QDNRA/Den)的影响。【方法】采集崇明东滩湿地3种覆被(芦苇、互花米草和光滩)类型下的沉积物,外源添加不同剂量的Cd,借助15N同位素示踪技术观测沉积物Den和DNRA强度的变化,分析不同含量及形态Cd的影响。【结果】添加低剂量Cd(0.05~0.30 mg/kg)条件下,3种覆被类型沉积物的QDNRA/Den均明显升高(6.9%~53.4%),硝态氮的还原趋向DNRA途径。相比较而言,互花米草植被下沉积物的QDNRA/Den高出芦苇3.1~5.4倍。这表明,互花米草植被可能加速沉积物中硝态氮通过DNRA途径还原。此外,芦苇植被下沉积物Den、DNRA强度主要受可交换态和可还原态Cd的影响,但互花米草植被下主要为可氧化态Cd。【结论】滨海湿地沉积物中低剂量Cd刺激硝态氮的还原趋向DNRA途径,影响沉积物Den、DNRA强度的Cd形态因覆被类型不同而存在明显差异。  相似文献   

The jetting and cementing bucket platform (JCBP) is a new type offshore oil-drilling platform. This paper aims to establish an analysis method for calculating the dynamic response of this platform. Based on the theory of elastic half space, the dynamic stiffness and damping of the platform' s foundation were obtained and attached to the end of the platform' s main jackets as a boundary condition. Then using finite element method (FEM), the dynamic response of the platform due to wave and current loading was calculated. Furthermore, the whole platform' s finite element model was established and the dynamic response of the platform was calculated. The numerical results demonstrate that the present method by the usage of elastic half space theory and FEM is simple and it is reliable and efficient to calculate dynamic behavior of the platform in response to wave and current loading.  相似文献   

A statistical study of magnetic fluctuations near the front boundaries of magnetic clouds is approached with the method of Minimum Variance Analysis, based on the data of Imp8 and Wind spacecraft. New discoveries are that (1) fluctuation anisotropy tends to increase across the front boundaries of magnetic clouds; (2) there is a good correlation between the fluctuation anisotropy and the geomagnetic activity indices; and (3) in some cases, although there is southward field component immediately after the front boundary, Kp index descends (or Dst index ascends) with a corresponding decrease of the fluctuation anisotropy; in other cases with no distinct southward field component, Kp index ascends (or Dst index descends) with a corresponding increase of the fluctuation anisotropy. Thus we suggest that the fluctuation anisotropy might be a useful indicator in diagnosing the magnetic activities of magnetic clouds.  相似文献   

Attributing physical and biological impacts to anthropogenic climate change   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Significant changes in physical and biological systems are occurring on all continents and in most oceans, with a concentration of available data in Europe and North America. Most of these changes are in the direction expected with warming temperature. Here we show that these changes in natural systems since at least 1970 are occurring in regions of observed temperature increases, and that these temperature increases at continental scales cannot be explained by natural climate variations alone. Given the conclusions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely to be due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, and furthermore that it is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent except Antarctica, we conclude that anthropogenic climate change is having a significant impact on physical and biological systems globally and in some continents.  相似文献   

Methane is an important greenhouse gas, and its atmospheric concentration has nearly tripled since pre-industrial times. The growth rate of atmospheric methane is determined by the balance between surface emissions and photochemical destruction by the hydroxyl radical, the major atmospheric oxidant. Remarkably, this growth rate has decreased markedly since the early 1990s, and the level of methane has remained relatively constant since 1999, leading to a downward revision of its projected influence on global temperatures. Large fluctuations in the growth rate of atmospheric methane are also observed from one year to the next, but their causes remain uncertain. Here we quantify the processes that controlled variations in methane emissions between 1984 and 2003 using an inversion model of atmospheric transport and chemistry. Our results indicate that wetland emissions dominated the inter-annual variability of methane sources, whereas fire emissions played a smaller role, except during the 1997-1998 El Ni?o event. These top-down estimates of changes in wetland and fire emissions are in good agreement with independent estimates based on remote sensing information and biogeochemical models. On longer timescales, our results show that the decrease in atmospheric methane growth during the 1990s was caused by a decline in anthropogenic emissions. Since 1999, however, they indicate that anthropogenic emissions of methane have risen again. The effect of this increase on the growth rate of atmospheric methane has been masked by a coincident decrease in wetland emissions, but atmospheric methane levels may increase in the near future if wetland emissions return to their mean 1990s levels.  相似文献   

针对我国许多露天矿炸药消耗大、矿石成本高、爆破效果不十分理想的问题,以本钢南芬露天矿为对象,通过改善装药结构,进行气体间隔器在中深孔干孔的间隔试验应用和中深孔水孔的间隔实验研究.结果表明:间隔装药爆破法不仅可以提高爆破质量和铲装效率,还能降低炸药单耗,从而降低矿石生产成本,若采用中间间隔装药,效果会更好.该成果对其它类似矿山具有一定的参考价值和工程实践意义.  相似文献   

【目的】分析自然和人为活动加速影响下沿海湿地土壤碳氮比变化对硝态氮还原过程的影响。【方法】以崇明东滩典型滨海湿地为例,采集4种不同覆被类型下沉积物样品,添加C6H12O6或KNO3溶液,使沉积物有机碳与硝态氮比例($C/NO_3^--N$)增大30%和减小30%,借助 15N同位素稀释技术,研究反硝化(Den)与硝态氮氨化(DNRA)的变化特征。【结果】$C/NO_3^--N$的升高或降低均引起芦苇和互花米草覆被下沉积物Den和DNRA速率的显著下降(P<0.05)。芦苇覆被下Den速率从原土的10.1 μg/(kg·h)降至1.0~3.1 μg /(kg·h),互花米草覆被下Den速率从原土的3.4 μg /(kg·h)降至0.3~0.4 μg /(kg·h)。相比较而言,芦苇植被下DNRA速率从原土的21.9 μg /(kg·h)降至12.7~14.5 μg /(kg·h),互花米草覆被下从原土的42.6 μg /(kg·h)降至3.1~5.8 μg /(kg·h)。【结论】4种覆被下沉积物DNRA/Den值均大于1,表明DNRA是湿地硝态氮还原的主要途径。与$C/NO_3^--N$减小相比,$C/NO_3^--N$增大使$NO_3^--N$的还原更趋向DNRA过程。崇明东滩湿地$C/NO_3^--N$的波动(±30%)可能并不会导致沉积物N2O排放的显著增加。  相似文献   

采用行为观察和生化检测相结合的方法,研究了小鼠长期饮用不同剂量的硝酸钐溶液对其学习记忆力、脑内单胺类神经递质含量及一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)活力的影响.结果表明:随着硝酸钐浓度的增高,小鼠的学习记忆能力下降,脑内多巴胺(DA)和5-羟基色胺(5-HT)含量减少,NOS活性降低.提示饮用50 mg/L的硝酸钐溶液对小鼠的学习记忆能力有明显的损伤作用,而且这种作用可能与脑内单胺类神经递质含量的降低和一氧化氮合成酶活力的降低有关.  相似文献   

【目的】研究多品种海棠初花期物候特征,探究花期与温度的内在联系,并在品种水平上揭示花期稳定性差异及变化规律。【方法】使用67个海棠品种的4年初花期物候数据对多品种海棠初花期稳定性进行分析,并使用多年的气象数据对多品种海棠初花期群组物候标准偏差(σ)的计算结果进行研究。【结果】2014—2016年多品种海棠初花期日期顺序与2013年的初花期均有较高的相关性。晚花期品种的σ值大于早、中花期σ值。早花期品种群与中花期品种群的σ值和开花前一年10月1日至12月1日期间小于6 ℃的天数呈显著负相关(P<0.05),而晚花期品种群σ值与开花前一年10月1日至开花当年2月1日期间小于4 ℃(P<0.05)及开花前一年10月1日至开花当年3月1日期间小于4 ℃(P<0.05)的天数呈显著负相关。【结论】低温对于海棠初花期稳定性有着重要影响:一方面,早、中花期品种相对于晚花期品种而言对低温需求更大,且休眠时间限制更加严格;另一方面,晚花期品种间初花期顺序的稳定性更低。  相似文献   

湾流及其邻近海域中尺度涡统计特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了得到中尺度涡的特征,综合利用1993-2012年共20a的卫星高度计资料及Argo浮标资料等,对湾流及其邻近海域的中尺度涡特征进行统计,并采用合成方法对涡的三维结构特征进行分析。结果表明:该海域气旋涡(CE)和反气旋涡(AE)的平均生命史及平均半径十分相近;湾流主体段与延续段的涡动能(EKE)、涡能量密度(EI)和涡度明显大于其他区域,气旋涡平均强度大于反气旋涡;对于生命周期内的长周期涡,半径和EKE的变化幅度较大,EI和涡度的变化较小;涡以西向移动为主,平均移速3.2cm/s;长周期气旋涡和反气旋涡均具有向赤道移动的特征;在垂直剖面上,气旋涡(反气旋涡)存在2个温度负(正)异常结构和上下2个盐度负(正)异常结构,涡对海水温盐的垂向影响可达1km以上。  相似文献   

Lake eutrophication and its ecosystem response   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
China is a country with many lakes, about one-third of which are freshwater mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Currently most of the lakes are mesotrophic or eutrophic. Lake eutrophication has become one of the major ecological and environmental problems faced by lakes in China and can lead to a series of abnormal ecosystem responses, including extinction of submerged plants, frequent occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms, increased microbial biomass and productivity, decreased biodiversity, accelerated cycles, and a change in the efficient use of nutrients. With development of eutrophication, the whole lake ecosystem suffers decreased biodiversity, simplification of biotic community structure, instability of the ecosystem, and ultimately the clear-water, macrophyte-dominated ecosystem gradually shifts to a turbid-water, algae-dominated ecosystem. This ecosystem succession mechanism is speculated to be caused by different nutrient utilization efficiencies of macrophytes and phytoplankton. The ultimate ecosystem succession trend of seriously eutrophic lakes is that a phytoplankton-dominated autotrophic lake shifts to a heterotrophic lake dominated by micro-organisms, protozoans.  相似文献   

【目的】揭示兴安落叶松林缘更新与土壤特性及小气候因子的深层次关系。【方法】在测定兴安落叶松林缘天然更新状况、小气候因子及土壤理化性质的基础上,用单因素方差分析与相关性分析法研究了兴安落叶松林缘天然更新指数与土壤理化性质及小气候因子的相关性。【结果】①距离林缘0 m处的样带更新指数最大,距离林缘20、40、60 m的3条样带更新指数变化不大且趋于平稳。②兴安落叶松林缘的光合有效辐射和空气温度显著大于林内。③林缘的土壤养分高于林内,林缘土壤pH小于林内。④通过主成分分析法得到影响兴安落叶松林缘更新的主要因子为土壤含水率、土壤有机质和光合有效辐射,通过多元线性回归分析法得到影响兴安落叶松林缘更新的主要因子为土壤含水率和土壤有效磷。【结论】兴安落叶松林缘的更新效果比林内好,林缘效应对兴安落叶松林更新的影响大致在距离林缘20 m范围以内;光合有效辐射、空气温度和土壤理化性质能有效影响兴安落叶松林缘的更新,其中土壤含水率是影响兴安落叶松林缘更新的最主要因素。因此可以通过改善林缘的环境促进兴安落叶松林缘区域的更新。  相似文献   

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