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Clarke J  Wilhelm FK 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1031-1042
Superconducting circuits are macroscopic in size but have generic quantum properties such as quantized energy levels, superposition of states, and entanglement, all of which are more commonly associated with atoms. Superconducting quantum bits (qubits) form the key component of these circuits. Their quantum state is manipulated by using electromagnetic pulses to control the magnetic flux, the electric charge or the phase difference across a Josephson junction (a device with nonlinear inductance and no energy dissipation). As such, superconducting qubits are not only of considerable fundamental interest but also might ultimately form the primitive building blocks of quantum computers.  相似文献   

A hundred years after the discovery of superconductivity, one fundamental prediction of the theory, coherent quantum phase slip (CQPS), has not been observed. CQPS is a phenomenon exactly dual to the Josephson effect; whereas the latter is a coherent transfer of charges between superconducting leads, the former is a coherent transfer of vortices or fluxes across a superconducting wire. In contrast to previously reported observations of incoherent phase slip, CQPS has been only a subject of theoretical study. Its experimental demonstration is made difficult by quasiparticle dissipation due to gapless excitations in nanowires or in vortex cores. This difficulty might be overcome by using certain strongly disordered superconductors near the superconductor-insulator transition. Here we report direct observation of CQPS in a narrow segment of a superconducting loop made of strongly disordered indium oxide; the effect is made manifest through the superposition of quantum states with different numbers of flux quanta. As with the Josephson effect, our observation should lead to new applications in superconducting electronics and quantum metrology.  相似文献   

Hanson R  Awschalom DD 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1043-1049
During the past few years, researchers have gained unprecedented control over spins in the solid state. What was considered almost impossible a decade ago, in both conceptual and practical terms, is now a reality: single spins can be isolated, initialized, coherently manipulated and read out using both electrical and optical techniques. Progress has been made towards full control of the quantum states of single and coupled spins in a variety of semiconductors and nanostructures, and towards understanding the mechanisms through which spins lose coherence in these systems. These abilities will allow pioneering investigations of fundamental quantum-mechanical processes and provide pathways towards applications in quantum information processing.  相似文献   

Quantum information science involves the storage, manipulation and communication of information encoded in quantum systems, where the phenomena of superposition and entanglement can provide enhancements over what is possible classically. Large-scale quantum information processors require stable and addressable quantum memories, usually in the form of fixed quantum bits (qubits), and a means of transferring and entangling the quantum information between memories that may be separated by macroscopic or even geographic distances. Atomic systems are excellent quantum memories, because appropriate internal electronic states can coherently store qubits over very long timescales. Photons, on the other hand, are the natural platform for the distribution of quantum information between remote qubits, given their ability to traverse large distances with little perturbation. Recently, there has been considerable progress in coupling small samples of atomic gases through photonic channels, including the entanglement between light and atoms and the observation of entanglement signatures between remotely located atomic ensembles. In contrast to atomic ensembles, single-atom quantum memories allow the implementation of conditional quantum gates through photonic channels, a key requirement for quantum computing. Along these lines, individual atoms have been coupled to photons in cavities, and trapped atoms have been linked to emitted photons in free space. Here we demonstrate the entanglement of two fixed single-atom quantum memories separated by one metre. Two remotely located trapped atomic ions each emit a single photon, and the interference and detection of these photons signals the entanglement of the atomic qubits. We characterize the entangled pair by directly measuring qubit correlations with near-perfect detection efficiency. Although this entanglement method is probabilistic, it is still in principle useful for subsequent quantum operations and scalable quantum information applications.  相似文献   

Plantenberg JH  de Groot PC  Harmans CJ  Mooij JE 《Nature》2007,447(7146):836-839
Quantum computation requires quantum logic gates that use the interaction within pairs of quantum bits (qubits) to perform conditional operations. Superconducting qubits may offer an attractive route towards scalable quantum computing. In previous experiments on coupled superconducting qubits, conditional gate behaviour and entanglement were demonstrated. Here we demonstrate selective execution of the complete set of four different controlled-NOT (CNOT) quantum logic gates, by applying microwave pulses of appropriate frequency to a single pair of coupled flux qubits. All two-qubit computational basis states and their superpositions are used as input, while two independent single-shot SQUID detectors measure the output state, including qubit-qubit correlations. We determined the gate's truth table by directly measuring the state transfer amplitudes and by acquiring the relevant quantum phase shift using a Ramsey-like interference experiment. The four conditional gates result from the symmetry of the qubits in the pair: either qubit can assume the role of control or target, and the gate action can be conditioned on either the 0-state or the 1-state. These gates are now sufficiently characterized to be used in quantum algorithms, and together form an efficient set of versatile building blocks.  相似文献   

All physical implementations of quantum bits (or qubits, the logical elements in a putative quantum computer) must overcome conflicting requirements: the qubits should be manipulable through external signals, while remaining isolated from their environment. Proposals based on quantum optics emphasize optimal isolation, while those following the solid-state route exploit the variability and scalability of nanoscale fabrication techniques. Recently, various designs using superconducting structures have been successfully tested for quantum coherent operation, however, the ultimate goal of reaching coherent evolution over thousands of elementary operations remains a formidable task. Protecting qubits from decoherence by exploiting topological stability is a qualitatively new proposal that holds promise for long decoherence times, but its physical implementation has remained unclear. Here we show how strongly correlated systems developing an isolated twofold degenerate quantum dimer liquid ground state can be used in the construction of topologically stable qubits; we discuss their implementation using Josephson junction arrays. Although the complexity of their architecture challenges the technology base available today, such topological qubits greatly benefit from their built-in fault-tolerance.  相似文献   

High-power terahertz radiation from relativistic electrons   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Carr GL  Martin MC  McKinney WR  Jordan K  Neil GR  Williams GP 《Nature》2002,420(6912):153-156
Terahertz (THz) radiation, which lies in the far-infrared region, is at the interface of electronics and photonics. Narrow-band THz radiation can be produced by free-electron lasers and fast diodes. Broadband THz radiation can be produced by thermal sources and, more recently, by table-top laser-driven sources and by short electron bunches in accelerators, but so far only with low power. Here we report calculations and measurements that confirm the production of high-power broadband THz radiation from subpicosecond electron bunches in an accelerator. The average power is nearly 20 watts, several orders of magnitude higher than any existing source, which could enable various new applications. In particular, many materials have distinct absorptive and dispersive properties in this spectral range, so that THz imaging could reveal interesting features. For example, it would be possible to image the distribution of specific proteins or water in tissue, or buried metal layers in semiconductors; the present source would allow full-field, real-time capture of such images. High peak and average power THz sources are also critical in driving new nonlinear phenomena and for pump-probe studies of dynamical properties of materials.  相似文献   

Kato Y  Myers RC  Gossard AC  Awschalom DD 《Nature》2004,427(6969):50-53
A consequence of relativity is that in the presence of an electric field, the spin and momentum states of an electron can be coupled; this is known as spin-orbit coupling. Such an interaction opens a pathway to the manipulation of electron spins within non-magnetic semiconductors, in the absence of applied magnetic fields. This interaction has implications for spin-based quantum information processing and spintronics, forming the basis of various device proposals. For example, the concept of spin field-effect transistors is based on spin precession due to the spin-orbit coupling. Most studies, however, focus on non-spin-selective electrical measurements in quantum structures. Here we report the direct measurement of coherent electron spin precession in zero magnetic field as the electrons drift in response to an applied electric field. We use ultrafast optical techniques to spatiotemporally resolve spin dynamics in strained gallium arsenide and indium gallium arsenide epitaxial layers. Unexpectedly, we observe spin splitting in these simple structures arising from strain in the semiconductor films. The observed effect provides a flexible approach for enabling electrical control over electron spins using strain engineering. Moreover, we exploit this strain-induced field to electrically drive spin resonance with Rabi frequencies of up to approximately 30 MHz.  相似文献   

从导带、价带和浸润层的能级跃迁出发,采用分段模型对量子点半导体光放大器的增益和自发辐射进行了数值研究.物理模型包括自发辐射行波方程和各能级栽流子与光子数速率方程.经过大量数值计算,得到基态电子占用概率随注入光脉冲的变化,以及增益动态过程(饱和与恢复)和输出光脉冲的时域波形畸变.进一步研究了量子点光放大器自发辐射谱和增益平坦性,结果表明自发辐射功率随输入信号功率增大而减小,引入合适的钳制光,可在20nm带宽内获得小于0.3dB的增益平坦度,或者40nm带宽内小于1.0dB.  相似文献   

光子源和纠缠光子对的制备是量子信息产生和传输过程的源头,是实现量子通信的重要前提条件.半导体量子点固体系统具有可集成性和可扩展性的优点,并且与现有的半导体光电子学技术密切相关,近年来在单光子源和纠缠光子对制备方面取得了重要的进展,是未来全固态量子通信的重要元器件.从量子通信的基本原理出发,阐述了制备单光子源和纠缠光子对的重要性,介绍如何解析推导出圆形常规半导体量子点中的电子结构,描述了圆形拓扑绝缘体量子点中边缘态具有双重简并的电子结构,能级间隔与量子点的具体形状无关,并且具有自旋轨道锁定的特性,总结了实验和理论上在利用这一独特的电子结构制备单光子源和纠缠光子对方面取得的重要进展.  相似文献   

During the past few years, researchers have made significant progress on quantum information processing in gate controlled semiconductor quantum dots. We review the global research efforts, including works by our group, which provides pathways towards applications in quantum computation.  相似文献   

Silicon is more than the dominant material in the conventional microelectronics industry: it also has potential as a host material for emerging quantum information technologies. Standard fabrication techniques already allow the isolation of single electron spins in silicon transistor-like devices. Although this is also possible in other materials, silicon-based systems have the advantage of interacting more weakly with nuclear spins. Reducing such interactions is important for the control of spin quantum bits because nuclear fluctuations limit quantum phase coherence, as seen in recent experiments in GaAs-based quantum dots. Advances in reducing nuclear decoherence effects by means of complex control still result in coherence times much shorter than those seen in experiments on large ensembles of impurity-bound electrons in bulk silicon crystals. Here we report coherent control of electron spins in two coupled quantum dots in an undoped Si/SiGe heterostructure and show that this system has a nuclei-induced dephasing time of 360 nanoseconds, which is an increase by nearly two orders of magnitude over similar measurements in GaAs-based quantum dots. The degree of phase coherence observed, combined with fast, gated electrical initialization, read-out and control, should motivate future development of silicon-based quantum information processors.  相似文献   

通过外加控制场调控腔中N型四能级介质的吸收-色散关系,从而调控反射光和透射光的古斯-汉欣位移.研究表明,在没有外加弱信号控制场的电磁感应透明状态,反射光和透射光的古斯-汉欣位移完全重合;当加上弱信号控制场时,反射光的古斯-汉欣位移对信号场强度、失谐量的变化比较灵敏,可以通过外加控制场使介质在弱吸收的情况下调控古斯-汉欣位移,实现大的、负向古斯-汉欣位移.  相似文献   

随着计算机软硬件技术及超大规模集成电路技术的发展,电子设计自动化(EDA)逐渐取代了传统的电子设计方法,而成为现代电子设计的基本手段。仿真是EDA技术的典型特征,从一个既定的设计任务(16bits比较器)开始,从设计构思、在EDA仿真软件(Modelsim SE 5.6)平台上编写VHDL仿真软件、进行仿真测试等方面全面地介绍了进行系统计算机仿真的全过程。  相似文献   

The spin of a single electron subject to a static magnetic field provides a natural two-level system that is suitable for use as a quantum bit, the fundamental logical unit in a quantum computer. Semiconductor quantum dots fabricated by strain driven self-assembly are particularly attractive for the realization of spin quantum bits, as they can be controllably positioned, electronically coupled and embedded into active devices. It has been predicted that the atomic-like electronic structure of such quantum dots suppresses coupling of the spin to the solid-state quantum dot environment, thus protecting the 'spin' quantum information against decoherence. Here we demonstrate a single electron spin memory device in which the electron spin can be programmed by frequency selective optical excitation. We use the device to prepare single electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots with a well defined orientation, and directly measure the intrinsic spin flip time and its dependence on magnetic field. A very long spin lifetime is obtained, with a lower limit of about 20 milliseconds at a magnetic field of 4 tesla and at 1 kelvin.  相似文献   

以氮化镓(GaN)、碳化硅(SiC)、金刚石等为代表的第三代半导体具有大的禁带宽度、高击穿电场、高饱和电子速率、高热导率以及具有高的位移阈能,耐高温、耐辐照能力,在核装置运行监测、空间探测、高能粒子物理探测等领域具有重要的应用潜力.介绍了第三代半导体的相关性质、辐射探测器主要制备方法以及不同类型辐射探测器的研究进展,展...  相似文献   

Achermann M  Petruska MA  Kos S  Smith DL  Koleske DD  Klimov VI 《Nature》2004,429(6992):642-646
As a result of quantum-confinement effects, the emission colour of semiconductor nanocrystals can be modified dramatically by simply changing their size. Such spectral tunability, together with large photoluminescence quantum yields and high photostability, make nanocrystals attractive for use in a variety of light-emitting technologies--for example, displays, fluorescence tagging, solid-state lighting and lasers. An important limitation for such applications, however, is the difficulty of achieving electrical pumping, largely due to the presence of an insulating organic capping layer on the nanocrystals. Here, we describe an approach for indirect injection of electron-hole pairs (the electron-hole radiative recombination gives rise to light emission) into nanocrystals by non-contact, non-radiative energy transfer from a proximal quantum well that can in principle be pumped either electrically or optically. Our theoretical and experimental results indicate that this transfer is fast enough to compete with electron-hole recombination in the quantum well, and results in greater than 50 per cent energy-transfer efficiencies in the tested structures. Furthermore, the measured energy-transfer rates are sufficiently large to provide pumping in the stimulated emission regime, indicating the feasibility of nanocrystal-based optical amplifiers and lasers based on this approach.  相似文献   

半导体高功率量子阱激光器退火后的电噪声   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在环境温度和工作电流下, 对808 nm高功率量子阱激光器进行老化实验, 发现在老化过程中一些劣质器件电噪声谱密度呈下降趋势, 产生退火效应. 本文应用初始性缺陷(高温高能条件下所形成的缺陷)和非初始性缺陷理论, 探讨了器件发生退火及早期失效的原因.  相似文献   

Redl FX  Cho KS  Murray CB  O'Brien S 《Nature》2003,423(6943):968-971
Recent advances in strategies for synthesizing nanoparticles--such as semiconductor quantum dots, magnets and noble-metal clusters--have enabled the precise control of composition, size, shape, crystal structure, and surface chemistry. The distinct properties of the resulting nanometre-scale building blocks can be harnessed in assemblies with new collective properties, which can be further engineered by controlling interparticle spacing and by material processing. Our study is motivated by the emerging concept of metamaterials-materials with properties arising from the controlled interaction of the different nanocrystals in an assembly. Previous multi-component nanocrystal assemblies have usually resulted in amorphous or short-range-ordered materials because of non-directional forces or insufficient mobility during assembly. Here we report the self-assembly of PbSe semiconductor quantum dots and Fe2O3 magnetic nanocrystals into precisely ordered three-dimensional superlattices. The use of specific size ratios directs the assembly of the magnetic and semiconducting nanoparticles into AB13 or AB2 superlattices with potentially tunable optical and magnetic properties. This synthesis concept could ultimately enable the fine-tuning of material responses to magnetic, electrical, optical and mechanical stimuli.  相似文献   

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