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烧结矿中MgO作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了烧结矿中MgO对烧结液相生成、固结成矿的影响机理,以及不同镁质熔剂对固结强度的影响规律,并在此基础上进行了烧结杯实验研究.结果表明:随着烧结矿中MgO含量的增加,烧结液相开始形成温度上升,液相流动性和黏结相强度均降低;使用不同种类的镁质熔剂时,烧结黏结相强度有差异,在1 280℃和1 320℃下,使用蛇纹石时黏结相强度相对最高,其次是使用轻烧白云石的情况,而使用白云石时黏结相强度相对最低;在兼顾烧结矿产量、质量指标及冶金性能的前提下,烧结矿中适宜的MgO质量分数在1.2%左右,镁质熔剂则适宜选用白云石和蛇纹石组合或者单独使用轻烧白云石.  相似文献   

后台阶流动包含分离流重要的流动特性, 采取欧拉-拉格朗日耦合算法对后台阶分离流动中颗粒扩散运动进行数值研究. 气相场采取大涡模拟方法, 亚格子模式基于标准的Smagorinsky 模式, 颗粒相运动采取轨道法模拟. 计算所得气相的流向平均速度和平均脉动速度与实验结果吻合较好, 验证了模型和方法的正确性. 基于此, 数值分析后台阶两相流动的特性以及流场涡结构的发展和演化过程. 结果表明: 两相流中颗粒的扩散特性既受到颗粒粒径的影响, 又与颗粒和涡结构的相互作用时间有关. 后台阶流场中增加结构物时, 流场涡结构发生变化, 即与扰动源保持一定距离后, 涡数量增多, 流场中颗粒分布不均匀, 较多颗粒聚集在涡的外缘.  相似文献   

以某采空区岩体粗糙裂隙为研究对象,基于有限元软件COMSOL Multiphysics构建了三维粗糙单裂隙注浆模型,分析岩体裂隙中的浆液流动规律,研究了不同的裂隙面粗糙度、开度、注浆压力、裂隙倾角及浆液黏度影响的浆液扩散机理。结果表明,裂隙面粗糙度影响浆液的扩散面轮廓,粗糙度越大,浆液扩散阻力越大,浆液扩散各向异性越强;注浆速率与开度为二次多项式关系,裂隙开度越大,注浆速率的损失越小;注浆压力对浆液扩散轮廓的影响较弱,但改变了浆液的扩散半径,且注浆压力与扩散半径为正相关、与注浆速率呈二次多项式关系,注浆压力越大,注浆速率的损耗越低;浆液黏度并不影响其扩散的各向异性,仅改变浆液扩散的范围。研究成果表明了采空区粗糙裂隙中的浆液扩散机理,为采空区注浆范围的预测及加固决策提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Seismological studies have revealed that a complex texture or heterogeneity exists in the Earth's inner core and at the boundary between core and mantle. These studies highlight the importance of understanding the properties of iron when modelling the composition and dynamics of the core and the interaction of the core with the lowermost mantle. One of the main problems in inferring the composition of the lowermost mantle is our lack of knowledge of the high-pressure and high-temperature chemical reactions that occur between iron and the complex Mg-Fe-Si-Al-oxides which are thought to form the bulk of the Earth's lower mantle. A number of studies have demonstrated that iron can react with MgSiO3-perovskite at high pressures and high temperatures, and it was proposed that the chemical nature of this process involves the reduction of silicon by the more electropositive iron. Here we present a study of the interaction between iron and corundum (Al(2)O3) in electrically- and laser-heated diamond anvil cells at 2,000-2,200 K and pressures up to 70 GPa, simulating conditions in the Earth's deep interior. We found that at pressures above 60 GPa and temperatures of 2,200 K, iron and corundum react to form iron oxide and an iron-aluminium alloy. Our results demonstrate that iron is able to reduce aluminium out of oxides at core-mantle boundary conditions, which could provide an additional source of light elements in the Earth's core and produce significant heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

技术创新扩散系统演进机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于纳尔逊和温特关于创新的演进分析思想 ,采用系统观、演进观的分析框架 ,对技术创新扩散系统的演进过程及演进机理进行了探讨。分析了技术创新扩散过程组织与自组织演进过程 ,以及演进的内在机理和外在规定性 ,得出了有益的结论  相似文献   

水土作用的力学机理探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市建设引起水化学环境变异,水化学变异通过影响土颗粒作用力变化控制土体的稳定状态,通过建立简单的立学模型,讨论了粒间作用力变化机理,并归纳总结了粒间作用力在水化学变异环境下宏表现形式。  相似文献   

兰州市经济发展与生态环境互动作用机理研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
河谷型大城市是在地理位置较好、水土资源组合条件良好的河谷阶地地带上形成的.河谷地形的封闭性特征削弱了河谷生态环境的自净能力,使城市经济发展过程中产生的废气、工业废水和固体废弃物的环境污染效应增强,城市经济发展与生态环境的矛盾突出.本文主要应用环境库兹涅茨曲线方法分析河谷型大城市兰州市的经济发展与生态环境的互动作用机理,认为兰州市经济发展对生态环境的影响途径主要体现存经济发展对污染物排放总量、产业结构对污染物排放种类和组成以及产业布局对局地生态环境的影响等办面,而河谷生态环境也对兰州市产业结构、产业布局和经济发展过程与方向产生制约作用.  相似文献   

运用量子化学中RHF(Hartree-Fock-Roothaan)方法,利用STO-3G基组,研究红柱石晶体中各离子电荷分布及4种捕收剂与红柱石作用的键级与能量变化.经对红柱石与捕收剂成键机理分析表明,十二烷基磺酸钠为化学吸附,十二胺为物理吸附,油酸钠和羟肟酸为物理吸附与化学吸附共存. 4种捕收剂按捕收能力从强到弱的排序为:十二烷基磺酸钠>十二胺>羟肟酸>油酸钠.该排序结果与浮选试验结果一致.  相似文献   

Rost S  Garnero EJ  Williams Q  Manga M 《Nature》2005,435(7042):666-669
Recent seismological discoveries have indicated that the Earth's core-mantle boundary is far more complex than a simple boundary between the molten outer core and the silicate mantle. Instead, its structural complexities probably rival those of the Earth's crust. Some regions of the lowermost mantle have been observed to have seismic wave speed reductions of at least 10 per cent, which appear not to be global in extent. Here we present robust evidence for an 8.5-km-thick and approximately 50-km-wide pocket of dense, partially molten material at the core-mantle boundary east of Australia. Array analyses of an anomalous precursor to the reflected seismic wave ScP reveal compressional and shear-wave velocity reductions of 8 and 25 per cent, respectively, and a 10 per cent increase in density of the partially molten aggregate. Seismological data are incompatible with a basal layer composed of pure melt, and thus require a mechanism to prevent downward percolation of dense melt within the layer. This may be possible by trapping of melt by cumulus crystal growth following melt drainage from an anomalously hot overlying region of the lowermost mantle. This magmatic evolution and the resulting cumulate structure seem to be associated with overlying thermal instabilities, and thus may mark a root zone of an upwelling plume.  相似文献   

Hutko AR  Lay T  Garnero EJ  Revenaugh J 《Nature》2006,441(7091):333-336
Seismic tomography has been used to infer that some descending slabs of oceanic lithosphere plunge deep into the Earth's lower mantle. The fate of these slabs has remained unresolved, but it has been postulated that their ultimate destination is the lowermost few hundred kilometres of the mantle, known as the D' region. Relatively cold slab material may account for high seismic velocities imaged in D' beneath areas of long-lived plate subduction, and for reflections from a seismic velocity discontinuity just above the anomalously high wave speed regions. The D' discontinuity itself is probably the result of a phase change in relatively low-temperature magnesium silicate perovskite. Here, we present images of the D' region beneath the Cocos plate using Kirchhoff migration of horizontally polarized shear waves, and find a 100-km vertical step occurring over less than 100 km laterally in an otherwise flat D' shear velocity discontinuity. Folding and piling of a cold slab that has reached the core-mantle boundary, as observed in numerical and experimental models, can account for the step by a 100-km elevation of the post-perovskite phase boundary due to a 700 degrees C lateral temperature reduction in the folded slab. We detect localized low velocities at the edge of the slab material, which may result from upwellings caused by the slab laterally displacing a thin hot thermal boundary layer.  相似文献   

A class of discounted models for singular diffusion control   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A kind of discounted problems for singular diffusion control have been studied. The drift and diffusion coefficients of state process are nonlinear. The class of models has been basically extended from a corresponding one established by Karatzes et al. before. By applying some analysis methods different from earlier works, the sufficient and necessary conditions of the existence of optimal control have been obtained. If an optimal control exists, it is a “transient reflection” of state process for two lines.  相似文献   

针对定常对流扩散模型方程,在分析已有的几种计算格式的基础上,提出一种新的求精算法,从而使得收敛速度和计算结果精度得到了显著的提高。  相似文献   

煤层回采过程中,上个工作面的回风巷通常需作为接替工作面进风巷,是典型的重复采动影响巷道,受采动影响围岩破碎,对于工作面的回采存在较大隐患。针对从破碎围岩采用传统注浆加固工艺的不足,提出层次注浆工艺进行围岩加固,对其注浆加固机理进行了探讨,并对其进行了应用和效果检验。研究结果表明,浆液快速硬化的特性,使得浆液短时间内可在煤体表面形成止浆层,后期漏浆逐渐较少,浆液向深部扩散,注浆量较大,扩散半径和扩散深度均得到保证;煤体裂隙基本被浆液充满,注浆效果较好;两帮累计移近量最大约294 mm,顶底板累计移近量最大539 mm,均小于注浆前,注浆对巷道变形起到了很好的控制作用。  相似文献   

一种改进的类电磁机制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了类电磁机制算法的优化机理,改造了带电粒子受力的计算公式,引入了移动系数,从而提出了一种改进的类电磁机制算法.实验证明,改进后的算法加快了收敛速度,提高了求解精度.尤其在求解高维函数优化问题中,改进后的算法优势表现得更加明显,从而使类电磁机制算法很好地解决了高维函数优化问题.  相似文献   

服务的动态发现是分布式服务框架的一种基本要求,提出了一种实现服务动态发现的D^2发现机制,利用抽象服务的思想,把功能上同抽象服务有重叠的实际服务的信息汇集在一起,服务消费时根据请求信息和描述信息动态发现实际服务,为用户提供服务.D^2发现机制避免了动态发现服务需要的复杂语义描述,服务请求者如同使用普通服务一样访问抽象服务就可以动态地发现实际服务并访问服务功能。  相似文献   

A suggested mechanism for DNA transcription   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P A Riley 《Nature》1970,228(5271):522-525

The chemical and physical interaction mechanisms of the water mist with diffusion flame of liquid fuels are investigated.The difference of the thermograms and the thermal field isograms between ethanol flame and kerosene flame with the water mist applica-tion is explained. With the water mist application, the differences between ethanol and kerosene in heat release rate, O_2 and CO concentra-tions of their combustion products, and the temperature of their srnoke are analyzed. At the same time, the interaction mechanism of thewater mist with diffusion flame is presented and their relationship to the fuel species and to the concentration of water mist is described.  相似文献   

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