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Hedgehog signalling in the mouse requires intraflagellar transport proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins were first identified as essential factors for the growth and maintenance of flagella in the single-celled alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In a screen for embryonic patterning mutations induced by ethylnitrosourea, here we identify two mouse mutants, wimple (wim) and flexo (fxo), that lack ventral neural cell types and show other phenotypes characteristic of defects in Sonic hedgehog signalling. Both mutations disrupt IFT proteins: the wim mutation is an allele of the previously uncharacterized mouse homologue of IFT172; and fxo is a new hypomorphic allele of polaris, the mouse homologue of IFT88. Genetic analysis shows that Wim, Polaris and the IFT motor protein Kif3a are required for Hedgehog signalling at a step downstream of Patched1 (the Hedgehog receptor) and upstream of direct targets of Hedgehog signalling. Our data show that IFT machinery has an essential and vertebrate-specific role in Hedgehog signal transduction.  相似文献   

Matheny SA  Chen C  Kortum RL  Razidlo GL  Lewis RE  White MA 《Nature》2004,427(6971):256-260
The signal transduction cascade comprising Raf, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase (MEK) and MAP kinase is a Ras effector pathway that mediates diverse cellular responses to environmental cues and contributes to Ras-dependent oncogenic transformation. Here we report that the Ras effector protein Impedes Mitogenic signal Propagation (IMP) modulates sensitivity of the MAP kinase cascade to stimulus-dependent activation by limiting functional assembly of the core enzymatic components through the inactivation of KSR, a scaffold/adaptor protein that couples activated Raf to its substrate MEK. IMP is a Ras-responsive E3 ubiquitin ligase that, on activation of Ras, is modified by auto-polyubiquitination, which releases the inhibition of Raf-MEK complex formation. Thus, Ras activates the MAP kinase cascade through simultaneous dual effector interactions: induction of Raf kinase activity and derepression of Raf-MEK complex formation. IMP depletion results in increased stimulus-dependent MEK activation without alterations in the timing or duration of the response. These observations suggest that IMP functions as a threshold modulator, controlling sensitivity of the cascade to stimulus and providing a mechanism to allow adaptive behaviour of the cascade in chronic or complex signalling environments.  相似文献   

The assembly of signalling molecules into macromolecular complexes (transducisomes) provides specificity, sensitivity and speed in intracellular signalling pathways. Rod photoreceptors in the eye contain an unusual set of glutamic-acid-rich proteins (GARPs) of unknown function. GARPs exist as two soluble forms, GARP1 and GARP2, and as a large cytoplasmic domain (GARP' part) of the beta-subunit of the cyclic GMP-gated channel. Here we identify GARPs as multivalent proteins that interact with the key players of cGMP signalling, phosphodiesterase and guanylate cyclase, and with a retina-specific ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABCR), through four, short, repetitive sequences. In electron micrographs, GARPs are restricted to the rim region and incisures of discs in close proximity to the guanylate cyclase and ABCR, whereas the phosphodiesterase is randomly distributed. GARP2, the most abundant splice form, associates more strongly with light-activated than with inactive phosphodiesterase, and GARP2 potently inhibits phosphodiesterase activity. Thus, the GARPs organize a dynamic protein complex near the disc rim that may control cGMP turnover and possibly other light-dependent processes. Because there are no similar GARPs in cones, we propose that GARPs may prevent unnecessary cGMP turnover during daylight, when rods are held in saturation by the relatively high light levels.  相似文献   

Coursol S  Fan LM  Le Stunff H  Spiegel S  Gilroy S  Assmann SM 《Nature》2003,423(6940):651-654
In animals, the sphingolipid metabolite sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) functions as both an intracellular messenger and an extracellular ligand for G-protein-coupled receptors of the S1P receptor family, regulating diverse biological processes ranging from cell proliferation to apoptosis. Recently, it was discovered in plants that S1P is a signalling molecule involved in abscisic acid (ABA) regulation of guard cell turgor. Here we report that the enzyme responsible for S1P production, sphingosine kinase (SphK), is activated by ABA in Arabidopsis thaliana, and is involved in both ABA inhibition of stomatal opening and promotion of stomatal closure. Consistent with this observation, inhibition of SphK attenuates ABA regulation of guard cell inward K(+) channels and slow anion channels, which are involved in the regulation of stomatal pore size. Surprisingly, S1P regulates stomatal apertures and guard cell ion channel activities in wild-type plants, but not in knockout lines of the sole prototypical heterotrimeric G-protein alpha-subunit gene, GPA1 (refs 5, 6, 7-8). Our results implicate heterotrimeric G proteins as downstream elements in the S1P signalling pathway that mediates ABA regulation of stomatal function, and suggest that the interplay between S1P and heterotrimeric G proteins represents an evolutionarily conserved signalling mechanism.  相似文献   

The fidelity and specificity of information flow within a cell is controlled by scaffolding proteins that assemble and link enzymes into signalling circuits. These circuits can be inhibited by bacterial effector proteins that post-translationally modify individual pathway components. However, there is emerging evidence that pathogens directly organize higher-order signalling networks through enzyme scaffolding, and the identity of the effectors and their mechanisms of action are poorly understood. Here we identify the enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 type III effector EspG as a regulator of endomembrane trafficking using a functional screen, and report ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPases and p21-activated kinases (PAKs) as its relevant host substrates. The 2.5?? crystal structure of EspG in complex with ARF6 shows how EspG blocks GTPase-activating-protein-assisted GTP hydrolysis, revealing a potent mechanism of GTPase signalling inhibition at organelle membranes. In addition, the 2.8?? crystal structure of EspG in complex with the autoinhibitory Iα3-helix of PAK2 defines a previously unknown catalytic site in EspG and provides an allosteric mechanism of kinase activation by a bacterial effector. Unexpectedly, ARF and PAKs are organized on adjacent surfaces of EspG, indicating its role as a 'catalytic scaffold' that effectively reprograms cellular events through the functional assembly of GTPase-kinase signalling complex.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are highly specialized obligate intracellular parasites of other eukaryotes (including humans) that show extreme reduction at the molecular, cellular and biochemical level. Although microsporidia have long been considered as early branching eukaryotes that lack mitochondria, they have recently been shown to contain a tiny mitochondrial remnant called a mitosome. The function of the mitosome is unknown, because microsporidians lack the genes for canonical mitochondrial functions, such as aerobic respiration and haem biosynthesis. However, microsporidial genomes encode several components of the mitochondrial iron-sulphur (Fe-S) cluster assembly machinery. Here we provide experimental insights into the metabolic function and localization of these proteins. We cloned, functionally characterized and localized homologues of several central mitochondrial Fe-S cluster assembly components for the microsporidians Encephalitozoon cuniculi and Trachipleistophora hominis. Several microsporidial proteins can functionally replace their yeast counterparts in Fe-S protein biogenesis. In E. cuniculi, the iron (frataxin) and sulphur (cysteine desulphurase, Nfs1) donors and the scaffold protein (Isu1) co-localize with mitochondrial Hsp70 to the mitosome, consistent with it being the functional site for Fe-S cluster biosynthesis. In T. hominis, mitochondrial Hsp70 and the essential sulphur donor (Nfs1) are still in the mitosome, but surprisingly the main pools of Isu1 and frataxin are cytosolic, creating a conundrum of how these key components of Fe-S cluster biosynthesis coordinate their function. Together, our studies identify the essential biosynthetic process of Fe-S protein assembly as a key function of microsporidian mitosomes.  相似文献   

运用切断近似的方法,在有效场框架下,对稀疏晶场作用的键无规Blume-Capel(BC)模型的相变进行了研究.具体分析了三种键无规分布的BC模型.分别探讨了系统三临界点(TCP)随稀疏晶场和键无规这两种无序因子的变化关系及相变曲线呈现的一些新特征,对不同键无规分布的BC模型的相图进行了比较,并给出相应的相图.  相似文献   

Homologous plant and bacterial proteins chaperone oligomeric protein assembly   总被引:190,自引:0,他引:190  
An abundant chloroplast protein is implicated in the assembly of the oligomeric enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, which catalyses photosynthetic CO2-fixation in higher plants. The product of the Escherichia coli groEL gene is essential for cell viability and is required for the assembly of bacteriophage capsids. Sequencing of the groEL gene and the complementary cDNA encoding the chloroplast protein has revealed that these proteins are evolutionary homologues which we term 'chaperonins'. Chaperonins comprise a class of molecular chaperones that are found in chloroplasts, mitochondria and prokaryotes. Assisted post-translational assembly of oligomeric protein structures is emerging as a general cellular phenomenon.  相似文献   

Mao B  Wu W  Davidson G  Marhold J  Li M  Mechler BM  Delius H  Hoppe D  Stannek P  Walter C  Glinka A  Niehrs C 《Nature》2002,417(6889):664-667
The Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins mediate cell cell interactions during cell growth and differentiation in both embryos and adults. Canonical Wnt signalling by way of the beta-catenin pathway is transduced by two receptor families. Frizzled proteins and lipoprotein-receptor-related proteins 5 and 6 (LRP5/6) bind Wnts and transmit their signal by stabilizing intracellular beta-catenin. Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is inhibited by the secreted protein Dickkopf1 (Dkk1), a member of a multigene family, which induces head formation in amphibian embryos. Dkk1 has been shown to inhibit Wnt signalling by binding to and antagonizing LRP5/6. Here we show that the transmembrane proteins Kremen1 and Kremen2 are high-affinity Dkk1 receptors that functionally cooperate with Dkk1 to block Wnt/beta-catenin signalling. Kremen2 forms a ternary complex with Dkk1 and LRP6, and induces rapid endocytosis and removal of the Wnt receptor LRP6 from the plasma membrane. The results indicate that Kremen1 and Kremen2 are components of a membrane complex modulating canonical Wnt signalling through LRP6 in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Lee N  Maurange C  Ringrose L  Paro R 《Nature》2005,438(7065):234-237
During the regeneration of Drosophila imaginal discs, cellular identities can switch fate in a process known as transdetermination. For leg-to-wing transdetermination, the underlying mechanism involves morphogens such as Wingless that, when activated outside their normal context, induce ectopic expression of the wing-specific selector gene vestigial. Polycomb group (PcG) proteins maintain cellular fates by controlling the expression patterns of homeotic genes and other developmental regulators. Here we report that transdetermination events are coupled to PcG regulation. We show that the frequency of transdetermination is enhanced in PcG mutant flies. Downregulation of PcG function, as monitored by the reactivation of a silent PcG-regulated reporter gene, is observed in transdetermined cells. This downregulation is directly controlled by the Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) signalling pathway, which is activated in cells undergoing regeneration. Accordingly, transdetermination frequency is reduced in a JNK mutant background. This regulatory interaction also occurs in mammalian cells, indicating that the role of this signalling cascade in remodelling cellular fates may be conserved.  相似文献   

Sharma RP  Ogale SB  Zhang ZH  Liu JR  Chu WK  Veal B  Paulikas A  Zheng H  Venkatesan T 《Nature》2000,404(6779):736-740
The growing body of experimental evidence for the existence of complex textures of charges and spins in the high-temperature superconductors has drawn attention to the so-called 'stripe-phase' models as a possible basis for the mechanism of superconductivity in these materials. Such observations have until now been restricted to systems where the texture dynamics are slow or suppressed altogether, and do not include the important case of YBa2Cu3O(7-delta). It seems likely that the dynamic behaviour of stripes, which has been suggested to undergo several phase transitions as a function of temperature, should also be reflected in the lattice properties of the host materials, and this forms the motivation for our present experiments. Specifically, we use MeV helium ion channelling, an ultrafast real-space probe of atomic displacements (with sub-picometre resolution), to probe incoherent lattice fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) as a function of temperature and oxygen doping. We detect lattice fluctuations that are larger than the expected thermal vibration component, and which show anomalies characteristic of the phase transitions anticipated for a dynamic stripe phase. Comparison of our lattice results with single-particle-tunnelling and photoemission data highlights the importance of spin-charge separation phenomena in the copper oxide superconductors.  相似文献   

Model for the binding of multivalent antigen to cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
G I Bell 《Nature》1974,248(447):430-431

在有效场框架下,对正负晶场作用的键稀疏BC模型(BCM)的相变进行了研究.具体分析了三临界点(TCP)随正负晶场和键稀疏这两种无序因子的变化关系及相变曲线呈现的一些新特征,给出了相应的相图.  相似文献   

在有效场框架下,就三维稀疏晶场作用的键无规BC模型(BCM)的相图进行了研究。具体分析了三临界点(TCP)随稀疏晶场和键无规这两种无序因子的变化关系及相变曲线呈现的一些新特征,给出相应的相图,并给出自发磁化曲线。  相似文献   

Assembly of foreign prokaryotic ribulose bisphosphate carboxylases (Rubiscos) in Escherichia coli requires both heat-shock proteins groEL and groES. GroEL is related to a chloroplast protein implicated in Rubisco assembly. Bacteria and chloroplasts therefore have a conserved mechanism that uses auxiliary proteins to assist in the assembly of Rubisco.  相似文献   

三种血红素类蛋白质--细胞色素c、肌红蛋白、血红蛋白,被固定在纳米氧化铝-金胶自组装体系修饰玻碳电极表面,紫外光谱实验结果表明固定在纳米氧化铝-金胶表面的蛋白质保持其原始的二级结构不变.用电化学阻抗光谱和循环伏安技术表征了界面的组装过程及其电化学性质,结果表明纳米氧化铝-金胶模板不仅为蛋白质固定提供了良好的环境,而且加快了蛋白质分子与电极之间的电子转移.讨论了扫描速度对细胞色素c电化学行为的影响及其对过氧化氢的电催化还原等性质.  相似文献   

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