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Résumé Utilisant la méthode cytophotométrique on a observé l'accroissement du glycogène et la réduction de ARN dans le foie de souris soumises au traitement toxique par l'uréthane.  相似文献   

Riassunto I nuclei delle cellule follicolari degli Afidi mostrano nell'ambito di uno stesso tollicolo variazioni pressochè continue nel contenuto di DNA. Dopo brevi intervalli di tempo dall'iniezione di timidina tritiata, una elevata percentuale di questi nuclei risulta marcata. È stata fatta l'ipotesi che ogni ciclo di poliploidizzazione in questi nuclei si componga di un lungo periodo di sintesi di DNA seguito da uno breve di intersintesi. La lunghezza del periodo sintetico è dovuta presumibilmente all'asincronia nella sintesi di DNA che esiste tra i vari elementi cromatici in uno stesso nucleo.  相似文献   

I Fekete  G Tóth 《Experientia》1976,32(3):332-334
The effect of orotic acid on the liver glycogen content in the mice, frogs and catfish was studied. It was observed that the orotic acid significantly increases the glycogen content in the liver of mice and catfish as it does in rats. On the other hand it causes a fall of the glycogen level in frogs in experiments made both in autumn and spring. This effect was modified by amino acids administered together with orotic acid.  相似文献   

Résumé Des Dosages biochimiques du glucose sanguin et du glycogène hépatique chez des souris mâles homozygotes tourneurs ont montré une diminution nette des taux de glucose sanguin et de glycogène hépatique chez ces animaux comparés à ceux d'animaux heterozygotes issus d'une même portée phenotypiquement normaux.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Schwankungen des Glykogengehalts verursachen sehr schnelle Veränderungen des Lebergewichtes und daher auch solche des prozentualne Proteingehalts der Leber. Enzymaktivität sollte deshalb pro Körpergewicht und nicht pro Lebergewicht ausgedrückt werden, wie dies oft geschieht.

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to express their gratitude ProfessorA. de Minjer for his support, to ProfessorL. W. J. Holleman, ProfessorJ. W. Koten and ProfessorH. Schimassek for helpful suggestions and to Mrs.L. C. Freelink-vander Velden for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der intrazellulären Mikroelektrodentechnik wirk gezeigt, dass Parenchymzellen der Meerschweinchenleber in der Gewebekultur hyperpolarisieren, wenn sympathomimetische Drogen ionophoretisch appliziert werden.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of orotic acid on the liver glycogen content in the mice, frogs and catfish was studied. It was observed that the orotic acid significantly increases the glycogen content in the liver of mice and catfish as it does in rats. On the other hand it causes a fall of the glycogen level in frogs in experiments made both in autumn and spring. This effect was modified by amino acids administrated together with orotic acid.  相似文献   

Résumé Des doses variées d'insuline administrées à l'Ophicephalus striatus ont augmenté la quantité de glycogène du foie et des muscles. Dans le foie, les doses étant fortes (40 IU et 60 IU), la quantité normale de glycogène a presque quadruplé et elle a plus que septuplé dans les muscles. Le mécanisme possible présidant à l'action de l'insuline est aussi discuté.  相似文献   

Chick embryo liver primary cultures, when added with progesterone, exhibit, in comparison with the controls, a normal growth, a decline of both 3H-uridine uptake and incorporation into total RNA, a decline of 3H-leucine and 14C serine incorporation into the proteins. Progesterone is not able to stimulate phosvitin synthesis induction.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung An pulsierenden Rattenherzzellen in der Primärkultur wurde die Insulinwirkung auf die Glykolyse und den Glykogengehalt untersucht.  相似文献   

I Fekete 《Experientia》1978,34(7):827-828
Alloxan treatment induces a decrease of orotic acid content in various organs of carp, frog, pigeon and rat, parallel to a decrease of liver and muscle glycogen content. Loss of orotic acid and glycogen cannot be prevented by orotic acid and carbamyl phosphate given i.p. Mice, rats and pigeons use up and excrete exogenous orotic acid rapidly, but carps and frogs accumulate it.  相似文献   

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