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On the basis of analyzing the flaws of present multiple-attribute and multilevel evaluation methods, concerning the problem of characteristics of the multiple-attribute and multilevel system s appraisal and the particular emphasis on the respective attributes in the evaluation process, as well as its relevance to the environment, an optimal attribute system is proposed, and the multiplicative analytic hierarchy process (MAHP) is used to obtain subjective weight coefficients and the objective weight coefficient evaluating method is given. The deviation between the index value of each level and the values of the same index of other levels are formulated, and an optimal model is gained, thus establishing the weight coefficients of the whole optimal attribute system. Furthermore, the detailed implementation procedure of this method is introduced. Besides, favorable results have been gained by applying the model to the practical problems of economic evaluation.  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     

Aims and Scope     
Journal of Systems Science & Complexity (JSSC) is a quarterly journal to publish highquality original and innovative papers on theories, methodologies and applications of systems science and complexity science, as well as insightful survey papers.  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     

Aims and Scope     

Aims and Scope     
Journal of Systems Science & Complexity (JSSC) is a quarterly journal to publish highquality, original and innovative papers on theories, methodologies and applications of systems science and complexity science, as well as insightful survey papers.  相似文献   

A Bezier interpolation approach is proposed which uses local generation of endpoint slopes and forces the curve and the surface to pass through an arbitrarily specified point to control and modify the shape of curve and surface, making the result satisfactory.  相似文献   

OptimalProductionFunctionsandTheirHomogeneitySuperadditive,andConcavity¥WANGXianjia(WaterpowerEngineeringDepartmentWuhanUniv....  相似文献   

This paper represents a physical model of two -dimensional transpiration cooling control system with surface heating and ablating. The governing equation is derived and the third boundary conditions are given. They constitute a two -dimensional variable -domain distributed parameter control system in which the control parameter appears in both the governing equation and the boundary conditions. Applying time semi-step alternating direction method to difference this mathematical model, the tridiagonal difference equations are obtained. For a flying shell of electromagnetic railgun, the mathematical simulation results agree with the realistic physical process, and the control parameter not only can control the temperature of heat shield, but also can control the boundary motion effectively.  相似文献   

The resumption of production after the “suspension” caused by the COVID-19 has emerged as an urgent problem for many enterprises and the government. The resumption of production is actually a dynamic evolution problem from 0 to 1(100%). This paper constructs a general game model and a dynamic replication system for the resumption of production and government support,and gives theorems for the construction of the model. It analyzes the evolution mechanism and scenario conditions for the convergen...  相似文献   

PC-EasyandItsApplicationPC-EasyandItsApplication¥LIShihui(MathematicsDept.ofShanxiUniversity,030006)HUIShaowen(Computer&Infor...  相似文献   

The strategic relation between a few-nuclear state and a strong-nuclear state is studiedin this paper. And a theorem about crisis stability and transparency of nuclear forces of few-nuclearstate is proved in our model.  相似文献   

1  Status Quantity of Water Resources in Xi′an RegionIn Xi′an,the average annual rainfall is774 .2 mm and the annual total precipitation is7.72 9× 1 0 9m3.Those are 4 2 7.9mm and 4 .2 72× 1 0 9m3in 1 995,which is one of the mostarid years with 4 4 % less than the average annual precipitation.The total annual surfacerunoff is2 .2 81 2× 1 0 9m3/ yr,which includes2 .0 93 8× 1 0 9m3from the Wei River and6.1×1 0 6m3from the South Luo Rivers in the Yellow River Catchment,65.1 8× 1 0 6…  相似文献   

In recent years,methods of fuzzy comprehensive assessment (FCA)have been widelyapplied in environmental quality comprehensive assessment(EQCA)without conditions.A lot ofpractised these have been published.published.They imitate each other and have a great influence.Inthis paper,however,opposite examples are given and we further prove that using environmentalquality fuzzy comprehensive assessment method (EQFCAM)without conditions will lead to theabsolutely non-scientific result.Two basic rules that FCA should adhere to are put forward inthis paper.They should be the foundation of EQCA..The sufficient and necessary condition thatshould meet the fundamental rules in methods of FCA will also be given.  相似文献   

Thefieldequationsforexteriorproblemsinvacuumsuggestedbyalltheabovestudiescanbewritten[23,24]Notetheidentificationoftheelectromagneticandgravitationalfields.TheconditionofadmittinganequivalentformulationinMinkowskispaceshouldbekeptinmindasrealizedviatheisotopies[23,241.4.INSUFFicIENCYOFmESPecIALANDGENERALRELATIVmESFORAlgA~R4.1HistoricalOriginofAntimatterAsiswellknown,antimatterwasidentifiedinthenegativerenergysolutionsofDirac'sequation,andwasoriginallythoughttoevolvebackward…  相似文献   

CombinatorialMethodofSimulationandOptimizationandItsApplicationonTransportationSystemSUNZhanshan(InstituteofSystemsEngineerjn...  相似文献   

Inthetimeswhennewtechnologiesappearincessantly,thecomputerandnettt,orktechnology,whichistheleadingtechllologyof21thcentury,graduallypermeateallwalksoflife.Thepolicedepartment,thestatesecuritydepartment,surpassesvariousgovernmentdepartmentsontheapplicationofcomputertechnology.FOrinstance,the110PoliceAutomaticReportingSystemhasbeensetupandusedillvasturbanareas.AllotherexamplefatthebegillningofINTERNETinChina,thepolicedepartmenthas11adOneeyeoilthecrimeaboutINTERNET.ThePoliceDepartmentof…  相似文献   

TheInput-OutputModelandtheAnalysisofProfitandTaxofProductYANGHongzhiXinyangTeacher'sCollege,Xinyang464000Abstract:Withthecomb...  相似文献   

IntelligentInformationManagementandKnowledgeDiscoveryinLargeNumericandScientificDatabasesPatrickPerrin;FrederickE.Petry&Willi...  相似文献   

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