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Zusammenfassung Die an chloralisierten, fortlaufend infundierten Hunden eintretende Verminderung der Diurese nach Hautverbrennung ist weder auf eine Hypoproteinämie noch auf eine Erhöhung der Plasmaviskosität und auch nicht auf eine Reduzierung des Plasmavolumens zurückzuführen. Die mitgeteilten Versuche stützen vielmehr die Auffassung, daß durch Verbrennung ein antidiuretischer Stoff entsteht.  相似文献   

Summary The concept, that viscous metamorphosis of platelets and clot retraction is initiated by thrombin and a dialyzable factor was confirmed. Under certain circumstances glucose acts as dialyzable factor. Clot retraction seems to depend upon the catabolism of glucose.  相似文献   

Summary A general survey of the actual knowledges on the bone phosphatase is given. The enzyme plays an important rôle in the calcification of bone and teeth, this process being unable to proceed at a physiological speed without the participation of a phosphatase. The biological function of the enzyme is thus to accelerate and not to promote the calcification.The knowledge of the mechanism of phosphatase activity in the skeletal organs and of the chemical composition of the bone salt cannot lead to a full understanding of the physiology of ossification. A prominent function in this field is devoted to the proteins of the ground substance of bone and to their evolution. The study of the protein matrix of bone is now the most important subject of work for the biochemistry of ossification.

Conférence faite le 28 mai 1946 au Hallerianum de l'Université de Berne.  相似文献   

Summary We noticed the formation of a precipitate on adding salmine to dilute aqueous protein solution at pH 6–7. Human and bovine serum albumin, human -globulin, and the perchloro- and sulfosalicylosoluble mucoides do not precipitate in this condition. - and -lipoproteins prepared by floatation and by Sandor's technique gave S-shaped nephelometric titration curves, as did haptoglobin, a mixture of the types Hp II-Hp II and Hp II-Hp I. In sera incubated 24 h at 37°C with protamin, the dextran sulphate test and the cetavlon test show a diminished value for -lipo- and -glucoprotein. Lipoprotein degradation is probably enzymatic in nature.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe derWarburg-Methode wird die Esterasewirkung von Kobragift geprüft. Das Ferment wirkt nicht nur auf Acetylcholin, sondern auch auf verschiedene andere Ester mit kleinerem Molekulargewicht, die die Acetylgruppe enthalten. Es ist demnach nicht als Cholinesterase, sondern als Acetylase zu bezeichnen. Myristicylcholin beeinflußt die Cholinesterase im Blutserum des Hundes nicht, hemmt dagegen die Acetylase im Kobragift.  相似文献   

Summary A new chromatographic technique is described, which makes use of the affinity of anhydrides and imides of tetrahalogenophthalic acids towards aromatic and heterocyclic polycyclic compounds. This method has been successfully applied to the resolution of some problems of analytical organic chemistry.  相似文献   

Summary The centrifugation of the Amphibia blastula or gastrula produces in the ectoblastic area the appearance of complexes of ecto- and mesoblastic organs. Experiments of explantations and cultivationin vitro and also of grafts on a normal embryo demonstrate that those very abnormal secundary embryos are formed without any intervention of the normal organizer. The ectoblastic cells that undergo this increase of morphogenetic potential are characterized by a great concentration of ribonucleic acid in their cytoplasm (this part of work in collaboration withJ. Brachet). Those secundary embryos vary greatly in their frequence, their nature, and their location, depending on the stage in which the centrifugation was done. It is supposed that the nature of the organs formed is dependent on the degree of potency attained by the ectoblast at the time when the reaction arises that is produced by the cellular trauma.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von Darwins Theorie der geschlechtlichen Zuchtwahl ausgehend werden einige Resultate experimenteller Forschung dargestellt, die auf neue Aspekte dieser Frage hinweisen. Es wird der qualitative Unterschied zwischen interspezifischer und intraspezifischer geschlechtlicher Zuchtwahl aufgezeigt. Die erstere hindert den Genaustausch zwischen den Arten, die letztere dagegen führt zu einem optimalen Genaustausch innerhalb einer Art. Es werden die Rolle der Weibchen und Männchen, der selektive Wert des Wildtypus verglichen mit Mutanten und die genetische Basis der Aktivität der Männchen diskutiert.  相似文献   

Summary -alanine has always been found in peptide hydrolysates of various higher plants, but never in protein hydrolysates. An assumption that the-alanine so found is a constituent of coenzyme A has been suggested.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Hydratisiertes Phosphoroxychlorid besteht aus zyklischen und langkettigen Polyphosphorsäure-Chloriden, die nicht beständig sind und leicht hydrolysiert werden. Hydratisiertes Phosphoroxychlorid erlaubt die Synthese von langkettigen Thiaminpolyphosphorsäureestern, die mehr als drei Phosphorsäure-Reste je Molekül enthalten.  相似文献   

Summary The action of various proteolytic and glucidolytic enzymes on the biological potency of Human Menopausal Gonadotropin was studied. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, papaïn and glucosidase attack the gonadotropin only after 6 h of digestion. Carboxypeptidase and RDE produce a rapid inactivation.  相似文献   

Summary Prealbumin is prepared by a new method. Its homogeneity is demonstrated and its electrophoretic behaviour is discussed. Some new physico-chemical characteristics are determined.  相似文献   

Summary According to the writer's theory a great number of different desoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids exist in each cell: desoxyribonucleic acids in the nucleus (genes) and ribonucleic acids in the cytoplasm (microsomes). Through catalytic actions the macromolecular desoxyribonucleic acids govern the building of macromolecular ribonucleic acids, and, in turn, these control the production of cytoplasmic enzymes. In truth, the enzymic equipment results simultaneously from the effect of ribonucleic acids (catalytic action) and from the effect of substrates (mass action). This hypothesis explains cellular differentiation (multicellular organism) through constitutional variations of cytoplasmic ribonucleic acids. The writer's fundamental arguments come from the study of bacterial biology, especially from the study of mutations directed by principles of desoxyribonucleic nature.  相似文献   

Summary In certain cases, the production of bacterial nodules on legumes can be influenced by aneurin. The preliminary trials should be continued in order to establish the most favourable conditions of aneurin action.  相似文献   

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