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Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is an annualclimber originated from the tropic rain forest area inthe south of Himalayas, which belongs to the Cucur bitaceae family. Cucumber is one of the importantvegetables in the world, and its planting area is sec ond only to that of tomato[1]. However genetics re search on cucumber obviously drops behind that of thelatter. The classic genetic map of cucumber, with sixlinkage groups, is composed of more than 100 genesfor color, morphology, and dise…  相似文献   

 以春小麦重组自交系(RIL)宁春4 号×宁春27 号为作图群体,利用SSR 标记构建小麦遗传连锁图谱。结果表明,用1001对SSR 引物选出亲本间表现多态性的引物307 对,多态性频率为30.7%。利用307 对多态性引物对RIL 群体进行分析,共检测到266 个多态性标记位点。通过χ2检测(P<0.05),有147 个SSR 标记表现为偏分离,偏分离率为55.3%,129 个偏向母本宁春4号,其偏分离位点主要分布在B 和D 基因组上。用Mapmaker 3.0 和Mapdraw 2.1 软件将266 个SSR 位点绘制在小麦遗传连锁图上,该图谱覆盖小麦基因组全长2187.79 cM,标记间的平均遗传距离为8.22 cM。  相似文献   

Using F2 population derived from the cross of tall inbred 7922 by dwarf inbred 5003, an RFLP linkage map of maize has been constructed, on which 85 markers are distributed among 10 linkage groups and span maize genome about 1827.8 cM with an average distance (24.4 cM) between markers. 106 F2:3 lines of the population were grown in a 10 × 11 simple rectangular lattice design of one-raw plots with two replications and evaluated for plant height (PH). With interval mapping procedure, 5 QTLs controlling plant height have been identified and their genetic effects and gene action determined. 2 major QTLs with opposite effect have been discovered. One for increasing plant height isph1 which is located at chromosome 2 and accounts for 51.8% of the total phenotypic variation; the other for decreasing plant height isph3 which is located at chromosome 5 and accounts for 38.6% of the total phenotypic variation. The chromosomal location ofph3 might be the same as or close to the position ofbv1, a dwarf mutant of maize.  相似文献   

观察龙亭樱桃及中国樱桃、福建樱桃的形态学特征,并结合RAPD标记揭示龙亭樱桃和中国樱桃及福建樱桃的亲缘关系.结果表明,用20个随机引物共扩增出184条谱带,其中多态性带105条.亲缘关系分析显示,龙亭樱桃与福建樱桃的遗传相似性系数为0.668,与中国樱桃的遗传相似性为0.595.龙亭樱桃在形态上结合了中国樱桃和福建樱桃的部分特征.结合周边樱花品种植物花期,认为龙亭樱桃为中国樱桃与福建樱桃的杂交后代.  相似文献   

【目的】以25年生马尾松种源、地点、林分3水平子代试验林为研究材料,从表型、遗传变异两方面开展研究,以期为马尾松遗传育种策略的制定提供有价值参考。【方法】采用SSR分子标记进行遗传结构分析,使用Arlequin 3.5软件依据线性模型估算各层次变异的相对分量。以SAS分析软件依据线性模型对林分生长量数据进行统计分析,以4因素嵌套模型估算各层次变异的相对分量。【结果】遗传多样性分析结果表明,种源间及种源内无明显的遗传分化。分子方差分析结果表明,种源间的遗传变异仅占总变异的2.56%,种源内不同地点间的变异占1.66%,地点内个体间的遗传变异则占总变异的95.78%。生长表型数据分析结果同样显示胸径与材积性状在种源间、种源内地点间、同一地点的优良林分与普通林分间均无显著差异。【结论】分子方差分析与生长性状表型数据方差分析的结果均表明,广西马尾松的主要遗传变异存在于林分内个体间。因此在优良种源中开展优良单株选择可以获得更好的改良效果。该结论对于马尾松遗传育种策略的制定具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

A cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) molecular linkage map, including 79 random-amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD)and two genes , lb for lateral branch and f for female sex expression, is constructed from a cross between a line, S52, with weak lateral growing ability and staminate from Dabieshan Mountains area in China and another line, S06, with strong lateral growing ability and gynoecious from Europe. The map contains nine linkage groups and spans 1110.0 cM with an average distance of 13.7 cM between loci. The lb locus is located in a longer linkage group LG-2 and flanked by two markers, OP-Q5-1 and OP-M-2-2, at 9.3 cM and 15.9 cM, respectively. In the meantime, the RAPD loci, OP-Q5-2 and BC151, in a short linkage group were found to flank f at 13.7 cM and 13.4 cM,respectively. The construction of RAPD map has paved a way for further study of the genes for lateral branch, female sex expression and other agronomic traits in cucumber.  相似文献   

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