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Summary After intravenous injection of a35S-labelled heparinoid (N-formyl-chitosan-polysulfuric acid ester) into rabbits, a highly purified clearing factor preparation was obtained from the blood plasma. The heparinoid content of this preparation is approximately 40 times higher, weight for weight, than that of the other plasma proteins.   相似文献   

Summary In view of the chronic interstitial nephritis observed in man after years of abuse of phenacetin-containing analgesics, rats were subjected to oral loading-tests with Saridon and its active components. It was not possible, however, to induce interstitial nephritis experimentally. Trials with Saridon will be continued on rats having undergone additional renal loading-tests and in which renal damage has been previously induced.  相似文献   

Summary Investigating the influence of isotopic or nonisotopic carriers on the behaviour of Sr90 in the rat, calcium was found to be ineffective, whereas magnesium was essentially more effective in reducing the deposition of Sr90 in the skeleton as equimolar amounts of stable strontium. According to these results, neither calcium nor magnesium can act as ‘biological’ carrier for radiostrontium.   相似文献   

Summary Electronmicrosopical sections prepared from blood cells ofPhallusia mamillata Cuvier containing vanadine (vanadocytes) exhibit dense areas with cytoplasmatic compartments, which are called vanadophores. Vanadophores are also found in the blood cells ofCiona intestinalis L. The vanadophores show an inner structure which is granular or filamentous in character.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of Psilocybin, the psychotropic active principle of the Mexican mushroomPsilocybe mexicana Heim, has been elucidated. Psilocybin is the phosphoric acid ester of 4-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine. This structure was confirmed by total synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary 2,4-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (III), isolated from corn sap, detoxifies the herbicide Simazine, 2-chloro-4,6-bis-ethylamino-s-triazine,in vitro. 2,4-Dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one and the corresponding natural precursors of it and of (III), glucosides, behave in the same manner. It is very likely, therefore, that these glucosides and aglucones play a role in the resistance phenomena of some plant species against Simazine and related phytotoxic compounds. 6-Methoxybenzoxazolone and benzoxazolone, derived from the abovementioned benzoxazinones by heating, do not interfere with Simazine.  相似文献   

Summary A simple apparatus for starch block electrophoresis is described. The cooling element consists of a commercially available cold plate in metal.If oxyhaemoglobin is used, an error in measurement by the instability of the haemoglobin solutions can be reduced by adding small amounts of KCN, not only to the initial haemolysate, but also to the haemoglobin fractions which were eluted.

Die Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe eines Forschungsbeitrages des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung durchgeführt.

Wir danken Frl.L. Bargetzi für ihre technische Hilfe bei allen Untersuchungen.  相似文献   

Summary Pulse frequencies for several species of crayfish were collected over a range of body weight from 10–5–103 g. Pulse rate varies in crayfish as (body weight)–0,12; the size of the animal therefore influences the pulse rate much less than in warm blooded vertebrata, but in the same degree as in some mollusca. It is supposed that the similarity between crayfish, snails and mussels is related to their open circulatory system.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und unter Benutzung des Arbeitsplatzes «Niedersachsen» an der Zoologischen Station Neapel.  相似文献   

Summary On the fourth day of development of the rat embryo all of the stages are found from the two-cell stage to the blastocele stage even among embryos from the same litter. On the seventh day, they all show egg-cylinder stages without exception. The time interval between cleavages from the second to the sixth day of development is not constant and, in fact, varies over a wide range, even among embryos from the same litter.  相似文献   

Summary (-)-Emetine, as prepared by total synthesis, has the same antiamebic activity and toxicity as the natural alkaloid. On the contrary its antipode and rac. isoemetine are not active and practically non-toxic. A relationship between configuration and antiamebic activity has thus been demonstrated for various representatives of the emetine series.  相似文献   

Summary The catalysis of the reaction between H2O2 and nucleotides by biologically important metal ions has been studied spectrophotometrically, the importance of complex-formation equilibria for this catalysis was demonstrated. Radiobiological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The expanding universe is considered to be a hypersphere immersed in a four dimensional space. An attempt is made to explain the rigid rotation of spiral and barred nebulae, not well understood on the basis of classical physics, by assuming that the geometrical solid nebula is a section of the universe through a four dimensional hypersolid of helicoidal curvature. Further applications of the extrapolation method to cosmology are suggested.

Vorgetragen auf der Tagung der Sektion D (Astronomie) der American Association for the Advancement of Science, Atlanta, Georgia.  相似文献   

Summary The regional distribution of catalase activity has been determined in three sections of the tails of fed and starving Xenopulsarvae during a period of 27 days. The method ofFeinstein, using perborate as substrate, was adapted to work on a microscale. Catalase activity was highest in the tip and decreased towards the base of the tail. During the experiment, catalase activity increased markedly in the tips of the tails of the fed larvae, whereas there were only slight changes of activity in the tails of the starving larvae.

Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Eidgenössischen Kommission zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung aus Arbeitsbeschaffungsmitteln des Bundes. Herrn Prof.F. E. Lehmann möchte ich für seine wertvollen Ratschläge und sein reges Interesse an dieser Arbeit herzlich danken. Herrn Dr.R. Weber danke ich für Hilfe bei der Abfassung des Manuskriptes.  相似文献   

Summary In experiments on mice, it was found, that the peculiar disturbance of respiratory movements which was demonstrated formerly as the effect of injected reflexogenic irritants (Veratrin, Veratrum-alcaloids, Andromedotoxin etc.), as well as of airborne irritant gases, can also be produced by suitable doses of parasympathicomimetic bronchoconstrictors (Prostigmin, Mestinon, Paraoxon, Parathion, Physostigmin). This confirms the explanation of the phenomenon formerly given by the authors as a reflex reaction initiated by a brief bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments on kidney homogenates from rat and pig showed that 50% of the renin-activity was localized in the mitochondrial fraction. The mitochondria and microsomes together contained 10 times as much hypertensinase-activity as the supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The relation between photodynamic effect and intensity of ultra-violet radiation was investigated by means of the lethal-curve of yeast cells treated with benzpyrene as photosensibilizer.(2) If the dosis of radiation ist kept constant, the resulting photodynamic effect decreases rapidly with diminishing intensity.

Teilergebnisse der Dissertation.  相似文献   

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