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以X70管线钢为实验材料,研究不同变形量和冷却速率对管线钢显微组织的影响.结果表明,在奥氏体未再结晶区进行适量的变形,从而形成位错、形变带和胞状组织等缺陷,可以增加铁素体在奥氏体晶内的形核位置和形核率,增大相变驱动力,有利于在随后的冷却过程中得到晶粒细小的针状铁素体组织;其中变形量ε2=0.4、冷却速率为30~60 ℃/s(油冷)下冷却的试样,能够得到最佳的针状铁素体组织,可以满足工程上要求组织中针状铁素体占80%以上的要求.  相似文献   

Nucleation of acicular ferrite and its influence factors in non quenched-and-tempered steel was studied by using TEM and thermodynamic calculation. The results show that the complex particles with a center made of Ti oxide, Al2O3, and silicate and an outside made of a small quantity of mixture of TiN and MnS are able to act as ferrite nucleation nuclei. The acicular ferrite percentage changes little with Ti. When the oxygen content was 80 ppm, the volume percentage of acicular ferrite decreased due to an increase in allotriomorphic ferrite. The larger the cooling rate and the shorter the incubation time, the finer the titanium oxide and the higher the nucleation ratio of acicular ferrite.  相似文献   

This article reports the effects of Sn on the inclusions as well as the mechanical properties and hot workability of ferritic stainless steel. Precipitation phases and inclusions in Sn-bearing ferritic stainless steel were observed, and the relationship between the workability and the microstructure of the steel was established. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analysis of the steel reveals that an almost pure Sn phase forms and MnS-Sn compound inclusions appear in the steel with a higher Sn content. Little Sn segregation was observed in grain boundaries and in the areas around sulfide inclusions; however, the presence of Sn does not adversely affect the workability of the steel containing 0.4wt% Sn. When the Sn content is 0.1wt%-0.4wt%, Sn improves the tensile strength and the plastic strain ratio and also improves the plasticity with increasing temperature. A mechanism of improving the workability of ferritic stainless steel induced by Sn addition was discussed:the presence of Sn lowers the defect concentration in the ultra-pure ferritic lattice and the good distribution of tin in the lattice overcomes the problem of hot brittleness that occurs in low-carbon steel as a result of Sn segregation.  相似文献   

The aspects of two pipeline steels with different technologies were investigated by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD). The microstructure presents a typical acicular ferrite characteristic with fine particles of martensite/austenite (M/A) constituent, which distributes in grains and at grain boundaries. The bulk textures of the pipeline steel plate are {112}<110> and <111> fibers, respectively, and the {112}<110> component is the favorable texture benefiting for drop weight tear test. Moreover, low angle boundaries and low coincidence site lattice boundaries are inactive and more resistant to fracture than high energy random boundaries.  相似文献   

The effect of acicular ferrite (AF) on banded structures in low-carbon microalloyed steel with Mn segregation during both isothermal transformation and continuous cooling processes was studied by dilatometry and microscopic observation. With respect to the isothermal transformation process, the specimen isothermed at 550°C consisted of AF in Mn-poor bands and martensite in Mn-rich bands, whereas the specimen isothermed at 450°C exhibited two different morphologies of AF that appeared as bands. At a continuous cooling rate in the range of 4 to 50°C/s, a mixture of AF and martensite formed in both segregated bands, and the volume fraction of martensite in Mn-rich bands was always higher than that in Mn-poor bands. An increased cooling rate resulted in a decrease in the difference of martensite volume fraction between Mn-rich and Mn-poor bands and thereby leaded to less distinct microstructural banding. The results show that Mn segregation and cooling rate strongly affect the formation of AF-containing banded structures. The formation mechanism of microstructural banding was also discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology, structure, and chemical composition of precipitates in the final microstructure of Nb-V-Ti microalloyed X70 acicular ferrite pipeline steel were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Precipitates observed by TEM can be classified into two groups. The large precipitates are complex compounds that comprise square-shaped TiN precipitate as core with fine Nb-containing precipitate nucleated on pre-existing TiN precipitate as caps on one or more faces at high temperature. In contrast, the fine and spherical Nb carbides and/or carbonitrides precipitate heterogene-ously on dislocations and sub-boundaries at low temperature. From the analysis in terms of thermodynamics, EDS and chemical composition of the steel, NbC precipitation is considered to be the predominant precipitation behavior in the tested steel under the processing conditions of this research.  相似文献   

The precipitation behaviors of X80 acicular ferrite pipeline steel were investigated by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The results show that dendritic precipitates in the as-cast steel slabs precipitate mainly in grain boundaries, and these dendritic precipitates dissolve and re-precipitate to two kinds of carbonitrides: Ti- and Nb-rich (Ti, Nb)(C, N) carbonitrides during reheating. Four types of precipitates mainly exist in the hot rolled plate: Ti-rich carbonitrides resulted from the dendritic carbonitrides undissolved during the reheating process; Ti-rich carbonitrides re-precipitated along austenite grain boundaries during the reheating process; NbC carbides mainly heterogeneously nucleated on the small pre-existing Nb-rich carbonitrides in the hot rolling process; and NbC carbides precipitated on dislocations during hot rolling.  相似文献   

对022Cr11Ti钢汽车排气管管缝进行无填丝双TIG焊枪自动焊接试验结果表明,焊接工艺参数对接头的组织形貌及抗拉强度影响较大,双焊枪电流在90~130 A范围内焊缝表面质量较好,但都会使接头晶粒不同程度长大,随着焊接电流增大,焊缝组织形貌由粗大柱状晶形貌改变为心部等轴晶+两侧粗大柱状晶形貌,同时,Rm逐步降低,拉伸断裂位置也按HTHAZ→焊缝→HTHAZ改变,试验得出采用双枪电流分别为I1=120 A,I2=90 A时的管缝接头具有较好的强度,Rm可达到376.81MPa,使焊管冷弯时发生接头开裂现象得到明显改善.  相似文献   

夏佃秀 《山东科学》2019,32(1):57-67
Nb元素越来越多地被应用于铁素体不锈钢中以提高其性能。本文综述了Nb对铁素体不锈钢强度、韧性、耐腐蚀、抗高温氧化等性能影响的研究进展,以及国内外含Nb铁素体不锈钢在汽车、建筑、家用电器等领域中的应用现状。分析了目前我国含Nb高性能铁素体不锈钢研发中存在的主要问题,认为我国未来应重点研究新型超临界温度的含Nb耐热不锈钢等高端装备制造材料,以促进含Nb高性能铁素体不锈钢的研发和生产,改善我国不锈钢的品种结构。  相似文献   

An ultra-low carbon acicular ferrite steel heavy plate was obtained with an advanced thermo-mechanical control process-relaxed precipitation controlled transformation (TMCP-RPC) at Xiangtan Steel, Valin Group. The heavy plate has a tensile strength of approximately 600 MPa with a lower yield ratio. The impact toughness of the heavy plate achieves 280 J at -40℃. The fine-grained mixed microstructures of the heavy plate mainly consist of acicular ferrite, granular bainite, and polygonal ferrite. The high strength and excellent toughness of the heavy plate are attributed to the formation of acicular ferrite microstructure. The prevention of blocks of martensite/retained austenite (M/A) and the higher cleanness are also responsible for the superior toughness.  相似文献   

430铁素体不锈钢在焊接时,热影响区晶粒粗化会使接头韧性下降.利用热模拟技术和焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接方法对430铁素体不锈钢进行试验,得到不同热输入下粗晶区的组织,并测试其韧性性能.结果表明:当热输入低于3kJ/cm时,粗晶区组织主要为板条贝氏体和少量针状铁素体,铁素体晶粒尺寸小于48μm,室温冲击功与母材相当.铁素体晶粒不断长大是造成冲击韧性下降的主要原因.采用超窄间隙焊接方法,可以有效缩短高温停留时间,将铁素体晶粒尺寸限制在50μm以内,从而使韧脆转变温度降低至约-30℃,避免粗晶区韧性下降.  相似文献   

采用动力学的方法研究超纯铁素体不锈钢凝固过程中Ti、N的偏析及冷却速率对TiN夹杂析出的影响。结果表明,超纯铁素体不锈钢凝固过程中,Ti的富集程度稍低于N;凝固末期残余液相中[Ti]和[N]的浓度分别提高至其初始浓度的2.5倍和3.2倍;随着钢液的逐渐凝固,析出的TiN颗粒尺寸增大;随着冷却速率的增大,析出的TiN颗粒尺寸减小,但析出时间几乎不受影响,冷却速率分别为10、20、30K/s时,TiN颗粒尺寸分别为7.1、4.8、3.9μm;其他条件相同时,随着钢中初始Ti含量或N含量的减少,凝固析出的TiN颗粒尺寸减小且析出时间推迟;相比Ti含量对TiN夹杂尺寸的影响,N含量的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

分析了稀土处理钢中夹杂物的特征(夹杂物种类、尺寸分布和体积分数)对微观组织中针状铁素体形成的影响.结果表明,钢中夹杂物种类和体积分数对针状铁素体组织的形成非常重要.稀土氧化物(包含稀土氧硫化物)与铁素体具有低至1.9%的错配度降低针状铁素体在夹杂物表面的形核能垒,从而促使它在稀土氧化物上形核.反之,稀土硫化物与铁素体具有高达42.5%的错配度不能诱导生成针状铁素体组织.此外,微观组织中针状铁素体的体积分数随着夹杂物体积分数的增加而增大,当钢中夹杂物体积分数是9.5×10-4时其体积分数达到53%.  相似文献   

In ferritic stainless steels, a significant non-uniform recrystallization orientation and a substantial texture gradient usually occur, which can degrade the ridging resistance of the final sheets. To improve the homogeneity of the recrystallization orientation and reduce the texture gradient in ultra-purified 17%Cr ferritic stainless steel, in this work, we performed conventional and asymmetric rolling processes and conducted macro and micro-texture analyses to investigate texture evolution under different cold-rolling conditions. In the conventional rolling specimens, we observed that the deformation was not uniform in the thickness direction, whereas there was homogeneous shear deformation in the asymmetric rolling specimens as well as the formation of uniform recrystallized grains and random orientation grains in the final annealing sheets. As such, the ridging resistance of the final sheets was significantly improved by employing the asymmetric rolling process. This result indicates with certainty that the texture gradient and orientation inhomogeneity can be attributed to non-uniform deformation, whereas the uniform orientation gradient in the thickness direction is explained by the increased number of shear bands obtained in the asymmetric rolling process.  相似文献   

利用普通金相识别技术和电子探针成分分析对410S、430、409L铁素体不锈钢热轧板夹杂物的类型、形貌特征、来源及其对钢的性能影响作综合检测和分析.结果表明:410S和430不锈钢板材所含夹杂物主要为CaO-Si O2-Al2O3-MgO系复合夹杂物;409L不锈钢板材中夹杂物主要为Ti(C、N)和Al N.夹杂物主要来源于AOD脱氧产物、钢液的二次氧化、炉衬材料和耐火材料的腐蚀剥离等.3种不锈钢的纵向和横向的力学性能相差不大;但若夹杂物较多且分布不均匀时会形成明显的点蚀和分层剥蚀.  相似文献   

采用热/力模拟实验研究409L铁素体不锈钢在950、1 000、1 050、1 100、1 150℃、应变速率为0.01、0.1、1.0 s-1,压下量为50%时的热变形行为,讨论热变形参数对流变应力的影响.结果表明,409L铁素体不锈钢的表观应力指数为4.06,热变形表观激活能为212 kJ/mol;409L铁素体不锈钢的热变形方程.ε=3.017.109[sinh(α.pσ)]4.06exp(-212 000/RT).其软化机制与Zener-Hollomon(Z)参数有关,随着Z值从6.11×105增加到1.15×109,热变形峰值应力相应从11.71 MPa增加到66.94 MPa.  相似文献   

为了确定薄带连铸AISI304不锈钢凝固过程中残留铁素体的生成及转变行为,采用彩色金相、电解侵蚀、电子背散射衍射分析技术及X射线衍射分析等研究手段对双辊薄带连铸AISI304不锈钢凝固组织及残留铁素体特征进行了研究.结果表明AISI304不锈钢薄带的凝固组织由表层胞状晶区、中间柱状晶区和中心等轴晶区三部分组成.薄带表层胞状晶区内残留铁素体呈棒状,柱状晶区的残留铁素体形态为鱼骨状,中心等轴晶区的残留铁素体呈弯曲的树枝状;薄带的表层胞状晶区残留铁素体的质量分数为4.6%~6.6%,柱状晶区内的残留铁素体质量分数为3.6%~3.7%,中心等轴晶区内的残留铁素体质量分数为11.27%~11.34%;残留铁素体沿着厚度方向呈现"W"状分布.  相似文献   

采用室温离子注入和低压电镜原位观察的方法,研究了注氢对国产ODS铁素体钢微观结构的影响.结果表明:原始未注氢ODS铁素体钢中存在有一定数量的(Fe,Cr)2O3,室温注氢后,(Fe,Cr)2O3无明显改变;但将其加热至450℃,(Fe,Cr)2O3即开始分解;到550℃时,部分(Fe,Cr)2O3消失,残余(Fe,Cr)2O3的成分也发生了改变.与此相反,原始未注氢ODS铁素体钢的微观结构在加热过程中却没有明显改变,(Fe,Cr)2O3并不分解.  相似文献   

为了控制TiN夹杂对材料性能的不利影响,对TiN在超纯铁素体不锈钢冶炼和凝固过程中析出的热力学条件进行分析。结果表明,在Cr含量为16%~23%的条件下,超纯铁素体不锈钢的最佳钛含量为0.1%~0.3%;当w(Ti)=0.3%时,将w(N)控制在0.004 6%以下才能避免在液相区中生成TiN夹杂;超纯铁素体不锈钢凝固过程中钛的富集程度稍低于氮;凝固末期残余液相中[Ti]和[N]的浓度分别提高到其初始浓度的2.5倍和3.2倍;随着钢液的逐渐凝固,凝固前沿温度和凝固前沿钛氮平衡浓度积下降,凝固前沿钛氮实际浓度积升高;降低钢中氮含量能推迟TiN析出时间,使TiN夹杂在凝固末期形成,可减小TiN夹杂尺寸,减少其析出数量。  相似文献   

430铁素体不锈钢中Ti2O3+TiN复合核心形成的热力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过理论分析Ti2O3、TiN在430铁素体不锈钢中的形成规律,提出了凝固前沿形成Ti2O3+TiN复合核心所需的Ti、Al、O和N含量.根据该成分要求,在真空感应炉中进行实验得到铸锭,制备金相试样在扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)上观察析出物的特征.通过SEM发现,析出物细小弥散分布,尺寸约为2 μm.从形貌上看,它由两层组成,氮化钛围绕氧化钛析出.通过析出物的TEM衍射花样进一步确认,析出物的中心层为Ti2O3,外层为TiN.合理控制钢液成分,即使在较低钛含量时也可以形成Ti2O3+TiN的复合核心.  相似文献   

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