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Ruxton GD  Speed MP 《Nature》2005,433(7023):205-207

北京时间2008年5月12日14:28,四川省汶川县(北纬31.0°,东经103.4°)发生8.0级地震;截至5月22日10:00,地震已造成51151人遇难,288431人受伤,29328人失踪。汶川地震前较长时间,震中及周围地区地震活动水平不高,没有前震,没有出现典型的短期和临震异常,因此震前未能作出临震预报(中国新闻网,2008-05-16)。  相似文献   

Taste is one of important sensations. The primary taste sensations commonly are categorized as sweet, acid, bitter, salty and umami, of which various tastes are composed. The sensation of taste is initiated by the interaction of tas- tants with receptors and ion channels in the apical micro- villi of taste receptor cells (TRCs) when some sapid molecules (tastants) dissolve in saliva. Subsequently, through a cellular signaling pathway (TRC depolarization and Ca2+ release) gustatory signals a…  相似文献   

Editorial: taste     
Brody H 《Nature》2012,486(7403):S1

梦兰以床上用品起家,多年来创出了中国家纺行业中的第一个驰名商标、第一个文化品牌、第一批中国名牌产品,在由世界品牌实验室推出的《品牌中国》大型调查中荣登中国最具影响力品牌家纺行业榜首,进入中国家纺行业“十强”,而近年来,梦兰不断整合资源、延伸品牌,开始向高科技领域进军,与中科院计算所携手打造“龙芯产业链”。  相似文献   

Has morphine a physiological function in the animal kingdom?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H W Kosterlitz 《Nature》1985,317(6039):671-672

以抗中华鳖红脖子病病原菌—嗜水气单胞菌的特异性鸡蛋抗体为研究对象 ,重点考察了鳖池天然水体中主要不利因素对特异性鸡蛋抗体活性的影响 .试验证明 ,在所考察的天然水体中特异性鸡蛋抗体的活性可以保存 40h .在比较差的环境下 ,适当添加一些保护剂等 ,可使鸡蛋抗体的活性保持延长 .这不仅对养鳖业 ,也为其它各种养殖业用浸泡法被动免疫防治疾病提供了应用基础 .  相似文献   

Cruz A  Green BG 《Nature》2000,403(6772):889-892
The first electrophysiological recordings from animal and human taste nerves gave clear evidence of thermal sensitivity, and studies have shown that as many as half of the neurons in mammalian taste pathways respond to temperature. Because temperature has never been shown to induce sensations of taste, it has been assumed that thermal stimulation in the gustatory system is somehow nulled. Here we show that heating or cooling small areas of the tongue can in fact cause sensations of taste: warming the anterior edge of the tongue (chorda tympani nerve) from a cold temperature can evoke sweetness, whereas cooling can evoke sourness and/or saltiness. Thermal taste also occurs on the rear of the tongue (glossopharyngeal nerve), but the relationship between temperature and taste is different there than on the front of the tongue. These observations indicate the human gustatory system contains several different types of thermally sensitive neurons that normally contribute to the sensory code for taste.  相似文献   

An amino-acid taste receptor   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
Nelson G  Chandrashekar J  Hoon MA  Feng L  Zhao G  Ryba NJ  Zuker CS 《Nature》2002,416(6877):199-202
The sense of taste provides animals with valuable information about the nature and quality of food. Mammals can recognize and respond to a diverse repertoire of chemical entities, including sugars, salts, acids and a wide range of toxic substances. Several amino acids taste sweet or delicious (umami) to humans, and are attractive to rodents and other animals. This is noteworthy because L-amino acids function as the building blocks of proteins, as biosynthetic precursors of many biologically relevant small molecules, and as metabolic fuel. Thus, having a taste pathway dedicated to their detection probably had significant evolutionary implications. Here we identify and characterize a mammalian amino-acid taste receptor. This receptor, T1R1+3, is a heteromer of the taste-specific T1R1 and T1R3 G-protein-coupled receptors. We demonstrate that T1R1 and T1R3 combine to function as a broadly tuned L-amino-acid sensor responding to most of the 20 standard amino acids, but not to their D-enantiomers or other compounds. We also show that sequence differences in T1R receptors within and between species (human and mouse) can significantly influence the selectivity and specificity of taste responses.  相似文献   

发现了强边缘紧空间的一个与D1或D(1/2)空间所具有的相似的结构特征。讨论了强边缘紧空间的分离性质,覆盖性质,乘积性质和度量化。  相似文献   

全面解读了山西省委、省政府为加大山西产业结构调整的力度所制定和采取的一系列重要政策及举措。  相似文献   

讨论了考试成绩服从正态分布的条件.并且以此研究为依据,对有关考试评价问题提出一点看法.  相似文献   

通过对英美法系,大陆法系及我国合同法关于意思表示瑕疵合同效力规定的比较,确定应将其归为可撤销合同。  相似文献   

Antibodies to thaumatin as a model of the sweet taste receptor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
C A Hough  J A Edwardson 《Nature》1978,271(5643):381-383

Molecular theory of sweet taste   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
R S Shallenberger  T E Acree 《Nature》1967,216(5114):480-482

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