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Effects of cadmium (Cd) on microbial biomass, variable charge soil (Typic Aquult) using an incubation study activity and community diversity were assessed in a representative Cadmium was added as CdCNO3)2 to reach a concentration range of 0-16 mg Cd/kg soil. Soil extractable Cd generally increased with Cd loading rate, but decreased with incubation time. Soil microbial biomass was enhanced at low Cd levels (0.5-1 mg/kg), but was inhibited consistently with increasing Cd rate. The ratio of microbial biomass C/N varied with Cd treatment levels, decreasing at low Cd rate (〈0.7 mg/kg available Cd), but increasing progressively with Cd loading. Soil respiration was restrained at low Cd loading (〈1 mg/kg), and enhanced at higher Cd levels. Soil microbial metabolic quotient (MMQ) was generally greater at high Cd loading (1-16 mg/kg). However, the MMQ is also affected by other factors. Cd contamination reduces species diversity of soil microbial communities and their ability to metabolize different C substrates. Soils with higher levels of Cd contamination showed decreases in indicator phospholipids fatty acids (PLFAs) for Gram-negative bacteria and actinomycetes, while the indicator PLFAs for Gram-positive bacteria and fungi increased with increasing levels of Cd contamination.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of soils, derived from sewage irrigation, mining and inappropriate utilization of various agrochemicals and pesticides, and so on, has been of wide concern in the last several decades. The Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area (SZIA) in China is a representative area of heavy metal contamination of soils resulting from sewage irrigation for about 30 years. This study investigated the spatial distribution and temporal variation of soil cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu) contamination in the SZIA. The soil samples were collected from the SZIA in 1990 and 2004; Cd and Cu in soils was analyzed and then the spatial distribution and temporal variation of Cd and Cu in soils were modeled using Kriging methods. The results show that long-term sewage irrigation had caused serious Cd and Cu contamination in soils. The mean and the maximum of soil Cd are markedly higher than the levels in second grade standard soil (LSGSS) in China, and the maximum of soil Cu is close to the LSGSS in China in 2004 and is more than the LSGSS in China in 1990. The contamination magnitude of soil Cd and the soil extent of Cd con- tamination had evidently increased since sewage irrigation ceased in 1992. The contamination magnitude of soil Cu and the soil extent of Cu contamination had evidently increased in topsoil, but obviously decresed in subsoil. The soil contamination of Cd and Cu was mainly related to Cd and Cu reactivation of contaminated sediments in Shenyang Xi River and the import of Cd and Cu during irrigation. The eluviation of Cd and Cu in contaminated topsoil with rainfall and irrigation water was another factor of temporal-spatial variability of Cd and Cu contamination in soils.  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance has been identified as zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) co-hyperaccumulator. In this paper the relationships of Zn or Cd hyperaccumulation to the generation and the role of H2O2 in Sedum alfredii H. were examined. The results show that Zn and Cd contents in the shoots of Sedum alfredii H. treated with 1000 μmol/L Zn^2+ and/or 200 μmol/L Cd^2+ increased linearly within 15 d. Contents of total S, glutathione (GSH) and H2O2 in shoots also increased within 15 d, and then decreased. Total S and GSH contents in shoots were higher under Cd^2+ treatment than under Zn^2+ treatment. However, reverse trends of H2O2 content in shoots were obtained, in which much higher H2O2 content was observed in Zn^2+ -treated shoots than in Cd^2+-treated shoots. Similarly, the microscopic imaging of H2O2 accumulation in leaves using H2O2 probe technique showed that much higher H2O2 accumulation was observed in the Zn^2+-treated leaf than in the Cd^2+ -treated one. These results suggest that there are different responses in the generation of H2O2 upon exposure to Zn^2+ and Cd^2+ for the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii H. And this is the first report that the generation of H2O2 may play an important role in Zn hyperaccumulation in the leaves. Our results also imply that GSH may play an important role in the detoxification of dissociated Zn/Cd and the generation of H2O2.  相似文献   

研究目的:通过研究河流微生物与污染物的互作关系,为河流污染治理等相关研究提供新途径。创新要点:研究选择的目标河流是报道较少的辽河二级支流,该研究对于了解支流污染特别是东北地区河流污染有重要的意义。将分子生态学技术应用于分析不同污染程度的河流底泥微生物变化,建立微生物种群变化和污染物的互作关系。研究方法:选取沿条子河的8个代表性区段,分析河水和底泥中重金属和污染物的变化情况。通过变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术分析不同河流区段内真核和原核微生物种群变化,解析河流中污染物对底泥微生物的影响,建立微生物种群变化和重金属污染的互作关系。重要结论:重金属污染物的存在能抑制底泥中微生物生长,仅少量具有较强抗性的微生物存活(见图4);有机污染物的增加使对重金属有较强抗性的Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri 大量繁殖(见图2~4),从而大量消耗溶解氧,导致好氧微生物死亡和河水自净能力退化,最终引起水质恶化。由此可见,微生物对环境污染物的变化有很敏感的响应,通过对环境中微生物的监测有助于进一步分析环境污染的变化。  相似文献   

To investigate the Fe^2+ effects on root tips in rice plant, experiments were carried out using border cells in vitro. The border cells were pre-planted in aeroponic culture and detached from root tips. Most border cells have a long elliptical shape. The number and the viability of border cells in situ reached the maxima of 1600 and 97.5%, respectively, at 20---25 mm root length. This mortality was more pronounced at the first 1-12 h exposure to 250 mg/L Fe^2+ than at the last 12-36 h. After 36 h, the cell viability exposed to 250 mg/L Fe^2+ decreased to nought, whereas it was 46.5% at 0 mg/L Fe^2+. Increased Fe^2+ dosage stimulated the death of detached border cells from rice cultivars. After 4 h Fe^2+ treatment, the cell viabilities were _〉80% at 0 and 50 mg/L Fe^2+ treatment and were 〈62% at 150, 250 and 350 mg/L Fe^2+ treatment; The viability of border cells decreased by 10% when the Fe^2+ concentration increased by 100 mg/L. After 24 h Fe^2+ treatment, the viabilities of border cells at all the Fe^2+ levels were 〈65%; The viability of border cells decreased by 20% when the Fee+ concentration increased by 100 mg/L. The decreased viabilities of border cells indicated that Fe^2+ dosage and treatment time would cause deadly effect on the border cells. The increased cell death could protect the root tips from toxic harm. Therefore, it may protect root from the damage caused by harmful iron toxicity.  相似文献   

Water eutrophication has become a worldwide environmental problem in recent years, and understanding the mechanisms of water eutrophication will help for prevention and remediation of water eutrophication. In this paper, recent advances in current status and major mechanisms of water eutrophication, assessment and evaluation criteria, and the influencing factors were reviewed. Water eutrophication in lakes, reservoirs, estuaries and rivers is widespread all over the world and the severity is increasing, especially in the developing countries like China. The assessment of water eutrophication has been advanced from simple individual parameters like total phosphorus, total nitrogen, etc., to comprehensive indexes like total nutrient status index. The major influencing factors on water eutrophication include nutrient enrichment, hydrodynamics, environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, carbon dioxide, element balance, etc., and microbial and biodiversity. The occurrence of water eutrophication is actually a complex function of all the possible influencing factors. The mechanisms of algal blooming are not fully understood and need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution affects the quality ofpedosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Great efforts have been made in the last two decades to reduce pollution sources and remedy the polluted soil and water resources. Phytoremediation, being more cost-effective and fewer side effects than physical and chemical approaches, has gained increasing popularity in both academic and practical circles. More than 400 plant species have been identified to have potential for soil and water remediation. Among them, Thlaspi, Brassica, Sedum alfredii H., and Arabidopsis species have been mostly studied. It is also expected that recent advances in biotechnology will play a promising role in the development of new hyperaccumulators by transferring metal hyperaccumulating genes from low biomass wild species to the higher biomass producing cultivated species in the times to come. This paper attempted to provide a brief review on recent progresses in research and practical applications of phytoremediation for soil and water resources.  相似文献   

The present drinking water purification system in Egypt uses surface water as a raw water supply without a preliminary filtration process. On the other hand, chlorine gas is added as a disinfectant agent in two steps, pre- and post-chlorination. Due to these reasons most of water treatment plants suffer low filtering effectiveness and produce the trihalomethane (THM) species as a chlorination by-product. The Ismailia Canal represents the most distal downstream of the main Nile River. Thus its water contains all the proceeded pollutants discharged into the Nile. In addition, the downstream reaches of the canal act as an agricultural drain during the closing period of the High Dam gates in January and February every year. Moreover, the wide in- dustrial zone along the upstream course of the canal enriches the canal water with high concentrations of heavy metals. The obtained results indicate that the canal gains up to 24.06 × 10^6 m^3 of water from the surrounding shallow aquifer during the closing period of the High Dam gates, while during the rest of the year, the canal acts as an influent stream losing about 99.6× 10^6 m^3 of its water budget. The reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) and suspended particulate matters (SPMs) should be one of the central goals of any treatment plan to avoid the disinfectants by-products. The combination of sedimentation basins, gravel pre-filtration and slow sand filtration, and underground passage with microbiological oxidation-reduction and adsorption criteria showed good removal of parasites and bacteria and complete elimination of TOC, SPM and heavy metals. Moreover, it reduces the use of disinfectants chemicals and lowers the treatment costs. However, this purification system under the arid climate prevailing in Egypt should be tested and modified prior to application.  相似文献   

Phytic acid (PA) is the primary storage compound of phosphorus in seeds accounting for up to 80% of the total seed phosphorus and contributing as much as 1.5% to the seed dry weight. The negatively charged phosphate in PA strongly binds to metallic cations of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn and Zn making them insoluble and thus unavailable as nutritional factors. Phytate mainly accumulates in protein storage vacuoles as globoids, predominantly located in the aleurone layer (wheat, barley and rice) or in the embryo (maize). During germination, phytate is hydrolysed by endogenous phytase(s) and other phosphatases to release phosphate, inositol and micronutrients to support the emerging seedling. PA and its derivatives are also implicated in RNA export, DNA repair, signalling, endocytosis and cell vesicular trafficking. Our recent studies on purification of phytate globoids, their mineral composition and dephytinization by wheat phytase will be discussed. Biochemical data for purified and characterized phytases isolated from more than 23 plant species are presented, the dephosphorylation pathways of phytic acid by different classes of phytases are compared, and the application of phytase in food and feed is discussed.  相似文献   

茶果粗脂肪及粗皂甙积累的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了茶果在成熟过程中粗皂甙及粗脂肪的积累情况。果皮中粗皂甙积累较为缓慢,在果实成熟期含量为12.4%。果皮中粗脂肪的含量一直很低。种子干重在7、8、9三个月中增加较快。种子中粗皂甙和粗脂肪的含量在8、9二个月中增长最多,此期是茶果成熟的关键时期。茶果成熟度与粗脂肪及粗皂甙的含量关系很大,在果实成熟时,它们的含量较高。研究表明.茶果采收的最佳时间应为十月的最后一周。  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of arsenic (As) in Pteris vittata L., an As-hyperaccumniator, was studied to determine As compartmentalization and to explore the mechanisms that confer As tolerance. When the plant was grown in a nutrient solution without additional As, most of the accumulated As was isolated to the cell wall. However, in plants growing in a nutrient solution containing 0.1 or 0.2 mmol/L As, approximately 78% of the total As accumulated within the pinna. The proportions of As accumulation in the cyto- plasmic supernatant fraction were 78 % of that in the pinna and 61% of that in the plant. In either treatment group (0.1 or 0.2 mmol/L As), the fraction containing the lowest level of As was the organelle fraction. These results suggest that As accumulates in the pinna where it is primarily distributed in the cytoplasmic supernatant fraction. The role of As compartmentalization may be intricately linked with As detoxification in P. vittata L.  相似文献   

目的:分析西藏大骨节病患者用生物填充剂透明质酸钠膝关节注射治疗前后血清中细胞因子水平的变化与治疗效果。方法:选择西藏拉萨地区尼木县、墨竹工卡县、林周县等大骨节病区患者和病区健康对照组成人共252例为调查对象,依据大骨节病诊断标准,将其分为大骨节病组(KBD组,156例)和健康对照组(96例),患者平均年龄和性别无差别。KBD组中106例膝关节注射透明质酸钠,50例口服Vc。采用ELISA法测定血清中白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、透明质酸(HA)水平,硝酸还原酶法测定一氧化氮含量。结果:注射治疗后一周症状明显缓解,且疗效显著优于口服Vc。大骨节病组血清白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)一氧化氮含量等显著高于对照组人群,但透明质酸含量低于对照组。治疗后三个月血清细胞因子水平有下降趋势,但无统计学显著性。结论:膝关节注射生物填充剂透明质酸钠治疗西藏大骨节病,可缓解临床症状,改善关节功能,其作用可能是通过润滑关节,降低血清滑液中炎性细胞因子如TNF-1α、IL-1β等水平的作用来实现。  相似文献   

建立同时测定王老吉凉茶中的绿原酸、异绿原酸C、甘草酸3种有效成分含量的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)分析方法.用Agilent Zorbax RRHD Eclipse Plus C18(50mm×2.1mm,1.8μm)色谱柱,以甲醇-0.1%甲酸的水溶液为流动相,流速为0.30mL/min.在电喷雾电离(ESI)模式下,采用的是多重反应监测模式(MRM)进行检测,绿原酸、异绿原酸C、甘草酸的线性范围分别为0.030~4.500mg/L、0.045~4.500mg/L、0.016~2.000mg/L;检出限分别为10、12、3μg/L;3种成分的加样回收率为94.7%~103%,RSD均不大于1.9%.该方法简便、准确、快速、高灵敏度,已成功地用于实际的样品分析.  相似文献   

证明当n≡1(mod 2)时,R(4,1×n)型图是k-边优美图、超边优美图和边友好图.  相似文献   

通过分散聚合法,以甲基丙烯酸甲酯为单体,以聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮(PVP)为分散剂、偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂、甲醇/水为分散介质,并二次滴加单体与分散介质混合液,制备微米级单分散聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯微球.通过傅里叶转换红外分析,场发射扫描电镜,激光粒度分析等对微球进行表征.研究反应时间、初始单体浓度、分散剂浓度和引发剂用量等因素对微球粒径及粒径分布的影响.引发剂浓度和分散剂用量是影响聚合物微球粒径主要因素.分散剂浓度增大,引发剂浓度减小,均使微球粒径减小,分布变窄.最佳工艺条件为PVP用量1.5%、AIBN用量1%、单体用量10%、甲醇用量为60%、反应时间为6h、温度为75℃、制得的微球粒径为1.8μm.  相似文献   

本文以含Pb2+的水溶液培养植物,使其根部富集重金属铅,然后分析比较富集铅前后植物根部元素及其含量变化,由此推测可能参与固铅的物种,并通过模拟沉降固着和吸附实验进行验证.结果显示:所选植物长药景天(Hylotelephium spectabile(Bor.)H.Ohba)在加铅总量为80 mg的200 mL水溶液中培养4周后,其根部铅含量可高达30.18×103mg/kg,而叶片中的铅含量很低;其根部在含铅离子的蒸馏水培养液中的固铅量最大,在不同培养液中其根部固铅量的递减顺序为:蒸馏水培养液(D)>无磷培养液(B)>基础培养液(A)>无硫培养液(C);植株根部随着铅的富集,钙和磷的含量都有一定的增加.通过模拟沉降固着和吸附实验证实植物根部是通过形成铅的磷酸盐来固定铅的,钙的存在有助于加快铅的固着.  相似文献   

射频等离子体反应器适用于气相法快速合成高纯纳米微晶.针对小流量TiCl4氧化合成TiO2纳米微晶反应体系,在Matlab软件中采用有限差分法,以求解温度场的二阶偏微分方程模拟出反应器内的温度分布.通过将温度场与长大过程动力学方程偶联,沿每条气体流线计算,模拟出最终TiO2纳米微晶粒径及其粒度分布.不同进料浓度条件下的数值解与实验结果基本吻合.由于流动状态和浓度分布过于理想以及未考虑长大过程中传质因素的影响等,数值解与实验结果还存在一定的差距.  相似文献   

To enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotubes,tetracycline hydrochloride(TC) molecularly imprinted titania modified TiO2 nanotubes(MIP-TiO2) was prepared by liquid phase deposition,which improved the molecular recognition ability of the photocatalyst toward template molecules.This MIP-TiO2 photocatalyst was characterized by ESEM and XRD,which showed that the imprinted titania was deposited on the nanotube uniformly and was of well-crystalized anatase-type.In the adsorption experiments,MIP-TiO2 exhibited a high adsorption capacity(about 1.6 times higher than that of TiO2 nanotubes) for TC mainly because of its imprinted sites and high surface area.Under UV irradiation MIP-TiO2 showed enhanced photocatalytic activity with an apparent first-order rate constant 1.9-fold that of TiO 2 nanotubes.  相似文献   

利用ICP—AES法测定中药材中铅、镉、铜含量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了利用ICP—AES测定中药材中重金属元素铅、镉、铜的轴向观测方法,对轴向观测和横向观测的精密度结果和样品测定结果进行了比较。结果表明,采用轴向观测方式测得Pb、cd、cu的检出限(Ct.)分别为3.1ng·mL^-1、0.4ng·mL^-1、1.7ng·mL^-1;相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于5%;平均加标回收率分别为102.3%、101.8%、101.1%。轴向观测方式能满足中药材中铅镉铜的检测要求,横向观测方式不符合要求。  相似文献   

福建戴云山国家级自然保护区是福建省重要的生物多样性基因库、水源涵养区、生态安全屏障和珍稀野生动植物的生物安全岛屿,运用层次分析法对戴云山自然保护区植物多样性进行科学评价,针对评价结果并结合保护区生态、社会、经济现状,提出植物多样性可持续发展策略。  相似文献   

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