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The Chinese Cacopsylla species associated with Spiraea are revised. Three new species (Cacopsylla falcata sp. nov., C. nocturna sp. nov. and C. qilianensis sp. nov.) are described, and two [C. hyalinonemae Li and Yang, 1989 and C. spiraeicola (Li, 2011) comb. nov.] are redescribed. A new combination is also proposed for Cacopsylla tetrotaenialis (Li and Yang, 1989) comb. nov. Among the five species, C. falcata and C. qilianensis are affirmed to develop on Spiraea, as fifth instar immatures were found. The host plants of the other species remain uncertain. Based on morphological grounds, it is suggested that C. falcata and C. nocturna are closely related, but that the five species associated with Spiraea do not constitute a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2051-2071
The genus Baccharopelma (new replacement name for Neopelma Burckhardt, 1987 Burckhardt, D. 1987. Jumping plant lice (Hoomoptera: Psylloidea) of the temperate neotropical region. Part 1: Psyllidae (subfamilies Aphalarinae, Rhinocolinae and Aphalaroidinae). Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 89: 299392. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] nec Sclater, 1860 Sclater, P. L. 1860. Characters of ten new species of American bird. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 28: 461467.  [Google Scholar]; and for its replacement name Burckhardtia Straube and Miretzki, 1999 Straube, F. C and Miretzki, M. 1999. A homonymy in Psyllidae (Homoptera): a new name for Neopelma Burckhardt. Revista brasileira de Zoologia, 16: 1233 [Google Scholar] nec Frech, 1907 Frech F 1907 Ueber Aviculiden von palaeozoischem Habitus aus der Trias von Zacatecas Comptes Rendus du Congrès Géologique International, Mexico, 10(1906), 327–335  [Google Scholar] nec Brown and Hodkinson, 1988 Brown, R. G and Hodkinson, I. D. 1988. Taxonomy and ecology of the jumping plant-lice of Panama (Homoptera: Psylloidea). Entomonograph, 9: 304?pp [Google Scholar]) is revised to include five named species and possibly two undescribed species. The junior homonym Burckhardtia Brown and Hodkinson nec Frech is replaced by Hodkinsonia nom. n. The introduction of the two generic replacement names necessitates two new combinations. Four species are described as new. Keys for the identification of adults and the last instar larva are provided along with species diagnoses and illustrations of taxonomically relevant structures. The galls and known biological features are briefly discussed for each species and the phylogenetic relationships among the species are analysed. Baccharopelma spp. are monophagous on Baccharis spp. (Asteraceae) on which they induce galls. The temperate South American genus has one species restricted to Chile, three to Brazil and one occurring in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2039-2056

Three new species of the endemic leafhopper genus Devolana are described based from Sierra de Tuxcacuesco (Jalisco), Iguala and Zincauro (Guerrero), Mexico. Overall habitus and genital characteristics are extensively illustrated. A map of the known distribution and habitat images are included. A key to known species of Devolana is provided. The studied area and biodiversity implications for arboreal leafhoppers are discussed.



http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:ECFF00AE-3E75-4EA3-9FAC-29E418556177  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1281-1296
Aphalaroida comprises a compact group of nine species feeding on mimosoid legume host plants in the southern USA and Central America. The species, acaciae Crawford, californica Tuthill, inermis Crawford, lysilomae sp. n., masonici (Caldwell), pithecolobia Crawford, prosopis Crawford, rauca sp. n. and spinifera Crawford, are keyed out and data are given on host plants and distributions. Characters previously used to separate species are unreliable, and there is strong evidence to suggest that some species are polymorphic with respect to fore wing pattern. This had led to much confusion, with type series often containing mixtures of species. Fore wing shape, the form of male and female terminalia, the shape of the genae and the presence/distribution of glandular hairs are the most reliable diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):317-331
Four new species of Clinotanypus Kieffer, 1913 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from Brazil are described and figured as male and immatures: Clinotanypus caritus, Clinotanypus gymnos, Clinotanypus setosus and Clinotanypus striatus. Keys to the Neotropical males, pupae and larvae of known species of Clinotanypus are provided. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DAE70C2F-15CA-4B72-9AE5-F601EAD76A7C  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1511-1531
The Castniidae, or butterfly moths, are characteristically colourful diurnal moths, distributed throughout the tropics except in Africa. The Neotropical representatives forage almost exclusively on monocotyledonous plants and many species are crop pests with more than 60% of the Neotropical castniids found or endemic in Brazil. Research studies that focus on taxonomy, systematics, and morphology of this group are scarce. In this study, Yagra Oiticica, a small genus restricted to south-eastern South America, is revised and the diagnostic morphological characters of male and female genitalia are illustrated. This research is part of long-term study on the Castniidae for future phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The flower bug genus Orius Wolff, 1811 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae: Oriini) in Thailand is reviewed. Eleven valid species are recognised; seven of them are described as new to science: Orius (O.) sakaerat, O. (O.) taksini, O. (O.) tomokunii, O. (O.) filiferus, O. (O.) machaerus, O. (O.) inthanonus and O. (Trichorius) crassus. Orius (Heterorius) dravidiensis Muraleedharan, 1977, which has been known from India, is recorded from Thailand for the first time, and is correctly placed in the subgenus Dimorphella Reuter, 1884. The subgenus Paraorius Yasunaga and Miyamoto, 1993 is proposed as a synonym of Dimorphella. Diagnoses, digital habitus images, scanning electron micrographs and illustrations of diagnostic features including both male and female genitalia are provided. Keys to the Thai species are offered to facilitate identification. Biology of Thai species is also discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Tetradinodula Zha gen. nov. (type species: T. bambusae Zha sp. nov.) is described from the Baiqing Nature Preserve, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province, China. Ecology and habits of the new species are discussed. Genera of Cladonotinae from China are reviewed and a revised key for identifying the genera of Chinese Cladonotinae is presented.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EDEEECE8-9828-4C8E-829E-98089F58469E  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2925-2935
Two new species of the genus Alloclubionoides from two National Parks of Korea are described with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns and scanning electron micrographs. Alloclubionoides wolchulsanensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other Alloclubionoides spiders by a heart-shaped conductor with rounded base in the male palp and a large genital opening situated in the middle of the atrium, and a broadly cylinder-like copulatory duct in female. Alloclubionoides jirisanensis sp. nov. resembles Alloclubionoides napolovi (Ovtchinnikov, 1999 Zhang, ZS, Zhu, MS and Song, DX. 2007. Three new species of the genus Ambanus Ovtchinnikov, 1999 from China (Araneae: Amaurobiidae: Coelotinae). Zootaxa., 1425: 2128.  [Google Scholar]) but can be distinguished from it by the ‘Y’-shaped conductor dorsal apophysis and wound distal part of conductor.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):1887-1986
Fifty-one species are recognized in the genus Paurocephala, with an additional 14 species which remain unnamed. Thirty-five species are described as new, and five species are synonymized: P. pumilae and P. zhejiangensis with P. chonchaiensis, P. debregeasiae with P. sauteri, and P. guangxiensis and P. tremae with P. trematos. Two varieties, P. psylloptera maculipennis and P. psylloptera setifera, are raised to species level. P. bifasciata is reinstated from former synonymy with P. chonchaiensis, and Anomoterga kleinhofiae is transferred back to Paurocephala. Lectotypes are designated for P. brevicephala, P. chonchaiensis, P. psylloptera, P. sauteri, P. setifera and P. wilderi. The four New World species of Paurocephala are not considered to be congeneric with the Old World species and will be transferred to Diclidophlebia. Two South African species, P. bicarinata and P. hottentotti, are removed from Paurocephala and have to be accommodated in a new genus in the Diaphorininae. Thus Paurocephala is an Old World genus with nine Afrotropical and 42 Indo-Australian described species. Keys for the identification of adults and fifth instar larvae are provided. All 51 named species are diagnosed and illustrated, and information is given on distribution and host plants. Based on two cladistic analyses, one using adult characters only, and one using both adult and larval characters, four monophyletic species groups are recognized. In both analyses a basal group of 10 species, the brevicephala -group, forms the sister group to all other Paurocephala spp. The Afrotropical species are monophyletic and, together with one Oriental species constitute the gossypii group. In the analysis with adult characters only, the gossypii -group is the sister taxon of the kleinhofiae -group and, both together, are the sister group of the psylloptera -group, the largest species group with 27 species. In the analysis of adult and larval characters, the relationships between the last three species groups are not resolved. The result of the phylogenetic analysis confirms the synonymy of the subgenus Thoracocorna with Paurocephala. Known host plants of Paurocephala spp. belong to the Malviflorae with the exception of the Afrotropical P. insolita which develops on Theiflorae (Theales, Clusiaceae). The brevicephala -, kleinhofiae - and gossypii -groups are associated with hosts of the order Malvales (Malvaceae and Sterculiaceae), whereas the psylloptera -group is with Urticales (Urticaceae, Moraceae and Ulmaceae).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2049-2064
Two new species of the genus Crassolabium are described from natural areas in Vietnam. Crassolabium aenigmaticum sp. nov. is characterized by its body 1.23–1.58 mm long, lip region continuous, odontostyle 17.0–19.0 μm long, neck 320.0–397.0 μm long, uterus tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two triangular pieces separated by an intermediate sclerotized area, V?=?54–59, vulva longitudinal, tail short and rounded in both sexes, spicules 43.0–48.0 μm long, and seven to eight spaced ventromedian supplements. C. vietnamense sp. nov. can be distinguished in having body 1.55–1.88 mm long, lip region offset by constriction, odontostyle 19.5–22.0 μm long, neck 370.0–448.0 μm long, uterus very long and tripartite, pars refringens vaginae with two close together pieces, V?= 55–59, vulva transverse and usually covered with a plug, tail short and rounded in both sexes, spicules 53.0–55.0 μm long, and eight to nine spaced ventromedian supplements, two of them within the range of spicules.  相似文献   

Based on a cladistic analysis, the subfamily Rhinocolinae is redefined to comprise 13 genera and 39 species, of which two genera and eight species remain unnamed. Four new genera and 14 new species are described; one subfamily and one genus are synonymized, and two species are recombined; one lectotype is designated. The subfamily is divided into two groups, one with a Gondwanan distribution comprising four genera in Australia, New Zealand, South America and Africa, and another with Laurasian distribution in the Palaeotropics, the Western Palaerctic and North America comprising nine genera. Twenty-one species develop on host plants in the Rutales, three on Asteraceae, three on Cistaceae and one on Zygophyllaceae. The genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae) in particular hosts six species whose biology is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1267-1308
The taxonomy and biology of the Afrotropical thermophilic ant genus Ocymyrmex is reviewed and updated. A new key to workers for the 37 recognized species is presented and species-groups within the genus are delimited. Revised genus-level diagnoses for all castes are given and a check-list with known distributions of all species is included. Nine new species are described. The previously known biology of the genus is reviewed in the introduction and fresh biological and ecological information on a number of species is given in the introduction and under the individual species headings.  相似文献   

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