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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2385-2407
Many tropical terrestrial gastropods, such as Subulinidae, are recognized and classified by their shells, as is the case for Leptinaria unilamellata (d’Orbigny, 1835), a hermaphroditic pulmonate snail restricted to tropical America. We aimed to characterize the morpho-anatomy and histology of the reproductive system of L. unilamellata. We compared the results obtained from L. unilamellata with the available data on the reproductive system of other subulinid species. The main distinctive characters are those of the penial complex, such as the proportion of the length of the penial complex and the length of the free oviduct, presence of a flagellum, site of insertion of the bursa copulatrix duct relative to the site of insertion of the penial complex and presence and extension of the penial sheath.  相似文献   

A new introduced species, Otala punctata (Müller, 1774) and new records in Chile for Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) and Deroceras laeve (Müller, 1774) are documented based on surveys carried out in northern and central areas of the country. The presence and distribution of these alien species are complemented with a comprehensive compilation of all 34 non-indigenous species of marine, freshwater and terrestrial Mollusca in Chile; until 1999, only 16 alien species were known in Chile. Most of these alien species are found exclusively in transformed habitats, few exist in natural environments. The mechanism of introduction for the majority of these non-indigenous species is unknown; however, horticultural development, urban and suburban transformation of original natural habitats, and the aquarium trade are the most likely pathways of introduction. The highest threat of alien species is direct competition and predation of native molluscs, especially the small native land gastropods. Education and continuous field surveys are vital to detect and prevent their propagation as well as to avoid introduction of additional alien taxa.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):1367-1380
The parasitic wasp Trogus pennator (Ichneumonidae) attacks the larvae of swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). Female T. pennator were followed in the field as they searched for larvae of the zebra swallowtail butterfly, Eurytides marcellus (Papilionidae), feeding on Asimina (Annonaceae) in central Florida, USA. Predictions of host‐finding theory and interactions with the host were thus investigated in a natural setting. Wasps seldom flew to plants other than Asimina and apparently recognized the plants by visual cues. Plants were attractive regardless of host presence, as the wasps approached plants lacking E. marcellus feeding damage twice as often as they approached damaged plants. However, wasps approached damaged plants at a rate greater than their frequency in the Asimina population, indicating that they can detect host damage before they approach the plants. After approaching within 0.5?m of plants, wasps tended not to land on plants lacking feeding damage. A comparison of the plants they landed on, however, showed no consistent preferences for damaged plants. The weaker trends in the latter data indicate that the presence of feeding damage was not the sole criterion for landing, although it evidently influenced behaviour. After landing, wasps spent more time searching damaged plants than undamaged plants. Butterflies preferred to oviposit on plants shorter than those searched by T. pennator. Possible adaptive consequences of this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

The zoeal stages of Hiplyra variegata are described and illustrated for the first time. Zoea I was obtained from an ovigerous female, and the zoea II and zoea III stages were captured in the plankton (their identity was confirmed by rearing some of them from earlier stages). Comparisons are made with the only other species of the genus of which larvae are known, i.e. H. platycheir. The presence of a lateral spine on the carapace of zoea I is one of the most important characters that can be used for easy recognition of H. variegata. It is important to note that the third zoea of H. variegata has four small spines at each posterolateral margin of the carapace, in contrast to three spines in other species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1975-1990
The present study describes a new fireworm belonging to the genus Eurythoe, E. turcica sp. nov., collected from Iskenderun Bay and its vicinity (Levantine Sea, Turkey), and re‐describes the closely related species E. parvecarunculata Horst, 1912 Horst, R. 1912. Polychaeta errantia of the Siboga Expedition. Part 1, Amphinomidae.. Siboga Exp Utk zool bot oceanog geol Geb verz Neder Oost Indie 1899–1900 aan Boord HM Siboga ond Comm van Luit GF Tydeman., 24(1a): 143.  [Google Scholar] and Amphinome djiboutiensis Gravier, 1902 Gravier, C. 1902. Contribution à l’étude des annélides polychètes de la Mer Rouge.. Nouv Arch Mus., 3(4): 147268.  [Google Scholar], based on the type material. The new species is mainly characterized by having a rounded and short caruncle occupying only chaetiger 1, and dendritically branched branchiae from chaetiger 3 to the end of body. Morphological features of E. turcica are closely similar to those of E. parvecarunculata but the former species lacks the serrated capillary chaeta with a long spur on the notopodia of the median parapodia. The present study also shows that A. djiboutiensis and E. parvecarunculata, which were previously considered synonymous, are distinct species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1547-1556
Distribution of two ecologically similar but usually spatially separate ectosymbionts, branchiobdellidans (Annelida) and scutariellids (Platyhelminthes), on atyid shrimp (Neocaridina spp.) is reported from 18 localities in five Provinces of southeastern China. Prevalence was determined for the branchiobdellidan, Holtodrilus truncatus, found at seven locations, the scutariellid, Scutariella japonica, present at every site, and where cohabitation occurred. Both ectosymbionts showed a microhabitat predilection for the host's branchial chambers and instances of cohabitation occurred at all seven locations where H. truncatus were collected, although not on every shrimp. On-site observations of live hosts supporting both ectosymbionts showed that neither H. truncatus nor S. japonica reacted aggressively or defensively towards the other when in close proximity. Instances of imported Chinese Neocaridina spp. into central Honshu Island, Japan, almost certainly came from areas in southeast China identified in this study. These imported populations are predicted to spread northwards into the area where endemic Japanese branchiobdellidans occur.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1421-1422
The Macrolepidoptera collection of Eva Vartian is now housed in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna. The collection is exceptionally rich in Noctuidae and Geometridae from the Near and Middle East and contains an estimated number of 140 000 set specimens including more than 4000 types. Specialists who intend to investigate the collection are welcome.  相似文献   

Two new species of short-tailed whip-scorpions (schizomids), Calima embera sp. nov. and Calima nutabe sp. nov. are described based upon collected material from the Natural Park Planes de San Rafael, Risaralda department, and the Natural Reserve El Romeral, Antioquia department, Colombia, increasing the number of known species for the genus to four; an identification key and a distribution map for Calima species, are provided. The voluminous spermathecal lobes in females and the presence of a small dorsal eminence basal to Dm4 in the male flagellum of some species, could represent diagnostic characters for Calima and are therefore included in its diagnosis. The microsetae of the male flagellum of Hubbardiinae, continues be excluded from the setal homologies; we suggest that they must be taken into consideration in a future homology proposal. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1D3A97A4-29A6-46E2-AD78-EE6C7036D251  相似文献   

Uncertain type localities undermine orangutan nomenclature. Bequeathed to the British Museum, the holotype of Pongo pygmaeus, according to Hans Sloane’s catalogue, came from Borneo and died in China. The historical evidence makes Banjarmasin its most probable type locality. William Montgomerie, Assistant Surgeon at Singapore from 1819–1827, and Senior Surgeon from 1832, supplied the holotype of Simia morio. In 1836 an adult female orangutan reached Singapore alive from Pontianak, Borneo. The holotypes of S. morio, S. hendrikzii, S. straussii and P[ithecus] owenii probably had the same origin, as pirate attacks endangered visits to other Bornean coasts. Absent from Brunei and north Sarawak, Malaysia, throughout the Holocene, orangutans occur there only as Pleistocene subfossils at Niah. Pan vetus (the Piltdown mandible) probably came from Paku, Sarawak. We identify Pongo borneo Lacépède, 1799 as an objective senior synonym of P. wurmbii Tiedemann, 1808, correcting its type locality from Sukadana to near Pontianak. This is the earliest name for the western subspecies (previously thought nominotypical) unless Pithecus curtus, probably from the Sadong River, Sarawak, represents a separate subspecies. If so, the name Pongo borneo would transfer to the southern population west of the Kahayan River, genetically distinguished at species level from the Sumatran orangutan, P. abelii.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-8):327-356
In reviewing material in Australian museum collections from the Australian and Japanese coasts it became clear that many specimens of Amphiglena did not match the diagnosis of any current species. To allow for variability observed among the specimens, and hence within nominal species, three specimens from each locality were included in a cladistic analysis, along with all currently accepted Amphiglena species, new characters, and a variety of apomorphic sabellins. This allowed a reassessment of the monophyly of Amphiglena, its sister group, and relationships with close taxa. Phylogenetic relationships among the species of Amphiglena are presented and six new species are described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1665-1686
A new mite species of Favognathus Luxton, F. bafranus sp. nov., and a newly discovered male of F. amygdalus Do?an and Ayy?ld?z from Turkey are described and illustrated. A catalogue including distribution and habitat information of known species of the family Cryptognathidae Oudemans is also provided. Half of the Cryptognathus species are represented in the Nearctic Region and about 47% of the Favognathus species are represented in the Palearctic Region. Moss and litter under plants are prominent habitats for the cryptognathid mites.  相似文献   

A recently published paper on some Helix species from the East Mediterranean basin is briefly reviewed. Parts of the results of the authors of that study are erroneous because they are based on a misinterpretation of some of the taxa involved. An analysis of the actually studied taxa is presented, and the essential consequences for nomenclature and phylogeny are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2761-2801
A review of the Veliidae occurring in Espírito Santo State, Brazil, is presented. The following new taxa are described: Oiovelia brasiliensis sp. nov., Paravelia capixaba sp. nov., Rhagovelia vaniniae sp. nov., R. mangle sp. nov., R. teresa sp. nov., R. denticulata sp. nov. and R. sooretama sp. nov. Husseyella halophila, Microvelia ayacuchana, and Stridulivelia quadrispinosa are recorded for the first time from southeastern Brazil. Microvelia longipes, M. mimula, M. venustatis, R. accedens, R. bocaina, R. elegans, R. hambletoni, R. itatiaiana, R. robusta, R. tenuipes, R. triangula, R. trianguloides, R. zela and S. tersa are recorded for the first time from Espírito Santo State. The occurrence of H. diffidens in Espírito Santo is confirmed. Additional records from the Caparaó mountain range are presented for M. mimula, R. accedens, R. aiuruoca and R. triangula. A necessary nomenclatural note concerning R. ochroischion, R. sbolos, R. trianguloides and R. turmalis is presented.  相似文献   

From Martín García Island were collected 975 jumping spiders, from five environments, using beating net and manual sampling methods. Saitis variegatus Mello-Leitão, 1941 was the most abundant (24.62%). The sandy xerophilous forest had the highest species richness (23 morphospecies) and jungle showed the greatest spider abundance (n: 384). The sandy area was the least diverse and the last in relative abundance. Salticids represented 16% of the species recorded from Argentina, and the second largest family registered. The spider fauna found could be similar to that of the Southern Brasilian region, as occurs with scorpions. Two genera and two species are new records for Argentina. In addition, three new species of jumping spiders, as well as the discovery of the unknown male and female of two species, were registered. There was no record of cosmopolitan spiders or those with a large distribution range on the Island.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1473-1483

We analysed the diet of Ischnocnema henselii from a subtropical Araucaria forest through stomach flushing. The identified prey items comprised arthropods such as spiders, ants, orthopterans, collembolans and homopterans. We consider I. henselii to be a nocturnal and opportunistic sit-and-wait predator. Small animals are preferred. Because this species lives permanently on the forest floor, we also determined the composition of the habitat's leaf-litter mesofauna. By using Winkler sieve extraction, we obtained a spectrum of small invertebrates that reflected the prey in the stomach contents well. The only exceptions were mites, the most abundant leaf-litter inhabitants, which frogs either avoided or ignored. Our results represent the first information on the diet of I. henselii and are discussed in comparison with data on related species and in relation to the relevance of this predator within the food web of subtropical montane rain forests in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

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