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Videofilms of a foraging flying gurnard (Dactylopterus volitans) were collected at Itaipu, Niterói, RJ, Brazil. Analysis revealed details of the use of anterior parts of the pectoral fins which act as digging ‘hands’ to access infaunal prey items that are subsequently captured by oral suction feeding. Each pectoral fin has two distinct sections articulated separately on the pectoral girdle. The digging ‘anterior pectoral fin’ mainly consists of segmented and flexible fin rays but has an anterior robust unsegmented ray that provides an edge to the ‘hand’, allowing penetration of the substratum. The huge ‘posterior pectoral fins’ are supported by unsegmented rays. Most digging episodes involved one ‘hand’ and consisted of 1–7 cycles of movement with frequencies 1.15–3.74 cycles s?1. During a cycle, the ‘hand’ is moved forwards and medially above the substratum, then is twisted medially and simultaneously depressed so that the anterior unsegmented ray impacts and enters the substratum. The hand is then drawn backwards and laterally to disturb the substratum. To prevent upward pitching of the head during digging, the ‘posterior pectoral fins’ are both moved anteriorly and laterally to shift the centre of gravity forwards while the caudal and ?second dorsal fins continue to provide propulsive force.  相似文献   

Triphoridae is a family of marine microgastropods, with hundreds of species described especially from shallow waters, comprising planktotrophic and non-planktotrophic development modes. The present study focusses on an interesting finding of the deep-sea Oceanprof Expedition, conducted in Campos Basin (southeastern Brazil), in which triphorid larvae and a few post-larvae were profusely sampled at the slope, leading us to three main questions: (1) What species of Triphoridae do these larvae belong to? (2) Why were so many triphorid larvae found at the site? and (3) What does the presence of post-larvae mean? We show that all the larvae belong to genera or species present in the Campos Basin continental shelf. Some speculations are made about the great abundance of larvae in the slope, especially to vertical migrations of larvae, and about mesh size, in addition to possible differences of larval ecology between triphorids and the closely related Cerithiopsidae. Two possible explanations are indicated for the presence of post-larvae: mass effect (formation of pseudopopulations) or mid-water metamorphosis (spontaneous metamorphosis at the water column), with the latter being the more likely scenario. Despite being essentially theoretical, the present study aims to develop new insights into the larval ecology of these small gastropods, and to furnish a base for future tests.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1103-1217
Seventy‐eight species of Ascidiacea, including 21 new species from deeper waters (about 100 m and occasionally to about 500 m) off Western Australia appear to represent a diverse fauna not previously sampled. The relatively few solitary species taken include two possibly introduced (Styela plicata and S. clava). Large aplousobranch colonies dominate the collections. Aplousobranch species with numerous, small, deeply embedded zooids in massive three‐dimensional, vertical and often branched or stalked inflexible colonies supported by embedded sand (Polyclinindae) or calcareous spicules (Didemnidae) are common. Species with flexible stalks (enabling them to respond to prevailing currents) such as Clavelina meridionalis, Sigillina australis and S. cyanea were not taken often. Some known species (e.g. Synoicum chrysanthemum, and Atriolum tubiporum) previously considered rare were taken at these depths in significant numbers. Other unusual taxa (Pseudodiazona longigona and Condominium spp.) are recorded from new locations but do not appear to be common.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-20):1237-1243
Specimens (289) of Leptophis ahaetulla from northern Brazil and western Maranhão were examined for the composition of stomach contents. Most prey items were tree frogs, especially those of the family Hylidae (90%). Most of the anurans identified belong to the Scinax ruber species group (27%) and Scinax sp. (25%). Prey size was significantly related to snake length but not to head length. There was no significant difference related to sex in either case. Both sexes preyed on small to medium‐sized items (3–10% of snake snout–vent length). Leptophis ahaetulla seems to manipulate captured prey before ingestion since most of the prey items (83.6%) were swallowed head‐first. Leptophis ahaetulla is primarily diurnal and semi‐arboreal, inhabits disturbed and undisturbed forest, and forages primarily on the ground and in fallen vegetation, where its prey items are likely to be found at rest.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1581-1589
The distribution and density of a population of the narrowback mud crab Panopeus americanus were evaluated, with emphasis on the different developmental stages (juveniles and adults) and sexes. Specimens were collected in a remnant human‐impacted mangrove at Araçá on the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil, at two‐month intervals from January through July 2006, using 1 m×1 m sample plots randomly distributed in the intertidal zone. The population was abundant, with a mean density of 14.3±9.3 individuals/m2. Larger individuals were more abundant in the upper and middle intertidal zones, whereas smaller crabs were predominant in the lower intertidal and thus remained submerged longer. Males and juveniles were homogeneously distributed. Females preferred regions farther from the waterline. A clustered distribution pattern suggested gregarious behaviour and settling of juveniles in the vicinity of the adults' habitats, in an adaptive process as a function of tidal rhythms.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):2007-2027
In this exercise, the centres of evolution of the main forficuline taxa have been determined using the techniques of Nelson and Rosen (1981). This has shown that the Forficulina arose in an area of land now comprising north east Brazil and north west Africa. From here some taxa spread westwards into the Americas and others going eastwards to the rest of Africa, Madagascar, and Australia. The Cretaceous separation of India from Africa and its subsequent drift across the Indian Ocean to fuse with south east Asia resulted in the Oriental Region becoming a secondary centre of forficuline evolution, from whence various taxa have subsequently spread into Burma, China, Japan and Micronesia. Other taxa spread through the East Indies into New Guinea, Australia and associated islands. A few migrated from central Gondwanaland into Antarctica and thence to New Zealand and associated Polynesian islands. During the Miocene orogenesis of the Sea of Tethys, some families spread from north Africa into southern Europe and the Middle East. An analysis the geographical distributions of the various families indicates the main migration routes used by forficuline taxa as aspects of Dermapteran systematics in need of further study and consideration.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2363-2371
Reproductive aspects of Ameerega braccata, a Cerrado endemic species of Dendrobatidae, were studied in the surroundings of the type locality of the species, Chapada dos Guimarães, mid-southern Mato Grosso State, Brazil. We found that males call mainly early in the morning and in the late afternoon. During courtship, the female approaches a calling male and tactile and visual communication occurs. Males call continuously while guiding females to the oviposition site, which may be situated as far as 24 m (in a straight line) from the initial encounter site. Spawn are deposited over fallen leaves on the soil surface or in burrows. Female snout–vent length and body mass did not explain the variation in ovary mass, or the variation in the number and size of post-vitellogenic oocytes. The results reported here for A. braccata might help to understand trends in the evolution of dendrobatids in open Cerrado environments.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2639-2652

Two new species of siphonostomatoid copepods are described based on specimens collected off Tokara Islands located in the northern part of the Ryukyu Islands, Southern Japan. Cholomyzon multisetum sp. nov. (Coralliomyzontidae) found from the orange cup coral Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 (Hexacorallia: Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) has the following characters: armature formula of the antennule of the female; the outer lobe of the maxillule; and numbers of elements on the legs 1 to 3. Another species, Entomopsyllus takara sp. nov. (Entomolepididae), was found from both the Indo-Pacific blue coral Heliopora coerulea (Pallas, 1766) (Octocorallia: Helioporacea: Helioporidae) and the race coral Distichopora violacea (Pallas, 1766) (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata: Stylasteridae). This new species of the male specimen is characterized by the antennule with shortest sixth segment, the endopod of leg 2 bearing two inner setae on the second segment and five setae on the third segment, the third exopodal and endopodal segments of leg 3 bearing three spines and three setae, respectively, and the third exopodal segment of leg 4 bearing four setae. These two species represented the first records of the families Coralliomyzontidae and Entomolepididae from Japanese waters.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7C8DED0A-9CEB-405D-9BBF-FAF2043B0858  相似文献   

Eleven species of parasitic caligid copepods were recorded from approximately 1000 specimens of four congeneric species of Australian bream. New species were described and previously recorded species redescribed where necessary. Those caligids recovered in large numbers were liberal in choice of host species and displayed a wide geographical range within Australia.  相似文献   

Dentostomlla translucida Schulz & Krepkorgorskaja (1932) was found in the small intestine of the Mongolian gerbil, Meriones unguicilatus Milne-Edwards, housed at the small animal center at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Pertinent taxonomical characteristics were studied to differentiate D. translucida from D. kuntzi (Myers 1961) D. grundmanni (Chitwood 1963), D. legerae (Quentin 1975), and D. karachiensis (Bilqees 1978). Dentostomella translucida is distinguished by a large, evenly proportioned body, the presence of five unequaled teeth per esophageal sector, and a spicule tip bifid in ventral view in males. This project included the analysis of the structure and histochemistry of the adult nematode cuticle layers and egg-shell layers through the use of light and electron microscopy. Embryonation of D. translucida eggs was attempted to recover various larval stages. Additional information on D. translucida includes the presence of six cuticle layers, one exogenous with three endogenous egg-shell layers, and an egg operculum similar to that of D. kuntzi .  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35):3217-3226
Animal mating systems are moulded by ecological factors, mainly the temporal patterns of reproduction. We report the reproductive period, use of microhabitats, clutch and egg sizes, reproductive efforts, occurrence of sexual size dimorphism, and the relation between body size and fecundity in the gravid females of Trachycephalus venulosus and Scinax fuscovarius at Serra da Bodoquena, Central Brazil. The reproduction of both species was correlated with the rainy season. Females of T. venulosus produced more eggs and their eggs were larger than those of S. fuscovarius. The females of both species were larger and heavier than males. The reproductive effort was measured as the ratio of gonad mass in relation to body mass. Females of both species presented similar reproductive efforts, but males of S. fuscovarius invested more in gonads compared to males of T. venulosus. Trachycephalus venulosus presented significant correlation between snout–vent length versus number of mature eggs and body mass versus number of mature eggs and ovarian mass. Scinax fuscovarius showed significant correlation between body mass versus ovarian mass. Trachycephalus venulosus is an explosive breeder, whereas S. fuscovarius has prolonged reproduction. These species are able to adapt to several types of habitat, due to behavioural and physiological plasticity.  相似文献   


In the Cerrado, native grasslands have been dramatically lost, leading to an alarming decline in populations of bird species that require these vegetation physiognomies. Species such as the Black-masked Finch Coryphaspiza melanotis (Gray, 1840) are vulnerable to extinction and remain poorly studied. The objective of this study was to examine home ranges of the Black-masked Finch at the Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, central Brazil. Ten males were studied in a patch of shrubby grassland (campo sujo) between February and December 2008. The mean sizes of home ranges were 4.47 ± 1.49 ha (Minimum Convex Polygon) and 3.48 ± 1.44 ha (Kernel 95%), and this varied significantly between seasons. Home ranges were significantly larger in the non-breeding dry season than during other periods, and significantly smaller in the breeding season than during other periods. Core areas (Kernel 50%) had a mean of 0.46 ± 0.26 ha. A large overlap of home ranges was observed. The home ranges of all banded males overlapped those of at least three co-specifics, and most had an area overlap of more than 50%. A nest containing an egg and a nestling was found in November. Small and largely overlapped home ranges can be considered as positive for the conservation of the Black-masked Finch. This is because both small grassland fragments and conservation units can substantially contribute to the conservation of its populations through the Cerrado extension.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-32):1979-1988
The objective of this study was to furnish information on the natural history of the Neotropical marsupial Thylamys macrurus in the southern Cerrado of Brazil. A range expansion of the species was observed to the northeast of the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. Specimens were surveyed in fragments of savannah (40–600 ha) during dry and wet seasons in 2003 and 2004 with live‐trap grids and pitfall lines. With an effort of 9767 trap nights and 2200 pitfall nights, we obtained 102 captures and 49 recaptures of T. macrurus. The data analyzed (57 males and 40 females) showed that males are more abundant in the dry season and females in the wet season. Young were recorded mostly during the wet season. Thylamys macrurus was scansorial, using the floor and the understorey. Sexual dimorphism was recorded, with males being larger than females. Information on ectoparasites is supplied.  相似文献   


Thraupis is a genus of the American endemic Thraupidae (subfamily Thraupinae), comprising seven species that inhabit tropical forests to urban centres. The Sayaca Tanager (Thraupis sayaca) is a disturbance-tolerant species of high representativeness in plant-frugivore networks, but information on its breeding biology is scarce and often restricted to non-systematic surveys. We studied the breeding biology of the T. sayaca, following 39 active nests in a periurban area of southeast Brazil during two breeding seasons (2017/2018, 2018/2019). The breeding season ranged from early September to middle December, and the nests were placed in native and exotic plants and human buildings (nest height above ground: 3.35 ± 1.73 m, mean ± SD). Only females incubated and brooded, but both adults built the nests, fed the nestlings, and removed their faecal sacs. Clutch size was 2.86 ± 0.38 eggs and nest attentiveness was 71.2%. The incubation and nestling periods were, respectively, 13.4 and 17.4 days. Males and females did not differ on nestling provisioning and nest sanitation rates. Nestling provisioning (13.35 ± 6.25 trips/hour) increased with nestling age, while mean brooding time was 37.2% and decreased with nestling age. Apparent nest success was 38.7%, and nest survival according to the Mayfield method was 27.2%. Five nests (20.8%) were parasitised by the Shiny cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis), and we recorded five events of nest-site reuse. We concluded that the most remarkable breeding traits of T. sayaca in comparison with close-related tanagers are the use of anthropogenic nest sites, the higher clutch size and number of feeding trips, and the longer nestling period.  相似文献   

Data on reproduction of three species of pocket mice ( Perognathus ) occurring in northern Utah are summarized. Perognathus parvus and P. formosus bred in spring but not the remainder of the year. This occurred despite mild fall and winter temperatures and shallow snowcover. Litter sizes for P. parvus and P. formosus were similar to those reported by previous investigators. A small sample of P. longimembris indicated they may have much larger litters (averaging 5.78 young) than previously reported for laboratory populations. Adult body mass was positively correlated with testis mass in all species, and with litter size in P. parvus .  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened ecosystems in Brazil, with only 22% of its original coverage remaining. Despite around 900 species of Polistinae being described worldwide and their being widely distributed in the Neotropical region, they are still poorly known in northeastern Brazil, especially in Atlantic Forest. The aim of this work was a survey of social wasps in three fragments of Atlantic Forest with differences in the level of regeneration and in the physiognomy, performed at Michelin Ecological Reserve (located in Igrapiúna, southern Bahia State, Brazil) and employing three methodologies – attractive solution, Malaise trap and light trap ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ – for 12 months in transects. A total of 1066 specimens, belonging to 29 species from nine genera, were collected in the reserve. Epiponini was the richest tribe (23 species) followed by Mischocyttarini (five species) and Polistini (one species). The Malaise trap was not efficient during the night, having a deficit of 5110 hours; the only nocturnal genus, Apoica, was collected with a light trap – an attractive solution that was more efficient. Once it was left for 12 discontinuous days (72 hours), showing that more than one methodology is desirable for wasp surveys. Latitudinal analysis comparing the study area with other areas grouped the Michelin Ecological Reserve with areas in southeastern Brazil, which may be related to a lack of standardization in collecting methods. This study presented the highest richness in this region.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):2315-2322
The oldest fossil hydrometrid bug, Cretaceometra brasiliensis gen. nov., sp. nov., is described from the deposits of the Lower Cretaceous from Araripe Basin (Brazil), estimated at 110 million years old, and belongs to the stem-group of the recent Hydrometrinae. This extinct form demonstrates the great antiquity of the Hydrometridae.  相似文献   

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