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The following species of the fly genus Lispe are redescribed: L. albitarsis (Stein, 1898), L. latana Snyder, 1949, L. levis (Stein, 1911), L. lisarba Snyder, 1949, L. nasoni (Stein, 1898), L. serotina Wulp, 1896, L. setuligera (Stein, 1911) and L. vilis (Stein, 1911). Additionally, a new diagnosis is proposed for L. rufitibialis Macquart, 1843, and in order to fix the identity of the name the lectotype is designated. To facilitate species identification, a pictorial key for the species of Lispe in the Neotropical region and distribution maps are presented, together with the first published illustrations of the male terminalia of L. latana, L. levis and L. lisarba, and the female of L. lisarba.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2125-2136
A morphological investigation of Leydigia parva Daday, (Chydoridae: Anomopoda: Cladocera), based on specimens from Paraguay (type specimens) and Brazil, clarifies its position in the subfamily and prompts its assignment to a new genus, Parvalona. The affinity of this rare benthic chydorid with Leydigia Kurz, 1875 and Alona Baird, 1843, in which this taxon was placed earlier, is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):523-528
Fossil Mesozoic anomopods (Crustacea: Cladocera) have only been found twice previously, although this group apparently differentiated in the Palaeozoic. This paper describes the finding of anomopod ephippia of three different types in the locality Khutel‐Khara, Mongolia (Lower Cretaceous, 129±9 Mya). This discovery demonstrates once more that the idea of rarity of cladocerans in Mesozoic fossils was motivated by insufficient attention of carcinologists to such fossils.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2825-2863
Leptodora kindtii is a peculiar carnivorous crustacean widely distributed and occupying a prominent position in the freshwater planktonic communities. This species was originally found and described in the 1840–1860s and since then it has been a subject of numerous studies, morphological, embryological, behavioural, and ecological, which elucidated various aspects of its body structure and mode of life. Nevertheless, analysis of the literature and personal investigation of material on the species have led to the conclusion that the morphology of the species was not studied properly and the previous data might be incorrect and inconsistent, which obstructed proper understanding of its phylogeny, taxonomic position, and habits. In the present investigation, the external morphology of L. kindtii is described and analysed in detail, from comparative morphological and eco‐morphological aspects. Also, the morphological features of representatives of the species from different populations over the vast area of its Eurasian range have been studied with respect to their intra‐ and interpopulational variability and taxonomic significance. It has been shown that the majority of populations of L. kindtii from Europe to the Far East of Russia do not display any significant morphological differences, which testifies to their conspecificity. Only a small set of adult specimens from Lake Bolon (the Amur River basin, Far East of Russia) differed considerably from others in their small size and body proportions which implies the occurrence of another species of the genus in this region to be studied and validated in the future together with the enigmatic cave species L. pellucida Josef. In spite of high morphological peculiarity, L. kindtii possesses a number of “core” characteristics, which undoubtedly show its close relationship with other mostly small branchiopods (Ctenopoda, Anomopoda, Onychopoda) traditionally united in the taxon Cladocera whose validity has also been supported by modern molecular‐genetic studies.  相似文献   

Leucocythere helenae sp. nov. is described from a small, semi-permanent dam near Grahamstown (RSA). It belongs to Leucocythere s.s., but is at the same time characterized by a number of aberrant features, especially the shape and size of the large copulatory process on the hemipenis and the relatively short setae on the P(3) of the male. A cladistic analysis is conducted and it appears that within Leucocythere, the African species have the most plesiomorphic character states. The discovery of L. helenae sp. nov. in South Africa furthermore falsifies previous hypotheses on the age and origin of the Leucocytherini in general and Leucocythere s.s. in particular. It should now be accepted that the latter genus is not of Pleistocene age, but much older, although the lack of fossil material prevents more exact dating. Also, when the cladogram is studied in conjunction with the present day distribution map of Leucocythere, the concept of a Palaearctic origin of this genus must be rejected. The most plausible hypothesis to date on the origin of this group appears to be a generalized distribution of a leucocytherid ancestor over Europe, Asia and Africa (at least), with subsequent speciation through vicariance.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2481-2508
In Brazil and Columbia, we found three different species of Eurycercus Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Eurycercidae), belonging to two different subgenera: (1) E. (Eurycercus) cf. lamellatus (O. F. Müller, 1776), (2) E. (Bullatifrons) meridionalis sp. nov. and (3) E. (Bullatifrons) dumonti sp. nov. Appearance of the first species in Brazil could be a result of introduction due to human activities. The two other species are apparently Neotropical endemics. There is no opportunity to associate the previously described E. lamellatus var. minuta Birabén, 1939 Birabén, M. 1939. Los Cladóceros de la familia Chydoridae. Physis, 17: 651671.  [Google Scholar] with any taxa found by us, because the type material is lost and no eurycercids are present in its type locality now; therefore this taxon is species incorrigenda with minimal chance of being re-evaluated.  相似文献   

A new species of Indiacypris, I. chalakkudensis n. sp., is described from Chalakkudy River in Kerala, India; an asexual population of I. dispar occurred sympatrically with the new species and is here briefly redescribed. This is only the third species reported in this genus, and indeed also in the subfamily. The taxonomic position of this lineage is discussed in light of new morphological evidence. The subfamily could either belong to Cyprididae, or to Ilyocyprididae, or could represent an intermediate branch. Until molecular phylogeny can test these hypotheses, the subfamily remains in Ilyocyprididae.  相似文献   

Three cryptic species of the genus Munida from New Caledonia, previously identified as M. tuberculata Henderson, , M. notata Macpherson, and M. clinata Macpherson, , are described and illustrated. The three species are identified by subtle and constant morphological characters, which match clear differences in molecular sequences (16S rDNA and COI genes). The results also confirm the importance of several of these characters (e.g. length of the antennular and antennal spines) in the taxonomy of the genus Munida.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2311-2326
Ameroseius Berlese is the most numerous genus of family Ameroseiidae Evans (in Hughes 1961). Species of this genus have been reported from many regions around the world. A few species of this genus are known from Brazil. Ameroseius mineiro Narita, Bernardi and Moraes, sp. nov. is described based on the morphology of adult females and males collected from guano in caves of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This is the second Ameroseius species described from Brazil. The holotypes of Ameroseius plumosus (Oudemans) and Ameroseius plumigera (Oudemans) were examined, given their close similarity with the species described in this paper, and they are here redescribed. A key is provided to separate these and other most similar species. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:17A7D831-EC49-4D65-B06B-5E13EF52C696  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2701-2706
Two new species of the subgenus Cacoxenus (Nankangomyia) Máca and Lin, 1993 Máca, J. and Lin, F. J. 1993. The Drosophilidae of Taiwan: genera Amiota (excluding subgenus Phortica) and Leucophenga (Nankangomyia subg. nov.).. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 32: 111.  [Google Scholar] are described: C. (N.) gani sp. nov. from southwest China and C. (N.) unipaxillus sp. nov. from Myanmar. The diagnosis of Nankangomyia is revised.  相似文献   

A new ostracod genus and species, Namiotkocypria haysensis gen. et sp. nov., of the subfamily Cyclocypridinae is reported from an artesian well in San Marcos, Texas, USA. The new genus has several unique characteristics that distinguish it from all other genera in the subfamily, including postero-dorsally inclined valves, absence of tubercles in marginal zones of the valves, very short swimming setae on A2, length of aesthetasc ya on A1, asymmetric clasping organs, and differences in the shape of the hemipenis and other cheatotaxial parts. A detailed comparison among related genera of the subfamily is provided.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:42FF41E3-E2FB-4BB6-B9F0-948ED0A0807A.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1157-1178
Eight species are now assigned to Fabia Dana, 1851. The present partial revision accepts five, F. byssomiae (Say, 1818), F. concharum (Rathbun, 1893), F. emiliai (de Melo, 1971), F. subquadrata Dana, 1851 (type species) and F. tellinae Cobb, 1973, and recommends a future study to determine whether the Brazilian species F. emiliai, is a junior synonym of F. byssomiae. In addition, a new species, F. carvachoi, from the Gulf of California, México is described. The six species are diagnosed and/or described and figured.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2557-2574
The selection of Tubulipora lobulata Hincks, 1880 Hincks, T. 1880. A history of the British marine Polyzoa, London, , (UK): Van Voorst. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] as type species when establishing Oncousoecia is interpreted as a deliberate misapplication of a name, the nominal species T. lobulata having been originally described by Hassall in 1841 Hassall, A. H. 1841. Supplement to a catalogue of Irish zoophytes.. Ann Mag Nat Hist., 7: 363373. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. Canu is deemed to have created a new nominal species, Oncousoecia lobulata Canu, 1918 Canu, F. 1918. Les ovicelles des bryozoaires cyclostomes. Études sur quelques familles nouvelles et anciennes.. Bull Soc Géol France, Série 4, 16[for 1916]: 324335.  [Google Scholar], which is the valid type species of Oncousoecia. Microeciella Taylor and Sequeiros, 1982 Taylor, P. D. and Sequeiros, L. 1982. Toarcian bryozoans from Belchite in north‐east Spain.. Bull Br Mus (Nat Hist), Geol Ser., 37: 117129.  [Google Scholar] and Eurystrotos Hayward and Ryland, 1985 have each been used to accommodate similar oncousoeciid species with subcircular colonies. The type species of Eurystrotos, Alecto compacta Norman, 1867 Norman, A. M. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the coasts of the Hebrides by means of the dredge. – Part II. On the Crustacea, Echinodermata, Polyzoa, and Hydrozoa. Report of the 36th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. 1866, pp.193206.  [Google Scholar], has a branching colony‐form and does not differ appreciably from Oncousoecia with which it is here synonymized. Another species, Diastopora suborbicularis Hincks, 1880 Hincks, T. 1880. A history of the British marine Polyzoa, London, , (UK): Van Voorst. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], previously regarded as being a junior synonym of A. compacta Norman, 1867 Norman, A. M. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the coasts of the Hebrides by means of the dredge. – Part II. On the Crustacea, Echinodermata, Polyzoa, and Hydrozoa. Report of the 36th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Vol. 1866, pp.193206.  [Google Scholar] (itself a subjective junior synonym of Alecto dilatans Johnston, 1847 Johnston, G. 1847. A history of British zoophytes, London, , (UK): Van Voorst. 2nd edition [Google Scholar]), has a different ancestrular morphology and an unbranched colony‐form. It is here transferred to Microeciella.  相似文献   

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