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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):1977-2032
The morphology of the two species of Australian freshwater assimineids is described in detail. A new genus and species of Assimineinae, Aviassiminea palitans, is named from freshwater springs in north Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Austroassiminea letha Solem et al., 1982 from coastal springs in south Western Australia is also described and the original anatomical account is corrected in several important details. This taxon is shown to be a member of the Omphalotropidinae and is the only other non-marine assimineid known from Australia. All of the described assimineid genus-group taxa are listed in an appendix, with an assessment of their status, and their known diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2723-2763
The caenogastropod proboscis is a complex morphological adaptation to a carnivorous diet. This comparative morphological investigation of proboscis and snout anatomy in Caenogastropoda shows that there is undescribed diversity in both snout/proboscis wall composition and introversion/retraction musculature. There is morphological evidence which suggests that a proboscis evolved separately in at least four separate caenogastropod groups, each characterized by the presence of novel retractor muscles and different modifications of plesiomorphic “aortic muscles”. The biomechanical operation of the proboscis and snout utilizes a hydrostatic skeleton, but several higher caenogastropods have evolved a complex muscular hydrostat in the snout/proboscis wall which may mitigate the need to isolate the proboscis haemocoel during proboscis eversion.  相似文献   

A new dorid nudibranch from the southern Iberian peninsula is described. Taringa tarifaensis n. sp. is subtidal and has been found under stones. A comparison between T. tarifaensis and the other known species of the genus is presented, as well as some remarks on the taxonomic status of the genus Taringa.  相似文献   

Morphometric and sex linked phenomena in male Bullia digitalis, from the Western Cape coast of South Africa, are related to infection with a digenean microphallid larva described here for the first time and named Cercaria hastata. Penis shedding in Bullia is not uncommon. Most of the stumps are found on infected whelks, and this is probably due to parasitic inhibition of an otherwise rapid regeneration. The infection also abolishes sperm production. Stumps were never seen on sperm producing males, all of which have large penes, and in non-infected males, shedding occurs only in non-producers. In large non-infected Bullia, those which have underdeveloped penes and are non-producers of sperm may be transient intersexes. This is supported by the exhibition of protandry indicators such as brooding, nonsize preferential mate selection and gregariousness. Infection prevalence is size dependent, large whelks being more commonly infected; but parasitic gigantism is thought unlikely as Bullia is iteroparous.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses, using parsimony and compatibility methods, were carried out on the South African lacertid lizards assigned in recent times to Aporosaura, Meroles and Pedioplanis. These were based on 80 primary and 102 binary morphological characters which were drawn from osteology, external features, muscles, kidneys and reproductive systems. Contrary to some previous interpretations, there are two well-defined clades: Meroles plus Aporosaura, and Pedioplanis; these form successive branches on the main stem of the phylogeny of advanced lacertids. The clades show considerable parallel development of derived features, presumably because they had very similar initial genetic potential. Relationships within the two groups are shown on p. 800 and p. 802. As Aporosaura anchietae is sister taxon to a clade consisting of three of the seven species of Meroles, it has been transferred to that genus. Relationships in Meroles-Aporosaura are very well substantiated, in contrast to the situation in Pedioplanis. This difference appears to be related to the different kinds of evolutionary history that the two groups have had. The Meroles-Aporosaura clade has spread progressively into increasingly stringent and singular aeolian sand environments which have elicited the production of many, often unique, derived character states related to the functional problems of survival in such situations. As these states are rarely duplicated in outgroups, the characters concerned are easily polarized. This, together with their abundance, means that a robust basis for phylogenetic inference is available. In contrast, Pedioplanis exhibits relatively limited ecological radiation of a kind that also occurs in related groups, and the functionally related derived states elicited are fewer and less distinctive. In fact, production of a phylogeny for Pedioplanis is very dependent on genital characters which seem to be substantially independent of the main ecological changes that have occurred in the genus. The premaxilla is embraced dorsally by the anterior processes of the maxillae in most lacertids, but the processes are less extensive in two sister species of Pedioplanis, P. burchelli and P. laticeps. This modified condition also occurs in the genera Eremias, Acanthodactylus, Mesalina and Ophisops, which together constitute a clade that forms the sister group of Pedioplanis. The modification provides extra evidence for the holophyly of the clade, even though presence in some Pedioplanis shows it to be homoplasious.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2633-2644
Nest architecture, use of floral oil for brood cell lining and pollen collecting are described for the first time for the genus Rediviva, using the South African endemic oil-collecting solitary bee species Rediviva intermixta. The nest consists of a dead-end vertical tunnel with a single brood cell located at the end of each of several horizontally branching lateral tunnels. Brood cells are lined with a thin layer of waxy material, presumably derived from chemically modified floral oil. Rediviva intermixta is a pollen generalist but relies on a small number of host plant species for oil-collecting. Brood cells are provisioned with pollen from at least six plant families, but with a preference for non-oil-producing Scrophulariaceae. The nesting biology and Dufour’s gland size of the species are discussed and compared with the closely related genera Melitta and Redivivoides (non-oil-collecting) and Macropis (oil-collecting). The differences between Macropis and Rediviva suggest that oil-collecting in the two genera evolved independently.  相似文献   

The present study is the first to correlate information on emersion behaviour and foraging ecology of Sicyases sanguineus, a common clingfish of the Chilean coast. Individuals smaller than 15 cm in total length were frequently found at the highest points in the inter-tidal zone and consumed inter-tidal animals and seaweeds. Fish larger than 23 cm were infrequently observed emersed in the lower inter-tidal zone, but were collected sub-tidally by divers. These large clingfish ate mainly benthic animals occurring in the low inter-tidal and sub-tidal zones. Size-dependent factors, dessication and wave impact restrict the area of action of S. sanguineus to certain areas of the rocky inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal zone. However, the fish can be locally very abundant, consuming a great diversity of prey items including both direct primary space users and mobile animals able to affect community structure through grazing. We argue, therefore, that S. sanguineus may be important in structuring communities in some areas of the rocky inter-tidal and shallow subtidal zones of Central Chile.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(20):2533-2545
The commensal hydroid Eutima sapinhoa Narchi and Hebling, 1975 Narchi, W and Hebling, N. 1975. The life cycle of the commensal Hydromedusa Eutima sapinhoa n. sp. Marine Biology, 30: 7378. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] lives attached to the mantle, gills, labial palps and foot of the bivalve Tivela mactroides. The solitary polyps bud off medusae that become free, leaving the host through the exhalant water current. Newly liberated medusae were cultivated in the laboratory, attaining 7.8?mm in bell height, 13.3?mm in diameter and having eight marginal tentacles, while developing the typical eutimid medusa characters of a long peduncle, four radial canals and marginal statocysts with many statoliths. Eutima sp., previously reported from Florida, USA, is probably referable to Eutima sapinhoa. Like the other bivalve-inhabiting species of Eutima [E. ostrearum (Mattox and Crowell, 1951 Mattox, N. T and Crowell, S. 1951. A new commensal hydroid of the mantle cavity of an oyster. Biological Bulletin, 101: 162170. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Eutima sp.] from the Atlantic Ocean, Eutima sapinhoa has no trace of marginal cirri, thereby differing from the eutimid medusae of the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

We describe activity patterns, relative abundances and pollen transport by insect floral visitors in the Skukuza Ranger District, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa, based on field surveys conducted during the early rainy seasons of years 2006 to 2012 (inclusive). Diagnostic notes, illustrations and natural history observations are provided for species in the families Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Cleridae, Lycidae and Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera), Muscidae, Platystomatidae and Tabanidae (Diptera), Apidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, Sphecidae and Vespidae (Hymenoptera), and Pieridae and Thyrididae (Lepidoptera) that transported pollen of tree or shrub species. Observations on floral phenology and pollination syndrome are presented for 27 flowering tree or shrub species. To provide a foundation for studies of the effects of drought and climate change on pollination services in the Kruger National Park, we applied methods of food web analysis to characterise this plant-pollinator assemblage. The food web analysis shows moderate levels of redundancy in plant-pollinator interactions (with connectance values averaging 0.19 for plant species and 0.20 for pollinator species), suggesting that pollination services in this system may exhibit some resilience to environmental perturbations. Possible conservation strategies for maintaining pollination services in this ecological system are discussed, including habitat management to conserve larval or nesting areas for social and solitary bees and scarab beetles, as well as further inventories and long-term monitoring of pollinator species.  相似文献   


Six new species of Orasema are described. Four species are placed into a newly recognised lasallei species group: Orasema lasallei sp. nov. (Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua), O. janzeni sp. nov. (Costa Rica), O. peckorum sp. nov. (Brazil) and O. vasquezi sp. nov. (Colombia). One species is placed in the wayqecha group, Orasema masneri sp. nov. (Ecuador). One other species is currently unplaced to species group, O. longinoi sp. nov. (Costa Rica). Orasema lasallei was taken from a nest of Pheidole vorax (Fabr.) and an undescribed species near O. longinoi from a nest of Pheidole dossena Wilson (Myrmicinae). The morphology of the digitate labrum is discussed with respect to other Eucharitidae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29):2705-2714
The aim of this work is to propose the use of the Spheciformes wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Ampulicidae, Sphecidae and Crabronidae) as indicators of European biodiversity. One advantage of studying this group of insects lies in the regulating effects that such wasps have on other insect populations. We discuss the applicability of seven criteria, taken from the literature, to use the Spheciformes wasps as an indicator group, with respect to which parameters this group offers guarantees of being good indicators of biodiversity, both for predicting the diversity of other groups of animals and for all the species of a given area.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1299-1317
Morphology of scales is an important taxonomical character at all levels of Entomobryidae taxonomy. A new scaled genus of Collembola, Szeptyckiella gen. nov., and three new species are described: Szeptyckiella boulouparica sp. nov. and Szeptyckiella sinelloides sp. nov. from New Caledonia, and Szeptyckiella lii sp. nov. from South China. The genus, assigned to Willowsiini, is characterized by pointed scales on the body, eyes and pigment absent, antennal apical bulb absent, dens lacking spines and scales, and bidentate mucro with a short basal spine. It is closest to Hawinella from Hawaii but the latter possesses a falcate mucro. However, its morphological characteristics and its disjunct distribution raise a number of problems. Its widely disjunct distribution is difficult to explain in terms of palaeobiogeographical or more recent dispersal events. The new genus is similar to Sinella without consideration of scales, although both genera are placed in different tribes following the current supra-generic classification of Entomobryidae. We discuss other cases of paired genera differing only by the presence or absence of scales, and placed in either Willowsiini or Entomobryini. On this basis, we assume that scale presence could independently occur in the former tribe, questioning the monophyly of the tribe Willowsiini.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1437-1442
The parasitic wasp genus Conspinaria is recorded as parasitizing two species of chalcosiine zygaenid moths, Chalcosia thaivana owadai Wang and Erasmia pulchella hobsoni Butler in Taiwan. Parasitism of Zygaenidae and of Limacodidae by rogadine braconids is discussed in the light of possible phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):349-354
A drosophilid, Acletoxenus indicus Malloch, with larvae preying on Aleurodicus dispersus and Aleurocanthus sp. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is discovered from Guangdong and Hainan Provinces, China, and its morphological, ecological and molecular characters are described.  相似文献   

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