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对甘肃西峰地区晚第三纪红土和第四纪风成典型黄土的化学元素、矿物组成和矿物颗粒形态特征研究揭示出,该区红土下部(6.2MaB.P.前)是红化的土壤物质与其它物质一起经流水搬运再堆积的产物;中部(6.2Ma~3.4MaB.P.)未发现再搬运的痕迹,是风尘堆积经风化和间歇性地下水位波动作用所形成的;上部(3.4~2.6MaB.P.)是典型的风尘堆积-土壤序列。由于干旱区的存在是黄土高原风尘堆积的前提条件  相似文献   

从中国古植被记录看东亚季风的年龄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国最近发现的早中新世季风记录,对东亚季风系统何时形成又提出了疑问.现代季风系统的一个明显特征,在于它打乱了行星气候系统纬向分布的带状模式,因而地质记录中季风气候地理模式的出现,就应当意味着季风系统的建立.据此汇总了中国大陆125个地点所获得的古植物和岩性资料,揭示了两种完全不同的气候分带模式:早第三纪宽阔的干旱带由西向东横跨中国大陆,而晚第三纪至今的干旱带仅局限在中国西北部.渐新世/中新世交界时气候系统的大改组,就是现代东亚季风建立的证据.其后,季风系统在晚第三纪又经历了巨大变化,包括15~13Ma前、8Ma、3Ma前干旱气候的加剧和季风系统的加强.所获得的新资料并不支持亚洲季风系统起源于约8Ma前这一观点,而认为东亚大约是在晚渐新世向季风气候转变这一假设更为合适.  相似文献   

黄土高原中部连续的风尘堆积黄土-红粘土序列,蕴含着东亚季风演化与高原隆升等重要的古气候与构造信息.结合已有的古地磁年代,根据磁化率的变化特征对黄土高原中部朝那黄土-红粘土剖面记录的古环境变化进行了划分,共划分I(8.1~5.6 MaBP)东亚季风的初显期、Ⅱ(5.6~4.8 MaBP)东亚夏季风开始增强期、Ⅲ(4.8~...  相似文献   

渭北旱塬黄土记录的晚冰期以来短尺度气候变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对长武下孟村黄土剖面的野外考察和磁化率,粒度,吸湿水含量分析,探讨了该地区晚冰期以来气候变化规律,研究结果表明,该剖面较好地记录了新仙女木期(YD)和博令-阿勒罗德事件(BL+AL)短尺度较小幅度气候变化事件,对应全新世气候最适宜期(8500-3100a.BP),该地为黑垆土成壤期,从3100a.BP开始,季风气候格局快速转变,气候干旱化,土壤和土地资源退化,所以3100年来该地区形成了弱成壤的土壤层和黄土层。  相似文献   

对珠江三角洲PRD16孔的微体动物群进行了分析,共发现底栖有孔虫12属24种,介形类9属13种,它们可分别划分为3种生态类型。根据有孔虫和介形类微体动物群的分布特征、并结合岩性和沉积粒度特征,推断PRD16孔研究区晚更新世以来沉积环境演化经历了5个阶段:①34 600 cal a BP以前为河流相环境,形成了研究区最早的第四纪河床相砂砾沉积;②34 600~23 900 cal a BP推测为河口湾环境;③23 900~7 960 cal aBP受末次盛冰期影响,研究区暴露地表遭受风化剥蚀,形成花斑黏土;④7 960~2 810 cal a BP为全新世大海侵时期,研究区为河口海湾环境,发育以广盐性有孔虫和中盐-多盐性介形类为主的微体动物群,其间发生了2次小规模海平面波动,受地块区域沉降作用影响,研究区在3 873 cal a BP左右水深达到最大,主要有孔虫和介形类属种的丰度达到全新世最高值;⑤2 810 cal a BP以来海平面持续下降,研究区由潮坪环境变为河口砂坝,随后河流作用增强,又逐渐变为河流冲积-潮上带环境。  相似文献   

The origin and development of Asian monsoon circula-tion, the desertification and aridification of Asian inland in relation to vegetation evolution and the soil erosion in northwest China have been more and more drawing inten-sive scientific and society attention. Recently the studiesof monsoon evolution from some Tertiary Red Clay sec-tions located at the central Loess Plateau in the eastern Liupan Mountains, based on chronology, dust flux, grains size, magnetic susceptibility, and rates o…  相似文献   

The Late Tertiary red clay/bed sediments underlying the Quaternary loess-paleosol in the Chinese Loess Plateau possesses high-resolution paleoclimatic changes related to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Magnetostratigra-phy and susceptibility measurements are discussed in this paper. The paleomagnetic results show that the red clay/bed began to accumulate at about 8.1 Ma, which represents the oldest Late Tertiary deposit continuously in the central Loess Plateau. The magnetic susceptibility curves show stepwise increases since the initiation of red clay, superimposed on several peaks. Moreover, the magnetic susceptibility increased abruptly since 3.8 Ma, which probably indicates the inception of the modern East Asia monsoon system. Between 3.8 and 2.6 Ma, the stepwise increases of susceptibility may imply progressively intensified East Asia summer monsoon activity related with the stepwise uplift process of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Liu  ZhiFei  Li  XiaJing  Colin  Christophe  Ge  HuangMin 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(35):4058-4068
High-resolution clay mineralogical analysis of Core MD05-2904 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) covering the period since the Last Glacial Maximum shows that illite (29%–48%), smectite (14%–45%), chlorite (17%–28%), and minor kaolinite (6%–14%) comprise the clay mineral assemblage, and that time series variation does not present glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Provenance analysis indicates three end-member sources: almost all smectite derives from Luzon, all kaolinite is sourced from the Pearl River, and illite and chlorite originate from both the Pearl River and Taiwan. By comparing clay mineral compositions in surface sediments from the three major source areas and of the SCS, we reconstructed a time series of clay mineral contribution from the major provenances to the northern slope of the SCS using the linear separation method for illite crystallinity. There were three stages of provenance change. (1) During 24.1–17.5 ka BP, contributions from Taiwan and Luzon were similar (30%–40%), while that from the Pearl River was only 25%. (2) During 17.5–14.0 ka BP, the contribution from Luzon decreased rapidly to 20%–25%, while that from Taiwan increased to 35% from an average of 25% at 18 ka BP, and that from the Pearl River increased largely to 40%. (3) During the Holocene, differences in contributions from the three major provenances increased: the contribution from Luzon increased slightly and then remained at 27%–35%, that from Taiwan increased rapidly and then remained at 55%–60%, and that from the Pearl River decreased to 15%. The change in clay mineral contributions from different provenances is influenced mainly by clay mineral production, monsoon rainfall denudation, oceanic current transport, and sea-level change.  相似文献   

Recently, the Tertiary red clay sequence underlying Pleistocene loess has attracted much attention. The remarkable progress is the recognition that the Tertiary red clay sequence is also wind-blown in origin, thus providing a good opportunity to reconstruct long-term monsoon changes. In contrast to the loess deposits, the magnetic susceptibility and the pedogenic characteristics are almost independent of each other in the red clay, thus challenging the validity of the readily measurable magnetic susceptibility in describing the monsoon history recorded by the red clay. With the objective to address the long-term East Asia summer monsoon evolution, the free to total Fe2O3 ratios were calculated in a continuous eolian red clay-loess sequence at Lingtai, the Chinese Loess Plateau, which has a thickness of 305 m and a basal age of 7.0 Ma. The seven million-year Fe2O3 ratio record from the red clay-loess sequence indicates that (ⅰ) variations of the free to total Fe2O3 ratios of the loess can correlate generally with the alternations of the loess and paleosol horizons; (ⅱ) the East Asia summer monsoon was stronger as a whole in Neogene than that in Quaternary; (ⅲ) the strongest East Asia summer monsoon may occur between 4.0 and 4.8 Ma. The relatively small ice volume and high global temperature may be responsible for the strong summer monsoon during the early Pliocene.  相似文献   

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