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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules are not normally expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). However, aberrant expression has been observed in multiple sclerosis lesions and could contribute to the destruction of myelin or the myelinating cells known as oligodendrocytes. The mechanism of cell damage associated with aberrant MHC molecule expression is unclear: for example, overexpression of class I and class II MHC molecules in pancreatic beta cells in transgenic mice leads to nonimmune destruction of the cells and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We have generated transgenic mice that express class I H-2Kb MHC molecules, under the control of the myelin basic protein promoter, specifically in oligodendrocytes. Homozygous transgenic mice have a shivering phenotype, develop tonic seizures and die at 15-22 days. This phenotype, which we term 'wonky', is due to hypomyelination in the CNS, and not to involvement of the immune system. The primary defect appears to be a shortage of myelinating oligodendrocytes resulting from overexpression of the class I MHC molecules.  相似文献   

Self versus non-self discrimination is a central theme in biology from plants to vertebrates, and is particularly relevant for lymphocytes that express receptors capable of recognizing self-tissues and foreign invaders. Comprising the third largest lymphocyte population, natural killer (NK) cells recognize and kill cellular targets and produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. These potentially self-destructive effector functions can be controlled by inhibitory receptors for the polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules that are ubiquitously expressed on target cells. However, inhibitory receptors are not uniformly expressed on NK cells, and are germline-encoded by a set of polymorphic genes that segregate independently from MHC genes. Therefore, how NK-cell self-tolerance arises in vivo is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that NK cells acquire functional competence through 'licensing' by self-MHC molecules. Licensing involves a positive role for MHC-specific inhibitory receptors and requires the cytoplasmic inhibitory motif originally identified in effector responses. This process results in two types of self-tolerant NK cells--licensed or unlicensed--and may provide new insights for exploiting NK cells in immunotherapy. This self-tolerance mechanism may be more broadly applicable within the vertebrate immune system because related germline-encoded inhibitory receptors are widely expressed on other immune cells.  相似文献   

K Falk  O R?tzschke  H G Rammensee 《Nature》1990,348(6298):248-251
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules present peptides derived from cellular proteins to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), which check these peptides for abnormal features. How such peptides arise in the cell is not known. Here we show that the MHC molecules themselves are substantially involved in determining which peptides occur intracellularly: normal mouse spleen cells identical at all genes but MHC class I express different patterns of peptides derived from cellular non-MHC proteins. We suggest several models to explain this influence of MHC class I molecules on cellular peptide composition.  相似文献   

P Machy  A Truneh  D Gennaro  S Hoffstein 《Nature》1987,328(6132):724-726
Endocytosis of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded class I and class II molecules has been the subject of recent investigations. Class I molecules, which are key elements in T cell-mediated cytotoxicity, are differentially endocytosed by different cell types. Fibroblasts internalize their class I molecules via uncoated cell surface vesicles and tubular invaginations when these molecules are cross-linked with multivalent ligands. T lymphocytes internalize their class I molecules spontaneously, but B lymphocytes do not internalize them at all. Here we describe a morphological investigation of the mechanism by which class I molecules are endocytosed by T lymphocytes. We show that, unlike fibroblasts, T lymphocytes spontaneously internalize 20-40% of their class I molecules in a process involving coated pits and coated vesicles. Thus, the endocytic pathway of class I molecules in T lymphocytes is similar to those of other more classical cell-surface receptors involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis. In contrast, the same class I molecules remained on the cell surface in B lymphocytes. These data show that class I molecules are differentially regulated in T and B lymphocytes and fibroblasts.  相似文献   

T E Adams  S Alpert  D Hanahan 《Nature》1987,325(6101):223-228
Transgenic mice expressing simian virus 40 T antigen under control of the insulin gene regulatory region vary in their response to this protein. Each lineage is characteristically either tolerant to T antigen, or not, in which case autoantibodies arise with high frequency, and lymphocytes infiltrate and disrupt the pancreatic islets. Both non-tolerance and the autoimmune response appear to result from delayed onset of T antigen expression during beta cell development.  相似文献   

Antigen presenting function of class II MHC expressing pancreatic beta cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene expression in the mouse is generally limited to thymic epithelium and bone marrow-derived cells such as B lymphocytes and cells of the macrophage/dendritic cell lineage (M phi/DC). Class II-bearing B lymphocytes and M phi/DC possess antigen presenting cell (APC) function; that is, they can stimulate T lymphocytes reactive to either antigen plus MHC or foreign MHC alone. To assess whether non-bone-marrow-derived cells can acquire APC function and elicit graft rejection through expression of class II, we studied transgenic pancreatic islet beta cells that express a foreign class II (I-E) molecule. In vivo, grafts of I-E+ transgenic islets into I-E- naive hosts are not rejected unless the host is primed by an injection of I-E+ spleen cells. In vitro, the I-E+ beta cells are unable to stimulate T lymphocytes reactive to I-E plus a peptide antigen. Paradoxically, they induce antigen specific unresponsiveness in the T cells. We propose that expression of class II on non-lymphoid cells may serve as an extrathymic mechanism for maintaining self tolerance.  相似文献   

T Spies  R DeMars 《Nature》1991,351(6324):323-324
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes recognize antigen-derived peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules with which they assemble in the endoplasmic reticulum or in an undefined subcompartment. There is genetic evidence that the peptides that are products of cytosolic protein degradation are transported into this compartment by a peptide supply factor (PSF), encoded in the MHC class II region. Like the corresponding genes RING4, HAM1 and mtp1, PSF is related to the multidrug-resistance family of transporters and may be a peptide pump, as translocation of peptides across membranes must occur independently of the secretory pathway. There is, however, no functional evidence for this role so far. Here we report gene transfer experiments showing that expression of PSF complementary DNA in the human lymphoblastoid cell line mutant 721.134 restores normal levels of surface HLA-A2 and -B5. No similar effect was observed in 721.174 mutant cells, in which a homozygous deletion includes PSF among several other closely linked genes. At least one of these genes may therefore also be required for PSF function.  相似文献   

Tolerance of class I histocompatibility antigens expressed extrathymically   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
G Morahan  J Allison  J F Miller 《Nature》1989,339(6226):622-624
Although convincing evidence has been obtained for the imposition of self-tolerance by the intrathymic deletion of self-reactive T cells, the development of tolerance to antigens which are expressed only in the periphery is not so well understood. We have approached this question by creating transgenic mice which carry a class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene (H-2Kb) linked to the rat insulin promoter. Mice expressing the transgene develop diabetes, but do not appear to mount an immune response against the transgene-expressing pancreatic beta-cells, even when the transgene is allogeneic with respect to the endogenous host H-2 antigens. We have now explored the mechanism of this tolerance further. We find that spleen cells from pre-diabetic transgenic (RIP-Kb) mice do not kill targets bearing H-2Kb, whereas thymus cells from the same mice do. The unresponsiveness of these spleen cells can be reversed in vitro by providing recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2). In older, diabetic mice, responsiveness develops as the pancreatic beta-cells are lost. Our results point to an extrathymic mechanism of tolerance induction, dependent on the continuous presence of antigen and the lack of IL-2 in the local environment of potentially reactive T cells.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes expressing alpha beta receptors recognize antigenic peptide fragments bound to major histocompatibility complex class I or class II molecules present on the surface membranes of other cells. Peptide fragments are present in the two available HLA crystal structures and recent data indicate that peptide is required for the stable folding of the class I heavy chain and maintenance of its association with the class I light chain, beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m), at physiological temperature. To explain how the exogenous peptide used to create targets for cytotoxic cells bearing CD8 antigen could associate with apparently peptide-filled extracellular class I molecules, we hypothesized that stable binding of exogenous peptide to mature class I molecules reflects either the replacement of previously bound peptide during the well documented beta 2m exchange process or the loading of 'empty' class I heavy chains dependent on the availability of excess beta 2m. In either case, free beta 2m should enhance peptide/class I binding. Using either isolated soluble class I molecules or living cells, we show here that free purified beta 2m markedly augments the generation of antigenic complexes capable of T-cell stimulation.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex(MHC)of proteins that exists in all vertebrates is encoded by a cluster of genes associated with the immune response and related functions.MHC is divided into MHC I,II,and III;MHC I is involved in antigenic presentation,binding T cell receptors,and leading ultimately to specific cellular immune responses.The complicated functions of MHC I are determined by the nature of the complex.The crystal structure of MHC I has been solved for many animals,revealing the relationship between spatial structure and function.MHC I consists of an a heavy chain and a b2m light chain,both ligated non-covalently to a complex when a peptide is bound to the antigenic-binding groove.The a heavy chain is divided into an extracellular domain,a transmembrane domain,and an intracellular domain.The extracellular domain consists of sub-regions a1,a2,and a3.The a1 and a2 together form the antigenic-binding groove and bind antigenic peptides with 8–10 amino acid residues.MHC I can form a stable spatial structure;however,it should be noted that there are differences in the structure of MHC I among animal species,including anchored amino acids in binding peptides,binding sites,molecular distance,crystallization conditions,etc.Here,progress in determination of the crystal structure of human,mouse,chicken,non-human primate,and swine MHC I is described in detail.  相似文献   

Traffic of MHC molecules dictates the source of peptides that are presented to T cells. The intracellular distribution of MHC class I and class II molecules reflects the dichotomy in presentation of antigen from endogenous and exogenous origin, respectively. In human B lymphoblastoid cells, class I molecules are present in compartments constituting the biosynthetic pathway, whereas class II molecules enter structures related to lysosomes during their biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Transfection of genes into tissue culture cell lines has demonstrated that relatively short DNA sequences can allow expression of immunoglobulin, insulin and chymotrypsin genes in their appropriate cell types. A definitive test of cell-specific gene expression, however, requires testing genes in every possible cell type, an experiment performed easily by introducing the gene in question into the germ line of an animal. Transfer of intact genes into mice has demonstrated that a mouse immunoglobulin kappa gene is expressed specifically in B lymphocytes, a rat elastase I gene is expressed specifically in pancreas and a chicken transferrin gene is expressed preferentially in liver. Mouse metallothionein-growth hormone fusion genes introduced into mice are preferentially expressed in the liver, consistent with the expression of endogenous metallothionein genes, but initial experiments with beta-globin genes have not revealed proper regulation. To identify the DNA elements required for pancreas-specific expression of the rat elastase I gene, we joined the 5'-flanking region of this gene to the human growth hormone (hGH) structural gene and introduced the fusion gene into mice. Here we demonstrate that a fusion gene containing only 213 base pairs (bp) of elastase I gene sequence directs expression of hGH in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

M Bix  N S Liao  M Zijlstra  J Loring  R Jaenisch  D Raulet 《Nature》1991,349(6307):329-331
Irradiated MHC-heterozygous mice often reject bone marrow cells transplanted from one of the homozygous parental strains, a phenomenon ('hybrid resistance') that appears to violate the laws of transplantation. Rejection of parental and allogeneic marrow cells also differs from conventional T cell-mediated rejection mechanisms as it is effected by NK1.1+ cells. To account for the unusual specificity of bone marrow rejection, it has been proposed that NK1.1+ cells destroy marrow cells that fail to express the full complement of self MHC class I (MHC-I) molecules. We show here that NK1.1+ cells in normal mice reject haemopoietic transplants from mice that are deficient for normal cell-surface MHC-I expression because of a targeted mutation in the beta 2-microglobulin gene. These findings demonstrate that deficient expression of MHC-I molecules renders marrow cells susceptible to rejection.  相似文献   

Autoreactive T lymphocytes are clonally deleted during maturation in the thymus. Deletion of T cells expressing particular receptor V beta elements is controlled by poorly defined autosomal dominant genes. A gene has now been identified by expression of transgenes in mice which causes deletion of V beta 14+ T cells. The gene lies in the open reading frame of the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumour virus.  相似文献   

M Reitman  E Lee  H Westphal  G Felsenfeld 《Nature》1990,348(6303):749-752
The level of expression of exogenous genes carried by transgenic mice typically varies from mouse to mouse and can be quite low. This behaviour is attributed to the influence of the mouse chromatin near the site of transgene integration. This 'position effect' has been seen in transgenic mice carrying the human beta-globin gene. It was however, abolished when DNase I hypersensitive sites (normally found 65 to 44 kilobases (kb) upstream) were linked to the human beta-globin transgene. Thus, the upstream DNA (previously named a dominant control or locus activation region, now denoted a locus control region) conferred the ability to express human beta-globin at high levels dependent on copy number on every mouse carrying the construct. We report here an investigation of chicken beta A-globin gene expression in transgenic mice. A 4.5-kb fragment carrying the beta A-globin gene and its downstream enhancer, without any far upstream elements, is sufficient to ensure that every transgenic mouse expresses chicken globin messenger RNA at levels proportional to the transgene copy number. Thus the chicken DNA elements that allow position-independent expression can function in mice. In marked contrast to the human beta cluster, these elements are no farther than 2 kb from the gene. The location of the elements within the cluster demonstrates that position independence can be mediated by DNA that does not define a gene cluster boundary.  相似文献   

Rat cells transformed by the highly oncogenic adenovirus 12 lack at least two cellular proteins which are present in cells transformed by the non-oncogenic adenovirus 5 and in untransformed cells. One protein has been identified as the heavy chain of the rat class I major histocompatibility complex. This finding may explain the difference in oncogenicity between adenoviral species.  相似文献   

Structure of the human class I histocompatibility antigen, HLA-A2   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
The class I histocompatibility antigen from human cell membranes has two structural motifs: the membrane-proximal end of the glycoprotein contains two domains with immunoglobulin-folds that are paired in a novel manner, and the region distal from the membrane is a platform of eight antiparallel beta-strands topped by alpha-helices. A large groove between the alpha-helices provides a binding site for processed foreign antigens. An unknown 'antigen' is found in this site in crystals of purified HLA-A2.  相似文献   

Class II and class I histocompatibility molecules allow T cells to recognize 'processed' polypeptide antigens. The two polypeptide chains of class II molecules, alpha and beta, are each composed of two domains (for review see ref. 6); the N-terminal domains of each, alpha 1 and beta 1, are highly polymorphic and appear responsible for binding peptides at what appears to be a single site and for being recognized by MHC-restricted antigen-specific T cells. Recently, the three-dimensional structure of the foreign antigen binding site of a class I histocompatibility antigen has been described. Because a crystal structure of a class II molecule is not available, we have sought evidence in class II molecules for the structural features observed in the class I binding site by comparing the patterns of conserved and polymorphic residues of twenty-six class I and fifty-four class II amino acid sequences. The hypothetical class II foreign-antigen binding site we present is consistent with mutation experiments and provides a structural framework for proposing peptide binding models to help understand recent peptide binding data.  相似文献   

Empty MHC class I molecules come out in the cold   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules present antigen by transporting peptides from intracellularly degraded proteins to the cell surface for scrutiny by cytotoxic T cells. Recent work suggests that peptide binding may be required for efficient assembly and intracellular transport of MHC class I molecules, but it is not clear whether class I molecules can ever assemble in the absence of peptide. We report here that culture of the murine lymphoma mutant cell line RMA-S at reduced temperature (19-33 degrees C) promotes assembly, and results in a high level of cell surface expression of H-2/beta 2-microglobulin complexes that do not present endogenous antigens, and are labile at 37 degrees C. They can be stabilized at 37 degrees C by exposure to specific peptides known to interact with H-2Kb or Db. Our findings suggest that, in the absence of peptides, class I molecules can assemble but are unstable at body temperature. The induction of such molecules at reduced temperature opens new ways to analyse the nature of MHC class I peptide interactions at the cell surface.  相似文献   

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