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在已有献用Rademacher复杂性代替传统的VC维作为学习模型复杂性的度量的基础上,讨论再生核希尔伯特空间的Rademacher复杂性;并具体应用到支持向量机学习中,用Rademacher复杂性界定了支持向量机的学习风险.  相似文献   

为研究颅内压增高对脑功能的影响,以家兔为实验对象建立侧脑室灌注加压的单纯颅高压模型.采集皮层脑电信号并同步记录颅内压(ICP)、心电、呼吸、动脉血压等信号,采用迟滞粗粒化方法和Lempel-Ziv算法计算脑电信号的复杂度,分析不同ICP状态下脑电信号的非线性变化特征.发现以灌注加压前基础ICP时的状态为对照,ICP为2,4倍基础值时的脑电信号复杂度显著降低(P<0.01);ICP越高,复杂度越低;ICP恢复正常后,脑电复杂度有恢复趋势.研究结果表明,脑电信号的复杂度可用于检测由于ICP增高引起的脑损伤并有可能对其损伤程度进行定量评估.  相似文献   

用形式语言理论和符号动力学对126号初等元胞自动机的演化复杂性进行研究.证得其1-演化语言为正规的,而n≥2时其n-演化语言为非正规的.  相似文献   

A DNA-fuelled molecular machine made of DNA   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Yurke B  Turberfield AJ  Mills AP  Simmel FC  Neumann JL 《Nature》2000,406(6796):605-608
Molecular recognition between complementary strands of DNA allows construction on a nanometre length scale. For example, DNA tags may be used to organize the assembly of colloidal particles, and DNA templates can direct the growth of semiconductor nanocrystals and metal wires. As a structural material in its own right, DNA can be used to make ordered static arrays of tiles, linked rings and polyhedra. The construction of active devices is also possible--for example, a nanomechanical switch, whose conformation is changed by inducing a transition in the chirality of the DNA double helix. Melting of chemically modified DNA has been induced by optical absorption, and conformational changes caused by the binding of oligonucleotides or other small groups have been shown to change the enzymatic activity of ribozymes. Here we report the construction of a DNA machine in which the DNA is used not only as a structural material, but also as 'fuel'. The machine, made from three strands of DNA, has the form of a pair of tweezers. It may be closed and opened by addition of auxiliary strands of 'fuel' DNA; each cycle produces a duplex DNA waste product.  相似文献   

为了提高肌电假手模式识别和速度比例控制准确率,提出一种基于肌电复杂度特征和支持向量机的比例控制假手方法.提取能够表征动作复杂度的Lempel-Ziv复杂度和平均功率作为表面肌电特征,输入支持向量机,对握拳、伸拳、腕伸及腕屈四个动作进行识别,同时通过三次样条插值方法对动作过程的肌电平均功率和动作速度进行拟合,实现假手的速度比例控制.实验表明:该方法取得了94.18%的动作模式平均识别率和8%以内的比例控制误差.  相似文献   

传统基于图像处理的成像目标跟踪系统中,为了提高目标跟踪的可靠性,更多关注的是目标本身的特性,通过分析目标在不同阶段的成像特点,采用相应的算法进行自动提取与跟踪。由于不同目标提取算法在不同复杂程度的背景条件下具有明显的优劣性,实际跟踪过程中需要同时依据目标以及背景两方面的特性才能做出最合理的选择,然而,目前对于影响跟踪的背景特性研究却显得不足。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于结构相似度的背景复杂度判决方法,结合背景复杂度,完成了算法间的自动切换,实现了一个根据目标特性与背景特性的自适应实时多算法跟踪器。仿真测试与外场试验表明,该方法显著提高了对目标跟踪的可靠性。  相似文献   

Wang F  Mei Z  Qi Y  Yan C  Hu Q  Wang J  Shi Y 《Nature》2011,471(7338):331-335
Regulated proteolysis by ATP-dependent proteases is universal in all living cells. Bacterial ClpC, a member of the Clp/Hsp100 family of AAA+ proteins (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) with two nucleotide-binding domains (D1 and D2), requires the adaptor protein MecA for activation and substrate targeting. The activated, hexameric MecA-ClpC molecular machine harnesses the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to unfold specific substrate proteins and translocate the unfolded polypeptide to the ClpP protease for degradation. Here we report three related crystal structures: a heterodimer between MecA and the amino domain of ClpC, a heterododecamer between MecA and D2-deleted ClpC, and a hexameric complex between MecA and full-length ClpC. In conjunction with biochemical analyses, these structures reveal the organizational principles behind the hexameric MecA-ClpC complex, explain the molecular mechanisms for MecA-mediated ClpC activation and provide mechanistic insights into the function of the MecA-ClpC molecular machine. These findings have implications for related Clp/Hsp100 molecular machines.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD),caused by foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV),is considered one of the most important viral diseases of cloven-hoofed animals,causing severe economic losses in affected regions of the world.Three serotypes (A,O,and Asia 1) of FMDV have been identified in China since 1958.In addition,the occurrence of novel subtypes within these serotypes has made the epidemiology of FMDV more complicated over the last few years.In this review,we summarize the history and the current epidemiological situation in China,genetic diversity (e.g.,quasispecies dynamics,antigenic heterogeneity,and functional constraints),intertypic recombination,and the evidence for positive selection of different FMDV serotypes.We also assess these genetic data to understand the origin,evolution,and transmission of FMDV,the findings of which may be useful in developing control measures for future epidemics.  相似文献   

Evolution of tumours and the impact of molecular oncology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G Klein  E Klein 《Nature》1985,315(6016):190-195
It is generally accepted that tumours arise through the accumulation of several changes affecting the control of cell growth. Recent advances in molecular biology have made it possible to define some of these changes in molecular terms and to trace the steps by which certain tumours evolve.  相似文献   

本文运用统计复杂度和标准Shannon熵研究了乘性色噪声和加性白噪声共同作用下非对称双稳系统的动力学复杂性.考虑到系统势函数的非对称性,借助于Bandt-Pompe算法分别计算了系统总的以及左、右势阱的统计复杂度和标准Shannon熵,并在此基础上详细讨论了势阱的非对称性、加性白噪声、乘性色噪声及周期信号等对系统动力学复杂性的影响.结果表明,当这些因素变化时,系统总的统计复杂度和标准Shannon熵与系统单个势阱中的统计复杂度和标准Shannon熵呈现出明显不同的趋势,反映了其动力学复杂性的不同.  相似文献   

Unexpected complexity of the Wnt gene family in a sea anemone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Wnt gene family encodes secreted signalling molecules that control cell fate in animal development and human diseases. Despite its significance, the evolution of this metazoan-specific protein family is unclear. In vertebrates, twelve Wnt subfamilies were defined, of which only six have counterparts in Ecdysozoa (for example, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis). Here, we report the isolation of twelve Wnt genes from the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, a species representing the basal group within cnidarians. Cnidarians are diploblastic animals and the sister-group to bilaterian metazoans. Phylogenetic analyses of N. vectensis Wnt genes reveal a thus far unpredicted ancestral diversity within the Wnt family. Cnidarians and bilaterians have at least eleven of the twelve known Wnt gene subfamilies in common; five subfamilies appear to be lost in the protostome lineage. Expression patterns of Wnt genes during N. vectensis embryogenesis indicate distinct roles of Wnts in gastrulation, resulting in serial overlapping expression domains along the primary axis of the planula larva. This unexpectedly complex inventory of Wnt family signalling factors evolved in early multi-cellular animals about 650 million years (Myr) ago, predating the Cambrian explosion by at least 100 Myr (refs 5, 8). It emphasizes the crucial function of Wnt genes in the diversification of eumetazoan body plans.  相似文献   

C Anderson 《Nature》1991,353(6346):686-687

机器视觉系统的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了机器视觉系统的概念,提出了机器视觉系统的典型组成,在进行用户需求分析的基础上,详细讨论了如何利用光源、光学镜头、摄像机、图像采集卡以及图像处理软件等主要部件来设计开发一个焊缝机器视觉应用系统的关键技术.最后给出了一个焊缝检测应用实例.  相似文献   

提出了一种评估非母语英语学习者的词汇应用能力的方法,用于提高英语为非母语者的自然语音响应自动评分系统的精度.方法根据词表中每个词在参照语料库的出现频率来估算词汇复杂度,并评定响应中词汇的平均难度等级.基于口语响应中的单词,得出3种特征:相关覆盖率、平均词排名及平均词频,研究了它们对人工语言能力得分的影响程度.最后,探讨了词汇分布特征对自动语音评分系统的影响,重点在于参照语料库的文类和词项类型2个因素的影响.  相似文献   

相对分子质量分布(MWD)是聚合物产品重要的质量指标,目前实时检测相对分子质量分布仍缺乏有效的方法.在聚合物研究中,高精度的相对分子质量分布实时检测方法是当前的研究热点.不同于其他文献中描述的方法,通过结合聚合反应机理和过程信息建立相对分子质量分布的混合模型来解决预测精度和实时性问题.首先利用催化剂各活性中心的分布函数加权叠加拟合相对分子质量分布,分布函数参数和工艺条件之间的关系可通过多输出支持向量机回归(MSVR)算法来描述;其次应用无约束非线性优化方法优化上述方法建立的混合模型的工艺条件;最后将建立的混合模型应用于乙烯聚合过程,验证了上述方法的可行性.  相似文献   

Self-assembly provides an attractive route to functional organic materials, with properties and hence performance depending sensitively on the organization of the molecular building blocks. Molecular organization is a direct consequence of the pathways involved in the supramolecular assembly process, which is more amenable to detailed study when using one-dimensional systems. In the case of protein fibrils, formation and growth have been attributed to complex aggregation pathways that go beyond traditional concepts of homogeneous and secondary nucleation events. The self-assembly of synthetic supramolecular polymers has also been studied and even modulated, but our quantitative understanding of the processes involved remains limited. Here we report time-resolved observations of the formation of supramolecular polymers from π-conjugated oligomers. Our kinetic experiments show the presence of a kinetically favoured metastable assembly that forms quickly but then transforms into the thermodynamically favoured form. Quantitative insight into the kinetic experiments was obtained from kinetic model calculations, which revealed two parallel and competing pathways leading to assemblies with opposite helicity. These insights prompt us to use a chiral tartaric acid as an auxiliary to change the thermodynamic preference of the assembly process. We find that we can force aggregation completely down the kinetically favoured pathway so that, on removal of the auxiliary, we obtain only metastable assemblies.  相似文献   

A fast algorithm is proposed to solve a kind of high complexity multi-objective problems in this paper. It takes advantages of both the orthogonal design method to search evenly, and the statistical optimal method to speed up the computation. It is very suitable for solving high complexity problems, and quickly yields solutions which converge to the Pareto-optimal set with high precision and uniform distribution. Some complicated multi-objective problems are solved by the algorithm and the results show that the algorithm is not only fast but also superior to other MOGAS and MOEAs, such as the currently efficient algorithm SPEA, in terms of the precision, quantity and distribution of solutions. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60204001, 70071042, 60073043, 60133010) and Youth Chengguang Project of Science and Technology of Wuhan City (20025001002). Biography: Zeng San-you ( 1963-), male, Associate professor, research direction: evolutionary computing, parallel computing  相似文献   

一种新型振动攻丝机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对研制新型振动攻丝机的必要性进行了分析,确定了新型振动攻丝机的功能要求.研制的新型振动攻丝机采用了机械式激振器,主轴既作回转运动也产生振动;在主轴上设有螺纹,由两个步进电机分别控制主轴螺杆乖螺母转动,可以合成要求的螺距,实现了通用靠模的功能;能同时实现周向振动和轴向振动;控制系统采用了主、副控制器结构.该机经试验达到设计要求,对于振动挤压攻丝有较好的效果.  相似文献   

Taylor PD  Day T  Wild G 《Nature》2007,447(7143):469-472
Recent theoretical studies of selection in finite structured populations have worked with one of two measures of selective advantage of an allele: fixation probability and inclusive fitness. Each approach has its own analytical strengths, but given certain assumptions they provide equivalent results. In most instances the structure of the population can be specified by a network of nodes connected by edges (that is, a graph), and much of the work here has focused on a continuous-time model of evolution, first described by ref. 11. Working in this context, we provide an inclusive fitness analysis to derive a surprisingly simple analytical condition for the selective advantage of a cooperative allele in any graph for which the structure satisfies a general symmetry condition ('bi-transitivity'). Our results hold for a broad class of population structures, including most of those analysed previously, as well as some for which a direct calculation of fixation probability has appeared intractable. Notably, under some forms of population regulation, the ability of a cooperative allele to invade is seen to be independent of the nature of population structure (and in particular of how game partnerships are specified) and is identical to that for an unstructured population. For other types of population regulation our results reveal that cooperation can invade if players choose partners along relatively 'high-weight' edges.  相似文献   

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