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Summary Cortisone acetate (25 g/g b.wt/day) administration to 8-day-old suckling mice induces a premature increase of trehalase activity along the entire small intestine. On the other hand, thyroxine (1 g/g b.wt/day) is unable to provoke a precocious increase of trehalase activity. Trehalase appears to be the only brush border membrane disaccharidase controlled solely by glucocorticoid hormones during the postnatal maturation of the intestine.Supported by grant MA-5969 from the Medical Research Council of Canada to D.M. C.M. is a recipient of a studentship from MRC of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Daily administration for 3 days of cortisone (25 g/g b.wt), thyroxine (1 g/g b.wt) or insulin (12.5 mU/g b.wt) to 8-day-old suckling mice does not induce a premature decrease of the phosphohydrolase activity of intestinal glucose-6-phosphatase.Supported by grant MA-5969 from the Medical Research Council of Canada (D.M.). C.M. is a recipient of a studentship from MRC of Canada. D.M. is a chercheur-boursier du Conseil de la recherche en santé du Québec.  相似文献   

C Malo  D Ménard 《Experientia》1979,35(4):493-494
A single injection of cortisone or thyroxine to 8-day-old suckling mice initiates a temporary decrease of lactase activity. On the contrary, 3 injections of cortisone or thyroxine provoke a significant increase of lactase activity. It appears that the mechanism which controls the postnatal development of lactase in suckling animals is more complex than expected.  相似文献   

Summary A single injection of cortisone or thyroxine to 8-day-old suckling mice initiates a temporary decrease of lactase activity. On the contrary, 3 injections of cortisone or thyroxine provoke a significant increase of lactase activity. It appears that the mechanism which controls the postnatal development of lactase in suckling animals is more complex than expected.Supported by grant MA-5969 from the Medical Research Council of Canada to D. M. C. M. is a recipient of a studentship from MRC of Canada.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Behandlung 5 oder 8 Tage alter Ratten mit Thyroxin- oder TSH-Injektionen verursachte eine signifikante Stimulierung im Sauerstoffverbrauch und in der Sukzinodehydrogenase-Aktivität im Leber-, Muskel- und Gehirngewebe. Dies zeigt, dass die Inaktivität der Schilddrüse in metabolischer Kontrolle schon innerhalb von 8 Tagen nach der Geburt aufgehoben wird, wenn genügend TSH vorhanden ist.

Supported by National Research Council for Sciences and by the University of Turku through grants to one of the authors (R.T.). The aid of MissHelka Julku is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Tagesrhythmus der Proliferationstätigkeit von Darmepithelien wurde in drei verschiedenen Parametern um 02.00 Uhr ein Maximum gefunden. Mögliche Mechanismen werden erörtert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei mit Thyroxin behandelten Ratten verursachte Noradrenalin eine Stimulierung des Sauerstoffverbrauchs in Cortex-Ausschnitten. Der Wegfall dieser Beobachtung bei normalen Ratten weist auf die Wechselwirkung zwischen Noradrenalin und Thyroxin im Gehirngewebe hin.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration of epithelial cells from 14-day embryonic chick duodena decreased during 72 h of organ culture to a value 54% of that found at 17 days in vivo. The ability of cells to maintain a constant Ca2+ concentration when challenged with high extracellular calcium was also significantly reduced. Addition of 1 M hydrocortisone during culture restored both parameters of Ca2+ homeostasis to that of 16-day uncultured duodena, and rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ was significant within 4 h of hormone treatment. Thyroxine influenced epithelial Ca2+ similarly, but to a lesser degree and only after 48–72 h of culture. These data indicate that glucocorticoids, and possibly thyroid hormones, influence the development of calcium homeostasis in intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Treatment by thyroxine modified the specific activity of intestianl DNA in premetamorphic Alytes tadpoles. The activity decreased up to the 3rd day, and showed afterwards a peak which culminates on the 9th day. These results have been discussed in comparison with previous radioautographic observations.  相似文献   

Summary Acetylsalicylic acid exerted a potentiating effect on cortisone-induced teratogenicity in the mouse. Diphenylhydantoin remained uneffective in this respect.  相似文献   

Summary Because of the presence of bombesin-like immunoreactivity in milk we investigated if enteral administration of bombesin affects the intestinal luminal content of trypsin and protein in 12-14-day-old rats. Bombesin (40 g/kg), given either orogastrically or subcutaneously, produced a significant elevation in the intestinal content of trypsin activity. Thus, enterally-administered bombesin can produce acute biologic effects in suckling rats.  相似文献   

Because of the presence of bombesin-like immunoreactivity in milk, we investigated if enteral administration of bombesin affects the intestinal luminal content of trypsin and protein in 12-14-day-old rats. Bombesin (40 micrograms/kg), given either orogastrically or subcutaneously, produced a significant elevation in the intestinal content of trypsin activity. Thus, enterally-administered bombesin can produce acute biologic effects in suckling rats.  相似文献   

Electrolytic bilateral lesions of th nuclei habenulae were made in male, adult photostimulated quail. Habenular destruction led to a marked decrease in the plasma thyroxine level (40%), whereas sham operated birds did not differ from controls. This result appears to be somewhat different from those obtained in mammals and the mechanisms of habenular-thyroid interrelationships are unknown.  相似文献   

Summary Male chicks of an egg-laying strain were injected with 0, 1, 2 or 4 g/100g b. wt thyroxine s. c. daily from 7 to 12 weeks of age. Increasing dose suppressed testicular development and puberty was completely blocked by the highest level. Live weight gain was enhanced by thyroxine treatment. Similar treatment of females prevented normal development of the ovaries at puberty.  相似文献   

T Matsuda  A Baba  H Iwata 《Experientia》1978,34(1):18-20
Thiamine deficiency caused a marked decrease of intestinal alkaline phosphatase (al-Pase) activity, but had no effect on the Ca++-ATPase activity and Ca++-absorption in rats. The al-Pase activity was significantly decreased 1 h after oral administration of ethanol at 0.5 and 2.5 g/kg. In contrast, Mg++-, Ca++-and (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activities did not change after the administration of ethanol. These findings show that the al-Pase activity, unlike the Ca++-ATPase activity, is not related to Ca++-absorption. A possible role of al-Pase activity in the active transport of thiamine in the intestine was discussed.  相似文献   

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