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陈曦 《科学大观园》2021,(24):26-27
根据《2020老年人互联网生活报告》,超过10万老人日均在线超10小时.60岁及以上老年用户日均上网时长超1小时,平均一天登录5次APP,高于其他年龄段用户.《银发人群洞察报告》则显示,短视频已成为老年网民最主要的娱乐方式,在以抖音为代表的主流短视频平台上,老年人每月人均在线时长可达1500分钟.  相似文献   

正奶类调查显示,我国城乡居民平均每人每天奶类制品的摄入量为26.5克,远远低于中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的建议摄入量100克。奶类是营养比较全面的食品,其中钙含量很高,并且容易被身体吸收和利用。钙摄入不足,骨骼健康就得不到保证。研究显示,老年时期骨质疏松和骨折的发生,与儿童和青少年时期奶类消费频率和总量偏低有关。还有研究发现,给生长发育中的儿童少年补充奶类,有助于身高和骨量的增长。建  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的发展,人口老龄化这一社会性问题已经越来越引起人们的广泛关注,未富而先老这一严峻的社会问题将成为制约我国经济的发展和现代化建设的一个重要性因素。对此,刘新旗博士老吾老以及人之老,基于对老年人身体衰老过程中各种体征和代谢过程中所产生的变化和对身体健康的影响进行了多年的考查,进而对老年人的食物营养与缓解人体衰老展开研究。  相似文献   

本文阐述了启动老年消费市场的现状和意义,对我国老年消费市场现状进行了分析,提出要从发挥政府作用、围绕出台增强老年消费能力措施和做好产品开发等几个方面加以落实。  相似文献   

<正>根据中国部分地区调查,60岁及以上人群老年期痴呆患病率为4.2%。老年心理问题从性别结构来看,男女患者比例约为6∶4。人老了以后,随着身体上的衰老、工作的退休,就会产生各种心理上的问题,诸如多疑、自卑、不安全感等。需要子女在生活中多加关注和关心,严重的要去医院进行就诊。根据中国部分地区调查,60岁及以上人群老年期痴呆患病率为4.2%。老年心理问题从性别结构来看,男女患者比例约为6∶4。  相似文献   

项目针对健康主食设计及评价方法体系不完善的问题,建立了食物营养及健康作用综合数据库、设计开发了营养健康科学证据识别工具、并基于对我国常见杂粮的研究建立杂粮血糖生成指数预测模型,开发适合不同人群健康需求的健康主食产品;基于口腔-胃-小肠-结肠体外模拟消化设备,构建了一套适用于研究主食消化过程的体外模拟消化评价技术体系;开...  相似文献   

中国老龄化社会进程中的休闲问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对中国老龄人口结构与休闲生活状况的调查与分析,指出在我国老龄化社会进程中,老年人休闲生活所存在的观念和认识方面的各种误区,强调对这一问题研究的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

近年来我国城乡居民的膳食状况明显改善,儿童青少年平均身高增加,营养不良患病率下降.但在贫困农村,仍存在着营养不足的问题.同时,我国居民膳食结构及生活方式也发生了重要变化,与之相关的慢性非传染性疾病,如肥胖、高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常等患病率增加,已成为威胁国民健康的突出问题.  相似文献   

合理的食物结构向人体提供的充足且平衡的营养素是维持人体生命和健康的重要物质基础。发达国家对国民的营养与健康状况非常重视。我国也进行了“中国健康与营养调查”、“全国营养调查”等较多的研究。但是在本项目执行前,各类营养调查数据没有形成相应的国民营养与体质数据库系统,而且缺乏评价各类人群营养与体质状况的标准,特别是学龄儿童的生长发育标准。  相似文献   

《中国老年学杂志》副主编张雨林教授等,曾就老年学的若干术语的规范化问题多次撰文[1-4],提出了许多富有建设性的观点和意见,言辞恳切,不仅在理论上很有深度,于现实也颇有必要。笔者是老年学研究领域中的晚辈,学识粗浅,但从老年学的学术发展角度考虑,愿针对部分老年学术语的规范化问题提出管见,兼向张雨林教授等请教。张雨林教授等提出:“老年学(Gerontology)一词名不副实”,建议改为“年老学”。[4]其更名的理由有四:一是英文Gerontology原指研究人类个体或躯体老化(ageing)的老年医学或老年生物学,现将它移来指代研究群体老化即“人类老…  相似文献   

That Maxwell' s electrodynamics the way in which it is usually understood leads to asymmetries that do not appear in the phenomena is well known. Albert Einstein The painter' s studio should be a laboratory. There one does not make art in the manner of a monkey, one invents. Painting is a play of the mind.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to introduce some of the history and key concepts of network science to a philosophical audience, and to highlight a crucial—and often problematic—presumption that underlies the network approach to complex systems. Network scientists often talk of “the structure” of a given complex system or phenomenon, which encourages the view that there is a unique and privileged structure inherent to the system, and that the aim of a network model is to delineate this structure. I argue that this sort of naïve realism about structure is not a coherent or plausible position, especially given the multiplicity of types of entities and relations that can feature as nodes and links in complex networks.  相似文献   

This paper was written with two aims in mind. A large part of it is just an exposition of Tarski's theory of truth. Philosophers do not agree on how Tarski's theory is related to their investigations. Some of them doubt whether that theory has any relevance to philosophical issues and in particular whether it can be applied in dealing with the problems of philosophy (theory) of science.In this paper I argue that Tarski's chief concern was the following question. Suppose a language L belongs to the class of languages for which, in full accordance with some formal conditions set in advance, we are able to define the class of all the semantic interpretations the language may acquire. Every interpretation of L can be viewed as a certain structure to which the expressions of the language may refer. Suppose that a specific interpretation of the language L was singled out as the intended one. Suppose, moreover, that the intended interpretation can be characterized in a metalanguage L +. If the above assumptions are satisfied, can the notion of truth for L be defined in the metalanguage L + and, if it can, how can this be done?  相似文献   

This introductory article starts by describing the genesis of this special issue and the interconnection of its topics. The editors offer a variety of reading entries into the key-note articles and responses. The article reconstructs the research interests underpinning the idea of integrating meaningfulness, volunteers and citizenship. It highlights the explicit interdisciplinary design of the special issue, and shows how the key-note authors, and their respondents, weave connections between meaningfulness, volunteering and citizenship. And, finally, the editors bring the background understandings of the key-note papers to the foreground, and reconstruct a non-intentional meta-level discussion on two fundamental concepts and their interplay: self and world.  相似文献   

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