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Entanglement is considered to be one of the most important resources in quantum information processing schemes, including teleportation, dense coding and entanglement-based quantum key distribution. Because entanglement cannot be generated by classical communication between distant parties, distribution of entangled particles between them is necessary. During the distribution process, entanglement between the particles is degraded by the decoherence and dissipation processes that result from unavoidable coupling with the environment. Entanglement distillation and concentration schemes are therefore needed to extract pairs with a higher degree of entanglement from these less-entangled pairs; this is accomplished using local operations and classical communication. Here we report an experimental demonstration of extraction of a polarization-entangled photon pair from two decohered photon pairs. Two polarization-entangled photon pairs are generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion and then distributed through a channel that induces identical phase fluctuations to both pairs; this ensures that no entanglement is available as long as each pair is manipulated individually. Then, through collective local operations and classical communication we extract from the two decohered pairs a photon pair that is observed to be polarization-entangled. 相似文献
Entanglement is one of the key features of quantum information and communications technology. The method that has been used most frequently to generate highly entangled pairs of photons is parametric down-conversion. Short-wavelength entangled photons are desirable for generating further entanglement between three or four photons, but it is difficult to use parametric down-conversion to generate suitably energetic entangled photon pairs. One method that is expected to be applicable for the generation of such photons is resonant hyper-parametric scattering (RHPS): a pair of entangled photons is generated in a semiconductor via an electronically resonant third-order nonlinear optical process. Semiconductor-based sources of entangled photons would also be advantageous for practical quantum technologies, but attempts to generate entangled photons in semiconductors have not yet been successful. Here we report experimental evidence for the generation of ultraviolet entangled photon pairs by means of biexciton resonant RHPS in a single crystal of the semiconductor CuCl. We anticipate that our results will open the way to the generation of entangled photons by current injection, analogous to current-driven single photon sources. 相似文献
窄线宽纠缠光子对可以用来验证量子力学的一些基本概念,如非定域性.另外,窄线宽纠缠光子对应用于量子信息处理,可以极大增加量子通信的距离以及分布式量子计算的规模.论文系统介绍在冷原子系综中,利用四波混频和电磁诱导透明来产生窄线宽纠缠光子对以及对窄线宽纠缠光子对的波形进行调制的实验方法. 相似文献
为了能准确有效地识别微光子导航源的类别,提出了一种微光子导航源的混沌辨识方法.该方法在分析微光子信号特性的基础上应用混沌动力学方程建立微光子导航源的辨识模型,该模型利用了混沌振子对小信号的敏感性以及对噪声的免疫力来检测导航源的信号形式和参数,并通过对信号周期、频率的测量与整定,识别微光子源的特性与类别.通过对脉冲星导航源的实验数据分析,表明该方法可以检测低信噪比的微弱光子脉冲导航源信号,并能有效识别导航源的类别.此外,该方法还能用于其他先进导航系统的信号源频率测量、校准与识别.同时,可以扩展到如雷达多基信号接收及其他低信噪比信号检测和识别等应用领域. 相似文献
Generation of nonclassical photon pairs for scalable quantum communication with atomic ensembles 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Quantum information science attempts to exploit capabilities from the quantum realm to accomplish tasks that are otherwise impossible in the classical domain. Although sufficient conditions have been formulated for the physical resources required to achieve quantum computation and communication, there is a growing understanding of the power of quantum measurement combined with the conditional evolution of quantum states for accomplishing diverse tasks in quantum information science. For example, a protocol has recently been developed for the realization of scalable long-distance quantum communication and the distribution of entanglement over quantum networks. Here we report the first enabling step in the realization of this protocol, namely the observation of quantum correlations for photon pairs generated in the collective emission from an atomic ensemble. The nonclassical character of the fields is demonstrated by the violation of an inequality involving their normalized correlation functions. Compared to previous investigations of non-classical correlations for photon pairs produced in atomic cascades and in parametric down-conversion, our experiment is distinct in that the correlated photons are separated by a programmable time interval (of about 400 nanoseconds in our initial experiments). 相似文献
姜晓明 王九庆 秦庆 董宇辉 盛伟繁 程健 徐刚 胡天斗 邓虎 陈福三 龙锋利 陆辉华 岳军会 李春华 孙毅 陈锦晖 董海义 蔡泉 徐伟 李明 常广才 郑红卫 陶冶 刘鹏 刘景 孙冬柏 黎刚 石泓 曹建社 谭园园 《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》2014,(10):1075-1094
同步辐射光源已成为众多学科前沿领域不可或缺的大科学装置.我国现有的同步辐射光源都是中、低能光源,然而与国家重大需求和工业核心创新能力相关的研究急需高性能的高能同步辐射光源支撑,因而建设一台高性能的高能同步辐射光源将为国家的重大需求提供重要支撑,并大大缩小我国与国际先进光源的差距.本文阐述了建设高能同步辐射光源的必要性及意义,分析了国内外同步辐射装置的发展现状,重点介绍了中国高能同步辐射光源的科学目标、初步方案和技术难点,并系统介绍了国家"十二五"重大科研基础设施发展规划中拟开展的高能同步辐射光源验证装置工程的建设目标和建设方案. 相似文献
基于准单光子光源HSPS(heralded single photon source),推导了非正交(SARG04)三诱惑态(真空态和2个弱光强态)量子密钥分配方案。为了降低实现难度,将2个弱光强态合并,提出了简化的二诱惑态方案(真空态和一个弱光强态)。此方案将主动诱惑态方案和被动诱惑态方案相结合,不舍弃接收者检测结果中发送端探测器没有响应的脉冲集合,而是用来估计参量和生成密钥。数值仿真表明,被动诱惑态思想的加入,提高了密钥生成效率;二诱惑态方案的密钥生成效率非常趋近于无穷诱惑态方案的理论极限值;在实现难度相同的条件下,SARG04协议的密钥生成效率和传输距离都高于BB84协议。 相似文献
朱延彬 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》1996,(1):1-16
光子扫描隧道显微镜(PhotonScanningTunnelingMicroscope,简称PSTM)的发明是在近场光学理论、全内反射理论、光纤技术、高灵敏度光电探测技术和计算机等获得重大进展的基础之上取得的,最近的研究结果表明其PSTM已实现1~3nm的超衍射极限的分辨率,如何解释PSTM能够获得如此高的超衍射极限分辨率?PSTM能获得的超衍射极限分辨率会是多少?本文提出一种关于PSTM的光子理论假说,这个假说是基于下面两个基本定律:1.光子不只是携带能量和光学信息的载体,也是具有一定空间尺寸的基本粒子2.当光子发生反射、折射、散射等时,仅改变它所携带的能量和光学信息,它的粒子尺寸并不改变,即photo=常数.将上面两个基本定律应用于PSTM时,所谓“消逝场(evanescentfield)”实际上乃是弱光子分布场,探测光纤尖端尺寸实际上相当于一个“门”,它控制着进入光纤的光子数量,通过一些计算,可获得如下几个结论:1.在PSTM的探测系统足够灵敏的条件下,探测光纤尖端的直径D和近场探测间距Z是决定PSTM超级射分辨率的两个最重要的因索.2.PSTM分辨极限将产生在D=photon和Z=photon.3P 相似文献
由于制备与传输中的环境耦合,现实中的纠缠态大部分是非最大纠缠态.在研究现有量子受控传递方案的基础上,提出了一种利用非最大纠缠态作为量子通道来几率地传输三粒子部分纠缠态的量子控制方案.在该方案中,选择量子通道中的一个粒子作为控制粒子,发送者进行一次Bell基测量和2次Hadamard门测量;控制者实施一次Hadamard门测量,并将他们的测量结果利用经典信道发给接收者;接收者根据他们的测量结果进行适当的幺正变换以及一些必要的投影测量就能得到待传的未知量子态.该方案是一种基于非最大纠缠态的几率受控的隐形传态方案,可以应用于远程量子计算、远程量子克隆、量子远程控制等. 相似文献
提出并实现了一种小型、快速且稳定的八通道光子符合仪.此仪器采用高速ECL逻辑电路、FPGA可编程器件和USB2.0高速接口,能够同时统计八通道单光子检测器所有可能的单个或符合事件,且其平均处理速度最高可达到12.5 M事件/秒.此仪器在统计结果中还加入了辨别事件到达顺序的时间信息,再配合PC及其应用程序可实时监测八个通道中的任一路或符合事件.通过实时监测来调整单光子检测器及其前端的光路使其工作在最佳状态.同时此仪器还实现了不丢失地记录发生的间隔在13 ns(激光器的重复频率为76 MHz)时的事件. 相似文献
论文根据笔者课题组的近期工作,对双光子活性配合物的设计合成及其在生物学中的应用的探索,按照不同金属分类进行了综述.以其生物学应用为导向,利用配合物的结构特点,有机配体的可设计性强,金属离子的选择性广,设计合成了一系列双光子活性高、生物相容性好的配合物.实验结合理论系统地研究了配合物结构-性质相关性,探索了配合物光功能材料在生物学方面的应用.对配合物材料在生物学方面的应用进行了展望. 相似文献
Plasmon-assisted transmission of entangled photons 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The state of a two-particle system is said to be entangled when its quantum-mechanical wavefunction cannot be factorized into two single-particle wavefunctions. This leads to one of the strongest counter-intuitive features of quantum mechanics, namely non-locality. Experimental realization of quantum entanglement is relatively easy for photons; a starting photon can spontaneously split into a pair of entangled photons inside a nonlinear crystal. Here we investigate the effects of nanostructured metal optical elements on the properties of entangled photons. To this end, we place optically thick metal films perforated with a periodic array of subwavelength holes in the paths of the two entangled photons. Such arrays convert photons into surface-plasmon waves--optically excited compressive charge density waves--which tunnel through the holes before reradiating as photons at the far side. We address the question of whether the entanglement survives such a conversion process. Our coincidence counting measurements show that it does, so demonstrating that the surface plasmons have a true quantum nature. Focusing one of the photon beams on its array reduces the quality of the entanglement. The propagation of the surface plasmons makes the array effectively act as a 'which way' detector. 相似文献
陈传军 《山东大学学报(理学版)》2005,40(4):16-22
用MMOCAA格式(调整对流的特征线修正方法)处理半导体器件模拟的对流占优扩散问题,通过对对流项进行调整,仅增加少童计算量,使该问题既保持了全局质量守恒性质,又具有MMOC格式(特征线修正技术)的所有优点.进行了理论分析,得到了最优阶L^2模误差估计结果. 相似文献
LIUShuxia LIDehui SUZhongmin WANGEnbo 《科学通报(英文版)》2004,49(6):552-555
Intramolecular electron transfer triggered by proton and the mechanism of structural conversion in a ethynylene-bridged ferrocene-anthraquinone organic electron donor(D)-acceptor(A) π-conjugated system (1-FcAq) in the presence of a Keggin type heteropoly acid as proton source are discussed.Heteropoly acids can stabilize the protonated ethynylene-bridged ferrocene-anthraquinone conjugated complex,and the stable protonated complex has been isolated in air and characterized by elemental analyses,IR,IH NMR,and CV.Upon the inducement of proton, electron transfer from ferrocene moiety (Fc) to anthraquinone moiety (Aq) causes the rearrangement of the conjugated system to create a fulvene-cumulene structuere. 相似文献
态扩展技术是制备大规模纠缠态的一种有效方法,已成为纠缠态制备的研究热点之一.该文旨在分析当前已有的纠缠W态扩展技术,详细介绍不同类型的纠缠态扩展门,并给出W态扩展技术中需要解决的问题,以及有待深入研究的方向. 相似文献
提出了一种使用高速公路路面纹理特征来检测车旁超车车辆的实时算法.在由单摄像机获取的序列图像中,算法片先利用标志线信息在待检测车道上设置一个检测窗口,并对窗口内路面的纹理特征进行建模;然后利用帧间窗口内路面纹理的连续性信息和相邻车道路面的相似性信息,根据异常检测函数来触发检测,判断检测窗口内是否存在感兴趣区域;最后根据图像中消失点和标志线的信息来确认感兴趣区域内是否存在超车车辆.实验结果表明:此方法能够及时准确地检测出从本车侧后方出现的超车车辆,算法计算量低,满足系统的实时性要求,并具备较强的鲁棒性. 相似文献
在量子信息处理过程中,量子纠缠态扮演着极为重要的角色,其特殊的物理性质,使得量子信息具有经典信息所没有的许多新的特征,为信息传输和信息处理提供了新的物理资源.针对非对称偏振三维纠缠态的制备,基于交叉相位调制技术,以纠缠光子对和两个单光子比特作为初态,通过单光子与相干光的相互作用以及双光子干涉来实现.如果通过三个非计数单光子探测器来预警制备三维最大纠缠态,其概率为3/64.而如果采用特殊的分段式光子探测器,其概率可以提高到3/8,达到理论极限值.该方案在理论上是可行的,效率相对较高,而且预警式的制备为其后续在量子信息过程中的使用提供了很大的灵活性. 相似文献
Single photon detection is one of the key technologies for quantum key distribution in quantum communication. As a novel single photon detection technology, superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD) surpasses conventional semiconducting single photon detectors with high count rate and low dark count rate. In this article, we introduce SNSPD fabricated from NbN ultrathin superconducting film and lab-based SNSPD system. The characteristics of single photon response pulse of SNSPD are analyzed in detail. Also discussed is the relationship between waveform of single photon response and system bandwidth. Circuit model is made to analyze the performance of SNSPD. The simulation result agrees well with the experimental data. Those results are valuable for understanding the mechanism of SNSPD and building future SNSPD system for quantum communication. 相似文献