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A trilobite biostratigraphic study of a new section of the Kaili Formation at Jianshan, Chuandong Village, Jianhe County, Guizhou is reported. Additional occurrences of key species associated with the Ovatoryctocara granulata-Bathynotus holopygus Zone and the overlying Oryctocephalus indicus Zone that were originally defined from the trilobite assemblages at the WuliuZengjiayan section of the Kaili are reported from this new section. The first appearance datum (FAD) of Oryctocephalus indicus occurs at the 44.52 m above the base of the unit. Based on study of abundant specimens (n = 800) from the Kaili Formation, we argue that Oryctocephalus indicus is a widespread taxon with a global distribution. O. reticulatus (Lermontova, 1940) from the middle part of the Kounamkites Zone of the Amganian Stage in the Molodo River region of Siberia and O. americanus (Sundberg and McCollum, 2003) from Nevada, North America are similar to representatives of O. indicus which occur in the O. indicus Zone of the Kaili Formation. O. reticulatus and O. americanus are here synonymized with O. indicus (Reed, 1910). This study strengthens the Wuliu-Zengjiayan section of the Kaili Formation as a candidate section for a Global Stratotype for the base of the unnamed Cambrian Series 3.  相似文献   

Restudy on morphology of Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910), based on specimens from Guizhou, China and Nevada USA, suggests that the subspecies regarded previously as Oryctocephalus indicus indicus (Reed, 1910), O. indicus latus Zhao et Yuan 2002, and O. indicus kobayashi Saito, 1934, are synonymous, and Oryctocephalus americanus Sundberg et McCollum, 2003 is a similar form of O. indicus. Oryctocephalus indicus is rediagnosed as having a glabella that is subconical in outline and tapering forward slightly; a thorax that comprises 12 segments, and a small pygidium that bears 2?3 axial rings with a terminal piece and a postaxial ridge. Oryctocephalus indicus is widely distributed in eastern Guizhou and ranges through a great interval of Kaili Formation. Its first appearance is almost identical with these events of trilobite extinction-recovery occurring at the end of the Early Cambrian, the alternation of acritach assemblages, the change of trace elements (REE) and stable isotopes (carbon) at the Wuliu-Zengjiaya section. As one of the key forms for defining the traditional Lower - Middle Cambrian boundary (the base of Cambrian Series 3 and Stage 5 in the new Cambrian chronstratigraphic standard), O. indicus has received detailed study and has more advantages than other species such as Ovatoryctocara granulata Tchernysheva, 1962 or Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899.  相似文献   

Since both Chinese[1]and American Palaeontolo-gists[2]proposed separately to mark the beginning ofthe Middle Cambrian based on the first appearancedatum (FAD) ofOryctocephalus indicus[3]in thesame year ,the suggestion has been considered seri-ously and adoptedfrequently[4—18].The InternationalSubcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS) hasorganized the Working Group,chaired by L.B. Mc-Collum,to select candidate sections that bear poten-tial to become a GSSPfor the traditional Lowe…  相似文献   

Restudy on morphology of Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910), based on specimens from Guizhou, China and Nevada USA, suggests that the subspecies regarded previously as Oryctocephalus indicus indicus (Reed, 1910), O. indicus latus Zhao et Yuan 2002, and O. indicus kobayashi Saito, 1934, are synonymous, and Oryctocephalus americanus Sundberg et McCollum, 2003 is a similar form of O. indicus. Oryctocephalus indicus is rediagnosed as having a glabella that is subconical in outline and tapering forward slightly; a thorax that comprises 12 segments, and a small pygidium that bears 2?3 axial rings with a terminal piece and a postaxial ridge. Oryctocephalus indicus is widely distributed in eastern Guizhou and ranges through a great interval of Kaili Formation. Its first appearance is almost identical with these events of trilobite extinction-recovery occurring at the end of the Early Cambrian, the alternation of acritach assemblages, the change of trace elements (REE) and stable isotopes (carbon) at the Wuliu-Zengjiaya section. As one of the key forms for defining the traditional Lower - Middle Cambrian boundary (the base of Cambrian Series 3 and Stage 5 in the new Cambrian chronstratigraphic standard), O. indicus has received detailed study and has more advantages than other species such as Ovatoryctocara granulata Tchernysheva, 1962 or Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899.  相似文献   

Proposal and prospects for the global Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In recent years paleontologists have been working on the global stratotype section and standard point (GSSP) for the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary in North America, China, Morocco, Spain and Russia. Continually, they suggest the potential first appearance datum (FAD) of the Middle Cambrian, such as Oryctocephalus indicus, Ovatoryctocara granulata, Acadoparadoxides mureroensis, Hupeolenus and Arthricocephalus chauveaui as being relevant to the potential stratotype section for the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary. There are only a few trilobites distributed widely enough in the Early to Middle Cambrian connection, so virtually no trilobite(s) can act as the FAD for the global Middle Cambrian. The easily identified Oryctocephalus indicus is widely distributed in three realms of the global Cambrian. Its first appearance position is linked to the extinction of old species coevolution of new ones. It appears to be a comparatively good FAD of Middle Cambrian. The continuous and unbroken Wuliu section (Balang, Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China) includes O. indicus and co-occurs with many benthic and nektonic trilobites. The evolution of acritarchs in the section, the changed characteristics of trace elements (REE and C isotopes) are generally consistent with the evolution of trilobites both above and below the boundary. Strata above the boundary yield the famous Kaili Biota. The Wuliu section is easily accessible from a main highway.  相似文献   

贵州剑河县巴水崖和镇远县朱砂凯里组剖面中下部都有Oryctocephalus indicus的产出,说明Oryctocephalus indicus的分布具有普遍性。两个剖面中、下寒武统界线的划分和潜在的八郎鸟溜剖面中、下寒武统界线候选层型剖面的划分基本一致,可作为潜在的八郎鸟溜中、下寒武统层型剖面的辅助剖面。  相似文献   

The genus Ovatoryctocara Tchernysheva, 1962 and its key species Ovatoryctocara granulata Tchernysheva, 1962 are revised. Ovatoryctocara granulata occurs near the base of the Ovatoryctocara Zone and ranges up into the lower portion of the Kounamkites Zone in the Siberian Platform. O. granulata also appears in southeastern Guizhou, South China, but, O. granulata in northern Greenland may represent an indefinite species. Specimens of Ovatoryctocara from Newfoundland cannot be identified to species level. Specimens including two cranidia and three pygidia from the lower part of the Aoxi Formation at Yaxi Village, Shizhu Town, eastern Tongren, northeastern Guizhou, were previously assigned to O. granulata , which is now reassigned as a new species O. yaxiensis sp. nov. It bears following main features: glabella club-shaped, slightly expanded medially, with 4 pairs of lateral furrows, of which S1-S3 triangular pits, S4 shallow , connecting with axial furrow; shorter palpebral lobe situated a little anterior to midway of facial suture across the fixigenae, longer posterolateral area (exsag.); semielliptical pygidium consisting of seven axial rings with a terminal piece and with eight pairs of marginal tips giving a sawtooth-like shape of the lateral margins in dorsal view. Although O. granulata is a widely distributed species, the FAD of O. granulata, for a global stage boundary has still some disadvantages. First, its distribution is not as wide as that of Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910). Second, specimens of O. granulata are only common in Siberia. Third, the stratigraphic range of the species has not been studied in detail in all continents. Fourth, O. granulata is relatively small and easily affected by post-burial distortion. Last but not least, there exists obviously a facies change between the Ovatoryctocara Zone ( lower Amgan Stage; deeper water facies) and underlying Anabaraspis splendens Zone (Toyonian Stage; shallow water facies) in Siberian Platform. Nevertheless, the stratigraphic correlation utility of O. granulata in South China and Siberia is discussed.  相似文献   

宽背虫(Bathynotus)这一传统早寒武世或寒武纪第2世晚期最重要的三叶虫属,广泛分布于全球寒武纪3个生物大区,为区域地层对比的标准化石.Bathynotus在贵州剑河八郎乌溜-曾家崖剖面凯里组下部极为丰富.该剖面已成为全球寒武系第2统和第3统界线层型候选剖面,表明凯里组是一个穿时的地层单元,其3个三叶虫带最下部一个带为Bathynotus holopygus-Ovatoryctocara granulata.经过逐层大量的化石标本采集统计证实,乌溜-曾家崖剖面宽背虫(Bathynotus)在距凯里组底部51.60 m处骤然绝灭,距寒武系第2统的顶界(距凯里组底52.80 m)只有1.20 m.本文就乌溜-曾家崖剖面凯里组下部宽背虫(Bathynotus)的数量分布变化认为其灭绝过程是逐步的.  相似文献   

Previous studies have evaluated acritarchs from the Balang and Pingzhai sections of the Early-Middle Cambrian Kaili Formation in east Guizhou, China. The results of these studies suggest that the acritarchs in these sections have potential biostratigraphic significance. More recently, 34 samples collected from 83m lower part of the Lower-Middle cambrian Kaili Formation in the Jianshan section of Chuandong, Guizhou Province were prepared for palynological analysis. Analysis of these samples revealed a distinct change in the acritarch assemblages at the bed, which was approximately 46m above the bottom of the Kaili Formation. These findings suggest a boundary represented by an important alteration of the ecological environment. In addition, the position of the acritarch biostratigraphic change is somewhat higher than the boundary between Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3 based on trilobites found in the same section. This indicates that the distinct change in acritarch assemblages is similar to the change in trilobite assemblages that occurs around the boundary between Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3. Therefore, acritarch biostratigraphy can provide data that can be used to define the base of Cambrian Series 3 in this region, and possibly worldwide.  相似文献   

贵州黔东地区中-下寒武统凯里组主要由粉砂质泥岩,页岩及灰岩组成,富产三叶虫,其中台江八郎乌溜-曾家岩的凯时组含著名的中寒武世凯里生物群、早寒武世台江生物群,2001年成为国际中-下寒武统层型界线候选部,对其深入研究具有重大科学和实用意义。就我省黔东地区凯里组的岩石地层,生物地层,年代地层,沉积环境等进行研究及总结,亦确认黔东凯里组是一个十分重要的地层单位。  相似文献   

Cambrian echinoderms,especially eocrinoids,have been reported recently from Guizhou and Yunnan provinces of China,such as the Kaili,Balang,and Guanshan faunas.The present paper reports abundant well-preserved eocrinoids from the Cambrian Mantou Formation of Dalian,Liaoning Province.This new discovery provides additional data on the early evolution of Echinodermata.It also gives us a clue as to where to seek the Cambrian soft-bodied fauna on the margin of the North China Platform.  相似文献   

贵州寒武系刺细胞动物丰富,有4属7种及1未定种,包括帐篷螺Scenella Billings,1872、寒武线螺CambbrovitusMao,Zhao,Yu&Qian,1992、拜如尼亚虫Byronia Mathew,1899、楔叶形虫Sphenothallus Hall,1847共4属化石,主要层位由老到新为遵义松林中南村牛蹄塘组,剑河八郎清虚洞组、凯里组,为中国寒武系最主要的产出地区。Sphenothallus及Byronia的研究尤为详尽,其中Sphenothallus为一个两侧具管状加厚物,具吸盘的长细锥管状刺细胞动物,具有有性及无性生殖等特征。贵州寒武系刺细胞动物的研究将促进我国及全球寒武系刺细胞动物的研究。  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate cysts from two Middle-Late Jurassic sections in the Wenquan and Yanshiping regions of the Qiangtang Basin comprise 24 genera and 36 species including one new taxon of the genus Tenua. Based on their stratigraphic distribution, six assemblage zones are recognized in ascending order as follows: 1) Tubotuberella egemenii Zone, probably Callovian, in the mid-upper part of the Xiali Formation; 2) Pareodinia ceratophora Zone, probably Oxfordian, in the lower part of the Suowa Formation; 3) Batiacasphaera floralis Zone, probably Oxfordian, in the middle part of the Suowa Formation; 4) Amphorula metaelliptica Zone, probably Early Kimmeridgian, in the upper part of the Suowa Formation; 5) Alisocysta spp. Zone, probably Early Kimmeridgian, in the base of the Xueshan Formation; 6) Tenua wenquanensis sp. nov. -Dichadogonyaulax schizoblata Zone, probably Late Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, in the lower part of the Xueshan Formation. Based on our analysis the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in the Wenquan section is placed higher than previously.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate cysts from two Middle-Late Jurassic sections in the Wenquan and Yanshiping regions of the Qiangtang Basin comprise 24 genera and 36 species including one new taxon of the genus Tenua. Based on their stratigraphic distribution, six assemblage zones are recognized in ascending order as follows: 1) Tubotuberella egemenii Zone, probably Callovian, in the mid-upper part of the Xiali Formation; 2) Pareodinia ceratophora Zone, probably Oxfordian, in the lower part of the Suowa Formation; 3) Batiacasphaera floralis Zone, probably Oxfordian, in the middle part of the Suowa Formation; 4) Amphorula metaelliptica Zone, probably Early Kimmeridgian, in the upper part of the Suowa Formation; 5) Alisocysta spp. Zone, probably Early Kimmeridgian, in the base of the Xueshan Formation; 6) Tenua wenquanensis sp. nov. -Dichadogonyaulax schizoblata Zone, probably Late Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, in the lower part of the Xueshan Formation. Based on our analysis the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in the Wenquan section is placed higher than previously.  相似文献   

我国湘西大马-亥冲口-峨梨塘地区有大量三叶虫化石产出,它是我国南方已知含丰富化石产地之一.此地同样也是我国寒武系地层出露最完整的地区之一.特别是黔东和湘西交界处,寒武系岩石出露相当好,未变形,易辩认.部分产自亥冲口剖面的多节类三叶虫由现作者近年出版在别处,本文重点介绍几个近年新发现产自大马剖面的三叶虫.  相似文献   

贵州剑河八郎松山寒武系黔东统都匀阶“清虚洞组”灰岩、泥岩中产大量三叶虫及带软躯体动物多门类化石.其中三叶虫非常丰富,包括莱德利基虫类、耸棒头虫类、褶颊虫类等.本文描述的褶颊虫类八郎村虫Balangcunaspis (Yuan et Zhao,1997)包括横宽八郎村虫Balangcuna-spis(B.)transversus及次柱形八郎村虫(相似种)Balangcunaspis(B.) cf. subcylindricus,其中横宽八郎村虫也见于凯里组下部层位.八郎村虫的发现,使其产出层位下延,丰富了“清虚洞组”三叶虫的组合,也为寒武系第4阶的研究提供了新的三叶虫材料和依据.  相似文献   

The Cambrian trilobite Bathynotus is a special morphology of Redlichiid,which is characterized by a wider thorax axis and an 11th macropleural segment bearing a long,backwardly directed spine.Additionally,its 12th and 13th pleural segments are narrow and they terminate at a fulcrum where they fuse together and to the posterior edge of the long macropleural spine.The genus is widely distributed,occurring in North America,Siberia,the Altay-Sayan fold belt of Russia,South China,the Tarim Basin of China,and Australia.It occurs primarily in deposits of the upper part of the continental slope,at the transition between stable platform settings and subsiding margins of the late Early Cambrian.Here,we recognize three species of Bathynotus from China,including B.holopygus which is widespread around the world.Although six species of Bathynotus have been reported from Siberia and the Altay-Sayan fold belt area of Russia,data presented here suggest that only three of these species are valid.Bathynotus exhibits a short geological range,with its first occurrence late in the unnamed Cambrian Series 2 and the last appearance datum of Bathynotus at the boundary of Cambrian Series 2 and Cambrian Series 3.The late appearance datum (LAD) of Bathynotus provides an important global stratigraphic marker of the boundary between Cambrian Series 2 and Cambrian Series 3.  相似文献   

Important progress in research on the Kaili Biota has been made recently. Many interesting components from Chengjiang Biota and Burgess Shale Biota have been discovered, e.g. Microdictyon of lobopodia; Ottoia, Palaeoscolex of worms; Naraoia, Marrella of Trilobitioidea, Mollisonia, anamalocarids and other non-trilobite arthropods; and new sorts of echinoder-mas, macroalage fossils and so on. Recent work on the Kaili Biota has resulted in the following developments: (i) an increase in the number of animal genera, up to more than 100 genera in total, so that the Kaili Biota has become the third most diverse of the Burgess Shale-type Biota after the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang Biotas; and (ii) the most noteworthy fossils in the Kaili Biota are echinoderms, non-trilobite arthropods and soft-bodied medusiform fossils, especially the most diverse echinoderms. The progress provides envidence for the biodiversity of marine organisms presented after the "Cambrian Explosion" and serves as a link between the earlist Cambrian Chengjiang Biota and late early Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale Biota. It is of great significance in the reconstruction of the Cambrian palaeoplate, palaeongeography and in research on taphonomy.  相似文献   

A new Chengjiang-type fossil assemblage is reported herein from the lower part of the Hongjingshao Formation at Xiazhuang village of Chenggong,Kunming,Yunnan.The fossil assemblage,named as Xiazhuang fossil assemblage,yields predominantly soft-bodied fossils,including arthropods,brachiopods,priapulids,lobopods and some problematic taxa,with arthropods being the most dominant group.Preservation and composition of the fossil assemblage are very similar to the typical Chengjiang biota,which is preserved in the middle Yu’anshan Formation in the large area of eastern Yunnan.The associated trilobites demonstrate that the soft-bodied fossil assemblage belongs to the late Qiongzhusian in age(Stage 3,Cambrian),suggesting that the Hongjingshao Formation is probably a diachronous lithostratigraphic unit ranging from the upper Qiongzhusian to the lower Canglangpuan stages in eastern Yunnan.The fossil assemblage from the Xiazhuang area fills up the missing link between the typical older Chengjiang biota and the younger Malong and Guanshan biotas,making eastern Yunnan a unique area in the world to reveal the early evolutionary history of animals and palaeocommunity dynamics during the‘‘Cambrian explosion’’.  相似文献   

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