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内蒙古被子植物新记录分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新记录属1 大戟科铁苋菜属Acalypha L.Sp.Pl.1003.1753.铁苋菜A.australis L.Sp.Pl.1004.1753;Pojark.in Fl.URSS 14:299.t.17.f.6.1949;中国高等植物图鉴2:605.图2939.1972;东北草本植物志6:34.图版13.图1—4.1977;辽宁植物志上册:1033.图版438:1—5.1988;河北植物志2:65.图967.1989.  相似文献   

杨丽华 《广西科学》2019,26(1):83-85
本研究报道了广东苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)4个新记录种:遂川报春苣苔Primulina suichuanensis X. L.YuJ. J. Zhou、假烟叶报春苣苔P. pseudoheterotricha (T.J. Zhou,B. PanW.B. Xu) Mich. M?llerA. Weber、黄花牛耳朵P. lutea (Yan LiuY.G. Wei) Mich. M?llerA. Weber、龙南后蕊苣苔Oreocharis burttii (W.T.Wang) Mich.M?llerA.Weber。  相似文献   

报道了百合科老鸦瓣属药用植物安徽老鸦瓣Amana anhuiensis(X.S.Shen.)D. Y. Tan et D. Y. Hong、宝华老鸦瓣A.baohuaensis B.X.Han, Long Wang et G.Y. Lu、皖浙老鸦瓣A.wanzhensis L. Q. Huang, B. X. Han et K. Zhang的地理新分布。  相似文献   

盘波  温放 《广西科学》2019,26(1):89-94
报道了湘桂粤地区8种苦苣苔科植物的省级分布新记录。包括:湖南省级分布新记录的皱边马铃苣苔Oreocharis crispate W. H. ChenY. M. Shui、革叶石山苣苔Petrocodon coriaceifolius (Y. G. Wei) Y. G. WeiMich.M?ller;广东省级分布新记录的多花石山苣苔Pet. multiflorus Fang WenY. S. Jiang、弯果奇柱苣苔Deinostigma cyrtocarpa (D.FangL.Zeng) Mich.M?llerH.J. Atkins;广西省级分布新记录的粉花半蒴苣苔Hemiboea roseoalba S.B. Zhou,Xin HongF. Wen、江华小花苣苔Primulina jianghuaensis K.M. LiuX.Z.Cai、封开报春苣苔P. fengkaiensis Z.L. NingM. Kang、密花石山苣苔Petrocodon confertiflorus H.Q. LiY.Q. Wang,并提供了这些省级分布新记录种的标本引证和地理分布信息。  相似文献   

报道了苔草属Carex L.在内蒙古的地理分布新纪录12种植物。它们是Carexaugustinowiczii Meinsh.短鳞苔草、C.moorcroftii Falc.青藏苔草、C.pumila Thunb.栓皮苔草、C.maculata Boott斑点苔草、C.eleusinoides Turcz.蟋蟀苔草、C.songoricaKar.et Kir. 准格尔苔草、C.pseudo-cyperus L.假莎草苔草、C.platysperma Y.L.Chang et.Y.L. Yang双辽苔草、C.dichroa Freyn二色苔草、C.heterostachya Bunge.异穗苔草、C.siderosticata Hance宽叶苔草、C.loliacea L.间穗苔草。  相似文献   

本文报告了中国池蝇属三新种一新亚种:蒙古池蝇Limnophora mongolica n.sp.、壮鬃池蝇L.papulicerca pubertiseta n.ssp.、直叶池蝇L.surrecticerca n.sp.、西臧池蝇L.ti-betana n.sp.;模式标本存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

杨成华  陈景艳  戴晓勇 《贵州科学》2011,29(1):32-33,46
通过标本鉴定和查阅相关资料,发现了贵州报春花科Primulaceae报春花属Primula植物的6个新分布种,它们是广东报春Primula kwangtungensis W.W.Sim、倒卵叶报春P.rugosa Balakr.、香海仙报春P.wilsonii Dunn、霞红灯台报春P.beesiana Forr.、中甸海水仙P.monticola (Hand.-Mazz.) Chenet C.M.Hu和香花报春P.aromatica W.W.Smith et Forr.。  相似文献   

~~Theoretical study of Structural and analytical potential energy functions of GaN[1]D.L.Luo,D.Q.Meng,Z.H.Zhu,Acta Phys.Sin.52[2003]2438. [2]H.Y.Wang,Z.H.Zhu,Chin.Phys.12[2003]154. [3]P.Waltereit,O.Brandt,A.Trampert,H.T.Grahn,J.Menniger,M.Ramsteiner,M.Reiche,K.H.Ploog,Nature406[2000]865. [4]Z.H.Zhu,H.G.Yu,Molecular structure and molecular potential function,Science Press,Beijing1997.…  相似文献   

介绍了四川溲疏属植物20种,5变种及1栽培变型,每种均有文献考证、学名订正、特征集要及产地和生境,新分类群D.leiboeneie P.He et L.C.Hu, D.piloea var.longiloba P.He et L.C.Hu,D.jinyangensis P.He eL L.C.Hu及D.longifolia var.deneitomentosa P.He et L.C.Hu均有详细拉丁文描述并附模式标本照片,还记录了两个四川省新分布种:D.bodiaieri Rehd.,D.rehderiana C.K.Schn.,对伞花亚组Subsect Cymosae Rehd.中建立的新系(Ser.Multiradiatae P.He,Ser.Pauciradiatae P.He)作了拉丁文补充描述。  相似文献   

Calligonum. taklimakanensis B.R.Pan et G.M.Shen is an indigenous species that grows in the Taklimakan Desert. This study shows the relationship between C.taklimakanensis B.R.Pan et G.M.Shen and water conditions in the hinterland of the desert. The results show that: (1) Depth of water table is an important factor that affects water potential (ψp, ψA), osmotic potential (ψsat, ψtlp), relative water content (RWCtlp, ROWCtlp), and transpiration rate. (2) The degree of mineralization has a significant impact on the water potential of plants. A high degree of mineralization can strongly reduce plant productivity. (3) C. taklimakanensis B.R.Pan et G.M.Shen reduces the temperature of assimilation sticks through a high transpiration rate and maintains relatively high water content to adapt to drought and hot weather conditions in the hinterland of the desert. In addition, C. taklimakanensis B.R.Pan et G.M.Shen adapts to the water status in the desert through self-regulation or even sacrificing productivity.  相似文献   

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