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Parallel processing of motion and colour information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T Carney  M Shadlen  E Switkes 《Nature》1987,328(6131):647-649
When the two eyes are confronted with sufficiently different versions of the visual environment, one or the other eye dominates perception in alternation. A similar situation may be created in the laboratory by presenting images to the left and right eyes which differ in orientation or colour. Although perception is dominated by one eye during rivalry, there are a number of instances in which visual processes nevertheless continue to integrate information from the suppressed eye. For example the interocular transfer of the motion after-effect is undiminished when induced during binocular rivalry. Thus motion information processing may occur in parallel with the rivalry process. Here we describe a novel example in which the visual system simultaneously exhibits binocular rivalry and vision that integrates signals from both eyes. This apparent contradiction is resolved by postulating parallel visual processes devoted to the analyses of colour and motion information. Counterphased gratings are viewed dichoptically such that for one eye the grating is composed of alternating yellow and black stripes (luminance) while for the other it is composed of alternating red and green stripes (chrominance). When the gratings are fused, a moving grating is perceived. A consistent direction of motion can only be achieved if left and right monocular signals are integrated by the nervous system. Yet the apparent colour of the binocular percept alternates between red-green and yellow-black. These observations demonstrate the segregation of processing by the early motion system from that affording the perception of colour. Although, in this stimulus, colour information in itself can play no part in the cyclopean perception of motion direction, colour is carried along perceptually (filled in) by the moving pattern which is integrated from both eyes.  相似文献   

Mitchell JF  Stoner GR  Reynolds JH 《Nature》2004,429(6990):410-413
A question of long-standing interest to philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists is how the brain selects which signals enter consciousness. Binocular rivalry and attention both involve selection of visual stimuli, but affect perception quite differently. During binocular rivalry, awareness alternates between two different stimuli presented to the two eyes. In contrast, attending to one of two different stimuli impairs discrimination of the ignored stimulus, but without causing it to disappear from consciousness. Here we show that despite this difference, attention and rivalry rely on shared object-based selection mechanisms. We cued attention to one of two superimposed transparent surfaces and then deleted the image of one surface from each eye, resulting in rivalry. Observers usually reported seeing only the cued surface. They were also less accurate in judging unpredictable changes in the features of the uncued surface. Our design ensured that selection of the cued surface could not have resulted from spatial, ocular or feature-based mechanisms. Rather, attention was drawn to one surface, and this caused the other surface to be perceptually suppressed during rivalry. These results raise the question of how object representations compete during these two forms of perceptual selection, even as the features of those objects change unpredictably over time.  相似文献   

Tong F  Engel SA 《Nature》2001,411(6834):195-199
To understand conscious vision, scientists must elucidate how the brain selects specific visual signals for awareness. When different monocular patterns are presented to the two eyes, they rival for conscious expression such that only one monocular image is perceived at a time. Controversy surrounds whether this binocular rivalry reflects neural competition among pattern representations or monocular channels. Here we show that rivalry arises from interocular competition, using functional magnetic resonance imaging of activity in a monocular region of primary visual cortex corresponding to the blind spot. This cortical region greatly prefers stimulation of the ipsilateral eye to that of the blind-spot eye. Subjects reported their dominant percept while viewing rivalrous orthogonal gratings in the visual location corresponding to the blind spot and its surround. As predicted by interocular rivalry, the monocular blind-spot representation was activated when the ipsilateral grating became perceptually dominant and suppressed when the blind-spot grating became dominant. These responses were as large as those observed during actual alternations between the gratings, indicating that rivalry may be fully resolved in monocular visual cortex. Our findings provide the first physiological evidence, to our knowledge, that interocular competition mediates binocular rivalry, and indicate that V1 may be important in the selection and expression of conscious visual information.  相似文献   

Dynamics of travelling waves in visual perception   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wilson HR  Blake R  Lee SH 《Nature》2001,412(6850):907-910
Nonlinear wave propagation is ubiquitous in nature, appearing in chemical reaction kinetics, cardiac tissue dynamics, cortical spreading depression and slow wave sleep. The application of dynamical modelling has provided valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying such nonlinear wave phenomena in several domains. Wave propagation can also be perceived as sweeping waves of visibility that occur when the two eyes view radically different stimuli. Termed binocular rivalry, these fluctuating states of perceptual dominance and suppression are thought to provide a window into the neural dynamics that underlie conscious visual awareness. Here we introduce a technique to measure the speed of rivalry dominance waves propagating around a large, essentially one-dimensional annulus. When mapped onto visual cortex, propagation speed is independent of eccentricity. Propagation speed doubles when waves travel along continuous contours, thus demonstrating effects of collinear facilitation. A neural model with reciprocal inhibition between two layers of units provides a quantitative explanation of dominance wave propagation in terms of disinhibition. Dominance waves provide a new tool for investigating fundamental cortical dynamics.  相似文献   

B D Kuppermann  T Kasamatsu 《Nature》1983,306(5942):465-468
When a kitten is subjected to monocular lid suture early in life, cells in laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) connected to the sutured eye grow less than normal and cells in those laminae connected to the non-sutured eye grow more than normal. These changes are seen primarily in the binocular segment of the LGN, which corresponds to the central visual field, and are due to competition either between intracortical afferents originating from the different LGN laminae, or directly among cells within the LGN. The afferent deprivation induced by lid suture, however, is not complete, as retinal ganglion cells fire tonically both in darkness and in light. It is generally thought that this tonic retinal activity is necessary to maintain neuronal excitability at normal threshold in the central visual pathway. In the visual cortex of developing kittens, we previously showed a long-lasting change in ocular dominance of binocular cells by a brief blockade of retinal activity in one optic nerve. We report here that a complete blockade of retinal activity in one eye causes major changes in LGN cell size within 1 week. These changes occur throughout the LGN, including the monocular segment where binocular competition does not occur. The results indicate that tonic retinal activity may have an important role in the control of geniculate cell size.  相似文献   

McAlonan K  Cavanaugh J  Wurtz RH 《Nature》2008,456(7220):391-394
The massive visual input from the eye to the brain requires selective processing of some visual information at the expense of other information, a process referred to as visual attention. Increases in the responses of visual neurons with attention have been extensively studied along the visual processing streams in monkey cerebral cortex, from primary visual areas to parietal and frontal cortex. Here we show, by recording neurons in attending macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta), that attention modulates visual signals before they even reach cortex by increasing responses of both magnocellular and parvocellular neurons in the first relay between retina and cortex, the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). At the same time, attention decreases neuronal responses in the adjacent thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). Crick argued for such modulation of the LGN by observing that it is inhibited by the TRN, and suggested that "if the thalamus is the gateway to the cortex, the reticular complex might be described as the guardian of the gateway", a reciprocal relationship we now show to be more than just hypothesis. The reciprocal modulation in LGN and TRN appears only during the initial visual response, but the modulation of LGN reappears later in the response, suggesting separate early and late sources of attentional modulation in LGN.  相似文献   

J O Hahm  R B Langdon  M Sur 《Nature》1991,351(6327):568-570
Afferent activity has an important role in the formation of connections in the developing mammalian visual system. But the extent to which the activity of target neurons shapes patterns of afferent termination and synaptic contact is not known. In the ferret's visual pathway, retinal ganglion cell axons from each eye segregate early in development into eye-specific laminae in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The dorsal laminae (termed laminae A and A1) then segregate further into inner and outer sublaminae that retain input from on-centre and off-centre retinal axons, respectively. Thus, individual retinogeniculate axons form terminal arbors within laminae A and A1 that are restricted to one inner or outer sublamina. We report here that blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on LGN cells with specific antagonists during the period of sublamina formation prevents retinal afferents from segregating into 'On' and 'Off' sublaminae. Retinogeniculate axons have arbors that are not restricted appropriately, or are restricted in size but inappropriately positioned within the eye-specific laminae. NMDA receptor antagonists may specifically disrupt a mechanism by which LGN neurons detect correlated afferent and target activity, and have been shown to reduce retinogeniculate transmission more generally, causing LGN cells to have markedly reduced levels of activity. These results therefore indicate that the activity of postsynaptic cells can significantly influence the patterning of inputs and the structure of presynaptic afferents during development.  相似文献   

立体图像质量评价在立体图像处理领域中应用广泛.基于小波包分解的精细分辨率,提出了一种全新的无参考立体图像质量评价算法.选取合值图和差值图作为融合图来评估立体图像,首先,对立体图像对进行小波包分解,基于双眼竞争和双眼抑制原理,将分解后的左右视图进行融合得到合值图和差值图.然后,分别在融合图上提取自然场景统计(NSS)特征和信息熵;另外,考虑到左右视图之间的内在相关联系,提取结构相似度特征.最后,运用支持向量回归(SVR)来建立感知特征和主观分数模型并预测得到客观评价分数.采用该算法在LIVE 3D立体图像数据库上进行测试,实验结果表明,该算法与人眼主观评价结果一致性较高,优于当前主流的立体图像质量评价算法,符合人眼视觉感知特性.  相似文献   

Motion-induced blindness in normal observers.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Y S Bonneh  A Cooperman  D Sagi 《Nature》2001,411(6839):798-801
Cases in which salient visual stimuli do not register consciously are known to occur in special conditions, such as the presentation of dissimilar stimuli to the two eyes or when images are stabilized on the retina. Here, we report a striking phenomenon of 'visual disappearance' observed with normal-sighted observers under natural conditions. When a global moving pattern is superimposed on high-contrast stationary or slowly moving stimuli, the latter disappear and reappear alternately for periods of several seconds. We show that this motion-induced blindness (MIB) phenomenon is unlikely to reflect retinal suppression, sensory masking or adaptation. The phenomenology observed includes perceptual grouping effects, object rivalry and visual field anisotropy. This is very similar to that found in other types of visual disappearance, as well as in clinical cases of attention deficits, in which partial invisibility might occur despite the primary visual areas being intact. Disappearance might reflect a disruption of attentional processing, which shifts the system into a winner-takes-all mode, uncovering the dynamics of competition between object representations within the human visual system.  相似文献   

Bilateral amblyopia after a short period of reverse occlusion in kittens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K M Murphy  D E Mitchell 《Nature》1986,323(6088):536-538
The majority of neurones in the visual cortex of both adult cats and kittens can be excited by visual stimulation of either eye. Nevertheless, if one eye is deprived of patterned vision early in life, most cortical cells can only be activated by visual stimuli presented to the nondeprived eye and behaviourally the deprived eye is apparently useless. Although the consequences of monocular deprivation can be severe, they can in many circumstances be rapidly reversed with the early implementation of reverse occlusion which forces the use of the initially deprived eye. However, by itself reverse occlusion does not restore a normal distribution of cortical ocular dominance and only promotes visual recovery in one eye. In an effort to find a procedure that might restore good binocular vision, we have examined the effects on acuity and cortical ocular dominance of a short, but physiologically optimal period of reverse occlusion, followed by a period of binocular vision beginning at 7.5 weeks of age. Surprisingly, despite the early introduction of binocular vision, both eyes attained acuities that were only approximately 1/3 of normal acuity levels. Despite the severe bilateral amblyopia, cortical ocular dominance appeared similar to that of normal cats. This is the first demonstration of severe bilateral amblyopia following consecutive periods of monocular occlusion.  相似文献   

The current work examined neural substrates of perceptual grouping in human visual cortex using event-related potential (ERP) recording. Stimulus arrays consisted of local elements that were either evenly spaced (uniform stimuli) or grouped into columns or rows by proximity or color similarity (grouping stimuli). High-density ERPs were recorded while subjects identified orientations of perceptual groups in stimulus arrays that were presented randomly in one of the four quadrants of the visual field.Both uniform and grouping stimulus arrays elicited an early ERP component (C1), which peaked at about 70ms after stimulus onset and changed its polarity as a function of stimulated elevations. Dipole modeling based on realistichead boundary-element models revealed generators of the C1 component in the calcarine cortex. The C1 was modulated by perceptual grouping of local elements based on proximity, and this grouping effect was stronger in the upper than in the lower visual field. The findings provide ERP evidence for the engagement of human primary visual cortex in the early stage of perceptual grouping.  相似文献   

R E Kalil  M W Dubin  G Scott  L A Stark 《Nature》1986,323(6084):156-158
Although the influence of electrical activity on neural development has been studied extensively, experiments have only recently focused on the role of activity in the development of the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Using tetrodotoxin (TTX) to abolish sodium-mediated action potentials, studies on the visual system show that impulse activity is essential both for the normal development of neuronal size and responsivity in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), and for the eye-specific segregation of geniculo-cortical axons. There have been no anatomical studies to investigate the influence of action potentials on CNS synaptic development. We report here the first direct evidence that elimination of action potentials in the mammalian CNS blocks the growth of developing axon terminals and the formation of normal adult synaptic patterns. Our results show that when TTX is used to eliminate retinal ganglion-cell action potentials in the cat from birth to 8 weeks, the connections made by ganglion cell axons with LGN neurones, retinogeniculate synapses, remain almost identical morphologically to those in the newborn kitten.  相似文献   

D W Sretavan  C J Shatz  M P Stryker 《Nature》1988,336(6198):468-471
The cellular mechanisms by which the axons of individual neurons achieve their precise terminal branching patterns are poorly understood. In the visual system of adult cats, retinal ganglion cell axons from each eye form narrow cylindrical terminal arborizations restricted to alternate non-overlapping layers within the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). During prenatal development, axon arborizations from the two eyes are initially simple in shape and are intermixed with each other; they then gradually segregate to form complex adult-like arborizations in separate eye-specific layers by birth. Here we report that ganglion cell axons exposed to tetrodotoxin (TTX) to block neuronal activity during fetal life fail to form the normal pattern of terminal arborization. Individual TTX-treated axon arborizations are not stunted in their growth, but instead produce abnormally widespread terminal arborizations which extend across the equivalent of approximately two eye-specific layers. These observations suggest that during fetal development of the central nervous system, the formation of morphologically appropriate and correctly located axon terminal arborizations within targets is brought about by an activity-dependent process.  相似文献   

Hearing visual motion in depth   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Kitagawa N  Ichihara S 《Nature》2002,416(6877):172-174
Auditory spatial perception is strongly affected by visual cues. For example, if auditory and visual stimuli are presented synchronously but from different positions, the auditory event is mislocated towards the locus of the visual stimulus-the ventriloquism effect. This 'visual capture' also occurs in motion perception in which a static auditory stimulus appears to move with the visual moving object. We investigated how the human perceptual system coordinates complementary inputs from auditory and visual senses. Here we show that an auditory aftereffect occurs from adaptation to visual motion in depth. After a few minutes of viewing a square moving in depth, a steady sound was perceived as changing loudness in the opposite direction. Adaptation to a combination of auditory and visual stimuli changing in a compatible direction increased the aftereffect and the effect of visual adaptation almost disappeared when the directions were opposite. On the other hand, listening to a sound changing in intensity did not affect the visual changing-size aftereffect. The results provide psychophysical evidence that, for processing of motion in depth, the auditory system responds to both auditory changing intensity and visual motion in depth.  相似文献   

用双眼不对称匹配法研究人眼在观察计算机视觉显示终端彩色监视器荧光屏时,视觉系统对复杂背景的色适应及其对荧光屏显示色貌的影响.研究结果表明,背景的平均颜色和目标与背景的色差及亮度差对色适应引起的色位移有显著的影响.在定量估计人眼对复杂背景的色适应引起的色貌变化时,可以把视觉系统看作一个积分响应灵敏度取决于背景颜色和亮度平均值的信息处理系统。  相似文献   

Involuntary orienting to sound improves visual perception   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
To perceive real-world objects and events, we need to integrate several stimulus features belonging to different sensory modalities. Although the neural mechanisms and behavioural consequences of intersensory integration have been extensively studied, the processes that enable us to pay attention to multimodal objects are still poorly understood. An important question is whether a stimulus in one sensory modality automatically attracts attention to spatially coincident stimuli that appear subsequently in other modalities, thereby enhancing their perceptual salience. The occurrence of an irrelevant sound does facilitate motor responses to a subsequent light appearing nearby. However, because participants in previous studies made speeded responses rather than psychophysical judgements, it remains unclear whether involuntary auditory attention actually affects the perceptibility of visual stimuli as opposed to postperceptual decision and response processes. Here we provide psychophysical evidence that a sudden sound improves the detectability of a subsequent flash appearing at the same location. These data show that the involuntary orienting of attention to sound enhances early perceptual processing of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the allocation of spatial attention using steady-state visual evoked potentials(SSVEPs).The SSVEP is elicited in visual cortical areas by a repetitive flicker having the same fundamental frequency as the driving stimulus.Two flickers were applied with the letter stream presented in the center of the monitor and the distractor presented on either the left or right side of the target.Participants were instructed to detect the target letter in the letter stream.The distance of the two flickers was manipulated.The results show that the amplitudes of the SSVEPs elicited by the distractor were enhanced when it was in the closest position and suppressed when it was at a farther distance.But the amplitudes rebounded at the farthest distance.Meanwhile,the SSVEP elicited by the target flicker remained stable independent of the distance of the distractor.Thus,the present study indicates that focused attention involves neural suppression surrounding the classic "spotlight",and the SSVEP paradigms open new avenues for studying the attentional suppression mechanism.  相似文献   

D O Bahcall  E Kowler 《Nature》1999,400(6747):864-866
A central problem in human vision is to explain how the visual world remains stable despite the continual displacements of the retinal image produced by rapid saccadic movements of the eyes. Perceived stability has been attributed to 'efferent-copy' signals, representing the saccadic motor commands, that cancel the effects of saccade-related retinal displacements. Here we show, by means of a perceptual illusion, that traditional cancellation theories cannot explain stability. The perceptual illusion was produced by first inducing adaptive changes in saccadic gain (ratio of saccade size to target eccentricity). Following adaptation, subjects experienced an illusory mislocalization in which widely separated targets flashed before and after saccades appeared to be in the same place. The illusion shows that the perceptual system did not take the adaptive changes into account. Perceptual localization is based on signals representing the size of the initially-intended saccade, not the size of the saccade that is ultimately executed. Signals representing intended saccades initiate a visual comparison process used to maintain perceptual stability across saccades and to generate the oculomotor error signals that ensure saccadic accuracy.  相似文献   

K Fox  N Daw  H Sato  D Czepita 《Nature》1991,350(6316):342-344
Some features of the visual cortex develop postnatally in mammals. For example, geniculocortical axons that initially overlap throughout cortical layer IV segregate postnatally into two sets of interleaved eye-specific bands. NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors are necessary for eye-specific axon-segregation in the frog tectum, and as NMDA receptors play a greater part in synaptic transmission in early life and decrease in function during the period of axon segregation, they may be involved in the segregation of geniculocortical axons: they are well placed to do so as they transduce retinally derived signals essential for segregation. Rearing animals in the dark in early life delays segregation and prolongs the critical period for plasticity. We now report that dark-rearing of kittens also delays the loss of NMDA receptor function in the visual cortex, supporting the view that they play an important part in neuronal development and plasticity.  相似文献   

Neuronal switching of sensorimotor transformations for antisaccades   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Zhang M  Barash S 《Nature》2000,408(6815):971-975
The influence of cognitive context on orienting behaviour can be explored using the mixed memory-prosaccade, memory-antisaccade task. A symbolic cue, such as the colour of a visual stimulus, instructs the subject to make a brief, rapid eye movement (a saccade) either towards the stimulus (prosaccade) or in the opposite direction (antisaccade). Thus, the appropriate sensorimotor transformation must be switched on to execute the instructed task. Despite advances in our understanding of the neuronal processing of antisaccades, it remains unclear how the brain selects and computes the sensorimotor transformation leading to an antisaccade. Here we show that area LIP of the posterior parietal cortex is involved in these processes. LIP's population activity turns from the visual direction to the motor direction during memory-antisaccade trials. About one-third of the visual neurons in LIP produce a brisk, transient discharge in certain memory-antisaccade trials. We call this discharge 'paradoxical' because its timing is visual-like but its direction is motor. The paradoxical discharge shows, first, that switching occurs already at the level of visual cells, as previously proposed by Schlag-Rey and colleagues; and second, that this switching is accomplished very rapidly, within 50 ms from the arrival of the visual signals in LIP.  相似文献   

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