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Summary To investigate a possible central neural influence on nocturnal pineal metabolic activity, frontal transsections of the stria medullaris thalami were conducted. Enzymes involved in melatonin synthesis, i.e. N-acetyltransferase and hydroxyindole-O-methyl-transferase, exhibited reduced activities in operated animals when compared to controls. These results indicate a modulatory role of central structures on noctural pineal indole metabolism.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeischaft and the Stifung Volkswagenwerk. The technical assistance provided by M. Henschel, I. v. Graevenitz and G. Schlich is gratefuly acknowledged.  相似文献   

To investigate a possible central neural influence on nocturnal pineal metabolic activity in rats, frontal transsections of the stria medullaris thalami were conducted. Enzymes involved in melatonin synthesis, i.e. N-acetyltransferase and hydroxyindole-O-methyl-transferase, exhibited reduced activities in operated animals when compared to controls. These results indicate a modulatory role of central structures on nocturnal pineal indole metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary We have extended previous studies on pineal -receptors to include effects of oestradiol or PMSG treatment in the immature female rat. Neither manipulation has any effect on norepinephrine-induced N-acetyl transferase (NAT) activity in vitro. In the adult ovariectomised rat oestrogen/progesterone priming exerts a small sensitising effect to -stimulation with isoproterenol. Progesterone alone, in vitro, inhibits the release of melatonin from pineals of adult ovariectomised rats.The authors are grateful to J. Bradtke, D. de Ziegler and K.B. Ruf for their help, and to the Swiss National Science Foundation and to the Fonds Emil Barrell for financial support.  相似文献   

M Wilkinson  J Arendt 《Experientia》1978,34(5):667-669
We have extended previous studies on pineal beta-receptors to include effects of oestradiol or PMSG treatment in the immature female rat. Neither manipulation has any effect on norepinephrine-induced N-acetyl transferase (NAT) activity in vitro. In the adult ovariectomised rat oestrogen/progesterone priming exerts a small sensitising effect to beta-stimulation with isoproterenol. Progesterone alone, in vitro, inhibits the release of melatonin from pineals of adult ovariectomised rats.  相似文献   

Summary Acute bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX) completely prevents the nocturnal rises in pineal N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity and melatonin content in male rats kept in light-dark cycles of 1410. Unilateral SCGX causes the NAT and melatonin levels to be intermediate between those in sham-operated control rats and those in rats from which both ganglia had been removed.Supported by NSF, grant No. PCM 77-05734.  相似文献   

The chick pineal gland exhibits circadian rhythms in melatonin synthesis under in vivo and in vitro conditions. A daily rhythm of melatonin production was first detectable in pineal glands isolated from chick embryos at embryonic day 16 and incubated under a LD cycle. All pineal glands isolated from 17-day-old and older embryos were rhythmic while no gland isolated at embryonic day 14 and 15 exhibited a daily rhythm in melatonin synthesis. Melatonin production in static cultures of embryonic pineal cells was rhythmic over 48 h if the cells were kept under a LD cycle. When embryonic pineal cells were incubated in constant darkness the rhythm in melatonin production was damped within 48 h. These results suggest that chick pineal cells from embryonic day 16 onwards are photosensitive but that the endogenous component of the melatonin rhythm is not completely developed at that age. A soluble analogue of cAMP stimulated and norepinephrine inhibited melatonin synthesis in cultured embryonic pineal cells. These findings indicate that the stimulatory and inhibitory pathways controlling melatonin synthesis in the mature pineal gland are effective in pineal cells isolated from chick embryos at least 2 days before hatching.  相似文献   

Mammalian pineal melatonin: a clock for all seasons   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The central role of the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin (MEL) in mammalian photoperiodic responses is discussed in terms of: 1) evidence for the involvement of MEL in photoperiodism, 2) which feature of the MEL secretion profile might be most important for regulating photoperiodic responses, 3) evidence for the modulation of responses to changes in daylength based on previous photoperiod exposure (i.e., photoperiodic history) and 4) how the MEL signal might be processed at its target sites to elicit physiological responses.  相似文献   

Mammalian pineal melatonin: A clock for all seasons   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The central role of the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin (MEL) in mammalian photoperiodic responses is discussed in terms of: 1) evidence for the involvement of MEL in photoperiodism, 2) which feature of the MEL secretion profile might be most important for regulating photoperiodic responses, 3) evidence for the modulation of responses to changes in daylength based on previous photoperiod exposure (i.e., photoperiodic history) and 4) how the MEL signal might be processed at its target sites to elicit physiological responses.  相似文献   

Acute bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGX) completely prevents the nocturnal rises in pineal N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity and melatonin content in male rats kept in light-dark cycles of 14:10. Unilateral SCGX causes the NAT and melatonin levels to be intermediate between those in sham-operated control rats and those in rats from which both ganglia had been removed.  相似文献   

Summary Sham-pinealectomy, performed under different light conditions in newborn and adult rats, is followed by changes of pineal activity resulting in variations of melatonin content. The pineal glands of rats sham-operated under white light produce significantly less melatonin. In contrast, glands of rats operated on under red light show a melatonin content corresponding to that of intact rats. This result implies that normal white light causes a disturbance in melatonin production by a non-retinal pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The circadian rest-activity cycle of female hamsters was lengthened by chronic administration of the monoamineoxidase inhibitor antidepressant drug clorgyline. Chronic treatment with clorgyline or the tricyclic antidepressant drug imipramine also induced dissociation of circadian activity rhythm components. Thus these drugs may be added to the very small group of substances (including the prophylactic antidepressant and antimanic drug lithium) that modify circadian frequency and/or coupling between circadian rhythms.A preliminary analysis of these results was presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Puerto Rico 197928.Neuropharmacology Branch, National Institute of Mental Health.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as well. The rhythmic synthesis and secretion of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is suggested as the mechanism by which the pineal controls circadian oscillators located elsewhere. Both light and temperature cycles can entrain the pineal melatonin rhythm. The pineal, therefore, acts as a photo and thermoendocrine transducer which functions to synchronize internal cycle with cycles in the environment. A model is presented which portrays the pineal as a major component of a multioscillator circadian system and which suggests how these multiple circadian clocks are coupled to each other and to cycles of light and temperature in the external world.  相似文献   

H Underwood 《Experientia》1990,46(1):120-128
The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as well. The rhythmic synthesis and secretion of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is suggested as the mechanism by which the pineal controls circadian oscillators located elsewhere. Both light and temperature cycles can entrain the pineal melatonin rhythm. The pineal, therefore, acts as a photo and thermoendocrine transducer which functions to synchronize internal cycle with cycles in the environment. A model is presented which portrays the pineal as a major component of a 'multioscillator' circadian system and which suggests how these multiple circadian clocks are coupled to each other and to cycles of light and temperature in the external world.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal has been identified as a major circadian pacemaker within the circadian system of a number of lower vertebrates although other pacemaking sites have been implicated as well. The rhythmic synthesis and secretion of the pineal hormone, melatonin, is suggested as the mechanism by which the pineal controls circadian oscillators located elsewhere. Both light and temperature cycles can entrain the pineal melatonin rhythm. The pineal, therefore, acts as a photo and thermoendocrine transducer which functions to synchronize internal cycle with cycles in the environment. A model is presented which portrays the pineal as a major component of a multioscillator circadian system and which suggests how these multiple circadian clocks are coupled to each other and to cycles of light and temperature in the external world.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophysiological recordings from freely behaving rats, previously implanted stereotaxically with permanent electrodes in the pineal, ventromedial hypothalamus, caudate nucleus, lateral geniculate body and medial geniculate body were obtained. The pineal photic responses revealed 5 sequential components. Injection of a neuronal blocker at the level of the superior cervical ganglion did not alter the earlier photic responses, but did eliminate the late components (N2–P3) for 60–90 min after the injection. All of the other responses were unchanged during the experiment. The present experiments demonstrated that photic input travels to the pineal through two pathways.The author is grateful to Dr C.M. Prashad and Ms. Marjorie Brown for technical assistance. Supported in part by grant NS 16596.  相似文献   

Summary Male Djungarian hamsters, reared under long (16L/8D) or short (10L/14D) days, were sacrificed at various ages during the day or night, or at night following a 30-min light pulse. The pineal melatonin rhythm matured similarly under long and short days by 20 days of age. The results are discussed in context of the hypothesis that melatonin mediates the photoperiod effects which forestall puberty in short-day reared hamsters.Supported by NIH research grant HD-05481.  相似文献   

Male Djungarian hamsters, reared under long (16L/8D) or short (10L/14D) days, were sacrificed at various ages during the day or night, or at night following a 30-min light pulse. The pineal melatonin rhythm matured similarly under long and short days by 20 days of age. The results are discussed in context of the hypothesis that melatonin mediates the photoperiod effects which forestall puberty in short-day reared hamsters.  相似文献   

A melatonin rhythm was observed in the pineals of 18-day-old chick embryos incubated under a light-dark regime of 186 h. A low pineal melatonin content was found during the light phase of the day. Concentrations started to increase 2 h after dark onset and reached maximum levels after 4 h of darkness. The amplitude of the pineal melatonin rhythm increased considerably after 2 days and night-time concentrations in 20-day-old embryos were more than 5 times higher than in 18-day-old ones. Significant day/night differences in melatonin production were found both in pineals and eyes. Exposure of eggs to 1 h of light during the dark period decreased the high melatonin concentrations in the eyes but not in the pineals of the 20-day-old chick embryo. The results suggest that in this precocial bird at least part of the circadian system may already operate during embryonic life.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Da die Aktivität der Pinealdrüse bei weiblichen Ratten mit dem Cyklus wechselt, wurde die Wirkung von Oe tradiol und Progesteron auf ihre Aktivität bei kastrierten weiblichen Ratten untersucht. Oestradiol bewirkte Gewichtsabnahme und Funktionssteigerung, während Progesteron die Pinealis-Aktivität herabsetzte.  相似文献   

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