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四川有蹄动物区系形成的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对四川有蹄动物现生种和化石种进行了比较,认为四川现今属东洋界的西南区和华中区有蹄动物区系是第三世纪上新世至第四纪中,晚更新世大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的发展和继续,属古北界的青藏高原区,相当于晚更新世的北方动物群。同时还讨论了四川有蹄动物的兴衰演替与地理迁移,以及横断山脉对有蹄动物的保存分化和扩散的特殊意义。  相似文献   

重庆合川三汇坝晚更新世哺乳动物群   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对三汇坝牛尾洞发现的19种哺乳动物化石应用数理统计分析、铀系和含氟量测年分析、孢粉分析进行了研究.论证了它们是一个晚更新世时生活于亚热带暖热湿润气候中的乔木林-灌木林-湿草地动物群.通过它与四川盆地第四纪的几个典型动物群相比较,证明其性质仍是我国南方广义“大熊猫-剑齿象动物群”之一员.其特点鲜明,是该动物群演化发展过程中的一环,介于歌乐山与资阳两动物群之间.  相似文献   

张璞 《贵州科学》2007,25(4):8-12
本文报道毕节八儿崖洞穴堆积出产的巨猿化石和共生的石制品,是贵州第四纪研究和旧石器考古一项有突破性意义的新发现.该动物群含先东方剑齿象、小种大熊猫、桑氏粗壮鬣狗、山原貘、黄昏兽和裴氏猪等标志性成员,与重庆巫山龙骨坡等动物群非常相似,同属于早更新世早期.这一发现为重建贵州喀斯特发育史和复原古环境提供难得的时代坐标与内容丰富多彩的素材.八儿崖遗址出土的旧石器含"原型手斧"和"原型手镐"等非洲同时代的早期手斧文化要素,对研究旧大陆早期人类迁徙有重要意义.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲是世界上主要河口三角洲之一,自晚更新世开始形成,其沉积物中保存了丰富的微体动物壳体,它们是重建晚第四纪古环境极为有效的指标。本文对珠江三角洲东部PRD17孔的微体动物群(有孔虫和介形类)进行了分析,共发现有孔虫14属29种,介形类14属17种,将其分别划分为3种生态类型。根据微体动物群的组成特征,并结合测年数据、岩性、沉积物粒度及颜色反射率等特征,重建了PRD17孔晚第四纪以来的环境演化。约43 400 cal a B.P.以前,钻孔所在地发育河流相沉积。晚更新世玉木亚间冰期开始,南海海平面回升,本区开始形成第四纪以来的第一个海相层位。从微体动物群的组成和丰度可识别出3次小规模的海平面波动。约35 400~30 900 cal a B.P.为晚更新世最大海侵时期,微体动物群的丰度和分异度都达到峰值。约25 900 cal a B.P.以后,海水逐渐退出。末次冰盛期的海平面大幅下降,导致本区上更新统沉积物暴露地表遭受风化剥蚀,形成珠江三角洲普遍发育的花斑状黏土层。由于钻孔所在地地势相对较高,受全新世海侵的影响较珠江三角洲其它地区晚,直到6 000 cal a B.P.左右才重新接受沉积,初期发育上潮间带沉积。约3 700 cal a B.P.开始,逐渐变为受潮水影响较显著的潮坪环境。  相似文献   

目的 考察湘西土家族苗族自治州古丈县断龙乡猛虎洞更新世哺乳动物群骨化石断裂痕迹的状态与原因,探索湘西地区古人类活动的遗迹.方法 观测哺乳动物群骨化石断裂痕迹剖面的形态结构,以区别食肉类动物群的咬痕与人类打造的印迹.结果 经40件东方剑齿象、中国犀、鹿等残骨化石标本断裂痕迹剖面的观测,发现有部分骨化石断裂剖面圆钝,似啮齿动物的咬痕,但大部分骨化石断端剖面呈锥形切削改造,有的双面削刮呈锐利器型,有的存在明显打击或铲刮的 “印记”,初步认为属早期人类制作骨器的遗迹.结论 结合地理环境和地学结构分析,猛虎洞可能属晚更新世(10~5)万年前旧石器人类穴居的营地或系同生代古脊椎动物的遗址.  相似文献   

以山羊寨动物群中的食虫类为研究基础,讨论了中国Erinaceus,Sorex,Crocidura,Scaptochirus和Neomys5属食虫类更新世以来在中国的时空分布变化,并与相关现生属种的地理分布进行比较,结合现代动物地理、动物生态资料进行分析。研究表明,中国北方更新世以来的环境变化具有暖干化趋势。  相似文献   

重庆中梁山岩溶槽谷地区分布有数量众多的岩溶洞穴,重庆师范大学科技考古实验室在2009—2010年对这些洞穴进行了系统调查。在太平洞、黄桷洞等地点,采集到中更新世晚期的东方剑齿象、大熊猫、水鹿、野猪等动物化石,同时获得非常丰富的小型哺乳动物化石。在小型哺乳动物化石中以鼯鼠科化石材料最为丰富,采集到的鼯鼠科化石主要包括4属4种,分别为矮飞鼠属优矮飞鼠(Petinomys electilis)、旧大陆飞鼠属小飞鼠(Petinomys volans)、巨飞鼠属灰鼯鼠(Petinomys xanthotis)、橙足鼯鼠属复齿鼯鼠(Trogopterus xanthipes)。优矮飞鼠化石材料中发现有1件左上颌,改变了此前中国只有该动物下颌骨化石材料的状况。灰鼯鼠的形体偏大,表现出该物种在演化上存在地区差异。中梁山复齿鼯鼠的P4最大,原尖粗壮,中附尖和前附脊发达;腭骨与上颌骨的分界线接近M2的中部,这些特征与中国所发现的复齿鼯鼠化石材料特点一致。中梁山鼯鼠科化石材料兼有北方种与南方印度马来亚种,前者如小飞鼠(Petinomys volans),后者如优矮飞鼠(Petinomys electilis)。这些不同生境的动物种类同时出现于中梁山地区主要有两方面的原因,一方面与当地曾经频繁的冷暖气候更迭有关,一方面也与该地川岭交错、岩溶地貌发育、地形复杂多样的地形环境有关。中梁山丰富的鼯鼠科化石,证明中国西南地区是鼯鼠演化与迁徙交流的重要地区,同时也是欧亚大陆北方动物群与南方动物群重要交流通道。  相似文献   

重庆中梁山岩溶槽谷地区分布有数量众多的岩溶洞穴,重庆师范大学科技考古实验室在2009—2010年对这些洞穴进行了系统调查。在太平洞、黄桷洞等地点,采集到中更新世晚期的东方剑齿象、大熊猫、水鹿、野猪等动物化石,同时获得非常丰富的小型哺乳动物化石。在小型哺乳动物化石中以鼯鼠科化石材料最为丰富,采集到的鼯鼠科化石主要包括4属4种,分别为矮飞鼠属优矮飞鼠(Petinomys electilis)、旧大陆飞鼠属小飞鼠(Petinomys volans)、巨飞鼠属灰鼯鼠(Petinomys xanthotis)、橙足鼯鼠属复齿鼯鼠(Trogopterus xanthipes)。优矮飞鼠化石材料中发现有1件左上颌,改变了此前中国只有该动物下颌骨化石材料的状况。灰鼯鼠的形体偏大,表现出该物种在演化上存在地区差异。中梁山复齿鼯鼠的P4最大,原尖粗壮,中附尖和前附脊发达;腭骨与上颌骨的分界线接近M2的中部,这些特征与中国所发现的复齿鼯鼠化石材料特点一致。中梁山鼯鼠科化石材料兼有北方种与南方印度马来亚种,前者如小飞鼠(Petinomys volans),后者如优矮飞鼠(Petinomys electilis)。这些不同生境的动物种类同时出现于中梁山地区主要有两方面的原因,一方面与当地曾经频繁的冷暖气候更迭有关,一方面也与该地川岭交错、岩溶地貌发育、地形复杂多样的地形环境有关。中梁山丰富的鼯鼠科化石,证明中国西南地区是鼯鼠演化与迁徙交流的重要地区,同时也是欧亚大陆北方动物群与南方动物群重要交流通道。

从出土的大熊猫化石看 ,大熊猫最早产生于地质时代第三纪的上新世后期 .到第四纪的更新世和全新世 ,大熊猫的数量经历了一个由少到多 ,再到少的发展过程 .其体型发展也经历了由小到大 ,再到小的演变过程 .出土大熊猫化石的地域 ,主要在今长江流域及其以南各省 ,黄河流域虽有出土 ,但数量很少 .从古文献看 ,最早记载大熊猫的书是成书于商代的《尚书·牧誓》 .记载大熊猫最早出现于黄帝时代的书 ,是西汉时司马迁的《史记·五帝本纪》 .大熊猫在文献里有多种名称 .越过先秦 ,直到两汉、魏晋的 6 0 0多年时间里 ,在今长江沿岸的大部分省和黄河流域的陕、晋、豫、冀等少部分省以及东北各省 ,甚至朝鲜北部 ,仍有大熊猫生存 .经过南北朝到民国年间的 16 0 0多年的日益衰减 ,到今天大熊猫仅仅分布在川、陕、甘三省接壤的少数县里 ,其数量仅存几千只 ,已经沦为濒危动物 .究其主观原因是 ,大熊猫自身存在种种弱点 ,而客观原因是第四纪冰川期的影响和人类对其生存环境的开发 ,特别是人类任意捕猎大熊猫 ,才使其数量日益减少  相似文献   

据地质资料记载,在更新世中期大熊猫为鼎盛时期,子孙众多,分布甚广。东起江淮平原,西到缅甸;南始海岛,北至秦岭。到了更新世晚期,由于欧亚大陆冰川扩大,第四纪西藏高原隆起,使地貌与大气环流改变,因此严重影响大熊猫的生存,它在严酷的自然选择和生存竞争中成了活化石保存至今。近代,由于人为干扰,捕杀大熊猫的现象时有发生,加上砍伐森林,使大熊猫栖息环境不断缩小。至今大熊猫仅分布在四川省横断山脉东缘与盆地接壤的、南北走向狭长地带的高山深谷之中,以及毗邻的甘肃省文县、秦岭南坡中段。分布范围越来越小。  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, researchers who examine the issue of human beginnings often turn to Africa where there is a picture of human origins and evolution based on African hominid fossils with ages that are constantly revised to be older and older. However, there are many other unsolved problems about early human origins and evolution that may be solved by looking outside Africa. Over seventy years ago, Asia was described as a dispersal center of the earliest human industry, and a key arena for huma…  相似文献   

Yanjinggou in Wanzhou District of Chongqing is one of the earliest reported and most famous Quaternary mammalian fossil areas in China. The fauna from this area used to be taken as a benchmark for the biochronological comparison of Quaternary paleontology of South China, but the chronology of this fauna has many controversies for the lack of exact locational and stratigraphical records. The present article, on the basis of recent investigations and discoveries, discusses and explains the distribution and biochronology of the mammalian faunas in the Yanjinggou area. The newly discovered Dayakou fissure fauna, including Rhizomys troglodytes, Homotherium sp., Panthera pardus, Stegodon orientalis, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, Hesperotherium sinense, Sus sp., Cervavitus fenqii, Cervus sp. and Muntiacus sp., is correlated to the middle Early Pleistocene. The presence of Early Pleistocene mammalian fauna in the Yanjinggou area is therefore confirmed. The “Wanhsien fauna” or “Yenchingkou (=Yanjinggou) fauna” as a Mid-Late Pleistocene biostratigraphical datum should be abandoned. The Dayakou fauna and the Upper Cave fauna of Pingba, both in the Yanjinggou area, are correlated to the middle Early Pleistocene and the early Middle Pleistocene in age, respectively.  相似文献   

Among the most important faunas in the Late Cenozoic, the Gigantopithecus faunas have received a good deal of attention. The Gigantopithecus fauna recently discovered in Sanhe Cave consists of more than 80 mammal species, including cf. Hominidae, Pongo sp., Hylobates sp., Sinomastodon yangzien-sis, Stegodon preorientalis, Cervavitus fenqii, Dicoryphochoerus ultimus and Sus xiaozhu. It is the southernmost Gigantopithecus fauna found so far in China. Its geological age is estimated to be Early Pleistocene bas...  相似文献   

Among the most important faunas in the Late Cenozoic, the Gigantopithecus faunas have received a good deal of attention. The Gigantopithecus fauna recently discovered in Sanhe Cave consists of more than 80 mammal species, including cf. Hominidae, Pongo sp., Hylobates sp., Sinomastodon yangziensis, Stegodon preorientalis, Cervavitus fenqii, Dicoryphochoerus ultimus and Sus xiaozhu. It is the southernmost Gigantopithecus fauna found so far in China. Its geological age is estimated to be Early Pleistocene based on the fauna and stratigraphic correlation. The significant increase in the estimated body sizes of Ailuropoda, Gigantopithecus and Tapirus shows that the Sanhe fauna is middle Early Pleistocene, later than those from Wushan and Liucheng (early Early Pleistocene). Paleomagnetic dating of the fossil-bearing strata in Sanhe Cave gives an age of approximately 1.2 Ma. The fauna is characterized by tropical-subtropical forest types, including Pongo sp., Tupaia sp., Ia sp., Typhlomys intermedius, etc., and it lacks Palaearctic types. It is a typical tropical forest fauna, suggesting an environment with a lush forest and a warm and humid climate. The discovery of the Sanhe Gigantopithecus fauna is significant for establishing the chronological stages of the Gigantopithecus faunas in China, and for discussing their origin, evolution and dynamics. Supported by Key Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-106) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB806400)  相似文献   

One of the most hotly debated and frontal issues in paleoanthropology focuses on the origins of modern humans. Recently, an incomplete hominin mandible with a distinctly weaker mental protuberance than modern human and a great variety of coexisting fossil mammals were unearthed from the Homo sapiens Cave of Mulan Mountain, Chongzuo, Guangxi. The mammalian fauna from the Homo sapiens Cave characterized by the combination of Elephas kiangnanensis, first occurring Elephas maixmus, and Megatapirus augustus, and strikingly different from the Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus fauna and the Middle Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stogodon fauna of South China could be regarded as an early representive of the typical Asian elephant fauna. Faunal analysis, biostratigraphic correlation, and, most importantly, U-series dating all consistently support an estimate of ca. 110 ka for the age of the fossil Homo sapiens and coexisting mammalian fauna, that is, the early Late Pleistocene. The fauna is mainly made up of tropical-subtropical elements, but grassland elements have a much greater variety than forest elements, which probably indicates a drier climate at that time. This discovery of early Homo sapiens at the Mulan Mountain will play a significant role in the study of the origin and its environmental background of modern humans.  相似文献   

滇东早寒武世磷块岩薄片中发现大量藻类化石。本文所讨论的磷质藻类化石主要有:球状藻类、丝状藻类、疑源类、叠层石类、核形石类和花纹石类(凝块石类)等27个属种(或型),它们构成各种颗粒磷块岩、叠层石磷块岩、藻丘磷块岩,是磷块岩富矿的主要组分,P_2O_5可达30—37%。这些多门类的藻类化石,为生物成磷作用和成矿环境提供了主要依据,也为震旦—寒武系界线划分提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

Fossil records indicate orangutan-like hominoids have been widely distributed in south China during Pleistocene, although currently only surviving in the tropical forests of Kalimantan and Sumatra in Indonesia. This paper describes the recently discovered hominoid fossil teeth from human site of Mulanshan cave in Chongzuo of Guangxi, whose geological age is the Late Pleistocene, about 11000 yeas age based on associated mammal fauna and U-series dating. Compared with those of modern and subfossil orangutans from Indonesia, other fossil great apes from China, the hominoid teeth from Mulanshan cave are orangutan-like, but show somehow different from Indonesia's orangutans, the average sizes of cheek teeth larger and occlusal enamel wrinkles less and simpler. They are classified temporarily as the subspecies of Pongo pygmaeus weidenreichi. Concerning the variations of morphological features and dental sizes of orangutan-like teeth from southern China and neighboring northern Vietnam, different subspecies or species or genus possibly, but the key evidence is necessary to be identified.  相似文献   

白沙县金波附近的Spirifercf.,subgrandisRotai ,Neospirifersp .,Fuselacf.tornacensis (Koninck) ,Punc tospirifersp .,Mucrospirifersp .,Eumetriacfserpentina (Koninck) ,Palaeochoristiessp .,Megachonetessp .,Pli chonetessp .,Orthotetessp .,Chonetipustulasp .,Marginatiasp .,Curithyrissp .,Rhipidomellasp .是海南岛首次发现的最丰富的杜内早期腕足动物群。据此 ,该地区含化石的原南好组第四段确定为下石炭统岩关阶。该动物群以石燕贝类最繁盛、长身贝类数量少为特征 ,与华南其它地区同期腕足动物群不同  相似文献   

Two fossil dragonflies from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Liutiaogou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, China are described and illustrated. They are assigned to two new genera and species, i.e., Sophoaeschna frigida gen. et sp. nov. and Falsisophoaeschna generalis gen. et sp. nov. within the family Gomphaeschnidae Tillyard & Fraser, 1940. This is the first report of Odonata from Yixian Formation in Inner Mongolia and the second record of fossil Gomphaeschnidae from China.  相似文献   

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