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Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen der Pigmenteigenschaften des PilzesEpicoccum nigrum ergaben die Anwesenheit einer flavipinartigen Substanz (3, 4, 5-trihydroxy-6-Methylphthal-Aldehyd).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ratten, die wiederholt hohen O2-Drucken ausgesetzt wurden, zeigten nach 4 Wochen erhöhte chromolipoide Pigmentation. Die Pigmentation blieb relativ gering und lag hauptsächlich in der Gefässwand und deren Umgebung bzw. den Stellen höchsten O2-Druckes.  相似文献   

Yellow pigments extracted from the hindwings ofDissoteira carolina (L.) (Acrididae:Oedipodinae) were identified by HPLC, GLC, MS and absorbance spectra as primarily quercetin and quercetin--3-O-glucoside with minor amounts of luteolin. These flavonoids make up about 2% of the hindwing live weight and are also abundant in the yellow hindwings of several related species of band-winged grasshoppers. Fat body UDPG glucosyltransferase preferentially catalyzed glucosylation of the 3-OH of quercetin.  相似文献   

Résumé B. anthracis cultivé en bouillon dans certaines conditions précisées dans ce travail, produit un pigment rose sensible aux variations de pH.B. cereus produit de même, un pigment jaune-brun, fluorescent. Les pigments sont solubles et se retrouvent dans le filtrat. Quatre autres espèces deBacillus ne produisent pas de pigments dans les mêmes conditions. La production de pigments en bouillons de culture pourrait être employée comme un critère additionnel pour la classification des souchesBacillus.

This investigation was supported by research grant E-1535 from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Vorkommen chinonoider Pigmente bei allen Echinodermen deutet auf eine Beziehung zwischen Seeigeln und Schlangensternen, ebenso zwischen Seesternen und Seewalzen hin. Die Verteilung der Sterine und der Saponine weisen in dieselbe Richtung. Die klassische embryologische Theorie stützt diese Verwandtschaftsauffassung.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der extrahierte rote Augenfarbstoff vonDrosophila melanogaster zeigt papierchromatographisch ein Gemisch von 5 rot-orange fluoreszierenden Pterinen. Zwei von diesen bisher nicht beobachtete Stoffe treten im Puppenstadium noch nicht auf, sondern erst nach dem Ausschlüpfen der Fliegen.  相似文献   

The carotenoid pigments of six species of adult acanthocephala   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zusammenfassung Die Carotinoide in 6 Spezies erwachsener Acanthocephalen wurden identifiziert. Lutein wurde als einziges Carotinoid inP. galaxis undN. pseudemydis gefunden und als wichtigstes Carotinoid inM. hirudinaceus festgestellt.F. anatis undP. laevis enthielten nur -Carotin, während das veresterte Astexanthin als einziges Pigment inN. ornatus auftrat.

We thank Dr.M. Hine and Dr.A. Pike for sending us material which was used in this study. Part of the work was carried out in the Dept. of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Mass., USA).  相似文献   

Résumé L'astaxanthine (et ses esters) est le caroténoïde principal de 6 espèces de balanes, et la zeaxanthine est le principal xanthophylle neutre. Les différences de composition du pigment des espèces sont probablement liées aux proportions relatives de la matière animale et végétale dans ses aliments.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den Pigmenten der Geschlechtsdrüsen vonStichopus japonicus Selenka wurden 5 Carotinoide, nämlich-Carotin, Echinenon, Canthaxanthin, Zeaxanthin und Astaxanthin identifiziert.  相似文献   

Résumé LeMicrosporum cookei HUT-2061 qui a une intense pigmentation diffuse s'est montré satisfaisant pour l'étude biosynthétique des pigments quinoniques. Une bonne séparation des composés fut exécutée par chromatographie en couche mince sur gel de silice G.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung der Carotinoide aus den Äzidien des RostpilzesGymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Schw. ergab das Vorliegen von 66,5%-Carotin und 33,5%-Carotin (Durchschnittswerte). Diese Werte stimmen mit denjenigen anderer Autoren für Teleuto-Stadium und Pyknidenform überein. Art und Mengenverhältnis der Carotinoide in drei Stadien vonGymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Schw. (auf verschiedenen Wirtspflanzen) sind daher ungefähr identisch.  相似文献   

Cyclic voltammetry of molecular oxygen in aprotic media (dimethylformamide) and in the presence of bilirubin and other bile pigments shows that superoxide anion (O2-.) undergoes proton-induced dismutation. Lactam hydrogens of bile pigments are sufficiently acid to induce (O2-.) disproportionation to O2 and H2O2. Because of its characteristic lipophilic behavior, a biological role for natural bilirubin similar to that of other non-enzymatic lipophilic scavengers of (O2-.) is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary Cyclic voltammetry of molecular oxygen in aprotic media (dimethylformamide) and in the presence of bilirubin and other bile pigments shows that superoxide anion ( ) undergoes proton-induced dismutation. Lactam hydrogens of bile pigments are sufficiently acid to induce disproportionation to O2 and H2O2. Because of its characteristic lipophilic behavior, a biological role for natural bilirubin similar to that of other non-enzymatic lipophilic scavengers of is suggested.  相似文献   

Y Nozawa  Y Ito 《Experientia》1970,26(7):803-804

Cutaneous wound healing is a complex and highly coordinated process where a number of different cell types participate to renew the damaged tissue under the strict regulation of soluble and insoluble factors. One of the most versatile processes involved in wound repair is proteolysis. During cell migration, proteins of extracellular matrix are cleaved, often creating biologically active cleavage products, and proteolysis of cellular contacts leads to increased cell motility and division. Moreover, proteases activate various growth factors and other proteases in wound and regulate growth factor signaling by shedding growth factor receptors on cell surface. Normally, proteolysis is strictly controlled, and changes in protease activity are associated with alterations in wound closure and scar formation. Here, we present the current view on the role of metalloproteinases and the plasmin-plasminogen system in normal and aberrant cutaneous wound repair and discuss their role as potential therapeutic targets for chronic ulcers or fibrotic scars. Received 07 July 2008; received after revision 11 August 2008; accepted 13 August 2008  相似文献   

Summary Blue-green bile pigments are found in adults or larvae of many species of butterfly. They are reviewed here. In contrast to the presence of biliverdin IX 1 in some insect species, many Lepidoptera contain pterobilin2 (biliverdin IX ), phorcabilin3, and sarpedobilin4, derived from2 by cyclization. Pigments3 and4 are members of a new natural family of heterocyclic systems which can also be obtainedin vitro from2, by irradiation under visible light. This review presents the information so far available about the chemistry and biochemistry of these pigments, together with a discussion about the possible biological significance of their photosensitivity.Acknowledgments. Thanks are due to Prof. D.H.R. Barton, E. Lederer and J. Bergerard, for their interest and for discussions.  相似文献   

Riassunto Il trattamento con HPP di mutanti SE diDrosophila melanogaster ha dato la fenocopia biochimica del doppio mutante MAL/SE (diminuzione della sepiapterina, aumento delle biopterine e, nei maschi, assenza della isoxantopterina con accumulo del precursore 2-amino-4-idrossipterina). Si discute il ruolo dell'enzima XDH nel metabolismo in istudio.

We are indebted to Wellcome Italia S.p.A., Rome, for a generous gift of HPP (Allopurinol®).  相似文献   

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