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在催化裂解乙烯生长碳纳米管时,在将稀土元素加入过渡金属催化剂可使合成碳纳米管的温度降至560℃,在稀土元素影响温区(<600℃),内,碳纳米管的产率可提高约250%,合成的碳纳米管直径随温度变化的测试表明,在反应温度为560℃时直径最小,约为10nm以下,且非晶碳颗粒最少。  相似文献   

蓝宝石基底上高密度定向单壁碳纳米管阵列的控制生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张永毅  张依  张锦  刘忠范 《中国科学(G辑)》2008,53(11):1496-1504
利用含3%(质量分数)水的乙醇为碳源,在A面(11-20)蓝宝石单晶表面合成了平行于[1.100]晶格方向的单壁碳纳米管阵列,并用AFM,SEM和Raman对其进行了表征.阵列中碳纳米管的结构完美、定向度高,密度在20根/μm左右.在生长过程中,保持基底表面干净是合成高密度定向阵列的关键,水在其中起到了关键的作用,同时,在基底表面被覆盖的区域,碳纳米管不再定向生长,利用此原理,实现了对阵列生长方向的局域调控.  相似文献   

定向生长碳纳米管的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于碳纳米管具有独特的结构和性能,因而自从被发现以来一直受到人们的关注,近年来,已利用各种方法成合成出碳纳米管,特别是利用化学气相沉积(CVD)方法制备了高度准直的碳纳米管,实现了碳纳米管的定向生长,使得碳纳米管具有更加广泛的应用价值和研究价值。本文综述了近几年CVD定向生长碳纳米管的方法和生长机制,分析和讨论了不同制备方法对碳纳米管生长过程的影响,同时还着重分析了催化剂颗粒在碳纳米管的生长过程中对定向生长碳纳米管的作用。  相似文献   

碳纳米管的制备参数研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
研究了用阳极弧等离子体法高效制备单壁碳纳米管(CNTs).实验表明:催化剂种类和比例、缓冲气体种类和气压、弧电流强度等制备参数,对单壁碳纳米管的合成有较大影响.研究了这些参数对制备单壁碳纳米管的影响,并给出制备高质量单壁碳纳米管的最佳条件为氦气压6.0×104Pa,弧电流70A,催化剂比例Fe∶Co∶Ni=1∶1∶1,而且要有很好的冷却条件.  相似文献   

热型连铸是一项近净成型(nearnetshape)技术,它将定向凝固技术和连铸技术相结合,用于生产表面呈镜面的无限长的线材.本研究利用自制的水平热型连铸设备,制备了表面呈镜面的纯铝线材,试验了各工艺参数(震动、坩埚内液面高度、铸型表面条件、铸型出口温度、连铸速度、冷却条件)对连铸线材表面质量的影响,分析后提出了优化工艺参数的范围.  相似文献   

采用真空熔炼、氩气保护下拉式连续定向凝固方法制备了直径为6mm的Cu--12%Al(质量分数)合金线材,并研究了结晶器长度、熔体温度和拉坯速度对线材表面质量、组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明:在结晶器长度为20~40mm,熔体温度为1100~1250℃,拉坯速度为10~70mm·min-1范围内,可以稳定制备出具有单晶或柱状晶组织的线材.缩短结晶器长度、提高熔体温度或拉坯速度均有利于改善线材表面质量;降低熔体温度、增加结晶器长度或提高拉坯速度连铸有利于获得连续柱状晶组织.当结晶器长度为30mm,熔体温度为1100~1150℃,拉坯速度为10~70mm·min-1时,线材横截面晶粒尺寸随拉坯速度的增加先减小而后增加.在结晶器长度30mm,熔体温度1150℃,拉坯速度30mm·min-1条件下制备的连续柱状晶组织线材,其延伸率可达25.7%.  相似文献   

采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术(PECVD),以C2H2、H2和N2为反应气体,制备出碳纳米管薄膜.并利用扫描电镜对其进行表征.结果表明,氮气流量对碳纳米管薄膜的生长起着重要作用,当氮气流量为10sccm时,能获得定向性良好、分布均匀、密度适中的碳纳米管.  相似文献   

用Monte Carlo模型模拟了亚单层薄膜在四方形基底上的生长过程.研究了在薄膜生长初期岛的形貌与周围原子作用之间的关系,及扩散原子周围不同位置处原子的势能参数对薄膜生长的影响.计算结果表明,扩散过程中,吸附原子受最近邻位置处原子作用的势能变化影响较大,而受次近邻位置处原子作用的势能变化影响较小;降低扩散原子最近邻位置处的能量参数,相当于升高了基底的温度.  相似文献   

碳纳米管是一种应用非常广泛的电磁材料,研究其复介电常数的计算不仅能了解其介电性能规律,而且对材料的设计具有重要意义.基于碳纳米管的等效传输线模型,建立了微波场作用下多壁碳纳米管管壁间电容和量子电容的联接模型,推导了多壁碳纳米管等效传输线的阻抗公式.基于复电导率与复合材料阻容网络模型,建立了多壁碳纳米管复合材料复介电常数...  相似文献   

针对碳纳米管定向排列精度低、性能提升效果差的问题,对碳纳米管定向排列的控制方法进行了综述,总结碳纳米管定向排列在电学、力学和热学领域的应用进展。在全面回顾的基础上分析碳纳米管改善基体性能的机理,明确碳纳米管纤维桥接在基体增韧方面的作用,为碳纳米管分散性差、界面结合强度低等问题提供解决方法。通过综述发现,碳纳米管颗粒链的形成会促进碳纳米管性能的轴向拓展,对比力学和热学领域应用研究,碳纳米管在电学领域的改性应用对定向排列精度要求更高。通过对现有研究成果的客观描述及全面分析,指出传统排列方法不能成为碳纳米管精准应用的控制手段,总结出精准控制排列、三相界面结合及量产技术将成为碳纳米管研究的重点,为碳纳米管材料未来研究指明了方向。  相似文献   

研究了定向生长的多壁碳纳米管薄膜场致发射的距离敏感特性,以改进现有场发射传感器中硅及金属针尖的性能。化学气相沉积方法制备的多壁碳纳米管薄膜表现出良好的尖端放电特性,其开启电场可至1.42 V/μm,阈值电场可至2.22 V/μm,通过计算得到的尖端电场增强因子可至4 034以上。随着发射间距的增加,场致发射电流非线性地降低,发射电流对发射间距的最大变化率为0.018 8μA/μm。通过拟合分析发现,场致发射电流随发射间距的变化基本符合Fow ler-N ordhe im关系,该特性可作为碳纳米管场致发射传感器的基本原理用于位移的检测。  相似文献   

Piezoresistive effect in carbon nanotube films   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The piezoresistive effect of the pristine carbon nanotube(CNT)films has been studied.Carbon nanotubes were synthesized by hot filament chemical vapor deposition.The piezoresistive effect in the pristine CNT films was studied by a three-point bending test.The gauge factor for the pristine CNT films under 500 microstrains was found to be at least 65 at room temperature,and increased with temperature,exceeding that of polycrystalline silicon(30at)30℃.The origin of the piezoresistivity in CNT films may be ascribed to a pressure-induced change in the band gap and the defects.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotube (CNT) bulbs made of decimeter-scale double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) strands and films were fabricated and their luminescence properties, including the lighting efficiency, voltage-current relation and thermal stability were investigated. The results show that the DWCNT bulb has a comparable spectrum of visible light with tungsten bulb and its average efficiency is 40% higher than that of a tungsten filament at the same temperature (1400―2300 K). The nanotube filaments show both resistance and thermal stability over a large temperature region. No obvious damage was found for a nanotube bulb illuminating at 2300 K for more than 24 hours in vacuum.  相似文献   

The electrical resistance-pressure strain sensitivity of carbon nanotube network (NTN)/polymer composite is investigated. In this research, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is used as the polymer matrix. The composite of NTN embedded in PDMS matrix has been fabricated by using filtration and transfer process. The thickness of NTN/PDMS composite can be controlled. Electrical resistance and pressure strain of the NTN/PDMS composite are measured simultaneously. Electrical resistance of NTN/PDMS composite has been obtained as a function of pressure strain. The NTN/PDMS composite exhibits linear change in electrical resistance as a result of pressure strain and has improved electrical resistance-pressure strain sensitivity. The NTN/PDMS composite has 90.6% resistance change at 6% pressure strain. The electrical resistance-pressure strain sensitivity of NTN/PDMS composite using filtration and transfer process is 2.13 times of the traditional NTN/PDMS composite. The characteristic in electrical resistance change implies that NTN/PDMS composite can be used as pressure strain sensors and applied to sensor systems.  相似文献   

A single-layer double-walled carbon nanotube (DWNT) membrane, with 100 cm2 in area, 50 nm in thickness, was spread by adding a few drops of ethanol (or acetone) on the purified DWNTs. Compared with acetone, ethanol is more efficient in spreading DWNT films. The spreading rate of DWNT mem-brane increases with the ethanol concentration, and it also first increases with temperature (below 60℃), then decreases as the temperature rises to above 60℃.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage of aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (a-MWNTs),non-aligned MWNTs(n-MWNTs) and graphite electrodes are studied by the electro-chemical measurements .The electrodes are prepared by mixing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) copper powder and ptfe binder in a weight ratio of 1:5:3 and compressing the mixture into porous nickel collector,The results show that the electrochemical hydrogen storage capacity of the a-MWNT electrode is up to 1625 mAh/g corresponding to a high hydrogen storage of 5.7 wt% ,which is 10 times that of graphite electrode and is 13 times that of n-MWNT electrode, suggesting that a-MWNTs are promising materials for electrochemical hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

碳纳米管催化合成乙酸乙酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了用湿法氧化法处理过的工业级多壁碳纳米管为催化剂,乙酸和乙醇为原料合成乙酸乙酯。实验结果表明,其最佳反应条件为:醇酸摩尔比2.5∶1、催化剂用量1.5g(对应乙酸用量0.2mol)、反应时间2.5h、反应温度92℃,乙酸转化率58%.该催化剂对设备无腐蚀性、与产品分离简单、可回收重复使用,是一种绿色环保催化剂。  相似文献   

Aligned carbon nanombes(ACNTs) were modified with polypyrrole(PPy) via electropolymerization.Because of the large specific surface area and excellent electrical conductivity of ACNTs,continuous electropolymerization was able to be carried out,forming a thick PPy coating on the ACNTs.The resulting nanocomposite possessed a core-shell structure with ACNTs as the core PPy as the shell,and nanoparticles of PPy on the top,and displayed high performance supercapacitance properties.  相似文献   

Palladium loaded carbon nanotubes cathode with well-aligned nanotubes array was successfully fabricated on a titanium foil (Pd/CNTs/Ti) using a chemical vapor deposition technique and subsequent electrochemical deposition method. Pd particles were well dispersed on CNTs wall surfaces with average sizes no more than 20 nm, in most cases around 10 nm. Experiments for dechlorination of 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 29) in methanol/water solution were carried out for the first time using Pd/CNTs/Ti cathode for investigation of its performance in electrocatalytic dechlorination of PCBs. Results show that Pd/CNTs/Ti presented better dechlorination efficiency (up to 90% in 6 h) than Pd/Ti and Pd/graphite cathodes owing to unique properties owned by CNTs, which benefited enhanced dechlorination of PCB 29. Complete dechlorination for PCB 29 was observed and biphenyl was identified to be final dechlorination product. The amount of Pd loading, cathode potential, and electrolytes were found to be key factors influencing dechlorination performance.  相似文献   

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