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An all-silicon Raman laser   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rong H  Liu A  Jones R  Cohen O  Hak D  Nicolaescu R  Fang A  Paniccia M 《Nature》2005,433(7023):292-294
The possibility of light generation and/or amplification in silicon has attracted a great deal of attention for silicon-based optoelectronic applications owing to the potential for forming inexpensive, monolithic integrated optical components. Because of its indirect bandgap, bulk silicon shows very inefficient band-to-band radiative electron-hole recombination. Light emission in silicon has thus focused on the use of silicon engineered materials such as nanocrystals, Si/SiO2 superlattices, erbium-doped silicon-rich oxides, surface-textured bulk silicon and Si/SiGe quantum cascade structures. Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) has recently been demonstrated as a mechanism to generate optical gain in planar silicon waveguide structures. In fact, net optical gain in the range 2-11 dB due to SRS has been reported in centimetre-sized silicon waveguides using pulsed pumping. Recently, a lasing experiment involving silicon as the gain medium by way of SRS was reported, where the ring laser cavity was formed by an 8-m-long optical fibre. Here we report the experimental demonstration of Raman lasing in a compact, all-silicon, waveguide cavity on a single silicon chip. This demonstration represents an important step towards producing practical continuous-wave optical amplifiers and lasers that could be integrated with other optoelectronic components onto CMOS-compatible silicon chips.  相似文献   

A continuous-wave Raman silicon laser   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rong H  Jones R  Liu A  Cohen O  Hak D  Fang A  Paniccia M 《Nature》2005,433(7027):725-728
Achieving optical gain and/or lasing in silicon has been one of the most challenging goals in silicon-based photonics because bulk silicon is an indirect bandgap semiconductor and therefore has a very low light emission efficiency. Recently, stimulated Raman scattering has been used to demonstrate light amplification and lasing in silicon. However, because of the nonlinear optical loss associated with two-photon absorption (TPA)-induced free carrier absorption (FCA), until now lasing has been limited to pulsed operation. Here we demonstrate a continuous-wave silicon Raman laser. Specifically, we show that TPA-induced FCA in silicon can be significantly reduced by introducing a reverse-biased p-i-n diode embedded in a silicon waveguide. The laser cavity is formed by coating the facets of the silicon waveguide with multilayer dielectric films. We have demonstrated stable single mode laser output with side-mode suppression of over 55 dB and linewidth of less than 80 MHz. The lasing threshold depends on the p-i-n reverse bias voltage and the laser wavelength can be tuned by adjusting the wavelength of the pump laser. The demonstration of a continuous-wave silicon laser represents a significant milestone for silicon-based optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

Ultralow-threshold Raman laser using a spherical dielectric microcavity   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Spillane SM  Kippenberg TJ  Vahala KJ 《Nature》2002,415(6872):621-623
The ability to confine and store optical energy in small volumes has implications in fields ranging from cavity quantum electrodynamics to photonics. Of all cavity geometries, micrometre-sized dielectric spherical resonators are the best in terms of their ability to store energy for long periods of time within small volumes. In the sphere, light orbits near the surface, where long confinement times (high Q) effectively wrap a large interaction distance into a tiny volume. This characteristic makes such resonators uniquely suited for studies of nonlinear coupling of light with matter. Early work recognized these attributes through Raman excitation in microdroplets-but microdroplets have not been used in practical applications. Here we demonstrate a micrometre-scale, nonlinear Raman source that has a highly efficient pump-signal conversion (higher than 35%) and pump thresholds nearly 1,000 times lower than shown before. This represents a route to compact, ultralow-threshold sources for numerous wavelength bands that are usually difficult to access. Equally important, this system can provide a compact and simple building block for studying nonlinear optical effects and the quantum aspects of light.  相似文献   

高峰值功率的调Q光纤激光器容易出现受激拉曼散射(SRS)。搭建了master oscillator power-amplifier(MOPA)结构的调Q光纤激光器,研究了其光谱与脉冲波形。实验研究了脉冲光在不同长度、不同种类光纤中传输时的拉曼散射效应,分析了其拉曼光谱特性及各光波的时域特性。实验结果表明:MOPA结构容易实现高峰值功率及参数可控的脉冲光。高峰值功率的脉冲在长距离传输时易出现多级拉曼散射光,且输出的各级拉曼散射光功率相当。一级拉曼散射光与抽运光在传输中是同步的。  相似文献   

运用群论方法分析氯苯的振动模式,得到各振动模式的对称性和拉曼活性,结果表明,氯苯分子振动拉曼光谱具有30条频率不同的拉曼谱线.采用激光拉曼光谱学技术获得了氯苯的振动拉曼光谱,分析了氯苯拉曼光谱的特点,并对其中16条谱线进行指认,为有机混合物中氯苯分子的识别提供依据.  相似文献   

The modulation response characteristics of a Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser (slave FP-LD) subjected to light injection from another Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser (master FP-LD) have been investigated theoretically. The results show that the modulation response performances of the slave FP-LD depend on the light injection strength, the central mode frequency detuning △f and the mode spacing difference between the slave FP-LD and the master FP-LD. With the increase of the light injection strength from the master FP-LD, the 3 dB modulation bandwidth of the slave FP-LD will be enhanced; however, if the injection strength is increased to certain degree, the front side of the relaxation oscillation peak will be reduced to below 3 dB, which results in the rapid decrease of the 3 dB modulation bandwidth. With the increase of △f, for a relatively small injection strength level, the 3 dB modulation bandwidth will behave a monotonous enlargement until the slave FP-LD operates in a period-one state (P1). For a relatively strong optical injection level, the slave FP-LD has a broad injection-locked frequency detuning area. Within the injection-locked area, with the increase of frequency detuning △f, the 3dB modulation bandwidth increases at first and then decreases after experiencing a maximum value. For given light injection strength and frequency detuning, the 3 dB modulation bandwidth of the slave FP-LD has two maximums and behaves a symmetrical distribution with the change of △λ By choosing reasonable parameters, the 3 dB modulation bandwidth can be significantly improved. For the parameter values selected in this paper, the 3 dB modulation bandwidth can increase 5.5 times compared with the case of free running.  相似文献   

首先概括了当前流行的密码芯片攻击方法及优缺点,然后介绍了近红外激光故障注入系统,并详细描述了近红外激光故障注入理论、系统组成、工作原理,及实验设备与参数。以DES(data encryption standard)算法为例,通过数学推导,采用DFA(differential fault analysis)方法恢复密钥。最后,根据实验室搭建的近红外激光故障注入系统对芯片背面进行了故障攻击实验,在无任何防御措施下获取了DES算法密钥。通过实验,以及结合对有关防御方法的深入分析,展示了近红外激光故障注入攻击对密码芯片的具大威胁。  相似文献   

由半经典耦合方程出发,本文完整建立了均匀大气中准直激光传输时瞬态受激转动喇曼散射的阈值理论,讨论了激光脉冲波形、激光波长、气压等对瞬态阈值的影响。  相似文献   

Faure J  Rechatin C  Norlin A  Lifschitz A  Glinec Y  Malka V 《Nature》2006,444(7120):737-739
In laser-plasma-based accelerators, an intense laser pulse drives a large electric field (the wakefield) which accelerates particles to high energies in distances much shorter than in conventional accelerators. These high acceleration gradients, of a few hundreds of gigavolts per metre, hold the promise of compact high-energy particle accelerators. Recently, several experiments have shown that laser-plasma accelerators can produce high-quality electron beams, with quasi-monoenergetic energy distributions at the 100 MeV level. However, these beams do not have the stability and reproducibility that are required for applications. This is because the mechanism responsible for injecting electrons into the wakefield is based on highly nonlinear phenomena, and is therefore hard to control. Here we demonstrate that the injection and subsequent acceleration of electrons can be controlled by using a second laser pulse. The collision of the two laser pulses provides a pre-acceleration stage which provokes the injection of electrons into the wakefield. The experimental results show that the electron beams obtained in this manner are collimated (5 mrad divergence), monoenergetic (with energy spread <10 per cent), tuneable (between 15 and 250 MeV) and, most importantly, stable. In addition, the experimental observations are compatible with electron bunch durations shorter than 10 fs. We anticipate that this stable and compact electron source will have a strong impact on applications requiring short bunches, such as the femtolysis of water, or high stability, such as radiotherapy with high-energy electrons or radiography for materials science.  相似文献   

光纤拉曼放大器中拉曼阈值的理论分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨光纤拉曼放大器中的阈值条件,基于抽运光和信号光耦合方程组,推导了考虑抽运光能量转移给信号光能量时的阈值功率公式,并对满足阈值条件时光纤的最大损耗和最短长度进行了计算.将所得结果与文献中已有的阈值功率公式和近期实验结果作了比较,发现文中推导的阈值功率公式比原有的公式更严密,与实验结果更吻合.文中最后得出了设计光纤拉曼放大器时的最优抽运功率和光纤长度.  相似文献   

The mineral inclusions in zircon from gneisses in ultra-high pressure (UHP) zone of the Dabie Mountains were identified by using a laser Raman microspectrometer. Coesite occurs as inclusions in zircons from all types of gneiss. Other important minerals, such as jadeite, omphacite, aragonite, barite, and anhydrite were also found as inclusion minerals. These discoveries indicate that (ⅰ) gneissic country rocks had metamorphosed at the same time as the enclosed eclogites; and (ⅱ) SO4-2-bearing fluids were present in the UHP metamorphic process, which is manifested by occurrence of barite and anhydrite coexisting with coesite.  相似文献   

研究天然冰片、合成冰片和异龙脑的拉曼光谱。实验结果显示,三种样品在0~3 500 cm-1范围内的拉曼谱峰重合度很高。通过取500~1 000 cm-1区间的谱线进行分析,发现合成冰片和异龙脑在627.95 cm-1、726.3 cm-1、786.09 cm-1、857.44 cm-1处出现拉曼谱峰,而天然冰片没有。因此可推断,合成冰片在这四个位置的拉曼峰是异龙脑所致,可以作为区别天然冰片与合成冰片的指纹谱。此项研究表明,拉曼光谱技术可作为鉴别天然冰片和合成冰片的一种新方法。  相似文献   

在研究生物活性分子的表面增强拉曼光谱过程中,利用该拉曼系统的白光成像功能,原位获得银电极表面图像,对电极处理方法进行评估,从而获得理想的实验条件,使生物分子的拉曼光谱质量大大改善.  相似文献   

针对球形微腔能否将腔外介质的拉曼增益耦合到腔内,并在微腔回音壁模式的支持下形成腔外介质的受激拉曼辐射的问题,通过石英球腔在纯水中的受激拉曼散射实验,首次观察到水的拉曼增益确实可以通过消逝场耦合进入球腔,并在腔内形成拉曼光的受激辐射放大.  相似文献   

对GaN样品薄膜进行了喇曼背散射几何配置下的喇曼散射测试与分析,其样品分别是在不同衬底上以金属有机物气相沉积(MOCVD)法和分子束外延(MBE)法生长的,观测到了纤锌矿结构GaN的允许模式A1(LO)模和E2(高)模,同时也观测到了一些禁戒模式,结果表明:受激喇曼散射是研究GaN结构的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

利用532 nm脉冲激光研究水的受激Raman散射, 并利用激光诱导产生的等离子体解释了前向、 后向和侧向水受激Raman散射的差异. 结果表明: 水与甲醇和乙醇的受激Raman阈值基本相同,  大于苯、 甲苯和二硫化碳的受激Raman阈值; 当能量为140 mJ时, 出现前向Stokes和反Stokes 3 426 cm-1谱线, 后向和侧向出现3 400,3 268 cm-1的受激Stokes谱线.  相似文献   

ZnO纳米晶的拉曼光谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了5~31 nm氧化锌纳米晶,测量了它们的拉曼光谱,结果表明二级拉曼模随粒径减小相对强度增大,归因于尺寸效应.新出现的938 cm-1模指认为来自表面氧空位.  相似文献   

介绍四苯基卟啉(TPP)及其中位取代氨基和硝基的拉曼光谱, 并讨论了给电子和吸电子取代基团对卟啉骨架振动的影响, 得出该取代对卟啉Ca—Cm和Cb—Cb的伸缩振动规律, 与四苯基卟啉相比, 引入给电子基团(氨基)使Ca—Cm向高波数方向移动, 吸电子(硝基)使Ca—Cm向低波数方向移动.   相似文献   

描述了作为激光光谱分析仪中光源的纵向直流激励自持放电小功率宽频带可调谐一氧化碳激光器,并给出了有关高功率一氧化碳激光器的发展概况.在所描述的一氧化碳激光器中,有相当一部分是由作者在近20年中研制成功的.最后给出了5μm波段一氧化碳激光器和10.6μm波段二氧化碳激光器在金属切割方面的比较实例,并指出了在一氧化碳激光器研究领域尚需解决的问题.  相似文献   

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