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Summary Primary and secondary cell walls display a beautiful fibrillar texture under the electron microscope. Microfibres of cell walls from many plants and from cultures of cellulose-forming bacteria have a remarkably constant diameter of 250–300 Å.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of adrenaline on human subjects can induce a histamine-counter-regulation, which appears after physiological or therapeutical adrenaline-doses.The proved counter-regulation's effect offers a possibility for explanation of collaps-conditions after nerve block and after subcutaneous infiltration anaesthesia. This suggests the prevention of such incidences by anti-histamine-substances. The individual differences in the course of reaction may have clinical importance.  相似文献   

Summary A report is given on the histological findings after the application of hyaluronic acid to the tibiae of adult guinea pigs. The possible importance of these findings for human medicine is briefly discussed and the results so far obtained in humans are given.

Vorläufige Mitteilung  相似文献   

Summary A method is described for histochemical definition of the metachromatic substance of mast cells. A slide of tissue containing mast cells is treated with substances dissolving metachromasia, such as hyaluronidase and water, and later on stained in aqueous solutions of gradually heightened pH. A marked spot of the slide is counted at each pH. Concentrations of hydrogen and numbers of mast cells result in a characteristic curve.  相似文献   

Summary In cats with chronically implanted electrodes, hippocampus and amygdala consistently showed spike discharges immediately after relatively low doses of total body x-irradiation (400 r) and reticular arousal thresholds were transitorily decreased. Thalamic recruiting thresholds increased later, while hippocampal seizure thresholds remained practically unaltered. Experiments with lower doses are in progress.

This article is based on work performed under Contract No. AT-(04-1)-GEN-12 between the Atomic Energy Commission and the University of California at Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Summary In order to elucidate the role of the hypophysis in the regulation of cholesterol 7-hydroxylase activity, male and female rats hypophysectomized on day 50 of life were treated with different hypophyseal hormones and tested on day 85 of life. Only a crude extract from human hypophysis and ovine prolactin was able to enhance the enzyme activity, thereby restoring the level of intact controls.

Diese Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereiches Endokrinologie (SFB 87) von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of adrenals is necessary for the genesis of the fatty liver damage in the second week after the totalbody X-irradiation. Cortison in moderate daily doses is capable of replacing this function of the adrenals in adrenalectomized mice.  相似文献   

Summary The treatment of 62 patients with chlorpromazine was followed by a rise of SGO-T in the serum in 20% of them. Six other patients were treated with a daily dose of 200 to 400 mg Methylthiouracil for 14 days. No elevation of serum transaminases was observed. The application of a daily dose of 30 mg methyl testosterone to 40 other patients was followed by a rise of SGO-T and SGP-T in 77% of them. The maximal elevation of SGO-T was 275 U. and of SGP-T 260 U., and this was reached during 10 days of therapy on an average. This effect is bound to the methyl group of methyl testosterone, since in 10 patients, treated with the same dose of testosterone propionate, the serum transaminases activity were not influenced.  相似文献   

Résumé Si l'on provoque une cirrhose du foie sur des rats blancs par l'injection chronique de CCl4, les jeunes, en voie de développement, atteignent une plus grande taille. L'auteur suppose que ce phénomène est dû à la prolongation de la durée d'activité de l'hormone somatotrope du foie atteint.

Vorläufige Mitteilung  相似文献   

Summary By damaging isolated auricles of guinea pigs with 2,4-dinitrophenol, fluoroacetic acid or quinine, it was possible to obtain qualitative differences of effect depending upon the chemical structure of the cardenolids and bufadienolids.  相似文献   

Summary (1) In the isolated mammalian heart (rabbit, cat, dog) electrically induced ventricular fibrillation is stopped in practically 100% of the cases by adenosin-triphosphoric acid (ATP) in doses of 0.25–20 mg, and the normal rhythm of the heart is permanently restored (as far as the experiment extends).(2) This effect of ATP follows from a primary blocking, which leads to a complete cessation of the activity of the ventricles with diastolic dilatation of the heart.(3) In as much as adenyl acid from yeast and adenosin (in large doses) also stop ventricular fibrillation, the energetic effect of ATP seems to be of no importance in stopping it; it is a specific effect of the adenyl compounds on the bundle ofHis.  相似文献   

Summary The action of nitrogen mustard TS 160 (trichlortriethyl amine hydrochloride) upon the cellular structure of spleen, bone marrow, and Lieberkühns gland of the intestine is weaker in ether narcosis in rats. The same effect is noticed in the blood of the experimental rats. Narcosis cannot prevent the death of the experimental rats after lethal doses of this agent.  相似文献   

Summary Transverse osteotomies of the radius of dogs could be set and perfectly stabilized by means of pressure osteosyntheses. The primary healing process, observed radiologically, corresponds to the histological development of new osteons which, in completely opposed fragments, pass through the fracture and develop from the intact blood vessels and cells of the Haversian canals.  相似文献   

Summary By an artificial stenosis of the abdominal aorta, hypertrophy of the left heart is produced. Different degrees of narrowing of the aorta lead to different degrees of heart hypertrophy. After a starvation of 24 h, the glycogen content of the heart that is in a hypertrophic condition is higher than in normal hearts.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the influence of local (liver field) and total irradiation (1,000 rl) on the enzymatic activity of isolated liver mitochondria from adult rats. While the succinodehydrogenase activity remains unaltered, the oxydation of pyruvate — as well as the structural stability of the mitochondria — are found to be reduced, entailing a decrease in the oxydative phosphorylation. These variations remain the same even after total or local irradiation.  相似文献   

Summary For therapeutic heart-equieffective concentrations of 15 genins, there is a correlation between the inhibition of the sodium transport in cold-stored red cells of man and the positive inotropic action on the isolated auricle preparation of the guinea pig, damaged by phenylbutazone.  相似文献   

Summary Diluted serum was treated with diluted acid. Between pH 7·8 and 6·5 a part of the globulines is precipitated whose composition changes in favour of the more rapidly migrating fractions with rising pH. Sera denaturated by heat are flocculated quantitatively and behave like one monodisperse protein also in electrophoresis and chromatography. This leads to the conclusion, other than after denaturation, that negative loads of native proteins possess different strengths of absorption toward H.

K. Simon, Exper.8, 55 (1952).  相似文献   

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