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用超级场发射电子显微镜(Super FE-SEM),扫描电子显微镜/能量色散谱(SEM/EDX)研究了不同酸(HC、lHNO3、H2SO4、HC lO4)对粉煤灰的剥蚀作用。它们对粉煤灰的剥蚀是逐层进行的,酸的作用对粉煤灰主体元素组成影响不大。在剥蚀过程中形成了相应的铝盐、铁盐等盐,及纳米级的S iO2小聚集体。  相似文献   

Maoniuping rare earth element (REE) deposit, located in Mianning area of Sichuan Province, is of unique geological characteristics and is large in scale. Some studies have shown that there are large amounts of multi phase fluid inclusions in fluorite, quartz and calcite. Besides the daughter minerals of halite, barite and gypsum, Sr bearing minerals (celestite, strontianite), apatite and eight light rare earth element (LREE) minerals have been found by scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer techniques. The abundant occurrence of these daughter minerals shows that the ore-forming fluid is rich in Sr, Ba and LREE contents, and is related to nordmarkite in genesis.  相似文献   

用扫描电子显微镜/能量色散谱(SEM/EDS),超级场发射电子显微镜(Super FE-S叫)研究了H2SO4与粉煤灰的固相反应.常温反应后,单个粉煤灰表面微区有明显的溶解点,粉煤灰在一定程度上出现粘结、结块现象.反应前后粉煤灰的组成变化不大,表明固相反应仅在粉煤灰表面进行,未渗入到颗粒内部.反应后所得水溶物主要是Al2(SO4)3、Fe 2(S04),.当反应温度达到200℃时,扫描电镜可观察到粉煤灰表面产生块状Al2(SO4)3、Fe 2(SO4)3结晶.250℃下反应产生的结晶物明显多于200℃,且导电性明显提高.热力学计算和表面纳米观测技术都表明,粉煤灰表面的铝、铁氧化物转化成可溶性的硫酸盐,氧化硅未参与化学反应.  相似文献   

河南老湾金矿床流体包裹体及稀土元素地球化学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
老湾金矿床产于中元古界龟山组,主要岩性为二云石英片岩和斜长角闪片岩。矿体受NWW向的韧脆性构造和NE向及NW向的次级构造控制,呈似层状、层状和脉状产出。矿床流体包裹体研究表明,成矿流体具有中-低温度、低盐度和低密度特征;流体包裹体液相成分中富含K+、Na+,二者比值显示成矿流体主要为岩浆水。矿床、围岩和老湾花岗岩的稀土元素研究认为,成矿物质主要来源于围岩和花岗岩。  相似文献   

铜钢熔敷焊工艺方法分析研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出熔敷焊接工艺方法 ,采用等离子弧、TIG电弧、高频感应、气保护连续炉、真空炉和模中熔铸工艺实现了熔敷焊接工艺方法。该方法具有效率高 ,基体金属不发生熔化、界面结合质量好、熔敷层厚度范围宽等特点。分析了实验熔敷焊接的几种具体的工艺方法 ,给出装置原理图、结合界面金相照片和剪切试验结果  相似文献   

The mineral inclusions in accessory minerals of the country gneisses have been studied in order to interpret relation between eclogites and their country gneissic rocks. Omphacite inclusions have been identified in titanite and zircon, which indicates that the present mineral assemblages of country gneisses are the last retrograded assemblages and eclogites and their country gneissic rocks probably have a same metamorphic history.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is used to determine rare-earth elements abundances in fluid inclusions. Quartz separates from the Lannigou and Yata Carlin-type gold deposits, southwestern China, were prepared by the decrepitation-leach method. Leachates were analyzed by ICP-MS, using conventional sample introduction. The results demonstrate that the decrepitation-leach method, in combination with ICP-MS analysis of leachates, is effective for REE determination. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of inclusion fluids for the Lannigou and Yata samples associated with gold mineralization are characterized by light rare-earth elements (LREE) enrichment, with a weak negative Ce anomaly and a positive or negative Eu anomaly, whereas the pattern for the Lannigou sample associated with late gold mineralization (quartz-calcite stage) is characterized by LREE enrichment relative to HREE, with negative Ce and Eu anomalies.  相似文献   

The Tongling area, Anhui Province lies in the centralpart of the Cu-Fe-Au mineralization belt of the Mid-dle-Lower Yangtze River region, and hosts the highestincidence of this mineralization belt. Geotectonically, theTongling area is located at the middle of the Lower Yang-tze fold belt in the Yangtze block. Silurian to Triassicshallow marine carbonatite and a few semi-abyssal sili-ceous rocks, continental-ocean arenites are the dominantoutcropping strata. A series of NE trending fold s…  相似文献   

The free oils, adsorbed oils and oil-bearing fluid inclusions have been extracted separately and analyzed by GC and GC-MS in reservoir rock samples collected from the Kuche Depression. The results demonstrate that the molecular compositions of oil-bearing fluid inclusions are significantly different from those of the free oils (the current oils). Compared with the current oil, the oil-bearing fluid inclusions are characterized by relatively high values of parameters Pr/nC17and Ph/nC18, low values of Pr/Ph, hopanes/steranes, C30-diahopane/C30-hopane and Ts/Tm, low content of C29Ts terpane and high maturities as indicated by C29 steranes 20S/(20R+20S). In addition, the oil-bearing fluid inclusions correlate very well with the oils in northern and central Tarim Basin, which were derived from Cambrian-Ordovician marine source rocks. The adsorbedoils appear to be an intermediate type between free oils and oil-bearing fluid inclusions. The above analytical data indicate that there are at least two oil-charging episodes for these reservoir rock samples. The early charging oils were derived from Cambrian-Ordovician marine source rocks, and the later charging oils, from Triassic-Jurassic terrestrial source rocks. The primary marine oils were overwhelmingly diluted by the following terrestrial oils.  相似文献   

The existence and release of fluid inclusions in bornite and its associated minerals, namely, quartz and calcite were investigated and confirmed. The structures, forms, and phases of these large quantities of fluid inclusions were also studied. A mass of fluid inclusions with various sizes, distributions, shapes, and phases exist in bornite and its associated minerals. Their sizes vary from a few micrometers to tens of micrometers, and the forms appear as negative crystals, or elongated, elliptical, and irregular. At room temperature, fluid inclusions were mainly characterized as gas-liquid twophase. However, small amounts of fluid inclusions with pure gas phase and pure liquid single-phase were also observed in quartz and calcite. These fluid inclusions initially broke during the ore crushing and grinding process and then released into the flotation pulp in the flotation process. The quantitative analysis of fluid inclusions in the solution and the comparisons of mineral dissolution show that the amount of copper and iron released by fluid inclusions in the bornite sample is higher than the amount dissolved by the mineral; fluid inclusions in the associated gangue minerals, quartz, and calcite also make contribution.  相似文献   

孤山子超镁铁质岩体是冀东地区重要的磁铁矿源之一,同时也拥有较好的铜镍矿床的成矿条件。流体包裹体的研究表明,该铜镍矿床的流体包裹体主要有3种类型:气液两相包裹体(个别为纯液相包裹体)、富CO2三相包裹体和纯气相包裹体。孤山子铜镍矿床的成矿流体属于中低温、中盐度和中低密度的酸性流体,形成深度约为85.~98.km,成矿流体压力约为106~138 M Pa。  相似文献   

张弢  罗安华 《科学技术与工程》2013,13(11):2923-2929
羊拉铜矿属大型铜矿,随着矿山的建成投产,矿区外围及深部矿产成为当前勘查与研究的主要对象。结合矿区工作条件、地质特征和岩矿石物性参数,在矿区已知剖面开展高频大地电磁法和激电测深试验研究工作。研究成果显示,试验剖面已知钻探工程控制的矽卡岩型氧化矿位于高频大地电磁法高、低电阻率异常过渡带和激电测深高视充电率异常部位;剖面中部未知区域为近水平状的低电阻率和高视充电率异常,推测为硫化矿引起。试验结果表明,高频大地电磁法和激电测深方法效果显著,适合在矿区外围及深部矿产勘查推广应用。  相似文献   

海藻酸钙/多孔硅复合材料对水中铜离子的吸附性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对比研究了海藻酸钙/多孔硅复合材料和纯多孔硅对铜离子的吸附作用,考察了溶液初始pH、温度、吸附剂加入量和吸附时间等因素对海藻酸钙/多孔硅复合材料吸附铜离子的影响。结果表明:海藻酸钙/多孔硅复合材料在相同铜离子浓度下的吸附性能优于纯多孔硅,其吸附速率也明显大于纯多孔硅。利用SEM、FTIR、BET等方法分别测定了改性前后多孔硅材料的形貌和物理化学性质。利用Langmuir等温吸附式计算出海藻酸钙/多孔硅复合材料在60℃下和pH为5.0时的铜离子最大吸附量为49.02mg/g。  相似文献   

河南省柳树湾花岗伟晶岩型铀矿床位于北秦岭东段,含矿伟晶岩受灰池子岩体与秦岭岩群的接触带控制。通过对研究区的地质特征、流体包裹体以及氢-氧-硫同位素的研究,探讨柳树湾花岗伟晶岩型铀矿床的成矿物质、流体来源。伟晶岩型铀矿成矿流体温度为513.5℃~567.4℃,H同位素为-107.9‰~-89.6‰,O同位素为11‰~13.2‰,S同位素为3.5‰~5.8‰。研究结果表明:柳树湾花岗伟晶岩型铀矿床成矿流体主要为深部岩浆水,成矿物质主要来自深部岩浆。  相似文献   

河南南召水洞岭锌铜矿床的类型及成矿条件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水洞岭锌铜矿床是北秦岭造山带中铜矿远景区的典型黑矿型矿床,形成于二郎坪弧后盆地,时代为早古生代.成矿期间成矿流体以高K+/Na+、F-/Cl-比值和低CO/CO2比值为特征;形成温度为197~330℃,fO2为3×10-31~8.1×10-33Pa,形成时的环境压力为77.97×105Pa,pH值为5.73~6.12(300℃).同位素特征显示,成矿物质来源为下伏火山岩,且具有混合硫源(岩浆和海水硫)共同来源,岩浆热液对成矿起了一定的作用  相似文献   

马来西亚CHINI铜多金属矿位区为于Lebir深大断裂东侧,为浅海相富含铜金银铅锌的碎屑沉积铜多金属矿床,矿体形态为似层状、透镜体状、囊状.为探索矿体的空间展布特征,根据岩矿石物性特征和地形条件,在矿区开展了激电扫面、一种改进的激电三极梯度测深和音频大地电磁测深工作.激电扫面圈定了矿区的低阻高极化异常带,激电三极测深和...  相似文献   

根据中条山区主要类型铜矿床的地质特征,论述了铜矿峪型铜矿床的矿床成因与岩浆活动和变形变质热液的叠加改造直接有关,说明了胡一篦型铜矿床是典型的层控矿床,指出了在中条山老矿区及其外围的找矿方向。  相似文献   

分析了海安凹陷泰州组储层流体包裹体的特征及均一温度,结合圈闭形成时间和生排烃史确定了泰州组油气藏形成期次.样品中共发育2期成岩流体包裹体:Ⅰ期流体包裹体只有盐水包裹体,无有机包裹体,均一温度分布在65~75℃之间;Ⅱ期流体包裹体中盐水包裹体较发育,烃类包裹体多与盐水包裹体伴生,烃类包裹体为淡黄色和黄褐色,在荧光下呈淡黄...  相似文献   

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