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全球海洋岩石圈的最大弯曲与大地震发生在俯冲带。当弯曲应力超过岩石承受范围,就会产生正断层和地震,海水沿着正断层进入上地幔并发生蛇纹石化,引发浅源地震并可能造成灾难性海啸。选取西太平洋最具代表性的日本、伊豆-小笠原、马里亚纳和雅浦俯冲带以及汤加-克马德克俯冲带,归纳近些年的地球物理观测及地球动力学模拟的结果,对比分析了不同俯冲带挠曲正断层的分布特征,并探讨了俯冲板块变形与地震之间的相关性,以揭示俯冲板片弯曲变形及相应的正断层与潜在板块水化特征。  相似文献   

Evolution and diversity of subduction zones controlled by slab width   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Schellart WP  Freeman J  Stegman DR  Moresi L  May D 《Nature》2007,446(7133):308-311
Subducting slabs provide the main driving force for plate motion and flow in the Earth's mantle, and geodynamic, seismic and geochemical studies offer insight into slab dynamics and subduction-induced flow. Most previous geodynamic studies treat subduction zones as either infinite in trench-parallel extent (that is, two-dimensional) or finite in width but fixed in space. Subduction zones and their associated slabs are, however, limited in lateral extent (250-7,400 km) and their three-dimensional geometry evolves over time. Here we show that slab width controls two first-order features of plate tectonics-the curvature of subduction zones and their tendency to retreat backwards with time. Using three-dimensional numerical simulations of free subduction, we show that trench migration rate is inversely related to slab width and depends on proximity to a lateral slab edge. These results are consistent with retreat velocities observed globally, with maximum velocities (6-16 cm yr(-1)) only observed close to slab edges (<1,200 km), whereas far from edges (>2,000 km) retreat velocities are always slow (<2.0 cm yr(-1)). Models with narrow slabs (< or =1,500 km) retreat fast and develop a curved geometry, concave towards the mantle wedge side. Models with slabs intermediate in width ( approximately 2,000-3,000 km) are sublinear and retreat more slowly. Models with wide slabs (> or =4,000 km) are nearly stationary in the centre and develop a convex geometry, whereas trench retreat increases towards concave-shaped edges. Additionally, we identify periods (5-10 Myr) of slow trench advance at the centre of wide slabs. Such wide-slab behaviour may explain mountain building in the central Andes, as being a consequence of its tectonic setting, far from slab edges.  相似文献   

Foley S  Tiepolo M  Vannucci R 《Nature》2002,417(6891):837-840
It is thought that the first continental crust formed by melting of either eclogite or amphibolite, either at subduction zones or on the underside of thick oceanic crust. However, the observed compositions of early crustal rocks and experimental studies have been unable to distinguish between these possibilities. Here we show a clear contrast in trace-element ratios of melts derived from amphibolites and those from eclogites. Partial melting of low-magnesium amphibolite can explain the low niobium/tantalum and high zirconium/samarium ratios in melts, as required for the early continental crust, whereas the melting of eclogite cannot. This indicates that the earliest continental crust formed by melting of amphibolites in subduction-zone environments and not by the melting of eclogite or magnesium-rich amphibolites in the lower part of thick oceanic crust. Moreover, the low niobium/tantalum ratio seen in subduction-zone igneous rocks of all ages is evidence that the melting of rutile-eclogite has never been a volumetrically important process.  相似文献   

Observation of ultra-microtexture of fault rocks in shearing-sliding zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the rapid development of microbeam tech nologies, the application of scanning electronic mi croscopy ( SEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) hasextended the studies on textures of fault rocks frommicro scale (micron level) observation to ultra microscale (nanometer level)[1]. Through SEM observa tion of three fault rocks in ductile brittle shearing sliding zones[2](including one palimpsest mylonite ofMesozoic granite s…  相似文献   

Calvert AJ 《Nature》2004,428(6979):163-167
At convergent continental margins, the relative motion between the subducting oceanic plate and the overriding continent is usually accommodated by movement along a single, thin interface known as a megathrust. Great thrust earthquakes occur on the shallow part of this interface where the two plates are locked together. Earthquakes of lower magnitude occur within the underlying oceanic plate, and have been linked to geochemical dehydration reactions caused by the plate's descent. Here I present deep seismic reflection data from the northern Cascadia subduction zone that show that the inter-plate boundary is up to 16 km thick and comprises two megathrust shear zones that bound a >5-km-thick, approximately 110-km-wide region of imbricated crustal rocks. Earthquakes within the subducting plate occur predominantly in two geographic bands where the dip of the plate is inferred to increase as it is forced around the edges of the imbricated inter-plate boundary zone. This implies that seismicity in the subducting slab is controlled primarily by deformation in the upper part of the plate. Slip on the shallower megathrust shear zone, which may occur by aseismic slow slip, will transport crustal rocks into the upper mantle above the subducting oceanic plate and may, in part, provide an explanation for the unusually low seismic wave speeds that are observed there.  相似文献   

轴载对复合式路面应力吸收层荷载应力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究改性沥青混合料应力吸收层在复合式路面结构中的受力状态,对于其材料组成设计具有指导意义。采用有限元数值分析方法,建立基于应力吸收层的复合式路面三维有限元模型,分析轴载、模量变化对应力吸收层荷载应力的影响。结果表明:应力吸收层本身处于极为不利的受力状态,刚性基层接缝处应力吸收层层底存在应力集中,应力增长了60%,其模量越低,应力集中越明显,层内荷载应力呈3阶多项式函数变化;应力吸收层层内荷载应力随轴载增加呈线性增长,轴载变化对层底荷载应力影响最显著。  相似文献   

Geodetic evidence for a low slip rate in the Altyn Tagh fault system   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Bendick R  Bilham R  Freymueller J  Larson K  Yin G 《Nature》2000,404(6773):69-72
The collision between India and Asia has been simulated with a variety of computational models that describe or predict the motions of the main faults of east Asia. Geological slip-rate estimates of 20-30 mm yr(-1) suggest that the largest of these faults, the 2,000-km-long Altyn Tagh fault system on the northern edge of the Tibetan plateau, absorbs as much of the Indo-Asian convergence signal as do the Himalayas--partly by oblique slip and partly by contraction and mountain growth. However, the predictions of dynamic models for Asian deformation and the lower bounds of some geological slip-rates estimates (3-9 mm yr(-1); refs 7, 8) suggest that the Altyn Tagh system is less active. Here, we report geodetic data from 89-91 degrees E that indicate left-lateral shear of 9 +/- 5 mm yr(-1) and contraction of 3 +/- 1 mm yr(-1) across the Altyn Tagh system. This result--combined with our finding that, at 90 degrees E, Tibet contracts north-south at 9 +/- 1 mm yr(-1)--supports the predictions of dynamic models of Asian deformation.  相似文献   

Microstructural and sub-microstructural studies are conducted on calcite marble taken from the Autseib fault zone, Damara region, Namibia, SW Africa. The characteristic microstructural styles of rocks deformed in the upper crust are analyzed, including mainly the two microstructural contrasts in the tectonites: (i) coarse grains (centimeter scale) in primary rocks and in deformed clasts and extremely fine grains (micron scale) in the matrix; and (ii) macroscopic cataclastic (brittle) and microscopic mylonitic (ductile) textures. The coexistence of the macroscopic brittle and microscopic ductile textures is better explained by deformation through a comprehensive association of intragranular twinning and kinking, intraand intergranular ductile fracturing, and pressure solution along grain boundaries. Ductile fracturing, i.e. fracturing triggered and accommodated by twinning and fluid-enhanced dislocation creep and dynamic recrystallization, is among the most important mechanisms of rock deformation in the shallow crust, while grain size reduction and dynamic recrystallization are primarily nucleated and distributed due to the incoherencies along some boundaries, e.g. kink band boundaries, fractures and grain boundaries in the deformed grains.  相似文献   

Wu  FuLi  Fang  XiaoMin  Miao  YunFa  Dong  Ming 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(26):2981-2988
Two lacustrine sporopollen records obtained from the Qaidam Basin (in the non-monsoonal region) and the Linxia Basin (in the monsoonal transition zone) indicate that during the early Pleistocene open forest-steppe/steppe vegetation developed in the Qaidam Basin, while in the Linxia Basin an open cypress forest-steppe shifted to a conifer/conifer-steppe and then to open forest-steppe vegetation. Existing sporopollen records from the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) (in the monsoonal region) indicate that around the Sanmen Paleolake open forest-steppe shifted to pine/conifer-broadleaved mixed forest. The conifer cover then changed to a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest distributed around the Nihewan Paleolake. These changes suggest that wetter conditions progressed from western China to the east, and the climate became more humid than that of today indicating a stronger Asian summer monsoon during the early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

讨论了同震库仑应力改变的基本含义,以及基于静应力位错理论求解同震库仑应力改变的边界元方法,对与发震断层相互平行和相互垂直两种典型构造模式下,断层相互作用产生的同震库仑应力改变进行了数值模拟研究,分别获取了相应条件下的同震库仑应力改变空间分布图像.结果表明:不同构造模式的断层相互作用,其产生的同震库仑应力改变分布图像存在较大差异,在分析和评价断层相互作用产生的同震库仑应力改变,及其对活动断层地震危险性的影响时,应该充分考虑待评价断层与发震断层之间的空间几何关系、断层的性质和产状等特定的构造条件.  相似文献   

根据冰浆在暖通空调领域的最新研究成果,分析了不同气候区多地铁站冰浆及冰蓄冷集中供冷二次管网的年度费用值,拟合了二次管网单位长度年度费用值与供冷负荷的关系式,基于二次管网的年度费用值分析了冰浆集中供冷系统在各主要气候区的适用性,结果显示广州地区采用多地铁站冰浆集中供冷系统能有效降低二次管网的投资且冰浆集中供冷系统的优势随供冷期的增加、集中供冷服务负荷的增大及二次管网长度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

运用构造解析、断层封闭性分析方法,通过剖析断裂系统特征、断裂带结构及其封闭性、断裂上下盘油气成藏条件的差异对柴达木盆地北缘浅层滑脱断裂下盘油气富集规律及成藏机制进行研究.结果表明:柴北缘发育深层基底断裂和浅层滑脱断裂两大断裂系统,目前所发现的6个浅层油气藏均位于滑脱断裂下盘;浅层滑脱断裂带垂向渗透性的分带特征是导致断裂上下盘油气运聚成藏巨大差异的主要原因,滑脱断裂中致密带阻止了深层油源向滑脱断裂上盘圈闭的运移,而滑脱断裂下渗透带为深层油源至下盘圈闭的油气运移通道;存在南八仙-冷湖五号型、冷湖七号-葫芦山型、鄂博梁-鸭湖型和可能存在型4种滑脱断裂下盘聚油成藏模式;有油源断裂沟通的滑脱断裂下盘圈闭是柴达木盆地北缘勘探的重要目标.  相似文献   

贫混凝土基层沥青路面荷载应力有限元分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究贫混凝土沥青路面受力在不同路面结构和材料参数下的状况,通过三维有限元数值分析方法,分析了面层厚度、面层模量、应力吸收层厚度、应力吸收层模量和裂缝宽度对贫混凝土基层沥青面层层底应力的影响.路面结构计算与分析表明在贫混凝土基层-沥青面层复合式路面结构中,适当增加沥青面层厚度对防治反射裂缝十分有效,而通过提高沥青面层强度的方法来减少反射裂缝效果不明显;一定厚度和模量的应力吸收层能有效降低沥青面层底面应力水平;贫混凝土基层裂缝宽度对沥青面层底面受力具有较大的影响.  相似文献   

通过对莫里青断陷构造、沉积特征及油气成藏规律系统分析,总结出西北缘走滑断裂带演化特征及其对油气勘探的意义。研究结果表明:西北缘断裂成盆期为一条高角度的走滑张性断裂,新近系受挤压应力作用发生反转,形成了内部发育众多具走滑性质的次级逆冲断层、挤压褶皱、花状等构造的西北缘走滑逆冲断裂带;宏观来看西北缘断裂经历了早期走滑拉张和晚期走滑挤压2个演化阶段;西北缘走滑断裂对油气勘探具重要意义:深大断裂通过提供大坡度构造环境、有效物源及保存条件为湖泊水下扇有效储集体形成创造了有利条件,且水下扇中扇辫状水道微相上的油气产能较高;断裂带内部形成断褶皱等构造圈闭、具有挤压性质的逆冲断层封堵油气等因素为油气聚集提供了有效圈闭条件;各条件有效配置使得研究区西北缘走滑断裂带成为较有利的油气富集区带。  相似文献   

河南新庄油田核桃园组断块稠油藏埋藏浅,油藏保存条件主要受控于断层的封闭性.根据地层流体对比分析结果,计算断层的断面压力和泥质涂抹系数,结合区域动、静态资料,对油田南三块的断层封闭性进行从定性到定量评价.研究表明,断层处于半封闭状态,在一定程度上受地表渗入水的影响整体保存条件较差,但随埋深的增加保存条件变好.研究区的泥质涂抹系数主要在40%~50%之间,即断层的侧向封闭性中等,油藏的保存条件主要取决于断面压力的大小.断层埋深越大,倾角越小,断面压力越大,导致断层所控制的油藏保存条件也就越好,反之则保存条件越差.  相似文献   

基于Darcy模型,考虑固相和流相相互作用的粘性耗散和流体流动方向的热传导效应,研究了半无限长多孔介质平板通道局部热平衡的热发展强迫对流及其热应力问题,给出了多孔介质温度、局部Nusselt数Nu和热应力等的Fourier级数解,并考察了多孔介质温度、应力分布等的特征.同时研究了Peclet数和Brinkman数对它们的影响.  相似文献   

 应用Snoke方法计算了2000—2009年发生在小江断裂带及其周边地区的55个中小地震震源机制解.根据震源机制解分析,该区震源错动类型主要为走滑型,其次是逆断型,与小江断裂左旋走滑运动相符.整个区域主要受到近水平的北北西—南南东向挤压,自北向南主压应力轴方位从南东转为南南东,与川滇菱形块体沿南东—南南东向的走滑和旋转运动相一致.另外,构造应力方向在0~20 km内有从北西西转为北北西的趋势,考虑力轴仰角无明显变化,认为构造应力在此深度内是相对连续的.  相似文献   

基于应力场的土坡临界滑动面的遗传算法搜索   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为快速而准确地评价复杂土坡抗滑稳定性状,采用非线性有限元法分析土坡的应力场,根据应力场定义和计算土坡的稳定安全系数,再将安全系数与遗传算法的适应度函数相联系,从而利用遗传算法优化技术搜索土坡内对应最小安全系数的临界滑动面。给出了遗传算法搜索中的滑动面基因表达、适应度函数、滑动面形状合理性约束等关键实施技术。通过经典算例分析,证明这种基于应力场的临界滑动面遗传算法搜索方法具有可行性、高效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

白沙南井田位于龙永煤田东北部,属苏邦煤矿区的一部分.该井田普遍发育缓断裂构造,为了更好地开发井田,对白沙南井田发育的5条缓断裂构造的特征进行了描述,分析其成因以及对煤系的控制作用,确定了F106断层下盘童子岩组三段地层为主要勘探对象,对指导白沙南井田的勘探具有实际意义.  相似文献   

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