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The river corridor areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River are dominated by the traditional green corridors along the river section from the Qara Reservoir in Yuli County to the Taitema Lake in Ruoqiang County, which plays an important role in the social and economic development in the Tarim River Wate'rshed with a extremely significant ecological functions. The buffer zones perpendicular to the watercourse were defined along both riversides at a 5-km interval beginning from the watercourse (10 km wider) using the method of the buffer zone analysis. The landscape pattern indexes of each buffer zone were calculated, and the indexes of the main landscape patterns were analyzed so as to reveal the radiative effect and the characteristics of the river corridors on landscape and patch levels. The results show that the radiative width is generally 30 km in the study area, and can be up to 50-70 km in subregion FG1 because the study area is located in two drainage basins, with an ecological interstitial zone between them. The landscapes of woodlands and wetlands are generally distributed within the 10 km buffer zone (it means that the buffer zone is 5 km away from the watercourse; the same hereafter) along both riversides. Moreover, the closer the buffer zone is to the watercourse, the higher the patch density and the largest patch index are. In the ecological and environmental regeneration for the study area, the extent of ecological effect of the river corridors must be fully considered, and the projects must be scientifically and rationally planned and designed.  相似文献   

通过多参数磁性测量分析,探讨长江中下游干、支流河流沉积物的磁性特征,为研究长江水沙环境积累基础资料.研究结果表明,长江中下游干、支流河流沉积物中,磁性矿物类别均以磁铁矿为主,晶粒均以假单畴-多畴为主.与干流相比,支流沉积物中不完整反铁磁性物质含量较多,晶粒较细,Χ值仅是干流的1/10.随着支流泥沙的汇入,入江口以下江段沉积物的磁性特征相应发生变化.支流泥沙物源贡献的研究是探讨长江中下游干流沉积物环境特征的主要因子.  相似文献   

The occurrence and development of riparian forests which are mainly dominated by mesophytes species relate closely with surface water. Since there is no water discharge to the lower reaches of Tarim River in past 5 decade years, the riparian forests degrade severely. Based on the analyses of the monitored data of Yingsu, Argan and Luobuzhuang in 2002 and 2003, the effect of water-recharging is discussed. The water-recharging project neglects the fact that that it is flooding that controls the process of Populus euphratica colonizing on the bare surface, but focuses on groundwater influence on vegetation. The flooding control deviates Inherent laws of riparian forests development, so the natural regeneration of riparian forests is checked. The response scope of riparian plants on groundwater uplift is extremely narrow, and most riparian communities have not been optimized. No seedlings of dominant species are found in flooding areas because their physio-ecological characteristics are ignored. The vegetation changes in vicinities of stream only reflect the demand of mesophytes species on the shallow groundwater, however, the water-recharging fails to provide suitable habitats for the seedlings establishment of riparian plants. The present water-recharging scheme is difficult to realize vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

The occurrence and development of riparian forests which are mainly dominated by mesophytes species relate closely with surface water. Since there is no water discharge to the lower reaches of Tarim River in past 5 decade years, the riparian forests degrade severely. Based on the analyses of the monitored data of Yingsu, Argan and Luobuzhuang in 2002 and 2003, the effect of water-recharging is discussed. The water-recharging project neglects the fact that that it is flooding that controls the process of Populus euphratica colonizing on the bare surface, but focuses on groundwater influence on vegetation. The flooding control deviates Inherent laws of riparian forests development, so the natural regeneration of riparian forests is checked. The response scope of riparian plants on groundwater uplift is extremely narrow, and most riparian communities have not been optimized. No seedlings of dominant species are found in flooding areas because their physio-ecological characteristics are ignored. The vegetation changes in vicinities of stream only reflect the demand of mesophytes species on the shallow groundwater, however, the water-recharging fails to provide suitable habitats for the seedlings establishment of riparian plants. The present water-recharging scheme is difficult to realize vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

Quantitative environmental reconstruction using subfossil chironomid has attracted much attention in recent years[1]. Consisting of about 400 genera, chi- ronomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) are found in nearly all freshwater bodies[2]. They are holometabolo…  相似文献   

分析了我国重要粮仓之一汉江中下游地区的粮食安全状况,讨论了粮食生产所面临的机遇和挑战,针对粮食安全发展所面临的问题,从5个方面提出了汉江中下游地区未来粮食安全保障的对策:保护耕地资源与农业环境;加强水利现代化建设;推进科技兴农;调整粮食作物品种;调整农业的产业结构.  相似文献   

长江中下游是个自然灾害种类繁多、发生频繁的地区.从科技进步的角度对该地区防治自然灾害的对策进行了研究,认为必须顺应自然规律,合理利用自然资源;将传统经验与现代科技相结合;将工程措施与生物措施相结合;以科技为依托,建立减灾系统。  相似文献   

对于水文气象站点稀少的青藏高原山区,获得较为精确的降雨空间分布信息是进行降雨径流模拟的前提。该文利用GIS手段和多元回归方法,建立了雅鲁藏布江中下游地区旱、偏旱、正常、偏涝、涝等5种类型年份的湿季(5—9月)降雨量的空间分布模型。结果显示:多种地理地形因子对湿季降雨空间分布均有重要影响。统计分析表明:(1)雅鲁藏布江中下游流域地形复杂、降雨站点稀少,回归分析中的地理、地形因子共线性问题突出,方差扩大因子法、Pear-son相关系数法和因子分析法的组合应用是识别和解决共线性问题的有效方法;(2)影响湿季降雨的局部地形因子表达存在着最优空间尺度,15—25km半径范围内的平均坡度、平均坡向、开放度值与降雨也有较高相关性,但考虑其他局部地形因子后,开放度对降雨空间分布的影响可以忽略。  相似文献   

Meiyu in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River since 1736   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
"Yu Xue Fen Cun" records during the Qing Dynasty are used to identify the starting and ending dates of Meiyu at the period of 1736-1911. These results, along with the instrumental meteorological records, are used to reconstruct the series of length and precipitation of Meiyu during 1736-2000 over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The characteristics of Meiyu are analyzed since 1736. Moreover, the strength of East Asian Summer Monsoon and locations of rainband are discussed, based on the relationship between the length of Meiyu and the Index of East Asian Summer Monsoon. It is found that the starting and ending dates and the length of Meiyu have significant interannual and interdecadal variations. Apart from 7-8 years, 20-30 years and 40 years cycles for the lengths of Meiyu, the centennial oscillation is also presented. The length of Meiyu, monsoon rainband movement over eastern China, and the strength of East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) have a very good correlation, which can be expressed in the following: during the periods of 1736-1770, 1821-1870 and 1921-1970, the EASM was stronger, and the monsoon rainband was located in North China and South China easily, corresponding to the decreased length of Meiyu. Whereas during the periods of 1771-1820, 1871-1920 and 1971-2000, the EASM was weaker and monsoon rainband usually stopped at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, corresponding to the increased length of Meiyu.  相似文献   

长江中下游的河床纵剖面演变分析及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为预测长江中下游河床纵剖面的演变趋势,利用最小能耗率理论计算了该江段的平衡河床纵剖面,研究了这些河段河床演变规律及其未来的变化。分析了长江水库拦沙、河道采砂、近期水沙变化、未来引水及需水量增长等因素。结果表明,长江中下游河床纵剖面还未达到动态平衡,大部分江段以淤积为主。在没有人类活动影响下,达到动态平衡还需要很长一段时间。由于引水和需水量的增长,未来长江中下游达到动态平衡需要淤积更多的泥沙。  相似文献   

在生态—经济系统基本理论的基础上,根据长江中下游地区湿地生态系统和社会经济系统的特点,构建评价指标体系,进行湿地自然生态系统和社会经济系统现状评价,同时也构建生态—经济系统耦合发展模型,利用协调度和协调发展度对长江中下游湿地地区生态—经济系统耦合发展水平进行分析,为区域未来可持续发展提供科学依据和决策支持.研究主要得出以下结论:1)研究区内鄱阳湖湿地区生态支撑力最高,其次是长江中游干流湿地区,洞庭湖湿地区最低.2)研究区内以武汉市为首的长江中游干流湿地区社会经济压力最大,其次是南昌市及洞庭湖湿地区,较小的是鄱阳湖的东部和长江下游湿地地区.3)通过协调发展度D分析发现:失调停滞区主要位于以长江干流一带,包括武汉市、洪湖市、公安县等,占研究区总面积的28.6%;过度调整区主要位于鄱阳湖东北部和洞庭湖东南部,和长江下游部分地区,占研究区总面积的53.2%;协调发展区以鄱阳湖西南部为主,还包括环洞庭湖西北部和安徽的贵池市和望江县,占研究区总面积的18.2%.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica oliv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica ofiv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

The summer droughts and floods in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River valley (MLYRV) have often been one of the basic contents of the pre- cipitation forecasting during the flooding period in China. Lots of studies suggest that summer rainfa…  相似文献   

 在反思已有防洪减灾措施的基础上,基于"洪水和泥沙资源化"的考虑,提出了长江中游荆江和江汉-洞庭地区防洪的措施,即:"采沙扩湖、清淤改田",实现"再造云梦泽、扩张洞庭湖",扩大江汉-洞庭地区洪水调蓄空间,在"蓄泄兼筹,以泄为主"和"江湖两利"的原则下,达到防洪减灾、冷浸田改造和改善血防工作的统筹考虑,支撑服务长江经济带和长江中游地区可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

Evaluation of seedling emergence is a common method used to investigate the vegetation restoration potential of soil seed banks. Previous studies have primarily been conducted in the laboratory using a single water treatment. However, when this method is used, it is difficult to optimize the water conditions for the needs of the individual species of seeds. Additionally, the germination conditions for seedlings in the laboratory are different from those in nature. To avoid these issues, we conducted experiments to activate soil seed banks in the field using different water treatments. The results revealed that: (1) generally, the number of species and quantity of seedlings decrease gradually as the water supply decreases, but that for several species most seedlings did not appear when they were provided with the greatest amount of water, and (2) different species present different germination characteristics. According to the rate of seedling emergence, the species were classified into two germination types: fast and slow. In addition, each species also had a unique climax period of emergence, which was delayed with a decrease in water supply. Therefore, the amount of water provided is vital to seedling emergence, and various water treatments should be evaluated when studying the characteristics of different species in soil seed banks. For the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the optimal soil moisture for seedling emergence ranged from 23% to 28%, and seedling conservation should be strengthened during the climax period of emergence (9–15 days from the day when water became available). These results highlight the importance of the use of an optimal water treatment and demonstrate the danger of using a single treatment method. Our results also emphasize the need for a preliminary study prior to conducting studies to evaluate seed banks.  相似文献   

Evaluation of seedling emergence is a common method used to investigate the vegetation restoration potential of soil seed banks. Previous studies have primarily been conducted in the laboratory using a single water treatment. However, when this method is used, it is difficult to optimize the water conditions for the needs of the individual species of seeds. Additionally, the germination conditions for seedlings in the laboratory are different from those in nature. To avoid these issues, we conducted experiments to activate soil seed banks in the field using different water treatments. The results revealed that: (1) generally, the number of species and quantity of seedlings decrease gradually as the water supply decreases, but that for several species most seedlings did not appear when they were provided with the greatest amount of water, and (2) different species present different germination characteristics. According to the rate of seedling emergence, the species were classified into two germination types: fast and slow. In addition, each species also had a unique climax period of emergence, which was delayed with a decrease in water supply. Therefore, the amount of water provided is vital to seedling emergence, and various water treatments should be evaluated when studying the characteristics of different species in soil seed banks. For the lower reaches of the Tarim River, the optimal soil moisture for seedling emergence ranged from 23% to 28%, and seedling conservation should be strengthened during the climax period of emergence (9-15 days from the day when water became available). These results highlight the importance of the use of an optimal water treatment and demonstrate the danger of using a single treatment method. Our results also emphasize the need for a preliminary study prior to conducting studies to evaluate seed banks.  相似文献   

水热因子对塔里木河下游胡杨年轮指数和植被指数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探索塔里木河流域树木年轮与植被遥感间的关系。【方法】借助树木年轮学的方法和技术手段,利用塔里木河下游10个采样点的胡杨样芯数据和长时间序列中国植被指数(GIMMS NDVI)数据及水热因子数据,在分析该区胡杨年轮指数和植被指数变化特征基础上,重点探讨水热因子、胡杨年轮指数及归一化植被指数(NDVI)三者间的相关性。【结果】胡杨年轮指数和年际NDVI变化在1980—2001年间均呈下降趋势,区内植被在该时间段内退化较为严重。年内NDVI变化呈单峰状,5—8月为植被生长季,1—4月和9—12月为植被非生长季。【结论】该区胡杨年轮生长受5月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)地下水埋深和6月(P<0.01,显著负相关)温度影响显著,而NDVI主要与5—7月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)和10月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)的地下水埋深及7月(P<0.01, 显著负相关)温度有关,且影响NDVI和胡杨年轮指数的主要因子是水热因子中的地下水埋深因子。胡杨年轮指数与NDVI间的相关性差,未能通过0.05水平检验。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to extract and make the best use of rainfall information contained in the Chinese historical archives of Qing Dynasty, and reconstruct the precipitation series during 1736-1911. The study followed the Yu-Fen-Cun (rainfall infiltration depth) observation method in Qing Dynasty, to conduct soil infiltration experiment under the natural rainfall conditions during 2004-2006. The related parameters, such as precipitation, intensity, initial soil moisture content and infiltration depth have been measured at 10 stations (east of 105°E, 30°-40°N) with representative climatic conditions and soil physical texture in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley. The statistical results indicate that precipitation is the primary influencing factor to infiltration depth and is positively correlated with the infiltration depth. Additionally, the effects of every factor on infiltration depth are significantly different between the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley. Finally, the relationship equations of precipitation and infiltration depth are established for each site, most of which can pass over 60% of the variance explanations and provide quantitative models to reconstruct the precipitation series using Yu-Fen-Cun records in Qing Dynasty.  相似文献   

Eight Mesozoic sub-volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Lishui Basin have been selected for zircon U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotopic analysis. The Laohutou, Datongshan,Daweizhuang, Yeshanao, Yanwaqiao, Xibeishan, Changshantou and Jianshan porphyrites yield concordant early Cretaceous ages of 130.5 ± 1.6 Ma, 136.0 ± 3.4 Ma, 132.7 ±2.7 Ma, 127.0 ± 1.9 Ma, 129.4 ± 1.7 Ma, 133.2 ± 2.1 Ma,131.1 ± 2.3 Ma and 127.4 ± 1.8 Ma, respectively. Zircon eHf(t) values for these rocks range from-3.54 to-9.11, mostly between-3.54 and-5.93, suggesting sources similar to those for coeval igneous rocks in other volcanic basins along the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. Considering the geochemical characteristics of coeval magmatic rocks in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and its adjacent areas, this paper proposes a model of slab rollback to explain the Mesozoic magmatism in the east-central part of China continent. In the middle-late Jurassic to early Cretaceous(170–135 Ma), the Pacific plate started to subduct beneath the Eurasian continent, producing a compressive tectonic setting,and magmatism progressed from coast to the inland. The magmas of this period were derived mostly from partial melting of ancient crust. After *135 Ma, the subduction weakened, and the rollback of the subducted Pacific plate produced an extensional environment. This led to the formation of volcanic basins, the partial melting of enriched mantle sources and less ancient crust, and the intrusion of voluminous intermediate-mafic igneous rocks.  相似文献   

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