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This paper describes how British Telecom's Training Department has been using Systems Thinking over the last few years and has started introducing Systems concepts and methodologies to a wider audience of operational managers within. The paper explores some of the reasons for British Telecom to adopt Systems Thinking and describes the application of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to a particular project within Training Department. The paper also describes the design and delivery of the Introduction to Systems Thinking course which is now part of British Telecom's core program of management training.  相似文献   

黑龙江省发展节水农业的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省水资源区域分布不均,发展节水农业要因地制宜。在分析黑龙江省水资源态势的基础上,对节水农业重新认识,提出黑龙江省发展节水农业的思路,同时提出黑龙江省发展节水农业的对策。参2。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to construct a systemic structure to explain the relations subjacent to the coopetitive behaviour observed in a Latin American technological park. The research method is qualitative modelling. The primary research technique is the in-depth interview with park experts. Systemic language organised the speeches. The systemic language uses symbols that represent the elements of a system, such as variables, relations, and feedback loops. Initially, we constructed two essential archetypes that describe how the need for coopetition emerged, triggered by failures in meeting customers´ demands and reduced sales. Then, we built an overall systemic structure relying on the essential archetypes, which explains how the coopetitive strategy emerged in the park. The main conclusion reached by the study is learning and public policies as desirable conditions; failure in meeting customers’ requirements as the trigger; and sustainability, knowledge and resource sharing, mitigation of risks and uncertainties, and increased sales by price reduction, as reinforcing feedback factors. The main contribution of the study is a systemic qualitative model that helps understanding how to implement or manage a coopetitive strategy in a network formed of companies mainly driven by technological factors.  相似文献   

提出了两种自适应分配改进算法,这两种方法均适用于短波宽带正交频分复用(OFDM)系统.改进算法1对Ficsher算法进行了改进,弥补了Fischer算法不能应用在短波宽带信道下的重大缺陷:改进算法2对Chow算法进行了改进,弥补了Chow算法不能应用于严重频率选择性衰落信道和低信噪情况下的缺陷.计算机仿真了短波宽带信道背景下的固定OFDM算法、Chow算法和两种改进算法,仿真结果表明,改进算法要远远好于固定OFDM算法,改进算法1性能较好,计算简单,改进算法2性能较改进算法1好,但计算较为复杂.  相似文献   

IfSystems Practice is to serve the cause of socially rational decision making, its understanding of systems approach must open itself up to the communicative dimension of rational practice uncovered by contemporary practical philosophy. This programmatic paper argues that building the bridge between the two traditions of systems thinking and practical philosophy is a key challenge to be faced by the systems community. A three-level framework of rational systems practice is suggested as a point of departure for a program of research.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the development of ‘Systems Thinking.’ In particular, it considers and critiques ‘traditional Systems Thinking’ within the framework of Critical Systems Thinking. Before embarking on such a venture it is necessary to derive a base context from which to develop argument and analysis. Therefore the outline of this paper is as follows: A contextual setting for Systems Thinking, Theoretical Considerations, Soft Systems Thinking and Methodology, and A Critical Systems Thinking (CST) approach. The account of the development of Systems Thinking is followed by a synopsis of a theoretical framework for Systems Thinking which will allow us to gain an understanding of contemporary views. The paper then goes on to review SSM and CST in order to provide a platform for a critique of traditional forms of Systems Thinking. The final section briefly discusses the applicability of CST to the ‘real-world’ context by outlining some current studies being undertaken by the author.  相似文献   

论当代系统思想的最新发展及演变趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重就当代系统思想从硬系统思想到软系统思想乃至辩证系统思想的发展轨迹,做了一个简短的回顾,并突出分析比较了软系统思想、辩证系统思想等当代系统思想最新研究成果的不同特点,以及对我国经济建设 的借鉴意义。认为,21世纪将是软硬系统理论与思想融合发展的时代。  相似文献   

A study of the DSS implementation area reveals an increased emphasis on methodologies for DSS development. As the DSS field matures, a larger number of methodological options are becoming available to the DSS developer. Existing methodologies have adopted various methods for performing the important task of DSS requirements analysis and specification. In envisaging a hierarchy of requirements analysis methods, a method for improved requirements analysis is proposed to remedy observed deficiencies within it. This method is based on a view of generic types of inquiries or solicitations made by the DSS user during decision-making. This formalism constitutes the basis of a proposed DSS development methodology that offers several benefits to DSS development. The intended benefits include a sharper and more focused requirements analysis to improve the DSS development process. This paper describes the model and methodology, alongside details of a real-world example of their use in developing a Marketing Decision Support System (MKDSS) for the support of marketing decision-making.  相似文献   

危机事件是国际国内事务中的普遍状态,将危机事件转危为机,"化险为夷",并加以利用,将偶然发生的危机纳入日常管理系统化、必然化、常态化的轨道,是当今各国危机管理创新的内容。通过对苏伊士运河石油危机中美国外交政策的研究,本文探讨了美国政府系统化的危机管理政策,其采取的统筹兼顾的系统思维,适时利用了中东石油危机,实现了美国的中东冷战战略目标。形成了一套危机前判断与预测、危机中观望与决策、危机后恢复与预防管理过程,丰富了石油危机管理决策的理论与实践。  相似文献   

在航空复杂装备的研制中,供应商的参与提升了产品的开发效率,增强了供应链的利润,成为获得竞争优势的重要战略资源.供应商在参与航空复杂装备的协同研制时,存在不同的参与模式,不同参与模式下,供应商所应实施的策略有所不同.本文根据供应商的三种不同参与模式,从合作均衡利益分配的角度出发,在保证供应链整体收益最大的前提下,建立供应商提前参与下的利益分配模型,以及供应商串行参与下的设计赶工利益补偿模型,得出不同参与模式下供应商实施策略的条件,从而确定供应商具体的实施方案,保证供应商参与航空复杂装备协同研制的顺利实施,为航空复杂装备的实际研制过程提供参考及建议.  相似文献   

The paper dealt with the issues of communication between physicians and patients, health care needs of patients and appointment and documentation systems leading to sub-optimal medical treatment, disorganised files and congestion and improperly stored medical treatment records of patients Two Strands Model of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) revealed and handled at a private hospital in Turkey. SSM helped make changes as recommendations to the hospital. However, the SSM-based enquiry also disclosed some difficulties in the processes of cooperation between the practitioner and the client, arranging democratic group discussions, drawing rich pictures, designating, listing and selecting organisational concerns, designing human activity systems, comparing conceptual models with the problem situation and offering and adopting changes. Thus, the paper proposed possible solutions to these methodological problems through synthesising relevant key conceptions of specific soft and other change methodologies into a framework that attempted to bring robust developmental specifications and order for using SSM.  相似文献   

本文以我国A股上市公司为研究对象,采用2007-2016年半年度开放式基金持股数据,研究主动型基金和被动型基金持股对上市公司信息披露质量影响的差异.研究结果表明,主动型基金持股降低了公司信息披露质量,而被动型基金持股提高了公司信息披露质量.本文采用子样本回归以及工具变量和两阶段最小二乘法控制潜在的内生性等问题,得到了一致稳健的结果.进一步分析发现,主动型基金通过增大市场噪音对信息披露质量产生负面影响,而公司治理的改善是被动型基金提高信息披露质量的主要原因.本研究对资本市场中机构投资者发展目标的制定具有启示意义,监管部门应积极采取措施发展价值型机构投资者,充分发挥其公司治理功能.  相似文献   

The author critically examines educational systems design (ESD) through the lens of pragmatism. Examining ESD through a lens of pragmatism draws to the foreground issues related to Banathy's (1991, 1996, 2001) idealized systems design for social and societal systems. The author addresses the complex and dynamic nature of systems design, focusing on the systemic processes in which user-designers are continually challenged to inquire, communicate, and consider choices, and make design decisions concerning the nature of the system being designed. The power of social systems design (SSD) lies in the ability to consider the ideal image of a social and/or societal system, critically and pragmatically in relation to creating a new system that will contribute to the evolutionary betterment of society and a sustainable future for humankind. Following an introduction, the author examines pragmatism. Then the author applies a lens of pragmatism, critically, to examine educational systems design in relation to generating change and creating the ideal educational system. The author then argues the pragmatics of educational systems design, concluding the paper with final reflections on ESD as a process.  相似文献   

基于HLA的仿真系统的校核、验证与确认研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
对基于高层体系结构(High Level Architecture,简称HLA)的仿真系统的校核、验证与确认(Verification, Validation and Accreditation,简称VV&A)问题进行了详细的介绍及分析。在回顾研究历史及现状的基础上,首先介绍了HLA中VV&A的主要问题,包括概念、方法、基于联邦开发和运行过程(Federation Development and Execution Process,简称FEDEP)的VV&A过程、VV&A与测试和评估(Test and Evaluation,简称T&E)的关系以及自动化等。接着详细分析了HLA的VV&A研究中的难点:互操作性与可重用性的VV&A问题。最后进行了总结。  相似文献   

零售商间的竞争使市场中的库存共享和转运实施变的困难,这造成极大的资源浪费.为实现竞争厂商间的库存转运共享,本文设计了一类由生产商主导的库存转运机制,进而分析转运系统的协调策略.假设市场需求随机且存在顾客转移,考虑两销售周期,针对由单生产商、两零售商组成的供应链系统.首先建立Stackelberg-Nash均衡博弈策略模型刻画供应链分销系统;其次设计生产商主导的竞争零售商主动转运机制;运用博弈分析方法分别给出分散式无转运、分散式转运及集中式转运系统的最优生产、订货、补货及转运等均衡策略;设计了一类由调货价合同、批发价合同、加盟费合同组成的组合协调机制,以实现分散式分销系统的协调及效率改进.研究及分析表明:生产商主导的协助转运机制能实现竞争零售商间的主动库存转运和共享;合理批发价、调货价、加盟费等设置下的组合协调合同能够实现供应链转运分销系统的完美协调.研究为企业科学开展库存决策提供了依据.  相似文献   

多资源组合应急调度问题的研究   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
针对多资源应急多点出救问题的特点 ,本文给出了多资源应急问题的数学模型 .通过引入连续可行方案的概念 ,并利用单资源问题的现有成果 ,实现该问题的求解 .算例及实际应用取得了令人满意的效果.  相似文献   

A prominent theme in the modern multidisciplinary nonprofit studies is that commercial activities of nonprofit organizations impair the ability of these organizations to deliver their missions. The present research note argues that this criticism of nonprofit commercialization is based on what von Bertalanffy designated as the ??mechanistic?? view of the nonprofit sector. The research note utilizes von Bertalanffy??s general systems theory to argue that nonprofit organizations are open systems maintaining themselves in an environment in which the supply of critical resources is insecure. Accordingly, commercial activities must be seen as the self-regulatory mechanism that enables, rather than hinders, nonprofit organizations to deliver their missions in hostile environments, as they often are today.  相似文献   

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