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The catalysts of copper oxide supported on cerium dioxide were prepared by different methods for methane catalytic combustion. The effects of copper content in the catalysts and calcination temperatures of the catalysts on the catalytic activity are investigated. Results show that the complex oxide catalyst exhibits high catalytic activity for methane combustion due to the synergistic effect of CuO and CeO2. The catalyst prepared by impregnation is more active than that prepared by controlled coprecipitation even if CuO content is the same. When W(CuO)<13%, the light-off temperature and full conversion temperature for the CH4 reaction decrease with the increasing of CuO content in the catalysts. However, when the copper content is above 13%, the excess CuO has a negative effect on the catalytic activity owing to the formation of bulk CuO particles. A proper calcinations temperature of 650 ℃ can lead to a high dispersion of CuO and accordingly can enhance the catalytic activity of the composites.  相似文献   

A theory of reverse triple I method of restriction for implication operator R0 is proposed.And the general computation formulas of infimum for fuzzy modus ponens and supremum for fuzzy modus tollens of a-reverse triple I method of restriction are obtained respectively.  相似文献   

In the field of remote sensing, it is important to separate the component information from mixed pixel. If the physical process of remote sensing can be expressed by a set of linear equations, the remote sensing information matrix is equal to the weight matrix multiplied by the component information matrix. Generally speaking, the precondition of retrieval of component information matrix is that the weight matrix is known. However, the blind signal separation (BSS) method can separate the matrix unconditionally, whose basic principle is that the additive information needing separation can be achieved from the statistical characteristics contained in a mass of samples in the remotely sensed information matrix. Therefore, the values of the component information matrix and the weight matrix can be estimated. The wave shape of components can be retrieved by BSS, but the amplitude cannot. In this paper, the plant-soil mixed pixels were chosen as the studying targets in this paper to quantitatively separate the component information and solve the uncertainty of BSS. Simulation and field test verify the reliability of the method. Results show that the BSS can be one of the effective methods of mixed pixel separation, and the foreground of application is very promising.  相似文献   

The explosive growth of the Internet and database applications has driven database to be more scalable and available, and able to support on-line scaling without interrupting service. To support more client‘s queries without downtime and degrading the response time, more nodes have to be scaled up while the database is running. This paper presents the overview of scalable and available database that satisfies the above characteristics. And we propose a novel on-line scaling method. Our method improves the existing on-line scaling method for fast response time and higher throughputs. Our proposed method reduces unnecessary network use, i.e. , we decrease the number of data copy by reusing the backup data. Also, our on-line scaling operation can be processed parallel by selecting adequate nodes as new node. Our performance study shows that our method results in significant reduction in data copy time.  相似文献   

The explosive growth of the Internet and database applications has driven database to be more scalable and available,and able to support on-line scaling without interrupting service. To support more client’s queries without downtime and degrading the response time,more nodes have to be scaled up while the database is running. This paper presents the overview of scalable and available database that satisfies the above characteristics. And we propose a novel on-line scaling method. Our method improves the existing on-line scaling method for fast response time and higher throughputs. Our proposed method reduces unnecessary network use,i.e.,we decrease the number of data copy by reusing te backup data. Also,our on-line scaling operation can be processed parallel by selecting adequate nodes as new node. Our performance study shows that our method results in significant reduction in data copy time.  相似文献   

Magnetoelectric equivalent circuit analytical method is presented for laminate composites of magnetostrictive Terfenol-D (TbxDy1-xFe2) and piezoelectric Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) operated in longitudinal magnetized and transverse polarized (or L-T), and transverse magnetized and transverse polarized (or T-T) modes. Magnetoelectric (ME) couplings both at low-frequency and resonance-frequency have been studied, and our analysis predicts that (i) the ME voltage coefficients of both L-T and T-T modes increase with increasing the thickness of the piezoelectric phase whereas magnetostrictive phase thickness keeps constant, and then tend to saturation when the thickness ratio of piezoelectric phase to magnetic phases is 〉3; (ii) there are the optimum thickness ratios that maximize magnetoelectric (ME) voltage coefficients for the two modes, which are dependent on elastic compliances ratio of piezoelectric phase and magnetostrictive phase; and (iii) the ME voltage coefficients are dramatically increased by a factor of -Qm, when operated at resonance frequency. A series of TerfenoI-D/PZT laminates were fabricated, and the results were compared with the theoretical ones. Experiments confirmed that equivalent circuit method is a useful tool for optimum designs of ME laminates.  相似文献   

A time delay equation for sea-air oscillator model is studied. The aim is to create an asymtotic solving method of nonlinear equation for the ENSO model. And based on a class of oscillators of ENSO model, employing the variational iteration method, the approximate solution of corresponding problem is obtained. It is proven from the results that the method of variational iteration method can be used for analyzing the sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial eastern Pacific of the atmosphere-ocean oscillation for ENSO model.  相似文献   

To deal with the exploitation difficulties of gas fields in Northeast Sichuan with deep marine strata, after researching the relative standards domestic and abroad extensively, summarizing and promoting the successful experiences and failure lessons of project construction technology application scientifically, Sinopec has established an integrated technical standard system for the exploration and development of ultra deep and high sour gas fields. The system consists of 51 enterprise standards and covers 7 professions including geophysical prospecting, drilling, drilling log, well logging, gas formation test and production, sour gas gathering and transferring system, and HSE (health,safety,environment). It guides and guarantees the safe, high-quality and high-efficiency project construction effectively by means of enhancing the engineering design criterion, recommending the data processing and interpretation methods, identifying the requirements of operation and field inspection and standardizing the application of technical equipments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method for simultaneous online examination of free aluminum ions (Al3+) in seafood, using solid- phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography online with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SPE- HPLC-ICP-MS), without post-column reaction. The optimum conditions for chromatographic separation of Al3+ were achieved using an IonPac CS5A analytical column with an IonPac CG5A guard column. The mobile phase consisted of 0.040 mol/L LiOH, 0.0060 mol/L 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, and 0.090 mol/L CH3COOH (pH 4.7). The free Al3+ ions in seafood were extracted by shaking with the mobile phase at 70℃ for 2 h. SPE was conducted using an Oasis MCX, 3cc/60 mg, 30 μm column, which was activated and equilibrated with 2 mL of methanol and 4 mL of deionized water before use. HCl (0.075 mol/L, 2 mL) was used to wash inorganic Al from the SPE column. The standard recoveries of Al3+ were all above 89% and the relative standard deviations were all below 5%. The proposed method was successfully used for the examination of Al3+ in seafood samples, and the results were similar to those obtained using the static equilibrium method.  相似文献   

光谱法测定植物组织中甜菜碱含量方法的改良   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甜菜碱的积累水平与植物抗逆性密切相关,因此准确分析植物组织中甜菜碱含量可了解植物的抗逆能力.在总结前人研究的技术基础上,对传统的光谱法测定甜菜碱含量方法进行了一些改良,用少量乙醇溶解雷氏盐,调整雷氏盐与甜菜碱反应时间为6h.多次试验表明,该改良的光谱法能准确测定出植物组织中的甜菜碱含量.  相似文献   

一种离散点插值的新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种按离散测量点构造曲面的新方法,即对每一测量点定义一个矩形作用域,并在每个作用域上构造一个特殊的Hermite插值曲面,最后通过各作用域在高度上的叠加来构造一张插值曲面.证明了新算法的完备性和对测量点的依赖性.  相似文献   

尿碘测定方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国标法尿碘砷铈催化分光光度法原理,在保持反应温度和试剂浓度不变的条件下,将Ce4+在碘催化作用下变成Ce3+的反应时间由原来的15min改为10min,使得尿碘测定的线性范围由原来的0~300μg/L拓宽至0~450μg/L,而试样体积(0.2mL)和方法的最低检出浓度(6μg/L)仍与国标法一样.结果表明:改进的尿碘测定法精密度、准确度和重现性均良好,所有实验结果的变异系数不超过5.5%,平均回收率为101.3%,经符号检验,其方法与国标法的测定结果之间无显著差异(显著水平为10%).可缩短实验时间,减少工作量  相似文献   

【目的】获得银杏叶绿体蛋白质的提取方法,在蛋白质水平探讨银杏光合作用对环境的响应机制。【方法】建立一种适合银杏叶绿体蛋白双向电泳分离的实验体系,采用Tris-平衡酚抽提法对银杏叶绿体蛋白质进行提取,并与三氯乙酸(TCA)-丙酮沉降法进行对比分析。【结果】Percoll密度梯度离心法适用于银杏叶绿体的提取,提取的叶绿体平均完整率在85%左右。单向电泳结果显示,与TCA-丙酮沉降法相比,在用Tris-平衡酚抽提法分离的叶绿体蛋白质泳道中,低分子质量蛋白质条带更多、更清晰。进一步的双向电泳结果表明,用Tris-平衡酚抽提法对银杏叶绿体蛋白质进行提取,蛋白质产量更高,图谱清晰,所分离的蛋白点更多,形态更好,条纹影响相对较小。【结论】Tris-平衡酚抽提法可有效地提取高质量的叶绿体蛋白质并进行双向电泳,可用于银杏叶绿体的蛋白质组学分析。  相似文献   

文中对在电气工程类大学生创新教育基地建设中,学生创新教育的基本内容、学生创新能力培养的方法和途径、创新型人才的内涵和形成条件进行了较为详尽的论述,并提出了一系列具体的教学方法和手段,为电气工程类大学生创新教育基地建设提供坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

项目的主体语料为国务院政府工作报告,要求中文规范,英文标准,翻译难度很大,是提高专业和学习翻译的好素材。双语平行语料库的编制实践作为传统课堂教学的有益补充,可以让学生从语料收集、整理、加工、运用等方面得到一次综合训练,以进一步提高专业素养与综合能力。以2000-2011年这12年国务院政府工作报告(汉英双语,约40万字)为蓝本,结合大学生实践创新训练项目,剖析微型汉英双语平行语料库的主要编制过程。  相似文献   

对RAPD技术在蔬菜种质资源研究中资源鉴定分类、杂合体鉴定、突变体检测、杂交世代分析、遗传图谱构建等研究领域进行了介绍。  相似文献   

不同补碘时期亚克汀病可疑儿童听力障碍的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨碘缺乏对轻度听力障碍的致病机理以及轻度听力障碍对亚克汀病诊断的有效性。方法对宁强试验区亚克汀病可疑儿童和正常对照组儿童,分别于1996,1999年做听力检查。结果①在试验区处于补碘不足时期(1996),亚克汀病可疑儿童的纯音听阈异常率显著高于正常对照儿童(P<0.01),且其听力损失多发生在低频区(500 Hz);②在试验区处于补碘正常时期(1999),两组儿童的听力异常率已无显著性差异(P>0.05);③同一组儿童1996和1999年前后两次的听力复查结果相比较,1999年其听力出现明显好转且以低频区提高的幅度最大。结论随着补碘正常,有听力障碍的儿童听力明显好转,部分已恢复正常,提示轻度听力损伤是由于当前缺碘导致激素性甲状腺功能低下引起的耳蜗膜迷路积水的结果。在补碘正常后,轻度听力障碍已不再和因过去缺碘造成的脑与神经损伤所致的精神发育迟滞相关联,因而已不宜用轻度听力障碍来辅助诊断亚克汀病患儿。  相似文献   

大学生创造性思维能力培养方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文论述了创造性思维的涵义和本质特征,提出了增强创新意识是大学生创造性思维能力发展的关键;教师引导是培养大学生创造性思维能力的保证;强化知识教育是培养大学生创造性思维能力的根基;学术活动是培养大学生创造性思维能力的途径;现代化教学手段是培养大学生创造性思维能力的助力;激发好奇心和想象力是培养大学生创造性思维能力的条件;塑造不畏艰险和献身科学的精神品格是培养大学生创造性思维能力的要素。  相似文献   

讨论了金刚石电化学精加工齿轮的原理、工艺参数及实验装置。分析了电解和机械磨削中用微磨削方法和电化学方法去除金属的速度,两者取速度比最大值时,则有利于达到很高的加工精度。提出了齿轮纵向误差产生的动力学方程,得出径向跳动、齿向误差与加工时间的关系。最后通过实验,证明了金刚石电化学加工时精度的提高是显著的,且金刚石阴极耐磨性高,能够根据工件形状尺寸及加工间隙的分布规律来设计。  相似文献   

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